blob: d6d28ffe5730e57d4e4821ae8b05f137cfaa5448 [file] [log] [blame]
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2015 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
#if !defined(CF_PRIVATE)
#define CF_PRIVATE __attribute__((__visibility__("hidden")))
#include <CoreFoundation/CFBase.h>
#include <CoreFoundation/CFNumber.h>
#include <CoreFoundation/CFLocaleInternal.h>
#include <CoreFoundation/CFCalendar.h>
#include <CoreFoundation/CFPriv.h>
#include <CoreFoundation/CFXMLInterface.h>
#include <CoreFoundation/CFRegularExpression.h>
#include <CoreFoundation/CFLogUtilities.h>
#include <CoreFoundation/CFURLSessionInterface.h>
#include <CoreFoundation/ForFoundationOnly.h>
#include <fts.h>
#include <pthread.h>
struct __CFSwiftObject {
uintptr_t isa;
typedef struct __CFSwiftObject *CFSwiftRef;
#define CF_IS_SWIFT(type, obj) (_CFIsSwift(type, (CFSwiftRef)obj))
#define CF_SWIFT_FUNCDISPATCHV(type, ret, obj, fn, ...) do { \
if (CF_IS_SWIFT(type, obj)) { \
return (ret)__CFSwiftBridge.fn((CFSwiftRef)obj, ##__VA_ARGS__); \
} \
} while (0)
CF_EXPORT bool _CFIsSwift(CFTypeID type, CFSwiftRef obj);
CF_EXPORT void _CFDeinit(CFTypeRef cf);
struct _NSObjectBridge {
CFTypeID (*_cfTypeID)(CFTypeRef object);
CFHashCode (*hash)(CFTypeRef object);
bool (*isEqual)(CFTypeRef object, CFTypeRef other);
_Nonnull CFTypeRef (*_Nonnull copyWithZone)(_Nonnull CFTypeRef object, _Nullable CFTypeRef zone);
struct _NSArrayBridge {
CFIndex (*_Nonnull count)(CFTypeRef obj);
_Nonnull CFTypeRef (*_Nonnull objectAtIndex)(CFTypeRef obj, CFIndex index);
void (*_Nonnull getObjects)(CFTypeRef array, CFRange range, CFTypeRef _Nullable *_Nonnull values);
struct _NSMutableArrayBridge {
void (*addObject)(CFTypeRef array, CFTypeRef value);
void (*setObject)(CFTypeRef array, CFTypeRef value, CFIndex idx);
void (*replaceObjectAtIndex)(CFTypeRef array, CFIndex idx, CFTypeRef value);
void (*insertObject)(CFTypeRef array, CFIndex idx, CFTypeRef value);
void (*exchangeObjectAtIndex)(CFTypeRef array, CFIndex idx1, CFIndex idx2);
void (*removeObjectAtIndex)(CFTypeRef array, CFIndex idx);
void (*removeAllObjects)(CFTypeRef array);
void (*replaceObjectsInRange)(CFTypeRef array, CFRange range, CFTypeRef _Nonnull * _Nonnull newValues, CFIndex newCount);
struct _NSDictionaryBridge {
CFIndex (*count)(CFTypeRef dictionary);
CFIndex (*countForKey)(CFTypeRef dictionary, CFTypeRef key);
bool (*containsKey)(CFTypeRef dictionary, CFTypeRef key);
_Nullable CFTypeRef (*_Nonnull objectForKey)(CFTypeRef dictionary, CFTypeRef key);
bool (*_getValueIfPresent)(CFTypeRef dictionary, CFTypeRef key, CFTypeRef _Nullable *_Nullable value);
CFIndex (*__getValue)(CFTypeRef dictionary, CFTypeRef value, CFTypeRef key);
bool (*containsObject)(CFTypeRef dictionary, CFTypeRef value);
CFIndex (*countForObject)(CFTypeRef dictionary, CFTypeRef value);
void (*getObjects)(CFTypeRef dictionary, CFTypeRef _Nullable *_Nullable valuebuf, CFTypeRef _Nullable *_Nullable keybuf);
void (*__apply)(CFTypeRef dictionary, void (*applier)(CFTypeRef key, CFTypeRef value, void *context), void *context);
