blob: 3fab904eb2de29e4cef99701aa1e467f6092f404 [file] [log] [blame]
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2015 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
/* CFRunArray.c
Copyright (c) 2004-2015, Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
#include "CFRunArray.h"
#include <CoreFoundation/CFString.h>
#include "CFInternal.h"
/* CFRunArrayGuts (which holds an array of CFRunArrayItems) is the actual data keeper; the objects just point at these... CFRunArrayGuts has copy-on-write behavior.
typedef struct {
CFIndex length;
CFTypeRef obj;
} CFRunArrayItem;
typedef struct _CFRunArrayGuts { /* Variable sized block. */
CFIndex numRefs; /* For "copy on write" behavior */
CFIndex length; /* Total count of values stored by the CFRunArrayItems in list */
CFIndex numBlocks, maxBlocks; /* These describe the number of CFRunArrayItems in list */
CFIndex cachedBlock, cachedLocation; /* Cache from last lookup */
CFRunArrayItem list[0]; /* GCC */
} CFRunArrayGuts;
/* Definition of the CF struct for CFRunArray
struct __CFRunArray {
CFRuntimeBase base;
CFRunArrayGuts *guts;
/* EXTERNCOPY is used with objects coming in from the outside world, COPY is used with objects that have already been EXTERNCOPY'ed once.
#define FREE(obj) CFRelease(obj)
#define COPY(obj) CFRetain(obj)
#define EXTERNCOPY(obj) CFRetain(obj)
#define ISSAME(obj1, obj2) (CFEqual(obj1, obj2))
/* To protect accesses to the refcounts of shared CFRunArrayGuts
static CFLock_t runArrayLock = CFLockInit;
#define RLEARRAYLOCK {__CFLock(&runArrayLock);}
#define RLEARRAYUNLOCK {__CFUnlock(&runArrayLock);}
/*** Internal utility ***/
/* Return the block number in the run array. Use cache if possible.
static CFIndex blockForLocation(CFRunArrayGuts *guts, CFIndex location, CFRange *effectiveRange) {
CFIndex loc, block;
if (location > (guts->cachedLocation / 2)) { /* Yes, we can use the cached values as our starting point */
loc = guts->cachedLocation;
block = guts->cachedBlock;
} else {
loc = block = 0;
if (loc <= location) { /* Going forwards */
while (loc + guts->list[block].length <= location) loc += guts->list[block++].length;
} else { /* Going backwards */
do loc -= guts->list[--block].length; while ((block > 0) && (loc > location));
guts->cachedLocation = loc;
guts->cachedBlock = block;
if (effectiveRange) {
effectiveRange->location = loc;
effectiveRange->length = guts->list[block].length;
return block;
/* Gives the receiver its own copy of the argument list, reduces the ref count of the original. The original list is assumed to have a ref count > 1 (it's not freed). If oldGuts is not NULL, should be called when protected by a lock. Note that this may change array->guts, so any caches of this should be refreshed!
