blob: 20d0b5bb7369dbc55e0b4a60934562d7c756e999 [file] [log] [blame]
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2016 - 2019 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
import CoreFoundation
public var NSDecimalMaxSize: Int32 { 8 }
public var NSDecimalNoScale: Int32 { Int32(Int16.max) }
public struct Decimal {
fileprivate var __exponent: Int8
fileprivate var __lengthAndFlags: UInt8
fileprivate var __reserved: UInt16
public var _exponent: Int32 {
get {
return Int32(__exponent)
set {
__exponent = Int8(truncatingIfNeeded: newValue)
// _length == 0 && _isNegative == 1 -> NaN.
public var _length: UInt32 {
get {
return UInt32((__lengthAndFlags & 0b0000_1111))
set {
guard newValue <= maxMantissaLength else {
fatalError("Attempt to set a length greater than capacity \(newValue) > \(maxMantissaLength)")
__lengthAndFlags =
(__lengthAndFlags & 0b1111_0000) |
UInt8(newValue & 0b0000_1111)
public var _isNegative: UInt32 {
get {
return UInt32(((__lengthAndFlags) & 0b0001_0000) >> 4)
set {
__lengthAndFlags =
(__lengthAndFlags & 0b1110_1111) |
(UInt8(newValue & 0b0000_0001 ) << 4)
public var _isCompact: UInt32 {
get {
return UInt32(((__lengthAndFlags) & 0b0010_0000) >> 5)
set {
__lengthAndFlags =
(__lengthAndFlags & 0b1101_1111) |
(UInt8(newValue & 0b0000_00001 ) << 5)
public var _reserved: UInt32 {
get {
return UInt32(UInt32(__lengthAndFlags & 0b1100_0000) << 10 | UInt32(__reserved))
set {
__lengthAndFlags =
(__lengthAndFlags & 0b0011_1111) |
UInt8(UInt32(newValue & (0b11 << 16)) >> 10)
__reserved = UInt16(newValue & 0b1111_1111_1111_1111)
public var _mantissa: (UInt16, UInt16, UInt16, UInt16, UInt16, UInt16, UInt16, UInt16)
public init() {
self._mantissa = (0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
self.__exponent = 0
self.__lengthAndFlags = 0
self.__reserved = 0
public init(_exponent: Int32, _length: UInt32, _isNegative: UInt32, _isCompact: UInt32, _reserved: UInt32, _mantissa: (UInt16, UInt16, UInt16, UInt16, UInt16, UInt16, UInt16, UInt16)) {
self._mantissa = _mantissa
self.__exponent = Int8(truncatingIfNeeded: _exponent)
self.__lengthAndFlags = UInt8(_length & 0b1111)
self.__reserved = 0
self._isNegative = _isNegative
self._isCompact = _isCompact
self._reserved = _reserved
extension Decimal {
public typealias RoundingMode = NSDecimalNumber.RoundingMode
public typealias CalculationError = NSDecimalNumber.CalculationError
public func pow(_ x: Decimal, _ y: Int) -> Decimal {
var x = x
var result = Decimal()
NSDecimalPower(&result, &x, y, .plain)
return result
extension Decimal : Hashable, Comparable {
// (Used by VariableLengthNumber and doubleValue.)
fileprivate subscript(index: UInt32) -> UInt16 {
get {
switch index {
case 0: return _mantissa.0
case 1: return _mantissa.1
case 2: return _mantissa.2
case 3: return _mantissa.3
case 4: return _mantissa.4
case 5: return _mantissa.5
case 6: return _mantissa.6
case 7: return _mantissa.7
default: fatalError("Invalid index \(index) for _mantissa")
set {
switch index {
case 0: _mantissa.0 = newValue
case 1: _mantissa.1 = newValue
case 2: _mantissa.2 = newValue
case 3: _mantissa.3 = newValue
case 4: _mantissa.4 = newValue
case 5: _mantissa.5 = newValue
case 6: _mantissa.6 = newValue
case 7: _mantissa.7 = newValue
default: fatalError("Invalid index \(index) for _mantissa")
// (Used by NSDecimalNumber and hash(into:).)
internal var doubleValue: Double {
if _length == 0 {
return _isNegative == 1 ? Double.nan : 0
var d = 0.0
for idx in (0..<min(_length, 8)).reversed() {
d = d * 65536 + Double(self[idx])
if _exponent < 0 {
for _ in _exponent..<0 {
d /= 10.0
} else {
for _ in 0..<_exponent {
d *= 10.0
return _isNegative != 0 ? -d : d
// The low 64 bits of the integer part. (Used by uint64Value and int64Value.)
private var _unsignedInt64Value: UInt64 {
if _exponent < -20 || _exponent > 20 {
return 0
if _length == 0 || isZero || magnitude < (0 as Decimal) {
return 0
var copy = self.significand
if _exponent < 0 {
for _ in _exponent..<0 {
_ = divideByShort(&copy, 10)
} else if _exponent > 0 {
for _ in 0..<_exponent {
_ = multiplyByShort(&copy, 10)
let uint64 = UInt64(copy._mantissa.3) << 48 | UInt64(copy._mantissa.2) << 32 | UInt64(copy._mantissa.1) << 16 | UInt64(copy._mantissa.0)
return uint64
// A best-effort conversion of the integer value, trying to match Darwin for
// values outside of UInt64.min...UInt64.max. (Used by NSDecimalNumber.)
internal var uint64Value: UInt64 {
let value = _unsignedInt64Value
if !self.isNegative {
return value
if value == Int64.max.magnitude + 1 {
return UInt64(bitPattern: Int64.min)
if value <= Int64.max.magnitude {
var value = Int64(value)
return UInt64(bitPattern: value)
return value
// A best-effort conversion of the integer value, trying to match Darwin for
// values outside of Int64.min...Int64.max. (Used by NSDecimalNumber.)
internal var int64Value: Int64 {
let uint64Value = _unsignedInt64Value
if self.isNegative {
if uint64Value == Int64.max.magnitude + 1 {
return Int64.min
if uint64Value <= Int64.max.magnitude {
var value = Int64(uint64Value)
return value
return Int64(bitPattern: uint64Value)
public func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
// FIXME: This is a weak hash. We should rather normalize self to a
// canonical member of the exact same equivalence relation that
// NSDecimalCompare implements, then simply feed all components to the
// hasher.