_Nonnull CFTypeRef (*_Nonnull copy)(CFTypeRef obj);
struct _NSMutableDictionaryBridge {
void (*__addObject)(CFTypeRef dictionary, CFTypeRef key, CFTypeRef value);
void (*replaceObject)(CFTypeRef dictionary, CFTypeRef key, CFTypeRef value);
void (*__setObject)(CFTypeRef dictionary, CFTypeRef key, CFTypeRef value);
void (*removeObjectForKey)(CFTypeRef dictionary, CFTypeRef key);
void (*removeAllObjects)(CFTypeRef dictionary);
struct _NSSetBridge {
CFIndex (*_Nonnull count)(CFTypeRef obj);
bool (*containsObject)(CFTypeRef set, CFTypeRef value);
_Nullable CFTypeRef (*_Nonnull __getValue)(CFTypeRef set, CFTypeRef value, CFTypeRef key);
bool (*getValueIfPresent)(CFTypeRef set, CFTypeRef object, CFTypeRef _Nullable *_Nullable value);
void (*getObjects)(CFTypeRef set, CFTypeRef _Nullable *_Nullable values);
void (*__apply)(CFTypeRef set, void (*applier)(CFTypeRef value, void *context), void *context);
_Nonnull CFTypeRef (*_Nonnull copy)(CFTypeRef obj);
CFIndex (*_Nonnull countForKey)(CFTypeRef obj, CFTypeRef key);
_Nullable CFTypeRef (*_Nonnull member)(CFTypeRef obj, CFTypeRef value);
struct _NSMutableSetBridge {
void (*addObject)(CFTypeRef set, CFTypeRef value);
void (*replaceObject)(CFTypeRef set, CFTypeRef value);
void (*setObject)(CFTypeRef set, CFTypeRef value);
void (*removeObject)(CFTypeRef set, CFTypeRef value);
void (*removeAllObjects)(CFTypeRef set);
struct _NSStringBridge {
_Nonnull CFTypeRef (*_Nonnull _createSubstringWithRange)(CFTypeRef str, CFRange range);
_Nonnull CFTypeRef (*_Nonnull copy)(CFTypeRef str);
_Nonnull CFTypeRef (*_Nonnull mutableCopy)(CFTypeRef str);
CFIndex (*length)(CFTypeRef str);
UniChar (*characterAtIndex)(CFTypeRef str, CFIndex idx);
void (*getCharacters)(CFTypeRef str, CFRange range, UniChar *buffer);
CFIndex (*__getBytes)(CFTypeRef str, CFStringEncoding encoding, CFRange range, uint8_t *_Nullable buffer, CFIndex maxBufLen, CFIndex *_Nullable usedBufLen);
const char *_Nullable (*_Nonnull _fastCStringContents)(CFTypeRef str, bool nullTerminated);
const UniChar *_Nullable (*_Nonnull _fastCharacterContents)(CFTypeRef str);
bool (*_getCString)(CFTypeRef str, char *buffer, size_t len, UInt32 encoding);
bool (*_encodingCantBeStoredInEightBitCFString)(CFTypeRef str);
struct _NSMutableStringBridge {
void (*insertString)(CFTypeRef str, CFIndex idx, CFTypeRef inserted);
void (*deleteCharactersInRange)(CFTypeRef str, CFRange range);
void (*replaceCharactersInRange)(CFTypeRef str, CFRange range, CFTypeRef replacement);
void (*setString)(CFTypeRef str, CFTypeRef replacement);
void (*appendString)(CFTypeRef str, CFTypeRef appended);
void (*appendCharacters)(CFTypeRef str, const UniChar *chars, CFIndex appendLength);
void (*_cfAppendCString)(CFTypeRef str, const char *chars, CFIndex appendLength);
struct _NSXMLParserBridge {
_CFXMLInterface _Nullable (*_Nonnull currentParser)();
_CFXMLInterfaceParserInput _Nullable (*_Nonnull _xmlExternalEntityWithURL)(_CFXMLInterface interface, const char *url, const char * identifier, _CFXMLInterfaceParserContext context, _CFXMLInterfaceExternalEntityLoader originalLoaderFunction);
