blob: 936125fb11cbe8312c64853e3dbe45c7ebb37359 [file] [log] [blame]
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016, 2018 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
import CoreFoundation
import Dispatch
// FileHandle has a .read(upToCount:) method. Just invoking read() will cause an ambiguity warning. Use _read instead.
// Same with close()/.close().
#if canImport(Darwin)
import Darwin
fileprivate let _read =
fileprivate let _write = Darwin.write(_:_:_:)
fileprivate let _close = Darwin.close(_:)
#elseif canImport(Glibc)
import Glibc
fileprivate let _read =
fileprivate let _write = Glibc.write(_:_:_:)
fileprivate let _close = Glibc.close(_:)
extension NSError {
internal var errnoIfAvailable: Int? {
if domain == NSPOSIXErrorDomain {
return code
if let underlying = userInfo[NSUnderlyingErrorKey] as? NSError {
return underlying.errnoIfAvailable
return nil
/* On Darwin, FileHandle conforms to NSSecureCoding for use with NSXPCConnection and related facilities only. On swift-corelibs-foundation, it does not conform to that protocol since those facilities are unavailable. */
open class FileHandle : NSObject {
#if os(Windows)
private var _handle: HANDLE
internal var handle: HANDLE {
return _handle
@available(Windows, unavailable, message: "Cannot perform non-owning handle to fd conversion")
open var fileDescriptor: Int32 {
private func _checkFileHandle() {
precondition(_handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, "Invalid file handle")
internal var _isPlatformHandleValid: Bool {
return _handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE
private var _fd: Int32
open var fileDescriptor: Int32 {
return _fd
private func _checkFileHandle() {
precondition(_fd >= 0, "Bad file descriptor")
internal var _isPlatformHandleValid: Bool {
return fileDescriptor >= 0
private var _closeOnDealloc: Bool
private var currentBackgroundActivityOwner: AnyObject? // Guarded by privateAsyncVariablesLock
private var readabilitySource: DispatchSourceProtocol? // Guarded by privateAsyncVariablesLock
private var writabilitySource: DispatchSourceProtocol? // Guarded by privateAsyncVariablesLock
private var privateAsyncVariablesLock = NSLock()
// matches Darwin.
private var _queue: DispatchQueue? // Guarded by privateAsyncVariablesLock
private var queue: DispatchQueue {
defer { privateAsyncVariablesLock.unlock() }
if let queue = _queue {
return queue
} else {
let storage = DispatchQueue(label: "")
_queue = storage
return storage
private var queueIfExists: DispatchQueue? {
defer { privateAsyncVariablesLock.unlock() }
return _queue
private func monitor(forReading reading: Bool, resumed: Bool = true, handler: @escaping (FileHandle, DispatchSourceProtocol) -> Void) -> DispatchSourceProtocol {
// Duplicate the file descriptor.
// Closing the file descriptor while Dispatch is monitoring it leads to undefined behavior; guard against that.
#if os(Windows)
var dupHandle: HANDLE?
if !DuplicateHandle(GetCurrentProcess(), handle, GetCurrentProcess(), &dupHandle,
/*dwDesiredAccess:*/0, /*bInheritHandle:*/true, DWORD(DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS)) {
fatalError("DuplicateHandleFailed: \(GetLastError())")
let fd = _open_osfhandle(intptr_t(bitPattern: dupHandle), 0)
let fd = dup(fileDescriptor)
let source: DispatchSourceProtocol
if reading {
source = DispatchSource.makeReadSource(fileDescriptor: fd, queue: queue)
} else {
source = DispatchSource.makeWriteSource(fileDescriptor: fd, queue: queue)
let sourceObject = source as AnyObject
source.setEventHandler { [weak self, weak sourceObject] in
if let me = self, let source = sourceObject as? DispatchSourceProtocol {
handler(me, source)
source.setCancelHandler {
_ = _close(fd)
if resumed {
return source
private var _readabilityHandler: ((FileHandle) -> Void)? = nil // Guarded by privateAsyncVariablesLock
open var readabilityHandler: ((FileHandle) -> Void)? {
get {
let handler = _readabilityHandler
return handler
set {
_readabilityHandler = newValue
if let oldSource = readabilitySource {
readabilitySource = nil
if let handler = newValue {
// The handler can be called as part of the creation of the monitoring source, which can then call into FileHandle code again. Make sure we do not hold the lock when this is invoked.
