blob: a45a8cfae447ea400932193a9591f722900536d5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Foundation/URLSession/HTTPMessage.swift - HTTP Message parsing
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/// Helpers for parsing HTTP responses.
/// These are libcurl helpers for the URLSession API code.
/// - SeeAlso:
/// - SeeAlso: URLSession.swift
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
import CoreFoundation
extension _HTTPURLProtocol {
/// An HTTP header being parsed.
/// It can either be complete (i.e. the final CR LF CR LF has been
/// received), or partial.
internal enum _ParsedResponseHeader {
case partial(_ResponseHeaderLines)
case complete(_ResponseHeaderLines)
init() {
self = .partial(_ResponseHeaderLines())
/// A type safe wrapper around multiple lines of headers.
/// This can be converted into an `HTTPURLResponse`.
internal struct _ResponseHeaderLines {
let lines: [String]
init() {
self.lines = []
init(headerLines: [String]) {
self.lines = headerLines
extension _HTTPURLProtocol._ParsedResponseHeader {
/// Parse a header line passed by libcurl.
/// These contain the <CRLF> ending and the final line contains nothing but
/// that ending.
/// - Returns: Returning nil indicates failure. Otherwise returns a new
/// `ParsedResponseHeader` with the given line added.
func byAppending(headerLine data: Data) -> _HTTPURLProtocol._ParsedResponseHeader? {
// The buffer must end in CRLF
2 <= data.count &&
data[data.endIndex - 2] == _HTTPCharacters.CR &&
data[data.endIndex - 1] == _HTTPCharacters.LF
else { return nil }
let lineBuffer = data.subdata(in: Range(data.startIndex..<data.endIndex-2))
guard let line = String(data: lineBuffer, encoding: String.Encoding.utf8) else { return nil}
return byAppending(headerLine: line)
/// Append a status line.
/// If the line is empty, it marks the end of the header, and the result
/// is a complete header. Otherwise it's a partial header.
/// - Note: Appending a line to a complete header results in a partial
/// header with just that line.
private func byAppending(headerLine line: String) -> _HTTPURLProtocol._ParsedResponseHeader {
if line.isEmpty {
switch self {
case .partial(let header): return .complete(header)
case .complete: return .partial(_HTTPURLProtocol._ResponseHeaderLines())
} else {
let header = partialResponseHeader
return .partial(header.byAppending(headerLine: line))
private var partialResponseHeader: _HTTPURLProtocol._ResponseHeaderLines {
switch self {
case .partial(let header): return header
case .complete: return _HTTPURLProtocol._ResponseHeaderLines()
private extension _HTTPURLProtocol._ResponseHeaderLines {
/// Returns a copy of the lines with the new line appended to it.
func byAppending(headerLine line: String) -> _HTTPURLProtocol._ResponseHeaderLines {
var l = self.lines
return _HTTPURLProtocol._ResponseHeaderLines(headerLines: l)
internal extension _HTTPURLProtocol._ResponseHeaderLines {
/// Create an `NSHTTPRULResponse` from the lines.
/// This will parse the header lines.
/// - Returns: `nil` if an error occured while parsing the header lines.
func createHTTPURLResponse(for URL: URL) -> HTTPURLResponse? {
guard let message = createHTTPMessage() else { return nil }
return HTTPURLResponse(message: message, URL: URL)
/// Parse the lines into a `_HTTPURLProtocol.HTTPMessage`.
func createHTTPMessage() -> _HTTPURLProtocol._HTTPMessage? {
guard let (head, tail) = lines.decompose else { return nil }
guard let startline = _HTTPURLProtocol._HTTPMessage._StartLine(line: head) else { return nil }
guard let headers = createHeaders(from: tail) else { return nil }
return _HTTPURLProtocol._HTTPMessage(startLine: startline, headers: headers)
extension HTTPURLResponse {
fileprivate convenience init?(message: _HTTPURLProtocol._HTTPMessage, URL: URL) {
/// This needs to be a request, i.e. it needs to have a status line.
guard case .statusLine(let statusLine) = message.startLine else { return nil }
let fields = message.headersAsDictionary
self.init(url: URL, statusCode: statusLine.status, httpVersion: statusLine.version.rawValue, headerFields: fields)
extension _HTTPURLProtocol {
/// HTTP Message
/// A message consist of a *start-line* optionally followed by one or multiple
/// message-header lines, and optionally a message body.
