blob: 3f0858c72e0989e9c61c0209d8e25bc93383f3b4 [file] [log] [blame]
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
#if os(Windows)
import WinSDK
/// File-system operation attempted on non-existent file.
public var NSFileNoSuchFileError: Int { return CocoaError.Code.fileNoSuchFile.rawValue }
/// Failure to get a lock on file.
public var NSFileLockingError: Int { return CocoaError.Code.fileLocking.rawValue }
/// Read error, reason unknown.
public var NSFileReadUnknownError: Int { return CocoaError.Code.fileReadUnknown.rawValue }
/// Read error because of a permission problem.
public var NSFileReadNoPermissionError: Int { return CocoaError.Code.fileReadNoPermission.rawValue }
/// Read error because of an invalid file name.
public var NSFileReadInvalidFileNameError: Int { return CocoaError.Code.fileReadInvalidFileName.rawValue }
/// Read error because of a corrupted file, bad format, or similar reason.
public var NSFileReadCorruptFileError: Int { return CocoaError.Code.fileReadCorruptFile.rawValue }
/// Read error because no such file was found.
public var NSFileReadNoSuchFileError: Int { return CocoaError.Code.fileReadNoSuchFile.rawValue }
/// Read error because the string encoding was not applicable.
/// Access the bad encoding from the `userInfo` dictionary using
/// the `NSStringEncodingErrorKey` key.
public var NSFileReadInapplicableStringEncodingError: Int { return CocoaError.Code.fileReadInapplicableStringEncoding.rawValue }
/// Read error because the specified URL scheme is unsupported.
public var NSFileReadUnsupportedSchemeError: Int { return CocoaError.Code.fileReadUnsupportedScheme.rawValue }
/// Read error because the specified file was too large.
public var NSFileReadTooLargeError: Int { return CocoaError.Code.fileReadTooLarge.rawValue }
/// Read error because the string coding of the file could not be determined.
public var NSFileReadUnknownStringEncodingError: Int { return CocoaError.Code.fileReadUnknownStringEncoding.rawValue }
/// Write error, reason unknown.
public var NSFileWriteUnknownError: Int { return CocoaError.Code.fileWriteUnknown.rawValue }
/// Write error because of a permission problem.
public var NSFileWriteNoPermissionError: Int { return CocoaError.Code.fileWriteNoPermission.rawValue }
/// Write error because of an invalid file name.
public var NSFileWriteInvalidFileNameError: Int { return CocoaError.Code.fileWriteInvalidFileName.rawValue }
/// Write error returned when `FileManager` class’s copy, move,
/// and link methods report errors when the destination file already exists.
public var NSFileWriteFileExistsError: Int { return CocoaError.Code.fileWriteFileExists.rawValue }
/// Write error because the string encoding was not applicable.
/// Access the bad encoding from the `userInfo` dictionary
/// using the `NSStringEncodingErrorKey` key.
public var NSFileWriteInapplicableStringEncodingError: Int { return CocoaError.Code.fileWriteInapplicableStringEncoding.rawValue }
/// Write error because the specified URL scheme is unsupported.
public var NSFileWriteUnsupportedSchemeError: Int { return CocoaError.Code.fileWriteUnsupportedScheme.rawValue }
/// Write error because of a lack of disk space.
public var NSFileWriteOutOfSpaceError: Int { return CocoaError.Code.fileWriteOutOfSpace.rawValue }
/// Write error because because the volume is read only.
public var NSFileWriteVolumeReadOnlyError: Int { return CocoaError.Code.fileWriteVolumeReadOnly.rawValue }
public var NSFileManagerUnmountUnknownError: Int { return CocoaError.Code.fileManagerUnmountUnknown.rawValue }
public var NSFileManagerUnmountBusyError: Int { return CocoaError.Code.fileManagerUnmountBusy.rawValue }
/// Key-value coding validation error.
public var NSKeyValueValidationError: Int { return CocoaError.Code.keyValueValidation.rawValue }
/// Formatting error (related to display of data).
public var NSFormattingError: Int { return CocoaError.Code.formatting.rawValue }
/// The user cancelled the operation (for example, by pressing Command-period).
/// This code is for errors that do not require a dialog displayed and might be
/// candidates for special-casing.
public var NSUserCancelledError: Int { return CocoaError.Code.userCancelled.rawValue }
/// The feature is not supported, either because the file system
/// lacks the feature, or required libraries are missing,
/// or other similar reasons.