public static func ==(lhs: Decimal, rhs: Decimal) -> Bool {
if lhs.isNaN {
return rhs.isNaN
if lhs.__exponent == rhs.__exponent && lhs.__lengthAndFlags == rhs.__lengthAndFlags && lhs.__reserved == rhs.__reserved {
if lhs._mantissa.0 == rhs._mantissa.0 &&
lhs._mantissa.1 == rhs._mantissa.1 &&
lhs._mantissa.2 == rhs._mantissa.2 &&
lhs._mantissa.3 == rhs._mantissa.3 &&
lhs._mantissa.4 == rhs._mantissa.4 &&
lhs._mantissa.5 == rhs._mantissa.5 &&
lhs._mantissa.6 == rhs._mantissa.6 &&
lhs._mantissa.7 == rhs._mantissa.7 {
return true
var lhsVal = lhs
var rhsVal = rhs
return NSDecimalCompare(&lhsVal, &rhsVal) == .orderedSame
public static func <(lhs: Decimal, rhs: Decimal) -> Bool {
var lhsVal = lhs
var rhsVal = rhs
return NSDecimalCompare(&lhsVal, &rhsVal) == .orderedAscending
extension Decimal : CustomStringConvertible {
public init?(string: String, locale: Locale? = nil) {
let scan = Scanner(string: string)
var theDecimal = Decimal()
scan.locale = locale
if !scan.scanDecimal(&theDecimal) {
return nil
self = theDecimal
public var description: String {
var value = self
return NSDecimalString(&value, nil)
extension Decimal : Codable {
private enum CodingKeys : Int, CodingKey {
case exponent
case length
case isNegative
case isCompact
case mantissa
public init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
let container = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
let exponent = try container.decode(CInt.self, forKey: .exponent)
let length = try container.decode(CUnsignedInt.self, forKey: .length)
let isNegative = try container.decode(Bool.self, forKey: .isNegative)
let isCompact = try container.decode(Bool.self, forKey: .isCompact)
var mantissaContainer = try container.nestedUnkeyedContainer(forKey: .mantissa)
var mantissa: (CUnsignedShort, CUnsignedShort, CUnsignedShort, CUnsignedShort,
CUnsignedShort, CUnsignedShort, CUnsignedShort, CUnsignedShort) = (0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
mantissa.0 = try mantissaContainer.decode(CUnsignedShort.self)
mantissa.1 = try mantissaContainer.decode(CUnsignedShort.self)
mantissa.2 = try mantissaContainer.decode(CUnsignedShort.self)
mantissa.3 = try mantissaContainer.decode(CUnsignedShort.self)
mantissa.4 = try mantissaContainer.decode(CUnsignedShort.self)
mantissa.5 = try mantissaContainer.decode(CUnsignedShort.self)
mantissa.6 = try mantissaContainer.decode(CUnsignedShort.self)
mantissa.7 = try mantissaContainer.decode(CUnsignedShort.self)
self.init(_exponent: exponent,
_length: length,
_isNegative: CUnsignedInt(isNegative ? 1 : 0),
_isCompact: CUnsignedInt(isCompact ? 1 : 0),
_reserved: 0,
_mantissa: mantissa)
public func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
var container = encoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
try container.encode(_exponent, forKey: .exponent)
try container.encode(_length, forKey: .length)
try container.encode(_isNegative == 0 ? false : true, forKey: .isNegative)
try container.encode(_isCompact == 0 ? false : true, forKey: .isCompact)
var mantissaContainer = container.nestedUnkeyedContainer(forKey: .mantissa)
try mantissaContainer.encode(_mantissa.0)
try mantissaContainer.encode(_mantissa.1)
try mantissaContainer.encode(_mantissa.2)
try mantissaContainer.encode(_mantissa.3)
try mantissaContainer.encode(_mantissa.4)
try mantissaContainer.encode(_mantissa.5)
try mantissaContainer.encode(_mantissa.6)
try mantissaContainer.encode(_mantissa.7)
extension Decimal : ExpressibleByFloatLiteral {
public init(floatLiteral value: Double) {
extension Decimal : ExpressibleByIntegerLiteral {
public init(integerLiteral value: Int) {
extension Decimal : SignedNumeric {
public var magnitude: Decimal {
guard _length != 0 else { return self }
return Decimal(
_exponent: self._exponent, _length: self._length,
_isNegative: 0, _isCompact: self._isCompact,
_reserved: 0, _mantissa: self._mantissa)
// FIXME(integers): implement properly
public init?<T : BinaryInteger>(exactly source: T) {
public static func +=(lhs: inout Decimal, rhs: Decimal) {
var rhs = rhs
_ = withUnsafeMutablePointer(to: &lhs) {
NSDecimalAdd($0, $0, &rhs, .plain)
public static func -=(lhs: inout Decimal, rhs: Decimal) {
var rhs = rhs
_ = withUnsafeMutablePointer(to: &lhs) {
NSDecimalSubtract($0, $0, &rhs, .plain)
public static func *=(lhs: inout Decimal, rhs: Decimal) {
var rhs = rhs
_ = withUnsafeMutablePointer(to: &lhs) {
NSDecimalMultiply($0, $0, &rhs, .plain)
public static func /=(lhs: inout Decimal, rhs: Decimal) {
var rhs = rhs
_ = withUnsafeMutablePointer(to: &lhs) {
NSDecimalDivide($0, $0, &rhs, .plain)
public static func +(lhs: Decimal, rhs: Decimal) -> Decimal {
var answer = lhs
answer += rhs
return answer
public static func -(lhs: Decimal, rhs: Decimal) -> Decimal {
var answer = lhs
answer -= rhs
return answer
public static func *(lhs: Decimal, rhs: Decimal) -> Decimal {
var answer = lhs
answer *= rhs
return answer
public static func /(lhs: Decimal, rhs: Decimal) -> Decimal {
var answer = lhs
answer /= rhs
return answer
public mutating func negate() {
guard _length != 0 else { return }
_isNegative = _isNegative == 0 ? 1 : 0
extension Decimal {
@available(swift, obsoleted: 4, message: "Please use arithmetic operators instead")
public mutating func add(_ other: Decimal) {
self += other
@available(swift, obsoleted: 4, message: "Please use arithmetic operators instead")
public mutating func subtract(_ other: Decimal) {
self -= other
@available(swift, obsoleted: 4, message: "Please use arithmetic operators instead")
public mutating func multiply(by other: Decimal) {
self *= other
@available(swift, obsoleted: 4, message: "Please use arithmetic operators instead")
public mutating func divide(by other: Decimal) {
self /= other
extension Decimal : Strideable {
public func distance(to other: Decimal) -> Decimal {
return self - other
public func advanced(by n: Decimal) -> Decimal {
return self + n
// The methods in this extension exist to match the protocol requirements of
// FloatingPoint, even if we can't conform directly.
// If it becomes clear that conformance is truly impossible, we can deprecate
// some of the methods (e.g. `isEqual(to:)` in favor of operators).
extension Decimal {
public static let leastFiniteMagnitude = Decimal(
_exponent: 127,
_length: 8,
_isNegative: 1,
_isCompact: 1,
_reserved: 0,
_mantissa: (0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff)
public static let greatestFiniteMagnitude = Decimal(
_exponent: 127,
_length: 8,
_isNegative: 0,
_isCompact: 1,
_reserved: 0,
_mantissa: (0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff)
public static let leastNormalMagnitude = Decimal(
_exponent: -127,
_length: 1,
_isNegative: 0,
_isCompact: 1,
_reserved: 0,
_mantissa: (0x0001, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000)
public static let leastNonzeroMagnitude = Decimal(
_exponent: -127,
_length: 1,
_isNegative: 0,
_isCompact: 1,
_reserved: 0,
_mantissa: (0x0001, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000)
public static let pi = Decimal(
_exponent: -38,
_length: 8,
_isNegative: 0,
_isCompact: 1,
_reserved: 0,
_mantissa: (0x6623, 0x7d57, 0x16e7, 0xad0d, 0xaf52, 0x4641, 0xdfa7, 0xec58)
@available(*, unavailable, message: "Decimal does not yet fully adopt FloatingPoint.")
public static var infinity: Decimal { fatalError("Decimal does not yet fully adopt FloatingPoint") }
@available(*, unavailable, message: "Decimal does not yet fully adopt FloatingPoint.")
public static var signalingNaN: Decimal { fatalError("Decimal does not yet fully adopt FloatingPoint") }
public static var quietNaN: Decimal {
return Decimal(
_exponent: 0, _length: 0, _isNegative: 1, _isCompact: 0,
_reserved: 0, _mantissa: (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))
public static var nan: Decimal { quietNaN }
public static var radix: Int { 10 }
public init(_ value: UInt8) {
public init(_ value: Int8) {
public init(_ value: UInt16) {
public init(_ value: Int16) {
public init(_ value: UInt32) {
public init(_ value: Int32) {
public init(_ value: UInt64) {
self = Decimal()
if value == 0 {
var compactValue = value
var exponent: Int32 = 0
while compactValue % 10 == 0 {
compactValue /= 10
exponent += 1
_isCompact = 1
_exponent = exponent
let wordCount = ((UInt64.bitWidth - compactValue.leadingZeroBitCount) + (UInt16.bitWidth - 1)) / UInt16.bitWidth
_length = UInt32(wordCount)
_mantissa.0 = UInt16(truncatingIfNeeded: compactValue >> 0)
_mantissa.1 = UInt16(truncatingIfNeeded: compactValue >> 16)
_mantissa.2 = UInt16(truncatingIfNeeded: compactValue >> 32)
_mantissa.3 = UInt16(truncatingIfNeeded: compactValue >> 48)
public init(_ value: Int64) {
if value < 0 {
_isNegative = 1
public init(_ value: UInt) {
public init(_ value: Int) {
public init(_ value: Double) {
precondition(!value.isInfinite, "Decimal does not yet fully adopt FloatingPoint")
if value.isNaN {
self = Decimal.nan
} else if value == 0.0 {
self = Decimal()
} else {
self = Decimal()
let negative = value < 0
var val = negative ? -1 * value : value
var exponent = 0
while val < Double(UInt64.max - 1) {
val *= 10.0
exponent -= 1
while Double(UInt64.max - 1) < val {
val /= 10.0
exponent += 1
var mantissa = UInt64(val)
var i: Int32 = 0
// This is a bit ugly but it is the closest approximation of the C
// initializer that can be expressed here.
