blob: 03b757a3afb7a759f2fb723d71afecf7a2926bea [file] [log] [blame]
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
private class NSCacheEntry<KeyType : AnyObject, ObjectType : AnyObject> {
var key: KeyType
var value: ObjectType
var cost: Int
var prevByCost: NSCacheEntry?
var nextByCost: NSCacheEntry?
init(key: KeyType, value: ObjectType, cost: Int) {
self.key = key
self.value = value
self.cost = cost
fileprivate class NSCacheKey: NSObject {
var value: AnyObject
init(_ value: AnyObject) {
self.value = value
override var hashValue: Int {
switch self.value {
case let nsObject as NSObject:
return nsObject.hashValue
case let hashable as AnyHashable:
return hashable.hashValue
default: return 0
override func isEqual(_ object: Any?) -> Bool {
guard let other = (object as? NSCacheKey) else { return false }
if self.value === other.value {
return true
} else {
guard let left = self.value as? NSObject,
let right = other.value as? NSObject else { return false }
return left.isEqual(right)
open class NSCache<KeyType : AnyObject, ObjectType : AnyObject> : NSObject {
private var _entries = Dictionary<NSCacheKey, NSCacheEntry<KeyType, ObjectType>>()
private let _lock = NSLock()
private var _totalCost = 0
private var _head: NSCacheEntry<KeyType, ObjectType>?
open var name: String = ""
open var totalCostLimit: Int = 0 // limits are imprecise/not strict
open var countLimit: Int = 0 // limits are imprecise/not strict
open var evictsObjectsWithDiscardedContent: Bool = false
public override init() {}
open weak var delegate: NSCacheDelegate?
open func object(forKey key: KeyType) -> ObjectType? {
var object: ObjectType?
let key = NSCacheKey(key)
if let entry = _entries[key] {
object = entry.value
return object
open func setObject(_ obj: ObjectType, forKey key: KeyType) {
setObject(obj, forKey: key, cost: 0)
private func remove(_ entry: NSCacheEntry<KeyType, ObjectType>) {
let oldPrev = entry.prevByCost
let oldNext = entry.nextByCost
oldPrev?.nextByCost = oldNext
oldNext?.prevByCost = oldPrev
if entry === _head {
_head = oldNext
private func insert(_ entry: NSCacheEntry<KeyType, ObjectType>) {
guard var currentElement = _head else {
// The cache is empty
entry.prevByCost = nil
entry.nextByCost = nil
_head = entry
guard entry.cost > currentElement.cost else {
// Insert entry at the head
entry.prevByCost = nil
entry.nextByCost = currentElement
currentElement.prevByCost = entry
_head = entry
while currentElement.nextByCost != nil && currentElement.nextByCost!.cost < entry.cost {
currentElement = currentElement.nextByCost!
// Insert entry between currentElement and nextElement
let nextElement = currentElement.nextByCost
currentElement.nextByCost = entry
entry.prevByCost = currentElement
entry.nextByCost = nextElement
nextElement?.prevByCost = entry
open func setObject(_ obj: ObjectType, forKey key: KeyType, cost g: Int) {
let g = max(g, 0)
let keyRef = NSCacheKey(key)
let costDiff: Int
if let entry = _entries[keyRef] {
costDiff = g - entry.cost
entry.cost = g
entry.value = obj
if costDiff != 0 {
} else {
let entry = NSCacheEntry(key: key, value: obj, cost: g)
_entries[keyRef] = entry
costDiff = g
_totalCost += costDiff
var purgeAmount = (totalCostLimit > 0) ? (_totalCost - totalCostLimit) : 0
while purgeAmount > 0 {
if let entry = _head {
delegate?.cache(unsafeDowncast(self, to:NSCache<AnyObject, AnyObject>.self), willEvictObject: entry.value)
_totalCost -= entry.cost
purgeAmount -= entry.cost
remove(entry) // _head will be changed to next entry in remove(_:)
_entries[NSCacheKey(entry.key)] = nil
} else {
var purgeCount = (countLimit > 0) ? (_entries.count - countLimit) : 0
while purgeCount > 0 {
if let entry = _head {
delegate?.cache(unsafeDowncast(self, to:NSCache<AnyObject, AnyObject>.self), willEvictObject: entry.value)
_totalCost -= entry.cost
purgeCount -= 1
remove(entry) // _head will be changed to next entry in remove(_:)
_entries[NSCacheKey(entry.key)] = nil
} else {
open func removeObject(forKey key: KeyType) {
let keyRef = NSCacheKey(key)
if let entry = _entries.removeValue(forKey: keyRef) {
_totalCost -= entry.cost
open func removeAllObjects() {
while let currentElement = _head {
let nextElement = currentElement.nextByCost
currentElement.prevByCost = nil
currentElement.nextByCost = nil
_head = nextElement
_totalCost = 0
public protocol NSCacheDelegate : NSObjectProtocol {
func cache(_ cache: NSCache<AnyObject, AnyObject>, willEvictObject obj: Any)
extension NSCacheDelegate {
func cache(_ cache: NSCache<AnyObject, AnyObject>, willEvictObject obj: Any) {
// Default implementation does nothing