blob: 76cee7a1002b8f0f30017f138689e7b5d7f81a2d [file] [log] [blame]
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2015 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
import CoreFoundation
@class NSXMLElement
@abstract An XML element
@discussion Note: Trying to add a document, namespace, attribute, or node with a parent throws an exception. To add a node with a parent first detach or create a copy of it.
public class NSXMLElement : NSXMLNode {
@method initWithName:
@abstract Returns an element <tt>&lt;name>&lt;/name></tt>.
public convenience init(name: String) {
self.init(name: name, URI: nil)
@method initWithName:URI:
@abstract Returns an element whose full QName is specified.
public init(name: String, URI: String?) {
super.init(kind: .ElementKind, options: 0)
self.URI = URI = name
} //primitive
@method initWithName:stringValue:
@abstract Returns an element with a single text node child <tt>&lt;name>string&lt;/name></tt>.
public convenience init(name: String, stringValue string: String?) {
self.init(name: name, URI: nil)
if let string = string {
let child = _CFXMLNewTextNode(string)
_CFXMLNodeAddChild(_xmlNode, child)
@method initWithXMLString:error:
@abstract Returns an element created from a string. Parse errors are collected in <tt>error</tt>.
public init(XMLString string: String) throws { NSUnimplemented() }
public convenience override init(kind: NSXMLNodeKind, options: Int) {
self.init(name: "", URI: nil)
@method elementsForName:
@abstract Returns all of the child elements that match this name.
public func elementsForName(name: String) -> [NSXMLElement] {
return self.filter({ _CFXMLNodeGetType($0._xmlNode) == _kCFXMLTypeElement }).filter({ $ == name }).flatMap({ $0 as? NSXMLElement })
@method elementsForLocalName:URI
@abstract Returns all of the child elements that match this localname URI pair.
public func elementsForLocalName(localName: String, URI: String?) -> [NSXMLElement] { NSUnimplemented() }
@method addAttribute:
@abstract Adds an attribute. Attributes with duplicate names are not added.
public func addAttribute(attribute: NSXMLNode) {
guard _CFXMLNodeHasProp(_xmlNode, UnsafePointer<UInt8>(_CFXMLNodeGetName(attribute._xmlNode))) == nil else { return }
} //primitive
@method removeAttributeForName:
@abstract Removes an attribute based on its name.
public func removeAttributeForName(name: String) {
let prop = _CFXMLNodeHasProp(_xmlNode, name)
if prop != nil {
let propNode = NSXMLNode._objectNodeForNode(_CFXMLNodePtr(prop))
// We can't use `xmlRemoveProp` because someone else may still have a reference to this attribute
} //primitive
@method setAttributes
@abstract Set the attributes. In the case of duplicate names, the first attribute with the name is used.
public var attributes: [NSXMLNode]? {
get {
var result: [NSXMLNode] = []
var attribute = _CFXMLNodeProperties(_xmlNode)
while attribute != nil {
attribute = _CFXMLNodeGetNextSibling(attribute)
return result.count > 0 ? result : nil // This appears to be how Darwin does it
set {
guard let attributes = newValue else {
for attribute in attributes {
private func removeAttributes() {
var attribute = _CFXMLNodeProperties(_xmlNode)
while attribute != nil {
var shouldFreeNode = true
if _CFXMLNodeGetPrivateData(attribute) != nil {
let nodeUnmanagedRef = Unmanaged<NSXMLNode>.fromOpaque(_CFXMLNodeGetPrivateData(attribute))
let node = nodeUnmanagedRef.takeUnretainedValue()
shouldFreeNode = false
let temp = _CFXMLNodeGetNextSibling(attribute)
if shouldFreeNode {
attribute = temp
@method setAttributesWithDictionary:
@abstract Set the attributes based on a name-value dictionary.
public func setAttributesWithDictionary(attributes: [String : String]) {
for (name, value) in attributes {
addAttribute(NSXMLNode.attributeWithName(name, stringValue: value) as! NSXMLNode)
@method attributeForName:
@abstract Returns an attribute matching this name.