_CFXMLInterfaceParserContext _Nonnull (*_Nonnull getContext)(_CFXMLInterface ctx);
void (*internalSubset)(_CFXMLInterface ctx, const unsigned char *name, const unsigned char *ExternalID, const unsigned char *SystemID);
int (*isStandalone)(_CFXMLInterface ctx);
int (*hasInternalSubset)(_CFXMLInterface ctx);
int (*hasExternalSubset)(_CFXMLInterface ctx);
_CFXMLInterfaceEntity _Nullable (*_Nonnull getEntity)(_CFXMLInterface ctx, const unsigned char *name);
void (*notationDecl)(_CFXMLInterface ctx,
const unsigned char *name,
const unsigned char *publicId,
const unsigned char *systemId);
void (*attributeDecl)(_CFXMLInterface ctx,
const unsigned char *elem,
const unsigned char *fullname,
int type,
int def,
const unsigned char *defaultValue,
_CFXMLInterfaceEnumeration tree);
void (*elementDecl)(_CFXMLInterface ctx,
const unsigned char *name,
int type,
_CFXMLInterfaceElementContent content);
void (*unparsedEntityDecl)(_CFXMLInterface ctx,
const unsigned char *name,
const unsigned char *publicId,
const unsigned char *systemId,
const unsigned char *notationName);
void (*startDocument)(_CFXMLInterface ctx);
void (*endDocument)(_CFXMLInterface ctx);
void (*startElementNs)(_CFXMLInterface ctx,
const unsigned char *localname,
const unsigned char *_Nullable prefix,
const unsigned char *_Nullable URI,
int nb_namespaces,
const unsigned char *_Nullable *_Nonnull namespaces,
int nb_attributes,
int nb_defaulted,
const unsigned char *_Nullable *_Nonnull attributes);
void (*endElementNs)(_CFXMLInterface ctx,
const unsigned char *localname,
const unsigned char *_Nullable prefix,
const unsigned char *_Nullable URI);
void (*characters)(_CFXMLInterface ctx,
const unsigned char *ch,
int len);
void (*processingInstruction)(_CFXMLInterface ctx,
const unsigned char *target,
const unsigned char *data);
void (*cdataBlock)(_CFXMLInterface ctx,
const unsigned char *value,
int len);
void (*comment)(_CFXMLInterface ctx, const unsigned char *value);
void (*externalSubset)(_CFXMLInterface ctx,
const unsigned char *name,
const unsigned char *ExternalID,
const unsigned char *SystemID);
struct _NSRunLoop {
_Nonnull CFTypeRef (*_Nonnull _new)(CFRunLoopRef rl);
struct _NSCharacterSetBridge {
_Nullable CFCharacterSetRef (*_Nonnull _expandedCFCharacterSet)(CFTypeRef cset);
_Nonnull CFDataRef (*_Nonnull _retainedBitmapRepresentation)(CFTypeRef cset);
bool (*_Nonnull characterIsMember)(CFTypeRef cset, UniChar ch);
_Nonnull CFMutableCharacterSetRef (*_Nonnull mutableCopy)(CFTypeRef cset);
bool (*_Nonnull longCharacterIsMember)(CFTypeRef cset, UTF32Char ch);
bool (*_Nonnull hasMemberInPlane)(CFTypeRef cset, uint8_t thePlane);
_Nonnull CFCharacterSetRef (*_Nonnull invertedSet)(CFTypeRef cset);
struct _NSMutableCharacterSetBridge {
void (*_Nonnull addCharactersInRange)(CFTypeRef cset, CFRange range);
void (*_Nonnull removeCharactersInRange)(CFTypeRef cset, CFRange range);
void (*_Nonnull addCharactersInString)(CFTypeRef cset, CFStringRef string);
void (*_Nonnull removeCharactersInString)(CFTypeRef cset, CFStringRef string);