/// For example, some volumes may not support a Trash folder, so these methods
/// will report failure by returning `false` or `nil` and
/// an `NSError` with `NSFeatureUnsupportedError`.
public var NSFeatureUnsupportedError: Int { return CocoaError.Code.featureUnsupported.rawValue }
/// Executable is of a type that is not loadable in the current process.
public var NSExecutableNotLoadableError: Int { return CocoaError.Code.executableNotLoadable.rawValue }
/// Executable does not provide an architecture compatible with
/// the current process.
public var NSExecutableArchitectureMismatchError: Int { return CocoaError.Code.executableArchitectureMismatch.rawValue }
/// Executable has Objective-C runtime information incompatible
/// with the current process.
public var NSExecutableRuntimeMismatchError: Int { return CocoaError.Code.executableRuntimeMismatch.rawValue }
/// Executable cannot be loaded for some other reason, such as
/// a problem with a library it depends on.
public var NSExecutableLoadError: Int { return CocoaError.Code.executableLoad.rawValue }
/// Executable fails due to linking issues.
public var NSExecutableLinkError: Int { return CocoaError.Code.executableLink.rawValue }
/// An error was encountered while parsing the property list.
public var NSPropertyListReadCorruptError: Int { return CocoaError.Code.propertyListReadCorrupt.rawValue }
/// The version number of the property list is unable to be determined.
public var NSPropertyListReadUnknownVersionError: Int { return CocoaError.Code.propertyListReadUnknownVersion.rawValue }
/// An stream error was encountered while reading the property list.
public var NSPropertyListReadStreamError: Int { return CocoaError.Code.propertyListReadStream.rawValue }
/// An stream error was encountered while writing the property list.
public var NSPropertyListWriteStreamError: Int { return CocoaError.Code.propertyListWriteStream.rawValue }
public var NSPropertyListWriteInvalidError: Int { return CocoaError.Code.propertyListWriteInvalid.rawValue }
/// The XPC connection was interrupted.
public var NSXPCConnectionInterrupted: Int { return CocoaError.Code.xpcConnectionInterrupted.rawValue }
/// The XPC connection was invalid.
public var NSXPCConnectionInvalid: Int { return CocoaError.Code.xpcConnectionInvalid.rawValue }
/// The XPC connection reply was invalid.
public var NSXPCConnectionReplyInvalid: Int { return CocoaError.Code.xpcConnectionReplyInvalid.rawValue }
/// The item has not been uploaded to iCloud by another device yet.
/// When this error occurs, you do not need to ask the system
/// to start downloading the item. The system will download the item as soon
/// as it can. If you want to know when the item becomes available,
/// use an `NSMetadataQuer`y object to monitor changes to the file’s URL.
public var NSUbiquitousFileUnavailableError: Int { return CocoaError.Code.ubiquitousFileUnavailable.rawValue }
/// The item could not be uploaded to iCloud because it would make
/// the account go over its quota.
public var NSUbiquitousFileNotUploadedDueToQuotaError: Int { return CocoaError.Code.ubiquitousFileNotUploadedDueToQuota.rawValue }
/// Connecting to the iCloud servers failed.
public var NSUbiquitousFileUbiquityServerNotAvailable: Int { return CocoaError.Code.ubiquitousFileUbiquityServerNotAvailable.rawValue }
public var NSUserActivityHandoffFailedError: Int { return CocoaError.Code.userActivityHandoffFailed.rawValue }
public var NSUserActivityConnectionUnavailableError: Int { return CocoaError.Code.userActivityConnectionUnavailable.rawValue }
public var NSUserActivityRemoteApplicationTimedOutError: Int { return CocoaError.Code.userActivityRemoteApplicationTimedOut.rawValue }
public var NSUserActivityHandoffUserInfoTooLargeError: Int { return CocoaError.Code.userActivityHandoffUserInfoTooLarge.rawValue }
public var NSCoderReadCorruptError: Int { return CocoaError.Code.coderReadCorrupt.rawValue }
public var NSCoderValueNotFoundError: Int { return CocoaError.Code.coderValueNotFound.rawValue }
internal func _NSErrorWithErrno(_ posixErrno : Int32, reading : Bool, path : String? = nil, url : URL? = nil, extraUserInfo : [String : Any]? = nil) -> NSError {
var cocoaError : CocoaError.Code
if reading {
switch posixErrno {