/// This represents everything except for the message body.
/// - SeeAlso:
struct _HTTPMessage {
let startLine: _HTTPURLProtocol._HTTPMessage._StartLine
let headers: [_HTTPURLProtocol._HTTPMessage._Header]
extension _HTTPURLProtocol._HTTPMessage {
var headersAsDictionary: [String: String] {
var result: [String: String] = [:]
headers.forEach {
if result[$] == nil {
result[$] = $0.value
else {
result[$]! += (", " + $0.value)
return result
extension _HTTPURLProtocol._HTTPMessage {
/// A single HTTP message header field
/// Most HTTP messages have multiple header fields.
struct _Header {
let name: String
let value: String
/// The first line of a HTTP message
/// This can either be the *request line* (RFC 2616 Section 5.1) or the
/// *status line* (RFC 2616 Section 6.1)
enum _StartLine {
/// RFC 2616 Section 5.1 *Request Line*
/// - SeeAlso:
case requestLine(method: String, uri: URL, version: _HTTPURLProtocol._HTTPMessage._Version)
/// RFC 2616 Section 6.1 *Status Line*
/// - SeeAlso:
case statusLine(version: _HTTPURLProtocol._HTTPMessage._Version, status: Int, reason: String)
/// A HTTP version, e.g. "HTTP/1.1"
struct _Version: RawRepresentable {
let rawValue: String
extension _HTTPURLProtocol._HTTPMessage._Version {
init?(versionString: String) {
rawValue = versionString
// Characters that we need for HTTP parsing:
struct _HTTPCharacters {
/// *Carriage Return* symbol
static let CR: UInt8 = 0x0d
/// *Line Feed* symbol
static let LF: UInt8 = 0x0a
/// *Space* symbol
static let Space = UnicodeScalar(0x20)
static let HorizontalTab = UnicodeScalar(0x09)
static let Colon = UnicodeScalar(0x3a)
/// *Separators* according to RFC 2616
static let Separators = NSCharacterSet(charactersIn: "()<>@,;:\\\"/[]?={} \t")
private extension _HTTPURLProtocol._HTTPMessage._StartLine {
init?(line: String) {
guard let r = line.splitRequestLine() else { return nil }
if let version = _HTTPURLProtocol._HTTPMessage._Version(versionString: r.0) {
// Status line:
guard let status = Int(r.1), 100 <= status && status <= 999 else { return nil }
self = .statusLine(version: version, status: status, reason: r.2)
} else if let version = _HTTPURLProtocol._HTTPMessage._Version(versionString: r.2),
let URI = URL(string: r.1) {
// The request method must be a token (i.e. without seperators):
let seperatorIdx = r.0.unicodeScalars.index(where: { !$0.isValidMessageToken } )
guard seperatorIdx == nil else { return nil }
self = .requestLine(method: r.0, uri: URI, version: version)
} else {
return nil
private extension String {
/// Split a request line into its 3 parts: *Method*, *Request-URI*, and *HTTP-Version*.
/// - SeeAlso:
func splitRequestLine() -> (String, String, String)? {
let scalars = self.unicodeScalars[...]
guard let firstSpace = scalars.rangeOfSpace else { return nil }
let remainingRange = firstSpace.upperBound..<scalars.endIndex
let remainder = scalars[remainingRange]
guard let secondSpace = remainder.rangeOfSpace else { return nil }
let methodRange = scalars.startIndex..<firstSpace.lowerBound
let uriRange = remainder.startIndex..<secondSpace.lowerBound
let versionRange = secondSpace.upperBound..<remainder.endIndex
//TODO: is this necessary? If yes, this guard needs an alternate implementation
//guard 0 < methodRange.count && 0 < uriRange.count && 0 < versionRange.count else { return nil }
let m = String(scalars[methodRange])
let u = String(remainder[uriRange])
let v = String(remainder[versionRange])
return (m, u, v)
/// Parses an array of lines into an array of
/// `URLSessionTask.HTTPMessage.Header`.