public func attributeForName(name: String) -> NSXMLNode? {
let attribute = _CFXMLNodeHasProp(_xmlNode, name)
return NSXMLNode._objectNodeForNode(attribute)
@method attributeForLocalName:URI:
@abstract Returns an attribute matching this localname URI pair.
public func attributeForLocalName(localName: String, URI: String?) -> NSXMLNode? { NSUnimplemented() } //primitive
@method addNamespace:URI:
@abstract Adds a namespace. Namespaces with duplicate names are not added.
public func addNamespace(aNamespace: NSXMLNode) { NSUnimplemented() } //primitive
@method addNamespace:URI:
@abstract Removes a namespace with a particular name.
public func removeNamespaceForPrefix(name: String) { NSUnimplemented() } //primitive
@method namespaces
@abstract Set the namespaces. In the case of duplicate names, the first namespace with the name is used.
public var namespaces: [NSXMLNode]? { NSUnimplemented() } //primitive
@method namespaceForPrefix:
@abstract Returns the namespace matching this prefix.
public func namespaceForPrefix(name: String) -> NSXMLNode? { NSUnimplemented() }
@method resolveNamespaceForName:
@abstract Returns the namespace who matches the prefix of the name given. Looks in the entire namespace chain.
public func resolveNamespaceForName(name: String) -> NSXMLNode? { NSUnimplemented() }
@method resolvePrefixForNamespaceURI:
@abstract Returns the URI of this prefix. Looks in the entire namespace chain.
public func resolvePrefixForNamespaceURI(namespaceURI: String) -> String? { NSUnimplemented() }
@method insertChild:atIndex:
@abstract Inserts a child at a particular index.
public func insertChild(child: NSXMLNode, atIndex index: Int) {
_insertChild(child, atIndex: index)
} //primitive
@method insertChildren:atIndex:
@abstract Insert several children at a particular index.
public func insertChildren(children: [NSXMLNode], atIndex index: Int) {
_insertChildren(children, atIndex: index)
@method removeChildAtIndex:atIndex:
@abstract Removes a child at a particular index.
public func removeChildAtIndex(index: Int) {
} //primitive
@method setChildren:
@abstract Removes all existing children and replaces them with the new children. Set children to nil to simply remove all children.
public func setChildren(children: [NSXMLNode]?) {
} //primitive
@method addChild:
@abstract Adds a child to the end of the existing children.
public func addChild(child: NSXMLNode) {
@method replaceChildAtIndex:withNode:
@abstract Replaces a child at a particular index with another child.
public func replaceChildAtIndex(index: Int, withNode node: NSXMLNode) {
_replaceChildAtIndex(index, withNode: node)
@method normalizeAdjacentTextNodesPreservingCDATA:
@abstract Adjacent text nodes are coalesced. If the node's value is the empty string, it is removed. This should be called with a value of NO before using XQuery or XPath.
public func normalizeAdjacentTextNodesPreservingCDATA(preserve: Bool) { NSUnimplemented() }
internal override class func _objectNodeForNode(node: _CFXMLNodePtr) -> NSXMLElement {
precondition(_CFXMLNodeGetType(node) == _kCFXMLTypeElement)
if _CFXMLNodeGetPrivateData(node) != nil {
let unmanaged = Unmanaged<NSXMLElement>.fromOpaque(_CFXMLNodeGetPrivateData(node))
return unmanaged.takeUnretainedValue()
return NSXMLElement(ptr: node)
internal override init(ptr: _CFXMLNodePtr) {
super.init(ptr: ptr)
extension NSXMLElement {
@method setAttributesAsDictionary:
@abstract Set the attributes base on a name-value dictionary.
@discussion This method is deprecated and does not function correctly. Use -setAttributesWithDictionary: instead.
public func setAttributesAsDictionary(attributes: [NSObject : AnyObject]) { NSUnimplemented() }