let source = monitor(forReading: true, handler: { (fh, _) in handler(fh) })
readabilitySource = source
private var _writeabilityHandler: ((FileHandle) -> Void)? = nil // Guarded by privateAsyncVariablesLock
open var writeabilityHandler: ((FileHandle) -> Void)? {
get {
let handler = _writeabilityHandler
return handler
set {
_writeabilityHandler = newValue
if let oldSource = writabilitySource {
writabilitySource = nil
if let handler = newValue {
// The handler can be called as part of the creation of the monitoring source, which can then call into FileHandle code again. Make sure we do not hold the lock when this is invoked.
let source = monitor(forReading: false, handler: { (fh, _) in handler(fh) })
writabilitySource = source
open var availableData: Data {
do {
let readResult = try _readDataOfLength(Int.max, untilEOF: false)
return readResult.toData()
} catch {
internal func _readDataOfLength(_ length: Int, untilEOF: Bool, options: NSData.ReadingOptions = []) throws -> NSData.NSDataReadResult {
guard _isPlatformHandleValid else { throw NSError(domain: NSCocoaErrorDomain, code: CocoaError.fileReadUnknown.rawValue) }
#if os(Windows)
if length == 0 && !untilEOF {
// Nothing requested, return empty response
return NSData.NSDataReadResult(bytes: nil, length: 0, deallocator: nil)
if GetFileType(_handle) == FILE_TYPE_DISK {
if !GetFileInformationByHandle(_handle, &fiFileInfo) {
throw _NSErrorWithWindowsError(GetLastError(), reading: true)
if options.contains(.alwaysMapped) {
let hMapping: HANDLE =
CreateFileMappingA(_handle, nil, DWORD(PAGE_READONLY), 0, 0, nil)
if hMapping == HANDLE(bitPattern: 0) {
fatalError("CreateFileMappingA failed")
let szFileSize: UInt64 = (UInt64(fiFileInfo.nFileSizeHigh) << 32) | UInt64(fiFileInfo.nFileSizeLow << 0)
let szMapSize: UInt64 = Swift.min(UInt64(length), szFileSize)
let pData: UnsafeMutableRawPointer =
MapViewOfFile(hMapping, DWORD(FILE_MAP_READ), 0, 0, szMapSize)
return NSData.NSDataReadResult(bytes: pData, length: Int(szMapSize)) { buffer, length in
if !UnmapViewOfFile(buffer) {
fatalError("UnmapViewOfFile failed")
if !CloseHandle(hMapping) {
fatalError("CloseHandle failed")
let blockSize: Int = 8 * 1024
var allocated: Int = blockSize
var buffer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer = malloc(allocated)!
var total: Int = 0
while total < length {
let remaining = length - total
let BytesToRead: DWORD = DWORD(min(blockSize, remaining))
if (allocated - total) < BytesToRead {
allocated *= 2
buffer = _CFReallocf(buffer, allocated)
var BytesRead: DWORD = 0
if !ReadFile(_handle, buffer.advanced(by: total), BytesToRead, &BytesRead, nil) {
let err = GetLastError()
throw _NSErrorWithWindowsError(err, reading: true)
total += Int(BytesRead)
if BytesRead == 0 || !untilEOF {
if total == 0 {
return NSData.NSDataReadResult(bytes: nil, length: 0, deallocator: nil)
buffer = _CFReallocf(buffer, total)
let data = buffer.bindMemory(to: UInt8.self, capacity: total)
return NSData.NSDataReadResult(bytes: data, length: total) { buffer, length in
if length == 0 && !untilEOF {
// Nothing requested, return empty response
return NSData.NSDataReadResult(bytes: nil, length: 0, deallocator: nil)
var statbuf = stat()
if fstat(_fd, &statbuf) < 0 {
throw _NSErrorWithErrno(errno, reading: true)
let readBlockSize: Int
if statbuf.st_mode & S_IFMT == S_IFREG {
// TODO: Should files over a certain size always be mmap()'d?