static void __CFRunArrayMakeNewList(CFRunArrayRef array, CFRunArrayGuts *oldGuts) {
CFIndex maxBlocks = (oldGuts ? oldGuts->numBlocks : 2);
CFRunArrayGuts *newGuts = (CFRunArrayGuts *)CFAllocatorAllocate(CFGetAllocator(array), sizeof(CFRunArrayGuts) + maxBlocks * sizeof(CFRunArrayItem), 0);
newGuts->maxBlocks = maxBlocks;
if (oldGuts) {
CFIndex cnt;
for (cnt = 0; cnt < oldGuts->numBlocks; cnt++) {
newGuts->list[cnt].length = oldGuts->list[cnt].length;
newGuts->list[cnt].obj = COPY(oldGuts->list[cnt].obj);
newGuts->numBlocks = oldGuts->numBlocks;
newGuts->cachedBlock = oldGuts->cachedBlock;
newGuts->cachedLocation = oldGuts->cachedLocation;
newGuts->length = oldGuts->length;
oldGuts->numRefs--; // !!! We assume the caller has locked; if we have separate locks per RLEArray, need one here
} else {
newGuts->length = newGuts->numBlocks = newGuts->cachedBlock = newGuts->cachedLocation = 0;
newGuts->numRefs = 1;
((struct __CFRunArray *)array)->guts = newGuts;
/* When you call this, don't forget to recache guts afterwards, if it was cached in a local
static void __CFRunArraySetBlockCapacity(CFRunArrayRef array, CFIndex desiredCount) {
#define MINSIZE 1
if (desiredCount < MINSIZE) desiredCount = MINSIZE;
/* We realloc either when there isn't enough room, or when the needed size is less than half of what's there. In both cases we allocate 33% extra. */
if ((array->guts->maxBlocks < desiredCount) || (array->guts->maxBlocks / 2) > desiredCount) {
CFIndex newCapacity = ((desiredCount + 3) / 3) * 4;
((struct __CFRunArray *)array)->guts = (CFRunArrayGuts *)CFAllocatorReallocate(CFGetAllocator(array), array->guts, sizeof(CFRunArrayGuts) + newCapacity * sizeof(CFRunArrayItem), 0);
array->guts->maxBlocks = newCapacity;
/*** "Polymorphic" functions ***/
static Boolean __CFRunArrayEqual(CFTypeRef cf1, CFTypeRef cf2) {
return false; // ???
static CFHashCode __CFRunArrayHash(CFTypeRef cf) {
CFRunArrayRef array = (CFRunArrayRef)cf;
return CFRunArrayGetCount(array); // ???
static CFStringRef __CFRunArrayCopyDescription(CFTypeRef cf) {
CFRunArrayRef array = (CFRunArrayRef)cf;
CFRunArrayGuts *guts = array->guts;
CFIndex cnt;
CFMutableStringRef string = CFStringCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, 0);
CFStringAppendFormat(string, NULL, CFSTR("%ld blocks used, total length %ld (%ld blocks, block %ld is at %ld)\n"), (long)guts->numBlocks, (long)guts->length, (long)guts->maxBlocks, (long)guts->cachedBlock, (long)guts->cachedLocation);
for (cnt = 0; cnt < guts->numBlocks; cnt++) CFStringAppendFormat(string, NULL, CFSTR(" %ld %p %@\n"), (long)guts->list[cnt].length, guts->list[cnt].obj, guts->list[cnt].obj);
return string;
static void __CFRunArrayDeallocate(CFTypeRef cf) {
CFRunArrayRef array = (CFRunArrayRef)cf;
CFRunArrayGuts *guts = array->guts;
if (guts->numRefs <= 1) {
CFIndex cnt;
for (cnt = 0; cnt < guts->numBlocks; cnt++) {
CFAllocatorDeallocate(CFGetAllocator(array), guts);
} else {
static CFTypeID __kCFRunArrayTypeID = _kCFRuntimeNotATypeID;
static const CFRuntimeClass __CFRunArrayClass = {
NULL, // init
NULL, // copy
NULL, //
CFTypeID CFRunArrayGetTypeID(void) {
static dispatch_once_t initOnce;
dispatch_once(&initOnce, ^{ __kCFRunArrayTypeID = _CFRuntimeRegisterClass(&__CFRunArrayClass); });
return __kCFRunArrayTypeID;
/*** CFRunArray ***/
CFRunArrayRef _CFRunArrayCreateWithGuts(CFAllocatorRef allocator, struct _CFRunArrayGuts *runArrayGuts) {
CFIndex size = sizeof(struct __CFRunArray) - sizeof(CFRuntimeBase);
CFRunArrayRef array = (CFRunArrayRef)_CFRuntimeCreateInstance(allocator, CFRunArrayGetTypeID(), size, NULL);