while mantissa != 0 && i < NSDecimalMaxSize {
switch i {
case 0:
_mantissa.0 = UInt16(truncatingIfNeeded: mantissa)
case 1:
_mantissa.1 = UInt16(truncatingIfNeeded: mantissa)
case 2:
_mantissa.2 = UInt16(truncatingIfNeeded: mantissa)
case 3:
_mantissa.3 = UInt16(truncatingIfNeeded: mantissa)
case 4:
_mantissa.4 = UInt16(truncatingIfNeeded: mantissa)
case 5:
_mantissa.5 = UInt16(truncatingIfNeeded: mantissa)
case 6:
_mantissa.6 = UInt16(truncatingIfNeeded: mantissa)
case 7:
_mantissa.7 = UInt16(truncatingIfNeeded: mantissa)
fatalError("initialization overflow")
mantissa = mantissa >> 16
i += 1
_length = UInt32(i)
_isNegative = negative ? 1 : 0
_isCompact = 0
_exponent = Int32(exponent)
public init(sign: FloatingPointSign, exponent: Int, significand: Decimal) {
_exponent: Int32(exponent) + significand._exponent,
_length: significand._length,
_isNegative: sign == .plus ? 0 : 1,
_isCompact: significand._isCompact,
_reserved: 0,
_mantissa: significand._mantissa)
public init(signOf: Decimal, magnitudeOf magnitude: Decimal) {
_exponent: magnitude._exponent,
_length: magnitude._length,
_isNegative: signOf._isNegative,
_isCompact: magnitude._isCompact,
_reserved: 0,
_mantissa: magnitude._mantissa)
public var exponent: Int {
return Int(_exponent)
public var significand: Decimal {
return Decimal(
_exponent: 0, _length: _length, _isNegative: _isNegative, _isCompact: _isCompact,
_reserved: 0, _mantissa: _mantissa)
public var sign: FloatingPointSign {
return _isNegative == 0 ? : FloatingPointSign.minus
public var ulp: Decimal {
if !self.isFinite { return Decimal.nan }
return Decimal(
_exponent: _exponent, _length: 8, _isNegative: 0, _isCompact: 1,
_reserved: 0, _mantissa: (0x0001, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000))
public var nextUp: Decimal {
return self + Decimal(
_exponent: _exponent, _length: 1, _isNegative: 0, _isCompact: 1,
_reserved: 0, _mantissa: (0x0001, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000))
public var nextDown: Decimal {
return self - Decimal(
_exponent: _exponent, _length: 1, _isNegative: 0, _isCompact: 1,
_reserved: 0, _mantissa: (0x0001, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000))
/// The IEEE 754 "class" of this type.
public var floatingPointClass: FloatingPointClassification {
if _length == 0 && _isNegative == 1 {
return .quietNaN
} else if _length == 0 {
return .positiveZero
// NSDecimal does not really represent normal and subnormal in the same
// manner as the IEEE standard, for now we can probably claim normal for
// any nonzero, non-NaN values.
if _isNegative == 1 {
return .negativeNormal
} else {
return .positiveNormal
public var isCanonical: Bool { true }
/// `true` iff `self` is negative.
public var isSignMinus: Bool { _isNegative != 0 }
/// `true` iff `self` is +0.0 or -0.0.
public var isZero: Bool { _length == 0 && _isNegative == 0 }
/// `true` iff `self` is subnormal.
public var isSubnormal: Bool { false }
/// `true` iff `self` is normal (not zero, subnormal, infinity, or NaN).
public var isNormal: Bool { !isZero && !isInfinite && !isNaN }
/// `true` iff `self` is zero, subnormal, or normal (not infinity or NaN).
public var isFinite: Bool { !isNaN }
/// `true` iff `self` is infinity.
public var isInfinite: Bool { false }
/// `true` iff `self` is NaN.
public var isNaN: Bool { _length == 0 && _isNegative == 1 }
/// `true` iff `self` is a signaling NaN.
public var isSignaling: Bool { false }
/// `true` iff `self` is a signaling NaN.
public var isSignalingNaN: Bool { false }
public func isEqual(to other: Decimal) -> Bool {
return other) == .orderedSame
public func isLess(than other: Decimal) -> Bool {
return other) == .orderedAscending
public func isLessThanOrEqualTo(_ other: Decimal) -> Bool {
let comparison = other)
return comparison == .orderedAscending || comparison == .orderedSame
public func isTotallyOrdered(belowOrEqualTo other: Decimal) -> Bool {
// Note: Decimal does not have -0 or infinities to worry about
if self.isNaN {
return false
if self < other {
return true
if other < self {
return false
// Fall through to == behavior
return true
@available(*, unavailable, message: "Decimal does not yet fully adopt FloatingPoint.")
public mutating func formTruncatingRemainder(dividingBy other: Decimal) { fatalError("Decimal does not yet fully adopt FloatingPoint") }
extension Decimal: _ObjectiveCBridgeable {
public func _bridgeToObjectiveC() -> NSDecimalNumber {
return NSDecimalNumber(decimal: self)
public static func _forceBridgeFromObjectiveC(_ x: NSDecimalNumber, result: inout Decimal?) {
result = _unconditionallyBridgeFromObjectiveC(x)
public static func _conditionallyBridgeFromObjectiveC(_ x: NSDecimalNumber, result: inout Decimal?) -> Bool {
result = x.decimalValue
return true
public static func _unconditionallyBridgeFromObjectiveC(_ source: NSDecimalNumber?) -> Decimal {
var result: Decimal?
guard let src = source else { return Decimal(0) }
guard _conditionallyBridgeFromObjectiveC(src, result: &result) else { return Decimal(0) }
return result!
// MARK: - End of conformances shared with Darwin overlay
fileprivate func divideByShort<T:VariableLengthNumber>(_ d: inout T, _ divisor:UInt16) -> (UInt16,NSDecimalNumber.CalculationError) {
if divisor == 0 {
d._length = 0
return (0,.divideByZero)
// note the below is not the same as from length to 0 by -1
var carry: UInt32 = 0
for i in (0..<d._length).reversed() {
let accumulator = UInt32(d[i]) + carry * (1<<16)
d[i] = UInt16(accumulator / UInt32(divisor))
carry = accumulator % UInt32(divisor)
return (UInt16(carry),.noError)
fileprivate func multiplyByShort<T:VariableLengthNumber>(_ d: inout T, _ mul:UInt16) -> NSDecimalNumber.CalculationError {
if mul == 0 {
d._length = 0
return .noError
var carry: UInt32 = 0
// FIXME handle NSCalculationOverflow here?
for i in 0..<d._length {
let accumulator: UInt32 = UInt32(d[i]) * UInt32(mul) + carry
carry = accumulator >> 16
d[i] = UInt16(truncatingIfNeeded: accumulator)
if carry != 0 {
if d._length >= Decimal.maxSize {
return .overflow
d[d._length] = UInt16(truncatingIfNeeded: carry)
d._length += 1
return .noError
fileprivate func addShort<T:VariableLengthNumber>(_ d: inout T, _ add:UInt16) -> NSDecimalNumber.CalculationError {
var carry:UInt32 = UInt32(add)
for i in 0..<d._length {
let accumulator: UInt32 = UInt32(d[i]) + carry
carry = accumulator >> 16
d[i] = UInt16(truncatingIfNeeded: accumulator)
if carry != 0 {
if d._length >= Decimal.maxSize {
return .overflow
d[d._length] = UInt16(truncatingIfNeeded: carry)
d._length += 1
return .noError
public func NSDecimalIsNotANumber(_ dcm: UnsafePointer<Decimal>) -> Bool {
return dcm.pointee.isNaN
/*************** Operations ***********/
public func NSDecimalCopy(_ destination: UnsafeMutablePointer<Decimal>, _ source: UnsafePointer<Decimal>) {
destination.pointee.__lengthAndFlags = source.pointee.__lengthAndFlags
destination.pointee.__exponent = source.pointee.__exponent
destination.pointee.__reserved = source.pointee.__reserved
destination.pointee._mantissa = source.pointee._mantissa
public func NSDecimalCompact(_ number: UnsafeMutablePointer<Decimal>) {
// NSDecimalCompare:Compares leftOperand and rightOperand.
public func NSDecimalCompare(_ leftOperand: UnsafePointer<Decimal>, _ rightOperand: UnsafePointer<Decimal>) -> ComparisonResult {
let left = leftOperand.pointee
let right = rightOperand.pointee
return right)
fileprivate extension UInt16 {
func compareTo(_ other: UInt16) -> ComparisonResult {
if self < other {
return .orderedAscending
} else if self > other {
return .orderedDescending
} else {
return .orderedSame
fileprivate func mantissaCompare<T:VariableLengthNumber>(
_ left: T,
_ right: T) -> ComparisonResult {
if left._length > right._length {
return .orderedDescending
if left._length < right._length {
return .orderedAscending
let length = left._length // == right._length
for i in (0..<length).reversed() {
let comparison = left[i].compareTo(right[i])
if comparison != .orderedSame {
return comparison
return .orderedSame
fileprivate func fitMantissa(_ big: inout WideDecimal, _ exponent: inout Int32, _ roundingMode: NSDecimalNumber.RoundingMode) -> NSDecimalNumber.CalculationError {
if big._length <= Decimal.maxSize {
return .noError
var remainder: UInt16 = 0
var previousRemainder: Bool = false
// Divide by 10 as much as possible
while big._length > Decimal.maxSize + 1 {
if remainder != 0 {
previousRemainder = true
(remainder,_) = divideByShort(&big,10000)
exponent += 4
while big._length > Decimal.maxSize {
if remainder != 0 {
previousRemainder = true
(remainder,_) = divideByShort(&big,10)
exponent += 1
// If we are on a tie, adjust with previous remainder.