if options.contains(.alwaysMapped) {
// Filesizes are often 64bit even on 32bit systems
let mapSize = min(length, Int(clamping: statbuf.st_size))
let data = mmap(nil, mapSize, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, _fd, 0)
// Swift does not currently expose MAP_FAILURE
if data != UnsafeMutableRawPointer(bitPattern: -1) {
return NSData.NSDataReadResult(bytes: data!, length: mapSize) { buffer, length in
munmap(buffer, length)
if statbuf.st_blksize > 0 {
readBlockSize = Int(clamping: statbuf.st_blksize)
} else {
readBlockSize = 1024 * 8
} else {
/* We get here on sockets, character special files, FIFOs ... */
readBlockSize = 1024 * 8
var currentAllocationSize = readBlockSize
var dynamicBuffer = malloc(currentAllocationSize)!
var total = 0
while total < length {
let remaining = length - total
let amountToRead = min(readBlockSize, remaining)
// Make sure there is always at least amountToRead bytes available in the buffer.
if (currentAllocationSize - total) < amountToRead {
currentAllocationSize *= 2
dynamicBuffer = _CFReallocf(dynamicBuffer, currentAllocationSize)
let amtRead = _read(_fd, dynamicBuffer.advanced(by: total), amountToRead)
if amtRead < 0 {
throw _NSErrorWithErrno(errno, reading: true)
total += amtRead
if amtRead == 0 || !untilEOF { // If there is nothing more to read or we shouldn't keep reading then exit
if total == 0 {
return NSData.NSDataReadResult(bytes: nil, length: 0, deallocator: nil)
dynamicBuffer = _CFReallocf(dynamicBuffer, total)
let bytePtr = dynamicBuffer.bindMemory(to: UInt8.self, capacity: total)
return NSData.NSDataReadResult(bytes: bytePtr, length: total) { buffer, length in
internal func _readBytes(into buffer: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>, length: Int) throws -> Int {
#if os(Windows)
var BytesRead: DWORD = 0
let BytesToRead: DWORD = DWORD(length)
if !ReadFile(_handle, buffer, BytesToRead, &BytesRead, nil) {
throw _NSErrorWithWindowsError(GetLastError(), reading: true)
return Int(BytesRead)
let amtRead = _read(_fd, buffer, length)
if amtRead < 0 {
throw _NSErrorWithErrno(errno, reading: true)
return amtRead
internal func _writeBytes(buf: UnsafeRawPointer, length: Int) throws {
#if os(Windows)
var bytesRemaining = length
while bytesRemaining > 0 {
var bytesWritten: DWORD = 0
if !WriteFile(handle, buf.advanced(by: length - bytesRemaining), DWORD(bytesRemaining), &bytesWritten, nil) {
throw _NSErrorWithWindowsError(GetLastError(), reading: false)
if bytesWritten == 0 {
throw _NSErrorWithWindowsError(GetLastError(), reading: false)
bytesRemaining -= Int(bytesWritten)
var bytesRemaining = length
while bytesRemaining > 0 {
var bytesWritten = 0
repeat {
bytesWritten = _write(_fd, buf.advanced(by: length - bytesRemaining), bytesRemaining)
} while (bytesWritten < 0 && errno == EINTR)
if bytesWritten <= 0 {
throw _NSErrorWithErrno(errno, reading: false, path: nil)
bytesRemaining -= bytesWritten
#if os(Windows)
internal init(handle: HANDLE, closeOnDealloc closeopt: Bool) {
_handle = handle
_closeOnDealloc = closeopt
public init(fileDescriptor fd: Int32, closeOnDealloc closeopt: Bool) {
if (closeopt) {
var handle: HANDLE?
if !DuplicateHandle(GetCurrentProcess(), HANDLE(bitPattern: _get_osfhandle(fd))!, GetCurrentProcess(), &handle, 0, false, DWORD(DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS)) {
fatalError("DuplicateHandle() failed: \(GetLastError())")
_handle = handle!