/// This respects the header folding as described by
/// :
/// - SeeAlso: `_HTTPURLProtocol.HTTPMessage.Header.createOne(from:)`
private func createHeaders(from lines: ArraySlice<String>) -> [_HTTPURLProtocol._HTTPMessage._Header]? {
var headerLines = Array(lines)
var headers: [_HTTPURLProtocol._HTTPMessage._Header] = []
while !headerLines.isEmpty {
guard let (header, remaining) = _HTTPURLProtocol._HTTPMessage._Header.createOne(from: headerLines) else { return nil }
headerLines = remaining
return headers
private extension _HTTPURLProtocol._HTTPMessage._Header {
/// Parse a single HTTP message header field
/// Each header field consists
/// of a name followed by a colon (":") and the field value. Field names
/// are case-insensitive. The field value MAY be preceded by any amount
/// of LWS, though a single SP is preferred. Header fields can be
/// extended over multiple lines by preceding each extra line with at
/// least one SP or HT. Applications ought to follow "common form", where
/// one is known or indicated, when generating HTTP constructs, since
/// there might exist some implementations that fail to accept anything
/// beyond the common forms.
/// Consumes lines from the given array of lines to produce a single HTTP
/// message header and returns the resulting header plus the remainder.
/// If an error occurs, it returns `nil`.
/// - SeeAlso:
static func createOne(from lines: [String]) -> (_HTTPURLProtocol._HTTPMessage._Header, [String])? {
// HTTP/1.1 header field values can be folded onto multiple lines if the
// continuation line begins with a space or horizontal tab. All linear
// white space, including folding, has the same semantics as SP. A
// recipient MAY replace any linear white space with a single SP before
// interpreting the field value or forwarding the message downstream.
guard let (head, tail) = lines.decompose else { return nil }
let headView = head.unicodeScalars[...]
guard let nameRange = headView.rangeOfTokenPrefix else { return nil }
guard headView.index(after: nameRange.upperBound) <= headView.endIndex && headView[nameRange.upperBound] == _HTTPCharacters.Colon else { return nil }
let name = String(headView[nameRange])
var value: String?
let line = headView[headView.index(after: nameRange.upperBound)..<headView.endIndex]
if !line.isEmpty {
if line.hasSPHTPrefix && line.count == 1 {
// to handle empty headers i.e header without value
value = ""
} else {
guard let v = line.trimSPHTPrefix else { return nil }
value = String(v)
do {
var t = tail
while t.first?.unicodeScalars[...].hasSPHTPrefix ?? false {
guard let (h2, t2) = t.decompose else { return nil }
t = t2
guard let v = h2.unicodeScalars[...].trimSPHTPrefix else { return nil }
let valuePart = String(v)
value = { $0 + " " + valuePart } ?? valuePart
return (_HTTPURLProtocol._HTTPMessage._Header(name: name, value: value ?? ""), Array(t))
private extension Collection {
/// Splits the collection into its first element and the remainder.
var decompose: (Iterator.Element, Self.SubSequence)? {
guard let head = self.first else { return nil }
let tail = self[self.index(after: startIndex)..<endIndex]
return (head, tail)
private extension String.UnicodeScalarView.SubSequence {
/// The range of *Token* characters as specified by RFC 2616.
var rangeOfTokenPrefix: Range<Index>? {
var end = startIndex
while self[end].isValidMessageToken {
end = self.index(after: end)
guard end != startIndex else { return nil }
return startIndex..<end
/// The range of space (U+0020) characters.
var rangeOfSpace: Range<Index>? {
guard !isEmpty else { return startIndex..<startIndex }
guard let idx = index(of: _HTTPCharacters.Space!) else { return nil }
return idx..<self.index(after: idx)
// Has a space (SP) or horizontal tab (HT) prefix
var hasSPHTPrefix: Bool {
guard !isEmpty else { return false }
return self[startIndex] == _HTTPCharacters.Space || self[startIndex] == _HTTPCharacters.HorizontalTab
/// Unicode scalars after removing the leading spaces (SP) and horizontal tabs (HT).
/// Returns `nil` if the unicode scalars do not start with a SP or HT.
var trimSPHTPrefix: SubSequence? {
guard !isEmpty else { return nil }
var idx = startIndex
while idx < endIndex {
if self[idx] == _HTTPCharacters.Space || self[idx] == _HTTPCharacters.HorizontalTab {
idx = self.index(after: idx)
} else {
guard startIndex < idx else { return nil }
return self[idx..<endIndex]
return nil
private extension UnicodeScalar {
/// Is this a valid **token** as defined by RFC 2616 ?
/// - SeeAlso:
var isValidMessageToken: Bool {
guard UnicodeScalar(32) <= self && self <= UnicodeScalar(126) else { return false }
return !_HTTPCharacters.Separators.characterIsMember(UInt16(self.value))