void (*_Nonnull formUnionWithCharacterSet)(CFTypeRef cset, CFTypeRef other);
void (*_Nonnull formIntersectionWithCharacterSet)(CFTypeRef cset, CFTypeRef other);
void (*_Nonnull invert)(CFTypeRef cset);
struct _NSNumberBridge {
CFNumberType (*_Nonnull _cfNumberGetType)(CFTypeRef number);
bool (*_Nonnull boolValue)(CFTypeRef number);
bool (*_Nonnull _getValue)(CFTypeRef number, void *value, CFNumberType type);
struct _CFSwiftBridge {
struct _NSObjectBridge NSObject;
struct _NSArrayBridge NSArray;
struct _NSMutableArrayBridge NSMutableArray;
struct _NSDictionaryBridge NSDictionary;
struct _NSMutableDictionaryBridge NSMutableDictionary;
struct _NSSetBridge NSSet;
struct _NSMutableSetBridge NSMutableSet;
struct _NSStringBridge NSString;
struct _NSMutableStringBridge NSMutableString;
struct _NSXMLParserBridge NSXMLParser;
struct _NSRunLoop NSRunLoop;
struct _NSCharacterSetBridge NSCharacterSet;
struct _NSMutableCharacterSetBridge NSMutableCharacterSet;
struct _NSNumberBridge NSNumber;
CF_EXPORT struct _CFSwiftBridge __CFSwiftBridge;
CF_PRIVATE void *_Nullable _CFSwiftRetain(void *_Nullable t);
CF_PRIVATE void _CFSwiftRelease(void *_Nullable t);
CF_EXPORT void _CFRuntimeBridgeTypeToClass(CFTypeID type, const void *isa);
typedef unsigned char __cf_uuid[16];
typedef char __cf_uuid_string[37];
typedef __cf_uuid _cf_uuid_t;
typedef __cf_uuid_string _cf_uuid_string_t;
CF_EXPORT void _cf_uuid_clear(_cf_uuid_t _Nonnull uu);
CF_EXPORT int _cf_uuid_compare(const _cf_uuid_t _Nonnull uu1, const _cf_uuid_t _Nonnull uu2);
CF_EXPORT void _cf_uuid_copy(_cf_uuid_t _Nonnull dst, const _cf_uuid_t _Nonnull src);
CF_EXPORT void _cf_uuid_generate(_cf_uuid_t _Nonnull out);
CF_EXPORT void _cf_uuid_generate_random(_cf_uuid_t _Nonnull out);
CF_EXPORT void _cf_uuid_generate_time(_cf_uuid_t _Nonnull out);
CF_EXPORT int _cf_uuid_is_null(const _cf_uuid_t _Nonnull uu);
CF_EXPORT int _cf_uuid_parse(const _cf_uuid_string_t _Nonnull in, _cf_uuid_t _Nonnull uu);
CF_EXPORT void _cf_uuid_unparse(const _cf_uuid_t _Nonnull uu, _cf_uuid_string_t _Nonnull out);
CF_EXPORT void _cf_uuid_unparse_lower(const _cf_uuid_t _Nonnull uu, _cf_uuid_string_t _Nonnull out);
CF_EXPORT void _cf_uuid_unparse_upper(const _cf_uuid_t _Nonnull uu, _cf_uuid_string_t _Nonnull out);
extern CFWriteStreamRef _CFWriteStreamCreateFromFileDescriptor(CFAllocatorRef alloc, int fd);
typedef const struct __CFKeyedArchiverUID * CFKeyedArchiverUIDRef;
extern CFTypeID _CFKeyedArchiverUIDGetTypeID(void);
extern CFKeyedArchiverUIDRef _CFKeyedArchiverUIDCreate(CFAllocatorRef allocator, uint32_t value);
extern uint32_t _CFKeyedArchiverUIDGetValue(CFKeyedArchiverUIDRef uid);
extern CFIndex __CFBinaryPlistWriteToStream(CFPropertyListRef plist, CFTypeRef stream);
extern CFDataRef _CFPropertyListCreateXMLDataWithExtras(CFAllocatorRef allocator, CFPropertyListRef propertyList);
extern CFWriteStreamRef _CFWriteStreamCreateFromFileDescriptor(CFAllocatorRef alloc, int fd);
extern _Nullable CFDateRef CFCalendarCopyGregorianStartDate(CFCalendarRef calendar);