_closeOnDealloc = true
} else {
_handle = HANDLE(bitPattern: _get_osfhandle(fd))!
_closeOnDealloc = false
public convenience init(fileDescriptor fd: Int32) {
self.init(handle: HANDLE(bitPattern: _get_osfhandle(fd))!,
closeOnDealloc: false)
internal convenience init?(path: String, flags: Int32, createMode: Int) {
let fd = _CFOpenFileWithMode(path, flags, mode_t(createMode))
guard fd > 0 else { return nil }
self.init(fileDescriptor: fd, closeOnDealloc: true)
if _handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE { return nil }
public init(fileDescriptor fd: Int32, closeOnDealloc closeopt: Bool) {
_fd = fd
_closeOnDealloc = closeopt
public convenience init(fileDescriptor fd: Int32) {
self.init(fileDescriptor: fd, closeOnDealloc: false)
internal init?(path: String, flags: Int32, createMode: Int) {
_fd = _CFOpenFileWithMode(path, flags, mode_t(createMode))
_closeOnDealloc = true
if _fd < 0 {
return nil
internal convenience init?(fileSystemRepresentation: UnsafePointer<Int8>, flags: Int32, createMode: Int) {
#if os(Windows)
var fd: Int32 = -1
if let path = String(cString: fileSystemRepresentation).cString(using: .utf16) {
fd = _CFOpenFileWithMode(path, flags, mode_t(createMode))
let fd = _CFOpenFileWithMode(fileSystemRepresentation, flags, mode_t(createMode))
guard fd > 0 else { return nil }
self.init(fileDescriptor: fd, closeOnDealloc: true)
deinit {
// .close() tries to wait after operations in flight on the handle queue, if one exists, and then close. It does so by sending .sync { … } work to it.
// if we try to do that here, we may end up in a situation where:
// - the last reference is held by the handle queue;
// - the last operation holding onto the handle finishes, and the block is released;
// - the handle is released;
// - the handle's deinit is invoked;
// - deinit tries to .sync { … } to serialize the work on the handle queue, _which we're already on_
// - deadlock! DispatchQueue's deadlock detection triggers and crashes us.
// since all operations on the handle queue retain the handle during use, if the handle is being deinited, then there are no more operations on the queue, so this is serial with respect to them anyway. Just close the handle immediately.
try? _immediatelyClose()
// MARK: -
// MARK: New API.
@available(swift 5.0)
public func readToEnd() throws -> Data? {
guard self != FileHandle._nulldeviceFileHandle else { return nil }
return try read(upToCount: Int.max)
@available(swift 5.0)
public func read(upToCount count: Int) throws -> Data? {
guard self != FileHandle._nulldeviceFileHandle else { return nil }
let result = try _readDataOfLength(count, untilEOF: true)
return result.length == 0 ? nil : result.toData()
@available(swift 5.0)
public func write<T: DataProtocol>(contentsOf data: T) throws {
guard self != FileHandle._nulldeviceFileHandle else { return }
guard _isPlatformHandleValid else { throw NSError(domain: NSCocoaErrorDomain, code: CocoaError.fileWriteUnknown.rawValue) }
for region in data.regions {
try region.withUnsafeBytes { (bytes) in
if let baseAddress = bytes.baseAddress, bytes.count > 0 {
try _writeBytes(buf: UnsafeRawPointer(baseAddress), length: bytes.count)
@available(swift 5.0)
public func offset() throws -> UInt64 {
guard self != FileHandle._nulldeviceFileHandle else { return 0 }
guard _isPlatformHandleValid else { throw NSError(domain: NSCocoaErrorDomain, code: CocoaError.fileReadUnknown.rawValue) }
#if os(Windows)
var liPointer: LARGE_INTEGER = LARGE_INTEGER(QuadPart: 0)