// .50001 is equivalent to .6
if previousRemainder && (remainder == 0 || remainder == 5) {
remainder += 1
if remainder == 0 {
return .noError
// Round the result
switch roundingMode {
case .down:
case .bankers:
if remainder == 5 && (big[0] & 1) == 0 {
case .plain:
if remainder < 5 {
case .up:
let originalLength = big._length
// big._length += 1 ??
_ = addShort(&big,1)
if originalLength > big._length {
// the last digit is == 0. Remove it.
_ = divideByShort(&big, 10)
exponent += 1
return .lossOfPrecision;
fileprivate func integerMultiply<T:VariableLengthNumber>(_ big: inout T,
_ left: T,
_ right: Decimal) -> NSDecimalNumber.CalculationError {
if left._length == 0 || right._length == 0 {
big._length = 0
return .noError
if big._length == 0 || big._length > left._length + right._length {
big._length = min(big.maxMantissaLength,left._length + right._length)
var carry: UInt16 = 0
for j in 0..<right._length {
var accumulator: UInt32 = 0
carry = 0
for i in 0..<left._length {
if i + j < big._length {
let bigij = UInt32(big[i+j])
accumulator = UInt32(carry) + bigij + UInt32(right[j]) * UInt32(left[i])
carry = UInt16(truncatingIfNeeded:accumulator >> 16)
big[i+j] = UInt16(truncatingIfNeeded:accumulator)
} else if carry != 0 || (right[j] == 0 && left[j] == 0) {
return .overflow
if carry != 0 {
if left._length + j < big._length {
big[left._length + j] = carry
} else {
return .overflow
return .noError
fileprivate func integerDivide<T:VariableLengthNumber>(_ r: inout T,
_ cu: T,
_ cv: Decimal) -> NSDecimalNumber.CalculationError {
// Calculate result = a / b.
// Result could NOT be a pointer to same space as a or b.
// resultLen must be >= aLen - bLen.
// Based on algorithm in The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 2,
// Seminumerical Algorithms by Donald E. Knuth, 2nd Edition. In addition
// you need to consult the erratas for the book available at:
var u = WideDecimal(true)
var v = WideDecimal(true) // divisor
// Simple case
if cv.isZero {
return .divideByZero;
// If u < v, the result is approximately 0...
if cu._length < cv._length {
for i in 0..<cv._length {
if cu[i] < cv[i] {
r._length = 0
return .noError;
// Fast algorithm
if cv._length == 1 {
r = cu
let (_,error) = divideByShort(&r, cv[0])
return error
u.copyMantissa(from: cu)
v.copyMantissa(from: cv)
u._length = cu._length + 1
v._length = cv._length + 1
// D1: Normalize
// Calculate d such that d*highest_digit of v >= b/2 (0x8000)
// I could probably use something smarter to get d to be a power of 2.
// In this case the multiply below became only a shift.
let d: UInt32 = UInt32((1 << 16) / Int(cv[cv._length - 1] + 1))
// This is to make the whole algorithm work and u*d/v*d == u/v
_ = multiplyByShort(&u, UInt16(d))
_ = multiplyByShort(&v, UInt16(d))
// Set a zero at the leftmost u position if the multiplication
// does not have a carry.
if u._length == cu._length {
u[u._length] = 0
u._length += 1
v[v._length] = 0; // Set a zero at the leftmost v position.
// the algorithm will use it during the
// multiplication/subtraction phase.
// Determine the size of the quotient.
// It's an approximate value.
let ql:UInt16 = UInt16(u._length - v._length)
// Some useful constants for the loop
// It's used to determine the quotient digit as fast as possible
// The test vl > 1 is probably useless, since optimizations
// up there are taking over this case. I'll keep it, just in case.
let v1:UInt16 = v[v._length-1]
let v2:UInt16 = v._length > 1 ? v[v._length-2] : 0
// D2: initialize j
// On each pass, build a single value for the quotient.
for j in 0..<ql {
// D3: calculate q^
// This formula and test for q gives at most q+1; See Knuth for proof.
let ul = u._length
let tmp:UInt32 = UInt32(u[ul - UInt32(j) - UInt32(1)]) << 16 + UInt32(u[ul - UInt32(j) - UInt32(2)])
var q:UInt32 = tmp / UInt32(v1) // Quotient digit. could be a short.
var rtmp:UInt32 = tmp % UInt32(v1)
// This test catches all cases where q is really q+2 and
// most where it is q+1
if q == (1 << 16) || UInt32(v2) * q > (rtmp<<16) + UInt32(u[ul - UInt32(j) - UInt32(3)]) {
q -= 1
rtmp += UInt32(v1)
if (rtmp < (1 << 16)) && ( (q == (1 << 16) ) || ( UInt32(v2) * q > (rtmp<<16) + UInt32(u[ul - UInt32(j) - UInt32(3)])) ) {
q -= 1
rtmp += UInt32(v1)
// D4: multiply and subtract.
var mk:UInt32 = 0 // multiply carry
var sk:UInt32 = 1 // subtraction carry
var acc:UInt32
// We perform a multiplication and a subtraction
// during the same pass...
for i in 0...v._length {
let ul = u._length
let vl = v._length
acc = q * UInt32(v[i]) + mk // multiply
mk = acc >> 16 // multiplication carry
acc = acc & 0xffff;
acc = 0xffff + UInt32(u[ul - vl + i - UInt32(j) - UInt32(1)]) - acc + sk; // subtract
sk = acc >> 16;
u[ul - vl + i - UInt32(j) - UInt32(1)] = UInt16(truncatingIfNeeded:acc)
// D5: test remainder
// This test catches cases where q is still q + 1
if sk == 0 {
// D6: add back.
var k:UInt32 = 0 // Addition carry
// subtract one from the quotient digit
q -= 1
for i in 0...v._length {
let ul = u._length
let vl = v._length
acc = UInt32(v[i]) + UInt32(u[UInt32(ul) - UInt32(vl) + UInt32(i) - UInt32(j) - UInt32(1)]) + k
k = acc >> 16;
u[UInt32(ul) - UInt32(vl) + UInt32(i) - UInt32(j) - UInt32(1)] = UInt16(truncatingIfNeeded:acc)
// k must be == 1 here
r[UInt32(ql - j - UInt16(1))] = UInt16(q)
// D7: loop on j
r._length = UInt32(ql);
return .noError;
fileprivate func integerMultiplyByPowerOf10<T:VariableLengthNumber>(_ result: inout T, _ left: T, _ p: Int) -> NSDecimalNumber.CalculationError {
var power = p
if power == 0 {
result = left
return .noError
let isNegative = power < 0
if isNegative {
power = -power
result = left
let maxpow10 = pow10.count - 1
var error:NSDecimalNumber.CalculationError = .noError
while power > maxpow10 {
var big = T()
power -= maxpow10
let p10 = pow10[maxpow10]
if !isNegative {
error = integerMultiply(&big,result,p10)
} else {
error = integerDivide(&big,result,p10)
if error != .noError && error != .lossOfPrecision {
return error;
for i in 0..<big._length {
result[i] = big[i]
result._length = big._length
var big = T()
// Handle the rest of the power (<= maxpow10)
let p10 = pow10[Int(power)]
if !isNegative {
error = integerMultiply(&big, result, p10)
} else {
error = integerDivide(&big, result, p10)
for i in 0..<big._length {
result[i] = big[i]
result._length = big._length
return error;
public func NSDecimalRound(_ result: UnsafeMutablePointer<Decimal>, _ number: UnsafePointer<Decimal>, _ scale: Int, _ roundingMode: NSDecimalNumber.RoundingMode) {
NSDecimalCopy(result,number) // this is unnecessary if they are the same address, but we can't test that here
result.pointee.round(scale: scale,roundingMode: roundingMode)
// Rounds num to the given scale using the given mode.
