blob: fcd284cde284c0ede0554d1f9d24d4a018a7d4b5 [file] [log] [blame]
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
public struct HTTPCookiePropertyKey : RawRepresentable, Equatable, Hashable {
public private(set) var rawValue: String
public init(_ rawValue: String) {
self.rawValue = rawValue
public init(rawValue: String) {
self.rawValue = rawValue
public var hashValue: Int {
return self.rawValue.hashValue
public static func ==(_ lhs: HTTPCookiePropertyKey, _ rhs: HTTPCookiePropertyKey) -> Bool {
return lhs.rawValue == rhs.rawValue
extension HTTPCookiePropertyKey {
/// Key for cookie name
public static let name = HTTPCookiePropertyKey(rawValue: "Name")
/// Key for cookie value
public static let value = HTTPCookiePropertyKey(rawValue: "Value")
/// Key for cookie origin URL
public static let originURL = HTTPCookiePropertyKey(rawValue: "OriginURL")
/// Key for cookie version
public static let version = HTTPCookiePropertyKey(rawValue: "Version")
/// Key for cookie domain
public static let domain = HTTPCookiePropertyKey(rawValue: "Domain")
/// Key for cookie path
public static let path = HTTPCookiePropertyKey(rawValue: "Path")
/// Key for cookie secure flag
public static let secure = HTTPCookiePropertyKey(rawValue: "Secure")
/// Key for cookie expiration date
public static let expires = HTTPCookiePropertyKey(rawValue: "Expires")
/// Key for cookie comment text
public static let comment = HTTPCookiePropertyKey(rawValue: "Comment")
/// Key for cookie comment URL
public static let commentURL = HTTPCookiePropertyKey(rawValue: "CommentURL")
/// Key for cookie discard (session-only) flag
public static let discard = HTTPCookiePropertyKey(rawValue: "Discard")
/// Key for cookie maximum age (an alternate way of specifying the expiration)
public static let maximumAge = HTTPCookiePropertyKey(rawValue: "Max-Age")
/// Key for cookie ports
public static let port = HTTPCookiePropertyKey(rawValue: "Port")
// For Cocoa compatibility
internal static let created = HTTPCookiePropertyKey(rawValue: "Created")
/// `HTTPCookie` represents an http cookie.
/// An `HTTPCookie` instance represents a single http cookie. It is
/// an immutable object initialized from a dictionary that contains
/// the various cookie attributes. It has accessors to get the various
/// attributes of a cookie.
open class HTTPCookie : NSObject {
let _comment: String?
let _commentURL: URL?
let _domain: String
let _expiresDate: Date?
let _HTTPOnly: Bool
let _secure: Bool
let _sessionOnly: Bool
let _name: String
let _path: String
let _portList: [NSNumber]?
let _value: String
let _version: Int
var _properties: [HTTPCookiePropertyKey : Any]
static let _attributes: [HTTPCookiePropertyKey]
= [.name, .value, .originURL, .version, .domain,
.path, .secure, .expires, .comment, .commentURL,
.discard, .maximumAge, .port]
/// Initialize a HTTPCookie object with a dictionary of parameters
/// - Parameter properties: The dictionary of properties to be used to
/// initialize this cookie.
/// Supported dictionary keys and value types for the
/// given dictionary are as follows.
/// All properties can handle an NSString value, but some can also
/// handle other types.
