blob: 9c297ecf2f859eb14d4edd638b6ec572d3e1fcdc [file] [log] [blame]
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
class TestNotificationQueue : XCTestCase {
static var allTests : [(String, (TestNotificationQueue) -> () throws -> Void)] {
return [
FIXME SR-4280 timeouts in TestNSNotificationQueue tests
("test_defaultQueue", test_defaultQueue),
("test_postNowToDefaultQueueWithoutCoalescing", test_postNowToDefaultQueueWithoutCoalescing),
("test_postNowToDefaultQueueWithCoalescing", test_postNowToDefaultQueueWithCoalescing),
("test_postNowToCustomQueue", test_postNowToCustomQueue),
("test_postNowForDefaultRunLoopMode", test_postNowForDefaultRunLoopMode),
// ("test_notificationQueueLifecycle", test_notificationQueueLifecycle),
("test_postAsapToDefaultQueue", test_postAsapToDefaultQueue),
("test_postAsapToDefaultQueueWithCoalescingOnNameAndSender", test_postAsapToDefaultQueueWithCoalescingOnNameAndSender),
("test_postAsapToDefaultQueueWithCoalescingOnNameOrSender", test_postAsapToDefaultQueueWithCoalescingOnNameOrSender),
("test_postIdleToDefaultQueue", test_postIdleToDefaultQueue),
func test_defaultQueue() {
let defaultQueue1 = NotificationQueue.default
let defaultQueue2 = NotificationQueue.default
XCTAssertEqual(defaultQueue1, defaultQueue2)
executeInBackgroundThread() {
let defaultQueueForBackgroundThread = NotificationQueue.default
XCTAssertEqual(defaultQueueForBackgroundThread, NotificationQueue.default)
XCTAssertNotEqual(defaultQueueForBackgroundThread, defaultQueue1)
func test_postNowToDefaultQueueWithoutCoalescing() {
let notificationName = Notification.Name(rawValue: "test_postNowWithoutCoalescing")
let dummyObject = NSObject()
let notification = Notification(name: notificationName, object: dummyObject)
var numberOfCalls = 0
let obs = NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(forName: notificationName, object: dummyObject, queue: nil) { notification in
numberOfCalls += 1
let queue = NotificationQueue.default
queue.enqueue(notification, postingStyle: .now)
XCTAssertEqual(numberOfCalls, 1)
func test_postNowToDefaultQueueWithCoalescing() {
let notificationName = Notification.Name(rawValue: "test_postNowToDefaultQueueWithCoalescingOnName")
let dummyObject = NSObject()
let notification = Notification(name: notificationName, object: dummyObject)
var numberOfCalls = 0
let obs = NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(forName: notificationName, object: dummyObject, queue: nil) { notification in
numberOfCalls += 1
let queue = NotificationQueue.default
queue.enqueue(notification, postingStyle: .now)
queue.enqueue(notification, postingStyle: .now)
queue.enqueue(notification, postingStyle: .now)
// Coalescing doesn't work for the NSPostingStyle.PostNow. That is why we expect 3 calls here
XCTAssertEqual(numberOfCalls, 3)
func test_postNowToCustomQueue() {
let notificationName = Notification.Name(rawValue: "test_postNowToCustomQueue")
let dummyObject = NSObject()
let notification = Notification(name: notificationName, object: dummyObject)
var numberOfCalls = 0
let notificationCenter = NotificationCenter()
let obs = notificationCenter.addObserver(forName: notificationName, object: dummyObject, queue: nil) { notification in
numberOfCalls += 1
let notificationQueue = NotificationQueue(notificationCenter: notificationCenter)
notificationQueue.enqueue(notification, postingStyle: .now)
XCTAssertEqual(numberOfCalls, 1)
func test_postNowForDefaultRunLoopMode() {
let notificationName = Notification.Name(rawValue: "test_postNowToDefaultQueueWithCoalescingOnName")
let dummyObject = NSObject()
let notification = Notification(name: notificationName, object: dummyObject)
var numberOfCalls = 0
let obs = NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(forName: notificationName, object: dummyObject, queue: nil) { notification in
numberOfCalls += 1
let queue = NotificationQueue.default
let runLoop = RunLoop.current
let endDate = Date(timeInterval: TimeInterval(0.05), since: Date())
let dummyTimer = Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: 0.01, repeats: false) { _ in
guard let runLoopMode = runLoop.currentMode else {
// post 2 notifications for the RunLoop.Mode.default mode
queue.enqueue(notification, postingStyle: .now, coalesceMask: [], forModes: [runLoopMode])
queue.enqueue(notification, postingStyle: .now)
// here we post notification for the RunLoop.Mode.common. It shouldn't have any affect, because the timer is scheduled in RunLoop.Mode.default.