guard SetFilePointerEx(_handle, LARGE_INTEGER(QuadPart: 0), &liPointer, DWORD(FILE_CURRENT)) else {
throw _NSErrorWithWindowsError(GetLastError(), reading: true)
return UInt64(liPointer.QuadPart)
let offset = lseek(_fd, 0, SEEK_CUR)
guard offset >= 0 else { throw _NSErrorWithErrno(errno, reading: true) }
return UInt64(offset)
@available(swift 5.0)
public func seekToEnd() throws -> UInt64 {
guard self != FileHandle._nulldeviceFileHandle else { return 0 }
guard _isPlatformHandleValid else { throw NSError(domain: NSCocoaErrorDomain, code: CocoaError.fileReadUnknown.rawValue) }
#if os(Windows)
var liPointer: LARGE_INTEGER = LARGE_INTEGER(QuadPart: 0)
guard SetFilePointerEx(_handle, LARGE_INTEGER(QuadPart: 0), &liPointer, DWORD(FILE_END)) else {
throw _NSErrorWithWindowsError(GetLastError(), reading: true)
return UInt64(liPointer.QuadPart)
let offset = lseek(_fd, 0, SEEK_END)
guard offset >= 0 else { throw _NSErrorWithErrno(errno, reading: true) }
return UInt64(offset)
@available(swift 5.0)
public func seek(toOffset offset: UInt64) throws {
guard self != FileHandle._nulldeviceFileHandle else { return }
guard _isPlatformHandleValid else { throw NSError(domain: NSCocoaErrorDomain, code: CocoaError.fileReadUnknown.rawValue) }
#if os(Windows)
guard SetFilePointerEx(_handle, LARGE_INTEGER(QuadPart: LONGLONG(offset)), nil, DWORD(FILE_BEGIN)) else {
throw _NSErrorWithWindowsError(GetLastError(), reading: true)
guard lseek(_fd, off_t(offset), SEEK_SET) >= 0 else { throw _NSErrorWithErrno(errno, reading: true) }
@available(swift 5.0)
public func truncate(toOffset offset: UInt64) throws {
guard self != FileHandle._nulldeviceFileHandle else { return }
guard _isPlatformHandleValid else { throw NSError(domain: NSCocoaErrorDomain, code: CocoaError.fileWriteUnknown.rawValue) }
#if os(Windows)
guard SetFilePointerEx(_handle, LARGE_INTEGER(QuadPart: LONGLONG(offset)), nil, DWORD(FILE_BEGIN)) else {
throw _NSErrorWithWindowsError(GetLastError(), reading: false)
guard SetEndOfFile(_handle) else {
throw _NSErrorWithWindowsError(GetLastError(), reading: false)
guard lseek(_fd, off_t(offset), SEEK_SET) >= 0 else { throw _NSErrorWithErrno(errno, reading: false) }
guard ftruncate(_fd, off_t(offset)) >= 0 else { throw _NSErrorWithErrno(errno, reading: false) }
@available(swift 5.0)
public func synchronize() throws {
guard self != FileHandle._nulldeviceFileHandle else { return }
#if os(Windows)
guard FlushFileBuffers(_handle) else {
throw _NSErrorWithWindowsError(GetLastError(), reading: false)
guard fsync(_fd) >= 0 else { throw _NSErrorWithErrno(errno, reading: false) }
private func performOnQueueIfExists(_ block: () throws -> Void) throws {
if let queue = queueIfExists {
var theError: Swift.Error?
queue.sync {
do { try block() } catch { theError = error }
if let error = theError {
throw error
} else {
try block()
@available(swift 5.0)
public func close() throws {
try performOnQueueIfExists {
try _immediatelyClose()
private func _immediatelyClose() throws {
guard self != FileHandle._nulldeviceFileHandle else { return }
guard _isPlatformHandleValid else { return }
_readabilityHandler = nil
_writeabilityHandler = nil
writabilitySource = nil
readabilitySource = nil
#if os(Windows)
guard CloseHandle(_handle) else {
throw _NSErrorWithWindowsError(GetLastError(), reading: true)
guard _close(_fd) >= 0 else {
throw _NSErrorWithErrno(errno, reading: true)
_fd = -1
// MARK: -
// MARK: To-be-deprecated API.
