blob: 94c70cbc2af2767ac18c02b24d15aba8676fa2fc [file] [log] [blame]
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2015 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
@const NSURLProtectionSpaceHTTP
@abstract The protocol for HTTP
public let NSURLProtectionSpaceHTTP: String = "NSURLProtectionSpaceHTTP"
@const NSURLProtectionSpaceHTTPS
@abstract The protocol for HTTPS
public let NSURLProtectionSpaceHTTPS: String = "NSURLProtectionSpaceHTTPS"
@const NSURLProtectionSpaceFTP
@abstract The protocol for FTP
public let NSURLProtectionSpaceFTP: String = "NSURLProtectionSpaceFTP"
@const NSURLProtectionSpaceHTTPProxy
@abstract The proxy type for http proxies
public let NSURLProtectionSpaceHTTPProxy: String = "NSURLProtectionSpaceHTTPProxy"
@const NSURLProtectionSpaceHTTPSProxy
@abstract The proxy type for https proxies
public let NSURLProtectionSpaceHTTPSProxy: String = "NSURLProtectionSpaceHTTPSProxy"
@const NSURLProtectionSpaceFTPProxy
@abstract The proxy type for ftp proxies
public let NSURLProtectionSpaceFTPProxy: String = "NSURLProtectionSpaceFTPProxy"
@const NSURLProtectionSpaceSOCKSProxy
@abstract The proxy type for SOCKS proxies
public let NSURLProtectionSpaceSOCKSProxy: String = "NSURLProtectionSpaceSOCKSProxy"
@const NSURLAuthenticationMethodDefault
@abstract The default authentication method for a protocol
public let NSURLAuthenticationMethodDefault: String = "NSURLAuthenticationMethodDefault"
@const NSURLAuthenticationMethodHTTPBasic
@abstract HTTP basic authentication. Equivalent to
NSURLAuthenticationMethodDefault for http.
public let NSURLAuthenticationMethodHTTPBasic: String = "NSURLAuthenticationMethodHTTPBasic"
@const NSURLAuthenticationMethodHTTPDigest
@abstract HTTP digest authentication.
public let NSURLAuthenticationMethodHTTPDigest: String = "NSURLAuthenticationMethodHTTPDigest"
@const NSURLAuthenticationMethodHTMLForm
@abstract HTML form authentication. Applies to any protocol.
public let NSURLAuthenticationMethodHTMLForm: String = "NSURLAuthenticationMethodHTMLForm"
@const NSURLAuthenticationMethodNTLM
@abstract NTLM authentication.
public let NSURLAuthenticationMethodNTLM: String = "NSURLAuthenticationMethodNTLM"
@const NSURLAuthenticationMethodNegotiate
@abstract Negotiate authentication.
public let NSURLAuthenticationMethodNegotiate: String = "NSURLAuthenticationMethodNegotiate"
@const NSURLAuthenticationMethodClientCertificate
@abstract SSL Client certificate. Applies to any protocol.
public let NSURLAuthenticationMethodClientCertificate: String = "NSURLAuthenticationMethodClientCertificate"
@const NSURLAuthenticationMethodServerTrust
@abstract SecTrustRef validation required. Applies to any protocol.
public let NSURLAuthenticationMethodServerTrust: String = "NSURLAuthenticationMethodServerTrust"
@class NSURLProtectionSpace
@discussion This class represents a protection space requiring authentication.
public class NSURLProtectionSpace : NSObject, NSSecureCoding, NSCopying {
public override func copy() -> AnyObject {
return copyWithZone(nil)
public func copyWithZone(zone: NSZone) -> AnyObject { NSUnimplemented() }
public static func supportsSecureCoding() -> Bool { return true }
public func encodeWithCoder(aCoder: NSCoder) {
public required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
@method initWithHost:port:protocol:realm:authenticationMethod:
@abstract Initialize a protection space representing an origin server, or a realm on one
@param host The hostname of the server
@param port The port for the server
@param protocol The sprotocol for this server - e.g. "http", "ftp", "https"
@param realm A string indicating a protocol-specific subdivision
of a single host. For http and https, this maps to the realm
string in http authentication challenges. For many other protocols
it is unused.
@param authenticationMethod The authentication method to use to access this protection space -
valid values include nil (default method), @"digest" and @"form".
@result The initialized object.
public init(host: String, port: Int, `protocol`: String?, realm: String?, authenticationMethod: String?) { NSUnimplemented() }
@method initWithProxyHost:port:type:realm:authenticationMethod:
@abstract Initialize a protection space representing a proxy server, or a realm on one
@param host The hostname of the proxy server
@param port The port for the proxy server
@param type The type of proxy - e.g. "http", "ftp", "SOCKS"
@param realm A string indicating a protocol-specific subdivision
of a single host. For http and https, this maps to the realm
string in http authentication challenges. For many other protocols
it is unused.
@param authenticationMethod The authentication method to use to access this protection space -
valid values include nil (default method) and @"digest"
@result The initialized object.
public init(proxyHost host: String, port: Int, type: String?, realm: String?, authenticationMethod: String?) { NSUnimplemented() }
@method realm
@abstract Get the authentication realm for which the protection space that
needs authentication
@discussion This is generally only available for http
authentication, and may be nil otherwise.
@result The realm string
public var realm: String? { NSUnimplemented() }
@method receivesCredentialSecurely
@abstract Determine if the password for this protection space can be sent securely
@result YES if a secure authentication method or protocol will be used, NO otherwise
public var receivesCredentialSecurely: Bool { NSUnimplemented() }
@method isProxy
@abstract Determine if this authenticating protection space is a proxy server
@result YES if a proxy, NO otherwise
@method host
@abstract Get the proxy host if this is a proxy authentication, or the host from the URL.
@result The host for this protection space.
public var host: String { NSUnimplemented() }
@method port
@abstract Get the proxy port if this is a proxy authentication, or the port from the URL.
@result The port for this protection space, or 0 if not set.
public var port: Int { NSUnimplemented() }
@method proxyType
@abstract Get the type of this protection space, if a proxy
@result The type string, or nil if not a proxy.
public var proxyType: String? { NSUnimplemented() }
@method protocol
@abstract Get the protocol of this protection space, if not a proxy
@result The type string, or nil if a proxy.
public var `protocol`: String? { NSUnimplemented() }
@method authenticationMethod
@abstract Get the authentication method to be used for this protection space
@result The authentication method
public var authenticationMethod: String { NSUnimplemented() }
public override func isProxy() -> Bool { NSUnimplemented() }
extension NSURLProtectionSpace {
@method distinguishedNames
@abstract Returns an array of acceptable certificate issuing authorities for client certification authentication. Issuers are identified by their distinguished name and returned as a DER encoded data.
@result An array of NSData objects. (Nil if the authenticationMethod is not NSURLAuthenticationMethodClientCertificate)
public var distinguishedNames: [NSData]? { NSUnimplemented() }
// TODO: Currently no implementation of Security.framework
extension NSURLProtectionSpace {
@method serverTrust
@abstract Returns a SecTrustRef which represents the state of the servers SSL transaction state
@result A SecTrustRef from Security.framework. (Nil if the authenticationMethod is not NSURLAuthenticationMethodServerTrust)
public var serverTrust: SecTrust? { NSUnimplemented() }