/// <table border=1 cellspacing=2 cellpadding=4>
/// <tr>
/// <th>Property key constant</th>
/// <th>Type of value</th>
/// <th>Required</th>
/// <th>Description</th>
/// </tr>
/// <tr>
/// <td>HTTPCookiePropertyKey.comment</td>
/// <td>NSString</td>
/// <td>NO</td>
/// <td>Comment for the cookie. Only valid for version 1 cookies and
/// later. Default is nil.</td>
/// </tr>
/// <tr>
/// <td>HTTPCookiePropertyKey.commentURL</td>
/// <td>NSURL or NSString</td>
/// <td>NO</td>
/// <td>Comment URL for the cookie. Only valid for version 1 cookies
/// and later. Default is nil.</td>
/// </tr>
/// <tr>
/// <td>HTTPCookiePropertyKey.domain</td>
/// <td>NSString</td>
/// <td>Special, a value for either .originURL or
/// HTTPCookiePropertyKey.domain must be specified.</td>
/// <td>Domain for the cookie. Inferred from the value for
/// HTTPCookiePropertyKey.originURL if not provided.</td>
/// </tr>
/// <tr>
/// <td>HTTPCookiePropertyKey.discard</td>
/// <td>NSString</td>
/// <td>NO</td>
/// <td>A string stating whether the cookie should be discarded at
/// the end of the session. String value must be either "TRUE" or
/// "FALSE". Default is "FALSE", unless this is cookie is version
/// 1 or greater and a value for HTTPCookiePropertyKey.maximumAge is not
/// specified, in which case it is assumed "TRUE".</td>
/// </tr>
/// <tr>
/// <td>HTTPCookiePropertyKey.expires</td>
/// <td>NSDate or NSString</td>
/// <td>NO</td>
/// <td>Expiration date for the cookie. Used only for version 0
/// cookies. Ignored for version 1 or greater.</td>
/// </tr>
/// <tr>
/// <td>HTTPCookiePropertyKey.maximumAge</td>
/// <td>NSString</td>
/// <td>NO</td>
/// <td>A string containing an integer value stating how long in
/// seconds the cookie should be kept, at most. Only valid for
/// version 1 cookies and later. Default is "0".</td>
/// </tr>
/// <tr>
/// <td></td>
/// <td>NSString</td>
/// <td>YES</td>
/// <td>Name of the cookie</td>
/// </tr>
/// <tr>
/// <td>HTTPCookiePropertyKey.originURL</td>
/// <td>NSURL or NSString</td>
/// <td>Special, a value for either HTTPCookiePropertyKey.originURL or
/// HTTPCookiePropertyKey.domain must be specified.</td>
/// <td>URL that set this cookie. Used as default for other fields
/// as noted.</td>
/// </tr>
/// <tr>
/// <td>HTTPCookiePropertyKey.path</td>
/// <td>NSString</td>
/// <td>YES</td>
/// <td>Path for the cookie</td>
/// </tr>
/// <tr>
/// <td>HTTPCookiePropertyKey.port</td>
/// <td>NSString</td>
/// <td>NO</td>
/// <td>comma-separated integer values specifying the ports for the
/// cookie. Only valid for version 1 cookies and later. Default is
/// empty string ("").</td>
/// </tr>
/// <tr>
/// <td></td>
/// <td>NSString</td>
/// <td>NO</td>
/// <td>A string stating whether the cookie should be transmitted
/// only over secure channels. String value must be either "TRUE"
/// or "FALSE". Default is "FALSE".</td>
/// </tr>
/// <tr>
/// <td>HTTPCookiePropertyKey.value</td>
/// <td>NSString</td>
/// <td>YES</td>
/// <td>Value of the cookie</td>
/// </tr>
/// <tr>
/// <td>HTTPCookiePropertyKey.version</td>
/// <td>NSString</td>
/// <td>NO</td>
/// <td>Specifies the version of the cookie. Must be either "0" or
/// "1". Default is "0".</td>
/// </tr>
/// </table>
/// All other keys are ignored.
/// - Returns: An initialized `HTTPCookie`, or nil if the set of
/// dictionary keys is invalid, for example because a required key is
/// missing, or a recognized key maps to an illegal value.