// This matches the effect of API_TO_BE_DEPRECATED in ObjC headers:
@available(swift, deprecated: 100000, renamed: "readToEnd()")
open func readDataToEndOfFile() -> Data {
return try! readToEnd() ?? Data()
@available(swift, deprecated: 100000, renamed: "read(upToCount:)")
open func readData(ofLength length: Int) -> Data {
return try! read(upToCount: length) ?? Data()
@available(swift, deprecated: 100000, renamed: "write(contentsOf:)")
open func write(_ data: Data) {
try! write(contentsOf: data)
@available(swift, deprecated: 100000, renamed: "offset()")
open var offsetInFile: UInt64 {
return try! offset()
@available(swift, deprecated: 100000, renamed: "seekToEnd()")
open func seekToEndOfFile() -> UInt64 {
return try! seekToEnd()
@available(swift, deprecated: 100000, renamed: "seek(toOffset:)")
open func seek(toFileOffset offset: UInt64) {
try! seek(toOffset: offset)
@available(swift, deprecated: 100000, renamed: "truncate(toOffset:)")
open func truncateFile(atOffset offset: UInt64) {
try! truncate(toOffset: offset)
@available(swift, deprecated: 100000, renamed: "synchronize()")
open func synchronizeFile() {
try! synchronize()
@available(swift, deprecated: 100000, renamed: "close()")
open func closeFile() {
try! self.close()
extension FileHandle {
internal static var _stdinFileHandle: FileHandle = {
return FileHandle(fileDescriptor: STDIN_FILENO, closeOnDealloc: false)
open class var standardInput: FileHandle {
return _stdinFileHandle
internal static var _stdoutFileHandle: FileHandle = {
return FileHandle(fileDescriptor: STDOUT_FILENO, closeOnDealloc: false)
open class var standardOutput: FileHandle {
return _stdoutFileHandle
internal static var _stderrFileHandle: FileHandle = {
return FileHandle(fileDescriptor: STDERR_FILENO, closeOnDealloc: false)
open class var standardError: FileHandle {
return _stderrFileHandle
internal static var _nulldeviceFileHandle: FileHandle = {
class NullDevice: FileHandle {
override var availableData: Data {
return Data()
override func readDataToEndOfFile() -> Data {
return Data()
override func readData(ofLength length: Int) -> Data {
return Data()
override func write(_ data: Data) {}
override var offsetInFile: UInt64 {
return 0
override func seekToEndOfFile() -> UInt64 {
return 0
override func seek(toFileOffset offset: UInt64) {}
override func truncateFile(atOffset offset: UInt64) {}
override func synchronizeFile() {}
override func closeFile() {}
deinit {}
#if os(Windows)
return NullDevice(handle: INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, closeOnDealloc: false)
return NullDevice(fileDescriptor: -1, closeOnDealloc: false)
open class var nullDevice: FileHandle {
return _nulldeviceFileHandle
public convenience init?(forReadingAtPath path: String) {
self.init(path: path, flags: O_RDONLY, createMode: 0)
public convenience init?(forWritingAtPath path: String) {
self.init(path: path, flags: O_WRONLY, createMode: 0)
public convenience init?(forUpdatingAtPath path: String) {
self.init(path: path, flags: O_RDWR, createMode: 0)
internal static func _openFileDescriptorForURL(_ url : URL, flags: Int32, reading: Bool) throws -> Int32 {
let fd = url.withUnsafeFileSystemRepresentation( { (fsRep) -> Int32 in
guard let fsRep = fsRep else { return -1 }
return _CFOpenFile(fsRep, flags)
if fd < 0 {
