blob: f9fbfda766c56a69c2a2c433f44aa762e7c41067 [file] [log] [blame]
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2015 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
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import CoreFoundation
@typedef NSXMLDTDNodeKind
@abstract The subkind of a DTD node kind.
public enum NSXMLDTDNodeKind : UInt {
case NSXMLEntityGeneralKind
case NSXMLEntityParsedKind
case NSXMLEntityUnparsedKind
case NSXMLEntityParameterKind
case NSXMLEntityPredefined
case NSXMLAttributeCDATAKind
case NSXMLAttributeIDKind
case NSXMLAttributeIDRefKind
case NSXMLAttributeIDRefsKind
case NSXMLAttributeEntityKind
case NSXMLAttributeEntitiesKind
case NSXMLAttributeNMTokenKind
case NSXMLAttributeNMTokensKind
case NSXMLAttributeEnumerationKind
case NSXMLAttributeNotationKind
case NSXMLElementDeclarationUndefinedKind
case NSXMLElementDeclarationEmptyKind
case NSXMLElementDeclarationAnyKind
case NSXMLElementDeclarationMixedKind
case NSXMLElementDeclarationElementKind
@class NSXMLDTDNode
@abstract The nodes that are exclusive to a DTD
@discussion Every DTD node has a name. Object value is defined as follows:<ul>
<li><b>Entity declaration</b> - the string that that entity resolves to eg "&lt;"</li>
<li><b>Attribute declaration</b> - the default value, if any</li>
<li><b>Element declaration</b> - the validation string</li>
<li><b>Notation declaration</b> - no objectValue</li></ul>
public class NSXMLDTDNode : NSXMLNode {
@method initWithXMLString:
@abstract Returns an element, attribute, entity, or notation DTD node based on the full XML string.
public init?(XMLString string: String) {
let ptr = _CFXMLParseDTDNode(string)
if ptr == nil {
return nil
} else {
super.init(ptr: ptr)
} //primitive
public override init(kind: NSXMLNodeKind, options: Int) {
var ptr: _CFXMLNodePtr = nil
switch kind {
case .ElementDeclarationKind:
ptr = _CFXMLDTDNewElementDesc(nil, nil)
super.init(kind: kind, options: options)
super.init(ptr: ptr)
} //primitive
@method DTDKind
@abstract Sets the DTD sub kind.
public var DTDKind: NSXMLDTDNodeKind {
get {
switch _CFXMLNodeGetType(_xmlNode) {
case _kCFXMLDTDNodeTypeElement:
switch _CFXMLDTDElementNodeGetType(_xmlNode) {
case _kCFXMLDTDNodeElementTypeAny:
return .NSXMLElementDeclarationAnyKind
case _kCFXMLDTDNodeElementTypeEmpty:
return .NSXMLElementDeclarationEmptyKind
case _kCFXMLDTDNodeElementTypeMixed:
return .NSXMLElementDeclarationMixedKind
case _kCFXMLDTDNodeElementTypeElement:
return .NSXMLElementDeclarationElementKind
return .NSXMLElementDeclarationUndefinedKind
case _kCFXMLDTDNodeTypeEntity:
switch _CFXMLDTDEntityNodeGetType(_xmlNode) {
case _kCFXMLDTDNodeEntityTypeInternalGeneral:
return .NSXMLEntityGeneralKind
case _kCFXMLDTDNodeEntityTypeExternalGeneralUnparsed:
return .NSXMLEntityUnparsedKind
case _kCFXMLDTDNodeEntityTypeExternalParameter:
case _kCFXMLDTDNodeEntityTypeInternalParameter:
return .NSXMLEntityParameterKind
case _kCFXMLDTDNodeEntityTypeInternalPredefined:
return .NSXMLEntityPredefined
case _kCFXMLDTDNodeEntityTypeExternalGeneralParsed:
return .NSXMLEntityParsedKind
fatalError("Invalid entity declaration type");
case _kCFXMLDTDNodeTypeAttribute:
switch _CFXMLDTDAttributeNodeGetType(_xmlNode) {
case _kCFXMLDTDNodeAttributeTypeCData:
return .NSXMLAttributeCDATAKind
case _kCFXMLDTDNodeAttributeTypeID:
return .NSXMLAttributeIDKind
case _kCFXMLDTDNodeAttributeTypeIDRef:
return .NSXMLAttributeIDRefKind
case _kCFXMLDTDNodeAttributeTypeIDRefs:
return .NSXMLAttributeIDRefsKind
case _kCFXMLDTDNodeAttributeTypeEntity:
return .NSXMLAttributeEntityKind
case _kCFXMLDTDNodeAttributeTypeEntities:
return .NSXMLAttributeEntitiesKind
case _kCFXMLDTDNodeAttributeTypeNMToken:
return .NSXMLAttributeNMTokenKind
case _kCFXMLDTDNodeAttributeTypeNMTokens:
return .NSXMLAttributeNMTokensKind
case _kCFXMLDTDNodeAttributeTypeEnumeration:
return .NSXMLAttributeEnumerationKind
case _kCFXMLDTDNodeAttributeTypeNotation:
return .NSXMLAttributeNotationKind
fatalError("Invalid attribute declaration type")
case _kCFXMLTypeInvalid:
return unsafeBitCast(0, NSXMLDTDNodeKind.self) // this mirrors Darwin
fatalError("This is not actually a DTD node!")
@method isExternal
@abstract True if the system id is set. Valid for entities and notations.
public var external: Bool {
return systemID != nil
} //primitive
@method publicID
@abstract Sets the public id. This identifier should be in the default catalog in /etc/xml/catalog or in a path specified by the environment variable XML_CATALOG_FILES. When the public id is set the system id must also be set. Valid for entities and notations.
public var publicID: String? {
get {
return _CFXMLDTDNodeGetPublicID(_xmlNode)?._swiftObject
set {
if let value = newValue {
_CFXMLDTDNodeSetPublicID(_xmlNode, value)
} else {
_CFXMLDTDNodeSetPublicID(_xmlNode, nil)
@method systemID
@abstract Sets the system id. This should be a URL that points to a valid DTD. Valid for entities and notations.
public var systemID: String? {
get {
return _CFXMLDTDNodeGetSystemID(_xmlNode)?._swiftObject
set {
if let value = newValue {
_CFXMLDTDNodeSetSystemID(_xmlNode, value)
} else {
_CFXMLDTDNodeSetSystemID(_xmlNode, nil)
@method notationName
@abstract Set the notation name. Valid for entities only.
public var notationName: String? {
get {
guard DTDKind == .NSXMLEntityUnparsedKind else {
return nil
return _CFXMLGetEntityContent(_xmlNode)?._swiftObject
set {
guard DTDKind == .NSXMLEntityUnparsedKind else {
if let value = newValue {
_CFXMLNodeSetContent(_xmlNode, value)
} else {
_CFXMLNodeSetContent(_xmlNode, nil)
internal override class func _objectNodeForNode(node: _CFXMLNodePtr) -> NSXMLDTDNode {
let type = _CFXMLNodeGetType(node)
precondition(type == _kCFXMLDTDNodeTypeAttribute ||
type == _kCFXMLDTDNodeTypeNotation ||
type == _kCFXMLDTDNodeTypeEntity ||
type == _kCFXMLDTDNodeTypeElement)
if _CFXMLNodeGetPrivateData(node) != nil {
let unmanaged = Unmanaged<NSXMLDTDNode>.fromOpaque(_CFXMLNodeGetPrivateData(node))
return unmanaged.takeUnretainedValue()
return NSXMLDTDNode(ptr: node)
internal override init(ptr: _CFXMLNodePtr) {
super.init(ptr: ptr)