/// - Experiment: This is a draft API currently under consideration for official import into Foundation as a suitable alternative
/// - Note: Since this API is under consideration it may be either removed or revised in the near future
public init?(properties: [HTTPCookiePropertyKey : Any]) {
let path = properties[.path] as? String,
let name = properties[.name] as? String,
let value = properties[.value] as? String
else {
return nil
let canonicalDomain: String
if let domain = properties[.domain] as? String {
canonicalDomain = domain
} else if
let originURL = properties[.originURL] as? URL,
let host =
canonicalDomain = host
} else {
return nil
_path = path
_name = name
_value = value
_domain = canonicalDomain
if let
secureString = properties[.secure] as? String, !secureString.isEmpty
_secure = true
} else {
_secure = false
let version: Int
if let
versionString = properties[.version] as? String, versionString == "1"
version = 1
} else {
version = 0
_version = version
if let portString = properties[.port] as? String, _version == 1 {
_portList = portString.split(separator: ",")
.flatMap { Int(String($0)) }
.map { NSNumber(value: $0) }
} else {
_portList = nil
// TODO: factor into a utility function
if version == 0 {
let expiresProperty = properties[.expires]
if let date = expiresProperty as? Date {
_expiresDate = date
} else if let dateString = expiresProperty as? String {
let formatter = DateFormatter()
formatter.locale = Locale(identifier: "en_US_POSIX")
formatter.dateFormat = "EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss O" // per RFC 6265 '<rfc1123-date, defined in [RFC2616], Section 3.3.1>'
let timeZone = TimeZone(abbreviation: "GMT")
formatter.timeZone = timeZone
_expiresDate = dateString)
} else {
_expiresDate = nil
} else if
let maximumAge = properties[.maximumAge] as? String,
let secondsFromNow = Int(maximumAge), _version == 1 {
_expiresDate = Date(timeIntervalSinceNow: Double(secondsFromNow))
} else {
_expiresDate = nil
if let discardString = properties[.discard] as? String {
_sessionOnly = discardString == "TRUE"
} else {
_sessionOnly = properties[.maximumAge] == nil && version >= 1
if version == 0 {
_comment = nil
_commentURL = nil
} else {
_comment = properties[.comment] as? String
if let commentURL = properties[.commentURL] as? URL {
_commentURL = commentURL
} else if let commentURL = properties[.commentURL] as? String {
_commentURL = URL(string: commentURL)
} else {
_commentURL = nil
_HTTPOnly = false
_properties = [
.created : Date().timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate, // Cocoa Compatibility
.discard : _sessionOnly,
.domain : _domain,
.name : _name,
.path : _path,
.secure : _secure,
.value : _value,
.version : _version
if let comment = properties[.comment] {
_properties[.comment] = comment
if let commentURL = properties[.commentURL] {
_properties[.commentURL] = commentURL
if let expires = properties[.expires] {
_properties[.expires] = expires
if let maximumAge = properties[.maximumAge] {
_properties[.maximumAge] = maximumAge
if let originURL = properties[.originURL] {
_properties[.originURL] = originURL
if let _portList = _portList {
_properties[.port] = _portList
/// Return a dictionary of header fields that can be used to add the
/// specified cookies to the request.
/// - Parameter cookies: The cookies to turn into request headers.
/// - Returns: A dictionary where the keys are header field names, and the values
/// are the corresponding header field values.
open class func requestHeaderFields(with cookies: [HTTPCookie]) -> [String : String] {
var cookieString = cookies.reduce("") { (sum, next) -> String in
return sum + "\(next._name)=\(next._value); "
//Remove the final trailing semicolon and whitespace
if ( cookieString.length > 0 ) {
return ["Cookie": cookieString]
/// Return an array of cookies parsed from the specified response header fields and URL.
/// This method will ignore irrelevant header fields so
/// you can pass a dictionary containing data other than cookie data.
/// - Parameter headerFields: The response header fields to check for cookies.
/// - Parameter URL: The URL that the cookies came from - relevant to how the cookies are interpeted.