// result may be a pointer to same space as num.
// scale indicates number of significant digits after the decimal point
public func NSDecimalNormalize(_ a: UnsafeMutablePointer<Decimal>, _ b: UnsafeMutablePointer<Decimal>, _ roundingMode: NSDecimalNumber.RoundingMode) -> NSDecimalNumber.CalculationError {
var diffexp = Int(a.pointee.__exponent) - Int(b.pointee.__exponent)
var result = Decimal()
// If the two numbers share the same exponents,
// the normalisation is already done
if diffexp == 0 {
return .noError
// Put the smallest of the two in aa
var aa: UnsafeMutablePointer<Decimal>
var bb: UnsafeMutablePointer<Decimal>
if diffexp < 0 {
aa = b
bb = a
diffexp = -diffexp
} else {
aa = a
bb = b
// Build a backup for aa
var backup = Decimal()
// Try to multiply aa to reach the same exponent level than bb
if integerMultiplyByPowerOf10(&result, aa.pointee, diffexp) == .noError {
// Succeed. Adjust the length/exponent info
// and return no errorNSDecimalNormalize
aa.pointee.copyMantissa(from: result)
aa.pointee._exponent = bb.pointee._exponent
return .noError;
// Failed, restart from scratch
NSDecimalCopy(aa, &backup);
// What is the maximum pow10 we can apply to aa ?
let logBase10of2to16 = 4.81647993
let aaLength = aa.pointee._length
let maxpow10 = Int8(floor(Double(Decimal.maxSize - aaLength) * logBase10of2to16))
// Divide bb by this value
_ = integerMultiplyByPowerOf10(&result, bb.pointee, Int(maxpow10) - diffexp)
bb.pointee.copyMantissa(from: result)
bb.pointee._exponent -= (Int32(maxpow10) - Int32(diffexp))
// If bb > 0 multiply aa by the same value
if !bb.pointee.isZero {
_ = integerMultiplyByPowerOf10(&result, aa.pointee, Int(maxpow10))
aa.pointee.copyMantissa(from: result)
aa.pointee._exponent -= Int32(maxpow10)
} else {
bb.pointee._exponent = aa.pointee._exponent;
// the two exponents are now identical, but we've lost some digits in the operation.
return .lossOfPrecision;
public func NSDecimalAdd(_ result: UnsafeMutablePointer<Decimal>, _ leftOperand: UnsafePointer<Decimal>, _ rightOperand: UnsafePointer<Decimal>, _ roundingMode: NSDecimalNumber.RoundingMode) -> NSDecimalNumber.CalculationError {
if leftOperand.pointee.isNaN || rightOperand.pointee.isNaN {
return .overflow
if leftOperand.pointee.isZero {
NSDecimalCopy(result, rightOperand)
return .noError
} else if rightOperand.pointee.isZero {
NSDecimalCopy(result, leftOperand)
return .noError
} else {
var a = Decimal()
var b = Decimal()
var error:NSDecimalNumber.CalculationError = .noError
let normalizeError = NSDecimalNormalize(&a, &b,roundingMode)
if a.isZero {
return normalizeError
if b.isZero {
return normalizeError
result.pointee._exponent = a._exponent
if a.isNegative == b.isNegative {
var big = WideDecimal()
result.pointee.isNegative = a.isNegative
// No possible error here.
_ = integerAdd(&big,&a,&b)
if big._length > Decimal.maxSize {
var exponent:Int32 = 0
error = fitMantissa(&big, &exponent, roundingMode)
let newExponent = result.pointee._exponent + exponent
// Just to be sure!
if newExponent > Int32(Int8.max) {
return .overflow
result.pointee._exponent = newExponent
let length = min(Decimal.maxSize,big._length)
for i in 0..<length {
result.pointee[i] = big[i]
result.pointee._length = length
} else { // not the same sign
let comparison = mantissaCompare(a,b)
switch comparison {
case .orderedSame:
case .orderedAscending:
_ = integerSubtract(&result.pointee,&b,&a)
result.pointee.isNegative = b.isNegative
case .orderedDescending:
_ = integerSubtract(&result.pointee,&a,&b)
result.pointee.isNegative = a.isNegative
result.pointee._isCompact = 0
return error == .noError ? normalizeError : error
fileprivate func integerAdd(_ result: inout WideDecimal, _ left: inout Decimal, _ right: inout Decimal) -> NSDecimalNumber.CalculationError {
var idx: UInt32 = 0
var carry: UInt16 = 0
let maxIndex: UInt32 = min(left._length, right._length) // The highest index with bits set in both values
while idx < maxIndex {
let li = UInt32(left[idx])
let ri = UInt32(right[idx])
let sum = li + ri + UInt32(carry)
carry = UInt16(truncatingIfNeeded: sum >> 16)
result[idx] = UInt16(truncatingIfNeeded: sum)
idx += 1
while idx < left._length {
if carry != 0 {
let li = UInt32(left[idx])
let sum = li + UInt32(carry)
carry = UInt16(truncatingIfNeeded: sum >> 16)
result[idx] = UInt16(truncatingIfNeeded: sum)
idx += 1
} else {
while idx < left._length {
result[idx] = left[idx]
idx += 1
while idx < right._length {
if carry != 0 {
let ri = UInt32(right[idx])
let sum = ri + UInt32(carry)
carry = UInt16(truncatingIfNeeded: sum >> 16)
result[idx] = UInt16(truncatingIfNeeded: sum)
idx += 1
} else {
while idx < right._length {
result[idx] = right[idx]
idx += 1
result._length = idx
if carry != 0 {
result[idx] = carry
idx += 1
result._length = idx
if idx > Decimal.maxSize {
return .overflow
return .noError;
// integerSubtract: Subtract b from a, put the result in result, and
// modify resultLen to match the length of the result.
// Result may be a pointer to same space as a or b.
// resultLen must be >= Max(aLen,bLen).
// Could return NSCalculationOverflow if b > a. In this case 0 - result
// give b-a...
fileprivate func integerSubtract(_ result: inout Decimal, _ left: inout Decimal, _ right: inout Decimal) -> NSDecimalNumber.CalculationError {
var idx: UInt32 = 0
let maxIndex: UInt32 = min(left._length, right._length) // The highest index with bits set in both values
var borrow: UInt16 = 0
while idx < maxIndex {
let li = UInt32(left[idx])
let ri = UInt32(right[idx])
// 0x10000 is to borrow in advance to avoid underflow.
let difference: UInt32 = (0x10000 + li) - UInt32(borrow) - ri
result[idx] = UInt16(truncatingIfNeeded: difference)
// borrow = 1 if the borrow was used.