if (array == NULL) return NULL;
if (runArrayGuts) {
array->guts = runArrayGuts;
} else {
__CFRunArrayMakeNewList(array, NULL);
return array;
CFRunArrayRef CFRunArrayCreate(CFAllocatorRef allocator) {
CFRunArrayRef array = _CFRunArrayCreateWithGuts(allocator, NULL);
return array;
CFIndex CFRunArrayGetCount(CFRunArrayRef array) {
return array->guts->length;
CFTypeRef CFRunArrayGetValueAtIndex(CFRunArrayRef array, CFIndex loc, CFRange *effectiveRange, CFIndex *blockIndexPtr) {
// ??? if (loc >= array->guts->length) BoundsError;
CFIndex blockIndex = blockForLocation(array->guts, loc, effectiveRange);
if (blockIndexPtr) *blockIndexPtr = blockIndex;
return array->guts->list[blockIndex].obj;
CFTypeRef CFRunArrayGetValueAtRunArrayIndex(CFRunArrayRef array, CFIndex blockIndex, CFIndex *lengthPtr) {
if (blockIndex >= array->guts->numBlocks) return NULL;
if (lengthPtr) *lengthPtr = array->guts->list[blockIndex].length;
return array->guts->list[blockIndex].obj;
void CFRunArrayInsert(CFRunArrayRef array, CFRange range, CFTypeRef obj) {
CFRunArrayGuts *guts = array->guts;
// ??? if (range.location > guts->length) BoundsError;
if (range.length == 0) return;
if (guts->numRefs > 1) {
__CFRunArrayMakeNewList(array, guts);
guts = array->guts; // Refresh
if (range.location == guts->length) { // Append
if (guts->length > 0) { // The list isn't empty
if (ISSAME(obj, guts->list[guts->numBlocks - 1].obj)) {
guts->list[guts->numBlocks - 1].length += range.length;
// We might have invalidated the cached info, fix it up!
if (guts->cachedBlock >= guts->numBlocks) guts->cachedLocation += range.length;
} else {
__CFRunArraySetBlockCapacity(array, guts->numBlocks + 1);
guts = array->guts; // Recache
guts->list[guts->numBlocks].obj = EXTERNCOPY(obj);
guts->list[guts->numBlocks].length = range.length;
} else { // The list is empty...
__CFRunArraySetBlockCapacity(array, 1);
guts = array->guts; // Recache
guts->list[0].obj = EXTERNCOPY(obj);
guts->list[0].length = range.length;
} else { // At this stage we are inserting, and the length of the list is > 0.
CFRange blockRange;
CFIndex cnt, block = blockForLocation(guts, range.location, &blockRange);
if (ISSAME(obj, guts->list[block].obj)) {
guts->list[block].length += range.length;
} else if ((block > 0) && (blockRange.location == range.location) && (ISSAME(obj, guts->list[block - 1].obj))) {
guts->list[block - 1].length += range.length;
// We might have invalidated the cached info, fix it up!
if (guts->cachedBlock >= block) guts->cachedLocation += range.length;
} else if (blockRange.location == range.location) {
__CFRunArraySetBlockCapacity(array, guts->numBlocks + 1);
guts = array->guts; // Recache
for (cnt = guts->numBlocks; cnt > block; cnt--) guts->list[cnt] = guts->list[cnt - 1];
guts->list[block].obj = EXTERNCOPY(obj);
guts->list[block].length = range.length;
} else {
__CFRunArraySetBlockCapacity(array, guts->numBlocks + 2);
guts = array->guts; // Recache
for (cnt = guts->numBlocks + 1; cnt >= block + 2; cnt--) guts->list[cnt] = guts->list[cnt - 2];
guts->list[block + 1].obj = EXTERNCOPY(obj);
guts->list[block + 1].length = range.length;
guts->list[block].length = (range.location - blockRange.location);
guts->list[block + 2].obj = COPY(guts->list[block].obj);
guts->list[block + 2].length = blockRange.length - (range.location - blockRange.location);
guts->numBlocks += 2;
guts->length += range.length;
void CFRunArrayDelete(CFRunArrayRef array, CFRange range) {
CFRunArrayReplace(array, range, NULL, 0);