/// - Returns: An array of HTTPCookie objects
open class func cookies(withResponseHeaderFields headerFields: [String : String], for URL: URL) -> [HTTPCookie] {
//HTTP Cookie parsing based on RFC 6265:
//Though RFC6265 suggests that multiple cookies cannot be folded into a single Set-Cookie field, this is
//pretty common. It also suggests that commas and semicolons among other characters, cannot be a part of
// names and values. This implementation takes care of multiple cookies in the same field, however it doesn't
//support commas and semicolons in names and values(except for dates)
guard let cookies: String = headerFields["Set-Cookie"] else { return [] }
let nameValuePairs = cookies.components(separatedBy: ";") //split the name/value and attribute/value pairs
.map({$0.trim()}) //trim whitespaces
.map({removeCommaFromDate($0)}) //get rid of commas in dates
.flatMap({$0.components(separatedBy: ",")}) //cookie boundaries are marked by commas
.map({$0.trim()}) //trim again
.filter({$0.caseInsensitiveCompare("HTTPOnly") != .orderedSame}) //we don't use HTTPOnly, do we?
.flatMap({createNameValuePair(pair: $0)}) //create Name and Value properties
//mark cookie boundaries in the name-value array
var cookieIndices = (0..<nameValuePairs.count).filter({nameValuePairs[$0].hasPrefix("Name")})
//bake the cookies
var httpCookies: [HTTPCookie] = []
for i in 0..<cookieIndices.count-1 {
if let aCookie = createHttpCookie(url: URL, pairs: nameValuePairs[cookieIndices[i]..<cookieIndices[i+1]]) {
return httpCookies
//Bake a cookie
private class func createHttpCookie(url: URL, pairs: ArraySlice<String>) -> HTTPCookie? {
var properties: [HTTPCookiePropertyKey : Any] = [:]
for pair in pairs {
let name = pair.components(separatedBy: "=")[0]
var value = pair.components(separatedBy: "\(name)=")[1] //a value can have an "="
if canonicalize(name) == .expires {
value = value.insertComma(at: 3) //re-insert the comma
properties[canonicalize(name)] = value
//if domain wasn't provided use the URL
if properties[.domain] == nil {
properties[.domain] = url.absoluteString
//the default Path is "/"
if properties[.path] == nil {
properties[.path] = "/"
return HTTPCookie(properties: properties)
//we pass this to a map()
private class func removeCommaFromDate(_ value: String) -> String {
if value.hasPrefix("Expires") || value.hasPrefix("expires") {
return value.removeCommas()
return value
//These cookie attributes are defined in RFC 6265 and 2965(which is obsolete)
//HTTPCookie supports these
private class func isCookieAttribute(_ string: String) -> Bool {
return _attributes.first(where: {$0.rawValue.caseInsensitiveCompare(string) == .orderedSame}) != nil
//Cookie attribute names are case-insensitive as per RFC6265:
//but HTTPCookie needs only the first letter of each attribute in uppercase
private class func canonicalize(_ name: String) -> HTTPCookiePropertyKey {
let idx = _attributes.index(where: {$0.rawValue.caseInsensitiveCompare(name) == .orderedSame})!
return _attributes[idx]
//A name=value pair should be translated to two properties, Name=name and Value=value
private class func createNameValuePair(pair: String) -> [String] {
if pair.caseInsensitiveCompare( == .orderedSame {
return ["Secure=TRUE"]
let name = pair.components(separatedBy: "=")[0]
let value = pair.components(separatedBy: "\(name)=")[1]
if !isCookieAttribute(name) {
return ["Name=\(name)", "Value=\(value)"]
return [pair]
/// Returns a dictionary representation of the receiver.
/// This method returns a dictionary representation of the
/// `HTTPCookie` which can be saved and passed to
/// `init(properties:)` later to reconstitute an equivalent cookie.
/// See the `HTTPCookie` `init(properties:)` method for
/// more information on the constraints imposed on the dictionary, and
/// for descriptions of the supported keys and values.
/// - Experiment: This is a draft API currently under consideration for official import into Foundation as a suitable alternative
/// - Note: Since this API is under consideration it may be either removed or revised in the near future
open var properties: [HTTPCookiePropertyKey : Any]? {
return _properties
/// The version of the receiver.