borrow = 1 - UInt16(truncatingIfNeeded: difference >> 16)
idx += 1
while idx < left._length {
if borrow != 0 {
let li = UInt32(left[idx])
let sum = 0xffff + li // + no carry
borrow = 1 - UInt16(truncatingIfNeeded: sum >> 16)
result[idx] = UInt16(truncatingIfNeeded: sum)
idx += 1
} else {
while idx < left._length {
result[idx] = left[idx]
idx += 1
while idx < right._length {
let ri = UInt32(right[idx])
let difference = 0xffff - ri + UInt32(borrow)
borrow = 1 - UInt16(truncatingIfNeeded: difference >> 16)
result[idx] = UInt16(truncatingIfNeeded: difference)
idx += 1
if borrow != 0 {
return .overflow
result._length = idx;
return .noError;
// Exact operations. result may be a pointer to same space as leftOperand or rightOperand
public func NSDecimalSubtract(_ result: UnsafeMutablePointer<Decimal>, _ leftOperand: UnsafePointer<Decimal>, _ rightOperand: UnsafePointer<Decimal>, _ roundingMode: NSDecimalNumber.RoundingMode) -> NSDecimalNumber.CalculationError {
var r = rightOperand.pointee
return NSDecimalAdd(result, leftOperand, &r, roundingMode)
// Exact operations. result may be a pointer to same space as leftOperand or rightOperand
public func NSDecimalMultiply(_ result: UnsafeMutablePointer<Decimal>, _ leftOperand: UnsafePointer<Decimal>, _ rightOperand: UnsafePointer<Decimal>, _ roundingMode: NSDecimalNumber.RoundingMode) -> NSDecimalNumber.CalculationError {
if leftOperand.pointee.isNaN || rightOperand.pointee.isNaN {
return .overflow
if leftOperand.pointee.isZero || rightOperand.pointee.isZero {
return .noError
var big = WideDecimal()
var calculationError:NSDecimalNumber.CalculationError = .noError
calculationError = integerMultiply(&big,WideDecimal(leftOperand.pointee),rightOperand.pointee)
result.pointee._isNegative = (leftOperand.pointee._isNegative + rightOperand.pointee._isNegative) % 2
var newExponent = leftOperand.pointee._exponent + rightOperand.pointee._exponent
if big._length > Decimal.maxSize {
var exponent:Int32 = 0
calculationError = fitMantissa(&big, &exponent, roundingMode)
newExponent += exponent
for i in 0..<big._length {
result.pointee[i] = big[i]
result.pointee._length = big._length
result.pointee._isCompact = 0
if newExponent > Int32(Int8.max) {
return .overflow
result.pointee._exponent = newExponent
return calculationError
// Exact operations. result may be a pointer to same space as leftOperand or rightOperand
public func NSDecimalDivide(_ result: UnsafeMutablePointer<Decimal>, _ leftOperand: UnsafePointer<Decimal>, _ rightOperand: UnsafePointer<Decimal>, _ roundingMode: NSDecimalNumber.RoundingMode) -> NSDecimalNumber.CalculationError {
if leftOperand.pointee.isNaN || rightOperand.pointee.isNaN {
return .overflow
if rightOperand.pointee.isZero {
return .divideByZero
if leftOperand.pointee.isZero {
return .noError
var a = Decimal()
var b = Decimal()
var big = WideDecimal()
var exponent:Int32 = 0
NSDecimalCopy(&a, leftOperand)
NSDecimalCopy(&b, rightOperand)
/* If the precision of the left operand is much smaller
* than that of the right operand (for example,
* 20 and 0.112314123094856724234234572), then the
* difference in their exponents is large and a lot of
* precision will be lost below. This is particularly
* true as the difference approaches 38 or larger.
* Normalizing here looses some precision on the
* individual operands, but often produces a more
* accurate result later. I chose 19 arbitrarily
* as half of the magic 38, so that normalization
* doesn't always occur. */
if (19 <= Int(a._exponent - b._exponent)) {
_ = NSDecimalNormalize(&a, &b, roundingMode);
/* We ignore the small loss of precision this may
* induce in the individual operands. */
/* Sometimes the normalization done previously is inappropriate and
* forces one of the operands to 0. If this happens, restore both. */
if a.isZero || b.isZero {
NSDecimalCopy(&a, leftOperand);
NSDecimalCopy(&b, rightOperand);
_ = integerMultiplyByPowerOf10(&big, WideDecimal(a), 38) // Trust me, it's 38 !
_ = integerDivide(&big, big, b)
_ = fitMantissa(&big, &exponent, .down)
let length = min(big._length,Decimal.maxSize)
for i in 0..<length {
result.pointee[i] = big[i]
result.pointee._length = length
result.pointee.isNegative = a._isNegative != b._isNegative
exponent = a._exponent - b._exponent - 38 + exponent
if exponent < Int32(Int8.min) {
return .underflow
if exponent > Int32(Int8.max) {
return .overflow;
result.pointee._exponent = Int32(exponent)
result.pointee._isCompact = 0
return .noError
// Division could be silently inexact;
// Exact operations. result may be a pointer to same space as leftOperand or rightOperand
public func NSDecimalPower(_ result: UnsafeMutablePointer<Decimal>, _ number: UnsafePointer<Decimal>, _ power: Int, _ roundingMode: NSDecimalNumber.RoundingMode) -> NSDecimalNumber.CalculationError {
if number.pointee.isNaN {
return .overflow
return result.pointee.power(UInt(power), roundingMode:roundingMode)
public func NSDecimalMultiplyByPowerOf10(_ result: UnsafeMutablePointer<Decimal>, _ number: UnsafePointer<Decimal>, _ power: Int16, _ roundingMode: NSDecimalNumber.RoundingMode) -> NSDecimalNumber.CalculationError {
return result.pointee.multiply(byPowerOf10: power)
public func NSDecimalString(_ dcm: UnsafePointer<Decimal>, _ locale: Any?) -> String {
var copy = dcm.pointee
if copy.isNaN {
return "NaN"
if copy._length == 0 {
return "0"
let ZERO: CChar = 0x30 // ASCII '0' == 0x30
let DECIMALPOINT: CChar = 0x2e // ASCII '.' == 0x2e
let MINUS: CChar = 0x2d // ASCII '-' == 0x2d
let bufferSize = 200 // Max value: 39 + 128 + sign + decimal point
var buffer = Array<CChar>(repeating: 0, count: bufferSize)
var i = bufferSize - 1
while copy._exponent > 0 {
i -= 1
buffer[i] = ZERO
copy._exponent -= 1
if copy._exponent == 0 {
copy._exponent = 1
while copy._length != 0 {
var remainder: UInt16 = 0
if copy._exponent == 0 {
i -= 1
buffer[i] = DECIMALPOINT
copy._exponent += 1
(remainder, _) = divideByShort(&copy, 10)
i -= 1
buffer[i] = Int8(remainder) + ZERO
if copy._exponent <= 0 {
while copy._exponent != 0 {
i -= 1
buffer[i] = ZERO
copy._exponent += 1
i -= 1
buffer[i] = DECIMALPOINT
i -= 1
buffer[i] = ZERO
if copy._isNegative != 0 {
i -= 1
buffer[i] = MINUS
let result = String(cString: Array(buffer.suffix(from: i)))
var decimalSeparator: String?
if let locale = locale as? Locale {
decimalSeparator = locale.decimalSeparator
} else if let dictionary = locale as? [NSLocale.Key: String] {
decimalSeparator = dictionary[NSLocale.Key.decimalSeparator]
} else if let dictionary = locale as? [String: String] {
decimalSeparator = dictionary[NSLocale.Key.decimalSeparator.rawValue]
if let dcm = decimalSeparator, dcm != "." {
return result.replacingOccurrences(of: ".", with: dcm)
return result
private func multiplyBy10(_ dcm: inout Decimal, andAdd extra:Int) -> NSDecimalNumber.CalculationError {
let backup = dcm
if multiplyByShort(&dcm, 10) == .noError && addShort(&dcm, UInt16(extra)) == .noError {
return .noError
} else {
dcm = backup // restore the old values
return .overflow // this is the only possible error
fileprivate protocol VariableLengthNumber {
var _length: UInt32 { get set }
subscript(index:UInt32) -> UInt16 { get set }
var isZero:Bool { get }
mutating func copyMantissa<T:VariableLengthNumber>(from other:T)
mutating func zeroMantissa()
mutating func trimTrailingZeros()
var maxMantissaLength: UInt32 { get }
extension Decimal: VariableLengthNumber {
var maxMantissaLength:UInt32 {
return Decimal.maxSize
fileprivate mutating func zeroMantissa() {
for i in 0..<Decimal.maxSize {
self[i] = 0
internal mutating func trimTrailingZeros() {
if _length > Decimal.maxSize {
_length = Decimal.maxSize
while _length != 0 && self[_length - 1] == 0 {
_length -= 1
fileprivate mutating func copyMantissa<T : VariableLengthNumber>(from other: T) {
if other._length > maxMantissaLength {
for i in maxMantissaLength..<other._length {
guard other[i] == 0 else {
fatalError("Loss of precision during copy other[\(i)] \(other[i]) != 0")
let length = min(other._length, maxMantissaLength)
for i in 0..<length {
self[i] = other[i]
self._length = length
self._isCompact = 0