throw _NSErrorWithErrno(errno, reading: reading, url: url)
return fd
public convenience init(forReadingFrom url: URL) throws {
let fd = try FileHandle._openFileDescriptorForURL(url, flags: O_RDONLY, reading: true)
self.init(fileDescriptor: fd, closeOnDealloc: true)
public convenience init(forWritingTo url: URL) throws {
let fd = try FileHandle._openFileDescriptorForURL(url, flags: O_WRONLY, reading: false)
self.init(fileDescriptor: fd, closeOnDealloc: true)
public convenience init(forUpdating url: URL) throws {
let fd = try FileHandle._openFileDescriptorForURL(url, flags: O_RDWR, reading: false)
self.init(fileDescriptor: fd, closeOnDealloc: true)
extension NSExceptionName {
public static let fileHandleOperationException = NSExceptionName(rawValue: "NSFileHandleOperationException")
extension Notification.Name {
public static let NSFileHandleReadToEndOfFileCompletion = Notification.Name(rawValue: "NSFileHandleReadToEndOfFileCompletionNotification")
public static let NSFileHandleConnectionAccepted = Notification.Name(rawValue: "NSFileHandleConnectionAcceptedNotification")
public static let NSFileHandleDataAvailable = Notification.Name(rawValue: "NSFileHandleDataAvailableNotification")
extension FileHandle {
public static let readCompletionNotification = Notification.Name(rawValue: "NSFileHandleReadCompletionNotification")
public let NSFileHandleNotificationDataItem: String = "NSFileHandleNotificationDataItem"
public let NSFileHandleNotificationFileHandleItem: String = "NSFileHandleNotificationFileHandleItem"
extension FileHandle {
open func readInBackgroundAndNotify() {
readInBackgroundAndNotify(forModes: [.default])
open func readInBackgroundAndNotify(forModes modes: [RunLoop.Mode]?) {
guard currentBackgroundActivityOwner == nil else { fatalError("No two activities can occur at the same time") }
let token = NSObject()
currentBackgroundActivityOwner = token
let operation = { (_ data: DispatchData, _ error: Int32) in
if self.currentBackgroundActivityOwner === token {
self.currentBackgroundActivityOwner = nil
var userInfo: [String: Any] = [:]
if error == 0 {
userInfo[NSFileHandleNotificationDataItem] = Data(data)
} else {
#if os(Windows)
// On Windows, reading from a directory results in an
// and the handle we attempt to read from is a
// directory, replace it with
var translatedError = error
GetFileInformationByHandle(self.handle, &fileInfo)
userInfo["NSFileHandleError"] = Int(translatedError)
userInfo["NSFileHandleError"] = Int(error)
DispatchQueue.main.async {
NotificationQueue.default.enqueue(Notification(name: FileHandle.readCompletionNotification, object: self, userInfo: userInfo), postingStyle: .asap, coalesceMask: .none, forModes: modes)
#if os(Windows) handle, maxLength: 1024 * 1024, runningHandlerOn: queue) { (data, error) in
operation(data, error)
#else fileDescriptor, maxLength: 1024 * 1024, runningHandlerOn: queue) { (data, error) in
operation(data, error)
open func readToEndOfFileInBackgroundAndNotify() {
readToEndOfFileInBackgroundAndNotify(forModes: [.default])
open func readToEndOfFileInBackgroundAndNotify(forModes modes: [RunLoop.Mode]?) {
guard currentBackgroundActivityOwner == nil else { fatalError("No two activities can occur at the same time") }
let token = NSObject()
currentBackgroundActivityOwner = token
queue.async {
let data: Data?
let error: Int?