/// Version 0 maps to "old-style" Netscape cookies.
/// Version 1 maps to RFC2965 cookies. There may be future versions.
open var version: Int {
return _version
/// The name of the receiver.
open var name: String {
return _name
/// The value of the receiver.
open var value: String {
return _value
/// Returns The expires date of the receiver.
/// The expires date is the date when the cookie should be
/// deleted. The result will be nil if there is no specific expires
/// date. This will be the case only for *session-only* cookies.
/*@NSCopying*/ open var expiresDate: Date? {
return _expiresDate
/// Whether the receiver is session-only.
/// `true` if this receiver should be discarded at the end of the
/// session (regardless of expiration date), `false` if receiver need not
/// be discarded at the end of the session.
open var isSessionOnly: Bool {
return _sessionOnly
/// The domain of the receiver.
/// This value specifies URL domain to which the cookie
/// should be sent. A domain with a leading dot means the cookie
/// should be sent to subdomains as well, assuming certain other
/// restrictions are valid. See RFC 2965 for more detail.
open var domain: String {
return _domain
/// The path of the receiver.
/// This value specifies the URL path under the cookie's
/// domain for which this cookie should be sent. The cookie will also
/// be sent for children of that path, so `"/"` is the most general.
open var path: String {
return _path
/// Whether the receiver should be sent only over secure channels
/// Cookies may be marked secure by a server (or by a javascript).
/// Cookies marked as such must only be sent via an encrypted connection to
/// trusted servers (i.e. via SSL or TLS), and should not be delievered to any
/// javascript applications to prevent cross-site scripting vulnerabilities.
open var isSecure: Bool {
return _secure
/// Whether the receiver should only be sent to HTTP servers per RFC 2965
/// Cookies may be marked as HTTPOnly by a server (or by a javascript).
/// Cookies marked as such must only be sent via HTTP Headers in HTTP Requests
/// for URL's that match both the path and domain of the respective Cookies.
/// Specifically these cookies should not be delivered to any javascript
/// applications to prevent cross-site scripting vulnerabilities.
open var isHTTPOnly: Bool {
return _HTTPOnly
/// The comment of the receiver.
/// This value specifies a string which is suitable for
/// presentation to the user explaining the contents and purpose of this
/// cookie. It may be nil.
open var comment: String? {
return _comment
/// The comment URL of the receiver.
/// This value specifies a URL which is suitable for
/// presentation to the user as a link for further information about
/// this cookie. It may be nil.
/*@NSCopying*/ open var commentURL: URL? {
return _commentURL
/// The list ports to which the receiver should be sent.
/// This value specifies an NSArray of NSNumbers
/// (containing integers) which specify the only ports to which this
/// cookie should be sent.
/// The array may be nil, in which case this cookie can be sent to any
/// port.
open var portList: [NSNumber]? {
return _portList
open override var description: String {
var str = "<\(type(of: self)) "
str += "version:\(self._version) name:\"\(self._name)\" value:\"\(self._value)\" expiresDate:"
if let expires = self._expiresDate {
str += "\(expires)"
} else {
str += "nil"
str += " sessionOnly:\(self._sessionOnly) domain:\"\(self._domain)\" path:\"\(self._path)\" isSecure:\(self._secure) comment:"
if let comments = self._comment {
str += "\(comments)"
} else {
str += "nil"
str += " ports:{ "
if let ports = self._portList {
str += "\(NSArray(array: (ports)).componentsJoined(by: ","))"
} else {
str += "0"
str += " }>"
return str
//utils for cookie parsing
fileprivate extension String {
func trim() -> String {
return self.trimmingCharacters(in: NSCharacterSet.whitespacesAndNewlines)
func removeCommas() -> String {
return self.replacingOccurrences(of: ",", with: "")
func insertComma(at index:Int) -> String {
return String(self.prefix(index)) + "," + String(self.suffix(self.count-index))