void CFRunArrayReplace(CFRunArrayRef array, CFRange range, CFTypeRef newObject, CFIndex newLength) {
CFRunArrayGuts *guts = array->guts;
CFRange blockRange;
CFIndex block, toBeDeleted, firstEmptyBlock, lastEmptyBlock;
// ??? if (range.location + range.length > guts->length) BoundsError;
if (range.length == 0) return;
if (newLength == 0) newObject = NULL;
if (guts->numRefs > 1) {
__CFRunArrayMakeNewList(array, guts);
guts = array->guts; // Refresh
/* This call also sets the cache to point to this block */
block = blockForLocation(guts, range.location, &blockRange);
guts->length -= range.length;
/* Figure out how much to delete from this block */
toBeDeleted = blockRange.length - (range.location - blockRange.location);
if (toBeDeleted > range.length) toBeDeleted = range.length;
/* Delete that count */
if ((guts->list[block].length -= toBeDeleted) == 0) FREE(guts->list[block].obj);
range.length -= toBeDeleted;
firstEmptyBlock = (guts->list[block].length == 0) ? block : block + 1;
while (range.length) {
toBeDeleted = range.length;
if (toBeDeleted >= guts->list[block].length) toBeDeleted = guts->list[block].length;
if ((guts->list[block].length -= toBeDeleted) == 0) FREE(guts->list[block].obj);
range.length -= toBeDeleted;
lastEmptyBlock = (block == 0 || guts->list[block].length == 0) ? block : block - 1;
if (firstEmptyBlock <= lastEmptyBlock) { /* Do we have any blocks that need to be removed? */
/* One assumption at this point is that the cache isn't beyond firstEmptyBlock */
if ((firstEmptyBlock > 0) && (firstEmptyBlock == guts->cachedBlock)) { /* Update the cachedBlock it's pointing at the hole */
guts->cachedLocation -= guts->list[firstEmptyBlock - 1].length;
guts->cachedBlock--; /* Simply make the cached block be the previous one */
if (newObject) { /* See if the new object can be merged with one of the end blocks */
if ((firstEmptyBlock > 0) && ISSAME(guts->list[firstEmptyBlock - 1].obj, newObject)) {
guts->list[firstEmptyBlock - 1].length += newLength;
guts->length += newLength;
newObject = NULL;
} else if ((lastEmptyBlock + 1 < guts->numBlocks) && ISSAME(guts->list[lastEmptyBlock + 1].obj, newObject)) {
guts->list[lastEmptyBlock + 1].length += newLength;
guts->length += newLength;
newObject = NULL;
if (!newObject && (firstEmptyBlock > 0) && (lastEmptyBlock + 1 < guts->numBlocks) && ISSAME(guts->list[firstEmptyBlock - 1].obj, guts->list[lastEmptyBlock + 1].obj)) { /* Can we merge the blocks around the empty space? */
/* Often the cachedBlock will point before the firstEmptyBlock; however, if it happens to be pointing at the firstEmptyBlock, we need to move it back. */
guts->list[firstEmptyBlock - 1].length += guts->list[lastEmptyBlock].length;
if (newObject && (firstEmptyBlock < guts->numBlocks) /* Sanity check */) { /* Slip this into the first empty block */
guts->list[firstEmptyBlock].obj = EXTERNCOPY(newObject);
guts->list[firstEmptyBlock].length = newLength;
guts->length += newLength;
newObject = NULL;
if (firstEmptyBlock <= lastEmptyBlock) { /* Do we still need to shift anything over? */
CFIndex toBeMoved = guts->numBlocks - lastEmptyBlock - 1;
CFIndex firstFullBlock = lastEmptyBlock + 1;
for (block = 0; block < toBeMoved; block++) {
guts->list[firstEmptyBlock + block] = guts->list[firstFullBlock + block];
guts->numBlocks -= (firstFullBlock - firstEmptyBlock);
__CFRunArraySetBlockCapacity(array, guts->numBlocks);
if (newObject) { /* If this is still set, that means we didn't get to insert it... Do it now. */
CFRunArrayInsert(array, CFRangeMake(range.location, newLength), newObject);