// Provides a way with dealing with extra-length decimals, used for calculations
fileprivate struct WideDecimal : VariableLengthNumber {
var maxMantissaLength:UInt32 {
return _extraWide ? 17 : 16
fileprivate mutating func zeroMantissa() {
for i in 0..<maxMantissaLength {
self[i] = 0
fileprivate mutating func trimTrailingZeros() {
while _length != 0 && self[_length - 1] == 0 {
_length -= 1
init() {
fileprivate mutating func copyMantissa<T : VariableLengthNumber>(from other: T) {
let length = other is Decimal ? min(other._length,Decimal.maxSize) : other._length
for i in 0..<length {
self[i] = other[i]
self._length = length
var isZero: Bool {
return _length == 0
var __length: UInt16
var _mantissa: (UInt16, UInt16, UInt16, UInt16, UInt16, UInt16, UInt16, UInt16,
UInt16, UInt16, UInt16, UInt16, UInt16, UInt16, UInt16, UInt16, UInt16)
// Most uses of this class use 16 shorts, but integer division uses 17 shorts
var _extraWide: Bool
var _length: UInt32 {
get {
return UInt32(__length)
set {
guard newValue <= maxMantissaLength else {
fatalError("Attempt to set a length greater than capacity \(newValue) > \(maxMantissaLength)")
__length = UInt16(newValue)
init(_ extraWide:Bool = false) {
__length = 0
_mantissa = (UInt16(0),UInt16(0),UInt16(0),UInt16(0),UInt16(0),UInt16(0),UInt16(0),UInt16(0),UInt16(0),UInt16(0),UInt16(0),UInt16(0),UInt16(0),UInt16(0),UInt16(0),UInt16(0),UInt16(0))
_extraWide = extraWide
init(_ decimal:Decimal) {
self.__length = UInt16(decimal._length)
self._extraWide = false
self._mantissa = (decimal[0],decimal[1],decimal[2],decimal[3],decimal[4],decimal[5],decimal[6],decimal[7],UInt16(0),UInt16(0),UInt16(0),UInt16(0),UInt16(0),UInt16(0),UInt16(0),UInt16(0),UInt16(0))
subscript(index:UInt32) -> UInt16 {
get {
switch index {
case 0: return _mantissa.0
case 1: return _mantissa.1
case 2: return _mantissa.2
case 3: return _mantissa.3
case 4: return _mantissa.4
case 5: return _mantissa.5
case 6: return _mantissa.6
case 7: return _mantissa.7
case 8: return _mantissa.8
case 9: return _mantissa.9
case 10: return _mantissa.10
case 11: return _mantissa.11
case 12: return _mantissa.12
case 13: return _mantissa.13
case 14: return _mantissa.14
case 15: return _mantissa.15
case 16 where _extraWide: return _mantissa.16 // used in integerDivide
default: fatalError("Invalid index \(index) for _mantissa")
set {
switch index {
case 0: _mantissa.0 = newValue
case 1: _mantissa.1 = newValue
case 2: _mantissa.2 = newValue
case 3: _mantissa.3 = newValue
case 4: _mantissa.4 = newValue
case 5: _mantissa.5 = newValue
case 6: _mantissa.6 = newValue
case 7: _mantissa.7 = newValue
case 8: _mantissa.8 = newValue
case 9: _mantissa.9 = newValue
case 10: _mantissa.10 = newValue
case 11: _mantissa.11 = newValue
case 12: _mantissa.12 = newValue
case 13: _mantissa.13 = newValue
case 14: _mantissa.14 = newValue
case 15: _mantissa.15 = newValue
case 16 where _extraWide: _mantissa.16 = newValue
default: fatalError("Invalid index \(index) for _mantissa")
func toDecimal() -> Decimal {
var result = Decimal()
result._length = self._length
for i in 0..<_length {
result[i] = self[i]
return result
// MARK: - Internal (Swifty) functions
extension Decimal {
fileprivate static let maxSize: UInt32 = UInt32(NSDecimalMaxSize)
fileprivate init(length: UInt32, mantissa: (UInt16, UInt16, UInt16, UInt16, UInt16, UInt16, UInt16, UInt16)) {
self._mantissa = mantissa
self.__exponent = 0
self.__lengthAndFlags = 0
self.__reserved = 0
self._length = length
fileprivate var isCompact: Bool {
get {
return _isCompact != 0
set {
_isCompact = newValue ? 1 : 0
fileprivate var isNegative: Bool {
get {
return _isNegative != 0
set {
_isNegative = newValue ? 1 : 0
fileprivate mutating func compact() {
if isCompact || isNaN || _length == 0 {
var newExponent = self._exponent
var remainder: UInt16 = 0
// Divide by 10 as much as possible
repeat {
(remainder,_) = divideByShort(&self,10)
newExponent += 1
} while remainder == 0
// Put the non-empty remainder in place
_ = multiplyByShort(&self,10)
_ = addShort(&self,remainder)
newExponent -= 1
// Set the new exponent
while newExponent > Int32(Int8.max) {
_ = multiplyByShort(&self,10)
newExponent -= 1
_exponent = newExponent
isCompact = true
fileprivate mutating func round(scale:Int, roundingMode:RoundingMode) {
// scale is the number of digits after the decimal point
var s = Int32(scale) + _exponent
if s == NSDecimalNoScale || s >= 0 {
s = -s
var remainder: UInt16 = 0
var previousRemainder = false
let negative = _isNegative != 0
var newExponent = _exponent + s
while s > 4 {
if remainder != 0 {
previousRemainder = true
(remainder,_) = divideByShort(&self, 10000)
s -= 4
while s > 0 {
if remainder != 0 {
previousRemainder = true
(remainder,_) = divideByShort(&self, 10)
s -= 1
// If we are on a tie, adjust with premdr. .50001 is equivalent to .6
if previousRemainder && (remainder == 0 || remainder == 5) {
remainder += 1;
if remainder != 0 {
if negative {
switch roundingMode {
case .up:
case .bankers:
if remainder == 5 && (self[0] & 1) == 0 {
remainder += 1
case .plain:
if remainder < 5 {
case .down:
_ = addShort(&self, 1)
if _length == 0 {
_isNegative = 0;
} else {
switch roundingMode {
case .down:
case .bankers:
if remainder == 5 && (self[0] & 1) == 0 {
remainder -= 1
case .plain:
if remainder < 5 {
case .up:
_ = addShort(&self, 1)
_isCompact = 0;
while newExponent > Int32(Int8.max) {
newExponent -= 1;
_ = multiplyByShort(&self, 10);
_exponent = newExponent;
internal func compare(to other:Decimal) -> ComparisonResult {
// NaN is a special case and is arbitrary ordered before everything else
// Conceptually comparing with NaN is bogus anyway but raising or
// always returning the same answer will confuse the sorting algorithms
if self.isNaN {
return other.isNaN ? .orderedSame : .orderedAscending
if other.isNaN {
return .orderedDescending
// Check the sign
if self._isNegative > other._isNegative {
return .orderedAscending
if self._isNegative < other._isNegative {
return .orderedDescending
// If one of the two is == 0, the other is bigger
// because 0 implies isNegative = 0...
if self.isZero && other.isZero {
return .orderedSame
if self.isZero {
return .orderedAscending
if other.isZero {
return .orderedDescending
var selfNormal = self
var otherNormal = other
_ = NSDecimalNormalize(&selfNormal, &otherNormal, .down)
let comparison = mantissaCompare(selfNormal,otherNormal)
if selfNormal._isNegative == 1 {
if comparison == .orderedDescending {
return .orderedAscending
} else if comparison == .orderedAscending {
return .orderedDescending
} else {
return .orderedSame
return comparison
fileprivate mutating func setNaN() {
_length = 0
_isNegative = 1
fileprivate mutating func setZero() {
_length = 0
_isNegative = 0
fileprivate mutating func multiply(byPowerOf10 power:Int16) -> CalculationError {
if isNaN {
return .overflow
if isZero {
return .noError
let newExponent = _exponent + Int32(power)
if newExponent < Int32(Int8.min) {
return .underflow
if newExponent > Int32(Int8.max) {
return .overflow
_exponent = newExponent
return .noError
fileprivate mutating func power(_ p:UInt, roundingMode:RoundingMode) -> CalculationError {
if isNaN {
return .overflow
var power = p
if power == 0 {
_exponent = 0
_length = 1
_isNegative = 0
self[0] = 1
_isCompact = 1
return .noError
} else if power == 1 {
return .noError
var temporary = Decimal(1)
var error:CalculationError = .noError
while power > 1 {
if power % 2 == 1 {
let previousError = error
var leftOp = temporary
error = NSDecimalMultiply(&temporary, &leftOp, &self, roundingMode)
if previousError != .noError { // FIXME is this the intent?
error = previousError
if error == .overflow || error == .underflow {
return error
power -= 1
if power != 0 {
let previousError = error
var leftOp = self
var rightOp = self
error = NSDecimalMultiply(&self, &leftOp, &rightOp, roundingMode)
if previousError != .noError { // FIXME is this the intent?
error = previousError
if error == .overflow || error == .underflow {
return error
power /= 2
let previousError = error
var rightOp = self
error = NSDecimalMultiply(&self, &temporary, &rightOp, roundingMode)
if previousError != .noError { // FIXME is this the intent?
