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// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
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@enum URLCache.StoragePolicy
@discussion The URLCache.StoragePolicy enum defines constants that
can be used to specify the type of storage that is allowable for an
NSCachedURLResponse object that is to be stored in an URLCache.
@constant URLCache.StoragePolicy.allowed Specifies that storage in an
URLCache is allowed without restriction.
@constant URLCache.StoragePolicy.allowedInMemoryOnly Specifies that
storage in an URLCache is allowed; however storage should be
done in memory only, no disk storage should be done.
@constant URLCache.StoragePolicy.notAllowed Specifies that storage in an
URLCache is not allowed in any fashion, either in memory or on
extension URLCache {
public enum StoragePolicy : UInt {
case allowed
case allowedInMemoryOnly
case notAllowed
@class CachedURLResponse
CachedURLResponse is a class whose objects functions as a wrapper for
objects that are stored in the framework's caching system.
It is used to maintain characteristics and attributes of a cached
open class CachedURLResponse : NSObject, NSSecureCoding, NSCopying {
public required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
open func encode(with aCoder: NSCoder) {
static public var supportsSecureCoding: Bool {
return true
open override func copy() -> Any {
return copy(with: nil)
open func copy(with zone: NSZone? = nil) -> Any {
@method initWithResponse:data
@abstract Initializes an CachedURLResponse with the given
response and data.
@discussion A default URLCache.StoragePolicy is used for
CachedURLResponse objects initialized with this method:
@param response a URLResponse object.
@param data an Data object representing the URL content
corresponding to the given response.
@result an initialized CachedURLResponse.
public init(response: URLResponse, data: Data) { NSUnimplemented() }
@method initWithResponse:data:userInfo:storagePolicy:
@abstract Initializes an NSCachedURLResponse with the given
response, data, user-info dictionary, and storage policy.
@param response a URLResponse object.
@param data an NSData object representing the URL content
corresponding to the given response.
@param userInfo a dictionary user-specified information to be
stored with the NSCachedURLResponse.
@param storagePolicy an URLCache.StoragePolicy constant.
@result an initialized CachedURLResponse.
public init(response: URLResponse, data: Data, userInfo: [AnyHashable : Any]? = [:], storagePolicy: URLCache.StoragePolicy) { NSUnimplemented() }
@method response
@abstract Returns the response wrapped by this instance.
@result The response wrapped by this instance.
/*@NSCopying*/ open var response: URLResponse { NSUnimplemented() }
@method data
@abstract Returns the data of the receiver.
@result The data of the receiver.
/*@NSCopying*/ open var data: Data { NSUnimplemented() }
@method userInfo
@abstract Returns the userInfo dictionary of the receiver.
@result The userInfo dictionary of the receiver.
open var userInfo: [AnyHashable : Any]? { NSUnimplemented() }
@method storagePolicy
@abstract Returns the URLCache.StoragePolicy constant of the receiver.
@result The URLCache.StoragePolicy constant of the receiver.
open var storagePolicy: URLCache.StoragePolicy { NSUnimplemented() }
open class URLCache : NSObject {
@method sharedURLCache
@abstract Returns the shared URLCache instance.
@discussion Unless set explicitly, this method returns an URLCache
instance created with the following default values:
<li>Memory capacity: 4 megabytes (4 * 1024 * 1024 bytes)
<li>Disk capacity: 20 megabytes (20 * 1024 * 1024 bytes)
<li>Disk path: <nobr>(user home directory)/Library/Caches/(application bundle id)</nobr>
<p>Users who do not have special caching requirements or
constraints should find the default shared cache instance
acceptable. If this default shared cache instance is not
acceptable, the property can be set with a different URLCache
instance to be returned from this method.
@result the shared URLCache instance.
open class var shared: URLCache {
get {
set {
@method initWithMemoryCapacity:diskCapacity:diskPath:
@abstract Initializes an URLCache with the given capacity and
@discussion The returned URLCache is backed by disk, so
developers can be more liberal with space when choosing the
capacity for this kind of cache. A disk cache measured in the tens
of megabytes should be acceptable in most cases.
@param capacity the capacity, measured in bytes, for the cache.
@param path the path on disk where the cache data is stored.
@result an initialized URLCache, with the given capacity, backed
by disk.
public init(memoryCapacity: Int, diskCapacity: Int, diskPath path: String?) { NSUnimplemented() }
@method cachedResponseForRequest:
@abstract Returns the NSCachedURLResponse stored in the cache with
the given request.
@discussion The method returns nil if there is no
NSCachedURLResponse stored using the given request.
@param request the NSURLRequest to use as a key for the lookup.
@result The NSCachedURLResponse stored in the cache with the given
request, or nil if there is no NSCachedURLResponse stored with the
given request.
open func cachedResponse(for request: URLRequest) -> CachedURLResponse? { NSUnimplemented() }
@method storeCachedResponse:forRequest:
@abstract Stores the given NSCachedURLResponse in the cache using
the given request.
@param cachedResponse The cached response to store.
@param request the NSURLRequest to use as a key for the storage.
open func storeCachedResponse(_ cachedResponse: CachedURLResponse, for request: URLRequest) { NSUnimplemented() }
@method removeCachedResponseForRequest:
@abstract Removes the NSCachedURLResponse from the cache that is
stored using the given request.
@discussion No action is taken if there is no NSCachedURLResponse
stored with the given request.
@param request the NSURLRequest to use as a key for the lookup.
open func removeCachedResponse(for request: URLRequest) { NSUnimplemented() }
@method removeAllCachedResponses
@abstract Clears the given cache, removing all NSCachedURLResponse
objects that it stores.
open func removeAllCachedResponses() { NSUnimplemented() }
@method removeCachedResponsesSince:
@abstract Clears the given cache of any cached responses since the provided date.
open func removeCachedResponses(since date: Date) { NSUnimplemented() }
@method memoryCapacity
@abstract In-memory capacity of the receiver.
@discussion At the time this call is made, the in-memory cache will truncate its contents to the size given, if necessary.
@result The in-memory capacity, measured in bytes, for the receiver.
open var memoryCapacity: Int
@method diskCapacity
@abstract The on-disk capacity of the receiver.
@discussion At the time this call is made, the on-disk cache will truncate its contents to the size given, if necessary.
@param diskCapacity the new on-disk capacity, measured in bytes, for the receiver.
open var diskCapacity: Int
@method currentMemoryUsage
@abstract Returns the current amount of space consumed by the
in-memory cache of the receiver.
@discussion This size, measured in bytes, indicates the current
usage of the in-memory cache.
@result the current usage of the in-memory cache of the receiver.
open var currentMemoryUsage: Int { NSUnimplemented() }
@method currentDiskUsage
@abstract Returns the current amount of space consumed by the
on-disk cache of the receiver.
@discussion This size, measured in bytes, indicates the current
usage of the on-disk cache.
@result the current usage of the on-disk cache of the receiver.
open var currentDiskUsage: Int { NSUnimplemented() }
extension URLCache {
public func storeCachedResponse(_ cachedResponse: CachedURLResponse, for dataTask: URLSessionDataTask) { NSUnimplemented() }
public func getCachedResponse(for dataTask: URLSessionDataTask, completionHandler: (CachedURLResponse?) -> Void) { NSUnimplemented() }
public func removeCachedResponse(for dataTask: URLSessionDataTask) { NSUnimplemented() }