extern void CFCalendarSetGregorianStartDate(CFCalendarRef calendar, CFDateRef date);
CF_EXPORT char *_Nullable *_Nonnull _CFEnviron(void);
CF_EXPORT void CFLog1(CFLogLevel lev, CFStringRef message);
CF_EXPORT Boolean _CFIsMainThread(void);
CF_EXPORT CFHashCode __CFHashDouble(double d);
typedef pthread_key_t _CFThreadSpecificKey;
CF_EXPORT CFTypeRef _Nullable _CFThreadSpecificGet(_CFThreadSpecificKey key);
CF_EXPORT void _CThreadSpecificSet(_CFThreadSpecificKey key, CFTypeRef _Nullable value);
CF_EXPORT _CFThreadSpecificKey _CFThreadSpecificKeyCreate();
typedef pthread_attr_t _CFThreadAttributes;
typedef pthread_t _CFThreadRef;
CF_EXPORT _CFThreadRef _CFThreadCreate(const _CFThreadAttributes attrs, void *_Nullable (* _Nonnull startfn)(void *_Nullable), void *restrict _Nullable context);
CF_SWIFT_EXPORT void _CFThreadSetName(const char *_Nullable name);
CF_SWIFT_EXPORT int _CFThreadGetName(char *buf, int length);
CF_EXPORT Boolean _CFCharacterSetIsLongCharacterMember(CFCharacterSetRef theSet, UTF32Char theChar);
CF_EXPORT CFCharacterSetRef _CFCharacterSetCreateCopy(CFAllocatorRef alloc, CFCharacterSetRef theSet);
CF_EXPORT CFMutableCharacterSetRef _CFCharacterSetCreateMutableCopy(CFAllocatorRef alloc, CFCharacterSetRef theSet);
CF_EXPORT CFReadStreamRef CFReadStreamCreateWithData(CFAllocatorRef alloc, CFDataRef data);
CF_EXPORT _Nullable CFErrorRef _CFReadStreamCopyError(CFReadStreamRef stream);
CF_EXPORT _Nullable CFErrorRef _CFWriteStreamCopyError(CFWriteStreamRef stream);
// Version 0.8
// note: All paths set in these environment variables must be absolute.
/// a single base directory relative to which user-specific data files should be written. This directory is defined by the environment variable $XDG_DATA_HOME.
CF_EXPORT CFStringRef _CFXDGCreateDataHomePath(void);
/// a single base directory relative to which user-specific configuration files should be written. This directory is defined by the environment variable $XDG_CONFIG_HOME.
CF_EXPORT CFStringRef _CFXDGCreateConfigHomePath(void);
/// a set of preference ordered base directories relative to which data files should be searched. This set of directories is defined by the environment variable $XDG_DATA_DIRS.
CF_EXPORT CFArrayRef _CFXDGCreateDataDirectoriesPaths(void);
/// a set of preference ordered base directories relative to which configuration files should be searched. This set of directories is defined by the environment variable $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS.
CF_EXPORT CFArrayRef _CFXDGCreateConfigDirectoriesPaths(void);
/// a single base directory relative to which user-specific non-essential (cached) data should be written. This directory is defined by the environment variable $XDG_CACHE_HOME.
CF_EXPORT CFStringRef _CFXDGCreateCacheDirectoryPath(void);
/// a single base directory relative to which user-specific runtime files and other file objects should be placed. This directory is defined by the environment variable $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR.
CF_EXPORT CFStringRef _CFXDGCreateRuntimeDirectoryPath(void);