error = previousError
if error == .overflow || error == .underflow {
return error
return error
fileprivate let pow10 = [
/*^00*/ Decimal(length: 1, mantissa:( 0x0001,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)),
/*^01*/ Decimal(length: 1, mantissa:( 0x000a,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)),
/*^02*/ Decimal(length: 1, mantissa:( 0x0064,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)),
/*^03*/ Decimal(length: 1, mantissa:( 0x03e8,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)),
/*^04*/ Decimal(length: 1, mantissa:( 0x2710,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)),
/*^05*/ Decimal(length: 2, mantissa:( 0x86a0, 0x0001,0,0,0,0,0,0)),
/*^06*/ Decimal(length: 2, mantissa:( 0x4240, 0x000f,0,0,0,0,0,0)),
/*^07*/ Decimal(length: 2, mantissa:( 0x9680, 0x0098,0,0,0,0,0,0)),
/*^08*/ Decimal(length: 2, mantissa:( 0xe100, 0x05f5,0,0,0,0,0,0)),
/*^09*/ Decimal(length: 2, mantissa:( 0xca00, 0x3b9a,0,0,0,0,0,0)),
/*^10*/ Decimal(length: 3, mantissa:( 0xe400, 0x540b, 0x0002,0,0,0,0,0)),
/*^11*/ Decimal(length: 3, mantissa:( 0xe800, 0x4876, 0x0017,0,0,0,0,0)),
/*^12*/ Decimal(length: 3, mantissa:( 0x1000, 0xd4a5, 0x00e8,0,0,0,0,0)),
/*^13*/ Decimal(length: 3, mantissa:( 0xa000, 0x4e72, 0x0918,0,0,0,0,0)),
/*^14*/ Decimal(length: 3, mantissa:( 0x4000, 0x107a, 0x5af3,0,0,0,0,0)),
/*^15*/ Decimal(length: 4, mantissa:( 0x8000, 0xa4c6, 0x8d7e, 0x0003,0,0,0,0)),
/*^16*/ Decimal(length: 4, mantissa:( 0x0000, 0x6fc1, 0x86f2, 0x0023,0,0,0,0)),
/*^17*/ Decimal(length: 4, mantissa:( 0x0000, 0x5d8a, 0x4578, 0x0163,0,0,0,0)),
/*^18*/ Decimal(length: 4, mantissa:( 0x0000, 0xa764, 0xb6b3, 0x0de0,0,0,0,0)),
/*^19*/ Decimal(length: 4, mantissa:( 0x0000, 0x89e8, 0x2304, 0x8ac7,0,0,0,0)),
/*^20*/ Decimal(length: 5, mantissa:( 0x0000, 0x6310, 0x5e2d, 0x6bc7, 0x0005,0,0,0)),
/*^21*/ Decimal(length: 5, mantissa:( 0x0000, 0xdea0, 0xadc5, 0x35c9, 0x0036,0,0,0)),
/*^22*/ Decimal(length: 5, mantissa:( 0x0000, 0xb240, 0xc9ba, 0x19e0, 0x021e,0,0,0)),
/*^23*/ Decimal(length: 5, mantissa:( 0x0000, 0xf680, 0xe14a, 0x02c7, 0x152d,0,0,0)),
/*^24*/ Decimal(length: 5, mantissa:( 0x0000, 0xa100, 0xcced, 0x1bce, 0xd3c2,0,0,0)),
/*^25*/ Decimal(length: 6, mantissa:( 0x0000, 0x4a00, 0x0148, 0x1614, 0x4595, 0x0008,0,0)),
/*^26*/ Decimal(length: 6, mantissa:( 0x0000, 0xe400, 0x0cd2, 0xdcc8, 0xb7d2, 0x0052,0,0)),
/*^27*/ Decimal(length: 6, mantissa:( 0x0000, 0xe800, 0x803c, 0x9fd0, 0x2e3c, 0x033b,0,0)),
/*^28*/ Decimal(length: 6, mantissa:( 0x0000, 0x1000, 0x0261, 0x3e25, 0xce5e, 0x204f,0,0)),
/*^29*/ Decimal(length: 7, mantissa:( 0x0000, 0xa000, 0x17ca, 0x6d72, 0x0fae, 0x431e, 0x0001,0)),
/*^30*/ Decimal(length: 7, mantissa:( 0x0000, 0x4000, 0xedea, 0x4674, 0x9cd0, 0x9f2c, 0x000c,0)),
/*^31*/ Decimal(length: 7, mantissa:( 0x0000, 0x8000, 0x4b26, 0xc091, 0x2022, 0x37be, 0x007e,0)),
/*^32*/ Decimal(length: 7, mantissa:( 0x0000, 0x0000, 0xef81, 0x85ac, 0x415b, 0x2d6d, 0x04ee,0)),
/*^33*/ Decimal(length: 7, mantissa:( 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x5b0a, 0x38c1, 0x8d93, 0xc644, 0x314d,0)),
/*^34*/ Decimal(length: 8, mantissa:( 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x8e64, 0x378d, 0x87c0, 0xbead, 0xed09, 0x0001)),
/*^35*/ Decimal(length: 8, mantissa:( 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x8fe8, 0x2b87, 0x4d82, 0x72c7, 0x4261, 0x0013)),
/*^36*/ Decimal(length: 8, mantissa:( 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x9f10, 0xb34b, 0x0715, 0x7bc9, 0x97ce, 0x00c0)),
/*^37*/ Decimal(length: 8, mantissa:( 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x36a0, 0x00f4, 0x46d9, 0xd5da, 0xee10, 0x0785)),
/*^38*/ Decimal(length: 8, mantissa:( 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x2240, 0x098a, 0xc47a, 0x5a86, 0x4ca8, 0x4b3b))
/*^39 is on 9 shorts. */
// Could be silently inexact for float and double.
extension Scanner {
public func scanDecimal(_ dcm: inout Decimal) -> Bool {
if let result = scanDecimal() {
dcm = result
return true
} else {
return false
public func scanDecimal() -> Decimal? {
var result =
let string = self._scanString
let length = string.length
var buf = _NSStringBuffer(string: string, start: self._scanLocation, end: length)
var tooBig = false
let ds = (locale as? Locale ?? Locale.current).decimalSeparator?.first ?? Character(".")
var neg = false
var ok = false
if buf.currentCharacter == unichar(unicodeScalarLiteral: "-") || buf.currentCharacter == unichar(unicodeScalarLiteral: "+") {
ok = true
neg = buf.currentCharacter == unichar(unicodeScalarLiteral: "-")
// build the mantissa
while let numeral = decimalValue(buf.currentCharacter) {
ok = true
if tooBig || multiplyBy10(&result,andAdd:numeral) != .noError {
tooBig = true
if result._exponent == Int32(Int8.max) {
repeat {
} while decimalValue(buf.currentCharacter) != nil
return Decimal.nan
result._exponent += 1
// get the decimal point
if let us = UnicodeScalar(buf.currentCharacter), Character(us) == ds {
ok = true
// continue to build the mantissa
while let numeral = decimalValue(buf.currentCharacter) {
if tooBig || multiplyBy10(&result,andAdd:numeral) != .noError {
tooBig = true
} else {
if result._exponent == Int32(Int8.min) {
repeat {
} while decimalValue(buf.currentCharacter) != nil
return Decimal.nan
result._exponent -= 1
if buf.currentCharacter == unichar(unicodeScalarLiteral: "e") || buf.currentCharacter == unichar(unicodeScalarLiteral: "E") {
ok = true
var exponentIsNegative = false
var exponent: Int32 = 0
if buf.currentCharacter == unichar(unicodeScalarLiteral: "-") {
exponentIsNegative = true
} else if buf.currentCharacter == unichar(unicodeScalarLiteral: "+") {
while let numeral = decimalValue(buf.currentCharacter) {
exponent = 10 * exponent + Int32(numeral)
guard exponent <= 2*Int32(Int8.max) else {
return Decimal.nan
if exponentIsNegative {
exponent = -exponent
exponent += result._exponent
guard exponent >= Int32(Int8.min) && exponent <= Int32(Int8.max) else {
return Decimal.nan
result._exponent = exponent
// No valid characters have been seen upto this point so error out.
guard ok == true else { return nil }
result.isNegative = neg
// if we get to this point, and have NaN, then the input string was probably "-0"
// or some variation on that, and normalize that to zero.
if result.isNaN {
result = Decimal(0)
self._scanLocation = buf.location
return result
// Copied from Scanner.swift
private func decimalValue(_ ch: unichar) -> Int? {
guard let s = UnicodeScalar(ch), s.isASCII else { return nil }
return Character(s).wholeNumberValue