case EFBIG: cocoaError = .fileReadTooLarge
case ENOENT: cocoaError = .fileReadNoSuchFile
case EPERM, EACCES: cocoaError = .fileReadNoPermission
case ENAMETOOLONG: cocoaError = .fileReadUnknown
default: cocoaError = .fileReadUnknown
} else {
switch posixErrno {
case ENOENT: cocoaError = .fileNoSuchFile
case EPERM, EACCES: cocoaError = .fileWriteNoPermission
case ENAMETOOLONG: cocoaError = .fileWriteInvalidFileName
#if os(Windows)
case ENOSPC: cocoaError = .fileWriteOutOfSpace
case EDQUOT, ENOSPC: cocoaError = .fileWriteOutOfSpace
case EROFS: cocoaError = .fileWriteVolumeReadOnly
case EEXIST: cocoaError = .fileWriteFileExists
default: cocoaError = .fileWriteUnknown
var userInfo = extraUserInfo ?? [String : Any]()
if let path = path {
userInfo[NSFilePathErrorKey] = path._nsObject
} else if let url = url {
userInfo[NSURLErrorKey] = url
userInfo[NSUnderlyingErrorKey] = NSError(domain: NSPOSIXErrorDomain, code: Int(posixErrno))
return NSError(domain: NSCocoaErrorDomain, code: cocoaError.rawValue, userInfo: userInfo)
#if os(Windows)
// The codes in this domain are codes returned by GetLastError in the Windows SDK (in WinError.h):
internal let _NSWindowsErrorDomain = "org.swift.Foundation.WindowsError"
internal func _NSErrorWithWindowsError(_ windowsError: DWORD, reading: Bool, paths: [String]? = nil) -> NSError {
var cocoaError : CocoaError.Code
switch Int32(bitPattern: windowsError) {
case ERROR_LOCK_VIOLATION: cocoaError = .fileLocking
case ERROR_NOT_LOCKED: cocoaError = .fileLocking
case ERROR_LOCK_FAILED: cocoaError = .fileLocking
case ERROR_INVALID_EXE_SIGNATURE: cocoaError = .executableNotLoadable
case ERROR_EXE_MARKED_INVALID: cocoaError = .executableNotLoadable
case ERROR_BAD_EXE_FORMAT: cocoaError = .executableNotLoadable
case ERROR_BAD_EXE_FORMAT: cocoaError = .executableNotLoadable
case ERROR_LOCKED: cocoaError = .fileLocking
if reading {
switch Int32(bitPattern: windowsError) {
// On an empty path, Windows will return FILE/PATH_NOT_FOUND
// rather than invalid path as posix does
cocoaError = paths?.contains("") ?? false
? .fileReadInvalidFileName
: .fileReadNoSuchFile
case ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED: cocoaError = .fileReadNoPermission
case ERROR_INVALID_ACCESS: cocoaError = .fileReadNoPermission
case ERROR_INVALID_DRIVE: cocoaError = .fileReadNoSuchFile
case ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION: cocoaError = .fileReadNoPermission
case ERROR_INVALID_NAME: cocoaError = .fileReadInvalidFileName
case ERROR_LABEL_TOO_LONG: cocoaError = .fileReadInvalidFileName
case ERROR_BAD_PATHNAME: cocoaError = .fileReadInvalidFileName
case ERROR_FILENAME_EXCED_RANGE: cocoaError = .fileReadInvalidFileName
case ERROR_DIRECTORY: cocoaError = .fileReadInvalidFileName
default: cocoaError = .fileReadUnknown
} else {
switch Int32(bitPattern: windowsError) {
// On an empty path, Windows will return FILE/PATH_NOT_FOUND
// rather than invalid path as posix does
cocoaError = paths?.contains("") ?? false
? .fileWriteInvalidFileName
: .fileNoSuchFile
case ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED: cocoaError = .fileWriteNoPermission
case ERROR_INVALID_ACCESS: cocoaError = .fileWriteNoPermission
case ERROR_INVALID_DRIVE: cocoaError = .fileNoSuchFile
case ERROR_WRITE_PROTECT: cocoaError = .fileWriteVolumeReadOnly
case ERROR_WRITE_FAULT: cocoaError = .fileWriteNoPermission
case ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION: cocoaError = .fileWriteNoPermission
case ERROR_FILE_EXISTS: cocoaError = .fileWriteFileExists
case ERROR_DISK_FULL: cocoaError = .fileWriteOutOfSpace
case ERROR_INVALID_NAME: cocoaError = .fileWriteInvalidFileName
case ERROR_LABEL_TOO_LONG: cocoaError = .fileWriteInvalidFileName
case ERROR_BAD_PATHNAME: cocoaError = .fileWriteInvalidFileName
case ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS: cocoaError = .fileWriteFileExists
case ERROR_FILENAME_EXCED_RANGE: cocoaError = .fileWriteInvalidFileName
case ERROR_DIRECTORY: cocoaError = .fileWriteInvalidFileName
case ERROR_DISK_RESOURCES_EXHAUSTED: cocoaError = .fileWriteOutOfSpace
default: cocoaError = .fileWriteUnknown
return NSError(domain: NSCocoaErrorDomain, code: cocoaError.rawValue, userInfo: [
NSUnderlyingErrorKey: NSError(domain: _NSWindowsErrorDomain, code: Int(windowsError))