// The notification queue will only post the notification to its notification center if the run loop is in one of the modes provided in the array.
queue.enqueue(notification, postingStyle: .now, coalesceMask: [], forModes: [.common])
runLoop.add(dummyTimer, forMode: .default)
let _ = .default, before: endDate)
XCTAssertEqual(numberOfCalls, 2)
func test_postAsapToDefaultQueue() {
let notificationName = Notification.Name(rawValue: "test_postAsapToDefaultQueue")
let dummyObject = NSObject()
let notification = Notification(name: notificationName, object: dummyObject)
var numberOfCalls = 0
let obs = NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(forName: notificationName, object: dummyObject, queue: nil) { notification in
numberOfCalls += 1
let queue = NotificationQueue.default
queue.enqueue(notification, postingStyle: .asap)
scheduleTimer(withInterval: 0.001) // run timer trigger the notifications
XCTAssertEqual(numberOfCalls, 1)
func test_postAsapToDefaultQueueWithCoalescingOnNameAndSender() {
// Check coalescing on name and object
let notificationName = Notification.Name(rawValue: "test_postAsapToDefaultQueueWithCoalescingOnNameAndSender")
let notification = Notification(name: notificationName, object: NSObject())
var numberOfCalls = 0
let obs = NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(forName: notificationName, object: notification.object, queue: nil) { notification in
numberOfCalls += 1
let queue = NotificationQueue.default
queue.enqueue(notification, postingStyle: .asap)
queue.enqueue(notification, postingStyle: .asap)
queue.enqueue(notification, postingStyle: .asap)
scheduleTimer(withInterval: 0.001)
XCTAssertEqual(numberOfCalls, 1)
func test_postAsapToDefaultQueueWithCoalescingOnNameOrSender() {
// Check coalescing on name or sender
let notificationName = Notification.Name(rawValue: "test_postAsapToDefaultQueueWithCoalescingOnNameOrSender")
let notification1 = Notification(name: notificationName, object: NSObject())
var numberOfNameCoalescingCalls = 0
let obs1 = NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(forName: notificationName, object: notification1.object, queue: nil) { notification in
numberOfNameCoalescingCalls += 1
let notification2 = Notification(name: notificationName, object: NSObject())
var numberOfObjectCoalescingCalls = 0
let obs2 = NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(forName: notificationName, object: notification2.object, queue: nil) { notification in
numberOfObjectCoalescingCalls += 1
let queue = NotificationQueue.default
// #1
queue.enqueue(notification1, postingStyle: .asap, coalesceMask: .onName, forModes: nil)
// #2
queue.enqueue(notification2, postingStyle: .asap, coalesceMask: .onSender, forModes: nil)
// #3, coalesce with 1 & 2
queue.enqueue(notification1, postingStyle: .asap, coalesceMask: .onName, forModes: nil)
// #4, coalesce with #3
queue.enqueue(notification2, postingStyle: .asap, coalesceMask: .onName, forModes: nil)
// #5
queue.enqueue(notification1, postingStyle: .asap, coalesceMask: .onSender, forModes: nil)
scheduleTimer(withInterval: 0.001)
// check that we received notifications #4 and #5
XCTAssertEqual(numberOfNameCoalescingCalls, 1)
XCTAssertEqual(numberOfObjectCoalescingCalls, 1)
func test_postIdleToDefaultQueue() {
let notificationName = Notification.Name(rawValue: "test_postIdleToDefaultQueue")
let dummyObject = NSObject()
let notification = Notification(name: notificationName, object: dummyObject)
var numberOfCalls = 0
let obs = NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(forName: notificationName, object: dummyObject, queue: nil) { notification in
numberOfCalls += 1
NotificationQueue.default.enqueue(notification, postingStyle: .whenIdle)
// add a timer to wakeup the runloop, process the timer and call the observer awaiting for any input sources/timers
scheduleTimer(withInterval: 0.001)
XCTAssertEqual(numberOfCalls, 1)
func test_notificationQueueLifecycle() {
// check that notificationqueue is associated with current thread. when the thread is destroyed, the queue should be deallocated as well
weak var notificationQueue: NotificationQueue?
self.executeInBackgroundThread() {
let nq = NotificationQueue(notificationCenter: NotificationCenter())
notificationQueue = nq
// MARK: Private
private func scheduleTimer(withInterval interval: TimeInterval) {
let e = expectation(description: "Timer")
let dummyTimer = Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: interval, repeats: false) { _ in
RunLoop.current.add(dummyTimer, forMode: .default)
waitForExpectations(timeout: 0.1)
private func executeInBackgroundThread(_ operation: @escaping () -> Void) {
let e = expectation(description: "Background Execution")
let bgThread = Thread() {
waitForExpectations(timeout: 0.2)