do {
data = try self.readToEnd()
error = nil
} catch let thrown {
data = nil
if let thrown = thrown as? NSError {
error = thrown.errnoIfAvailable
} else {
error = nil
DispatchQueue.main.async {
if token === self.currentBackgroundActivityOwner {
self.currentBackgroundActivityOwner = nil
var userInfo: [String: Any] = [:]
if let data = data {
userInfo[NSFileHandleNotificationDataItem] = data
if let error = error {
userInfo["NSFileHandleError"] = error
NotificationQueue.default.enqueue(Notification(name: .NSFileHandleReadToEndOfFileCompletion, object: self, userInfo: userInfo), postingStyle: .asap, coalesceMask: .none, forModes: modes)
open func acceptConnectionInBackgroundAndNotify() {
acceptConnectionInBackgroundAndNotify(forModes: [.default])
@available(Windows, unavailable, message: "A SOCKET cannot be treated as a fd")
open func acceptConnectionInBackgroundAndNotify(forModes modes: [RunLoop.Mode]?) {
#if os(Windows)
let owner = monitor(forReading: true, resumed: false) { (handle, source) in
var notification = Notification(name: .NSFileHandleConnectionAccepted, object: handle, userInfo: [:])
let userInfo: [AnyHashable : Any]
let acceptedFD = accept(handle.fileDescriptor, nil, nil)
if acceptedFD >= 0 {
userInfo = [NSFileHandleNotificationFileHandleItem: FileHandle(fileDescriptor: acceptedFD)]
} else {
userInfo = ["NSFileHandleError": NSNumber(value: errno)]
notification.userInfo = userInfo
DispatchQueue.main.async {
handle.currentBackgroundActivityOwner = nil
NotificationQueue.default.enqueue(Notification(name: .NSFileHandleConnectionAccepted, object: handle, userInfo: [:]), postingStyle: .asap, coalesceMask: .none, forModes: modes)
guard currentBackgroundActivityOwner == nil else { fatalError("No two activities can occur at the same time") }
currentBackgroundActivityOwner = owner as AnyObject
open func waitForDataInBackgroundAndNotify() {
waitForDataInBackgroundAndNotify(forModes: [.default])
open func waitForDataInBackgroundAndNotify(forModes modes: [RunLoop.Mode]?) {
let owner = monitor(forReading: true, resumed: false) { (handle, source) in
DispatchQueue.main.async {
handle.currentBackgroundActivityOwner = nil
NotificationQueue.default.enqueue(Notification(name: .NSFileHandleDataAvailable, object: handle, userInfo: [:]), postingStyle: .asap, coalesceMask: .none, forModes: modes)
guard currentBackgroundActivityOwner == nil else { fatalError("No two activities can occur at the same time") }
currentBackgroundActivityOwner = owner as AnyObject
open class Pipe: NSObject {
public let fileHandleForReading: FileHandle
public let fileHandleForWriting: FileHandle
public override init() {
#if os(Windows)
var saAttr: SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES = SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES(nLength: DWORD(MemoryLayout<SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES>.size), lpSecurityDescriptor: nil, bInheritHandle: true)
var hReadPipe: HANDLE?
var hWritePipe: HANDLE?
if !CreatePipe(&hReadPipe, &hWritePipe, &saAttr, 0) {
fatalError("CreatePipe failed")
self.fileHandleForReading = FileHandle(handle: hReadPipe!,
closeOnDealloc: true)
self.fileHandleForWriting = FileHandle(handle: hWritePipe!,
closeOnDealloc: true)
/// the `pipe` system call creates two `fd` in a malloc'ed area
var fds = UnsafeMutablePointer<Int32>.allocate(capacity: 2)
defer {
/// If the operating system prevents us from creating file handles, stop
let ret = pipe(fds)
switch (ret, errno) {
case (0, _):
self.fileHandleForReading = FileHandle(fileDescriptor: fds.pointee, closeOnDealloc: true)
self.fileHandleForWriting = FileHandle(fileDescriptor: fds.successor().pointee, closeOnDealloc: true)
case (-1, EMFILE), (-1, ENFILE):
// Unfortunately this initializer does not throw and isn't failable so this is only
// way of handling this situation.
self.fileHandleForReading = FileHandle(fileDescriptor: -1, closeOnDealloc: false)
self.fileHandleForWriting = FileHandle(fileDescriptor: -1, closeOnDealloc: false)
fatalError("Error calling pipe(): \(errno)")