blob: 83eb2bafc7a028c3517f910b67937247e96b1475 [file] [log] [blame]
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
class TestDateInterval: XCTestCase {
static var allTests: [(String, (TestDateInterval) -> () throws -> Void)] {
return [
("test_defaultInitializer", test_defaultInitializer),
("test_startEndInitializer", test_startEndInitializer),
("test_startDurationInitializer", test_startDurationInitializer),
("test_compareDifferentStarts", test_compareDifferentStarts),
("test_compareDifferentDurations", test_compareDifferentDurations),
("test_compareSame", test_compareSame),
("test_comparisonOperators", test_comparisonOperators),
("test_intersects", test_intersects),
("test_intersection", test_intersection),
("test_intersectionZeroDuration", test_intersectionZeroDuration),
("test_intersectionNil", test_intersectionNil),
("test_contains", test_contains),
("test_hashing", test_hashing),
func test_defaultInitializer() {
let dateInterval = DateInterval()
XCTAssertEqual(dateInterval.duration, 0)
func test_startEndInitializer() {
let date1 = dateWithString("2019-04-04 17:09:23 -0700")
let date2 = dateWithString("2019-04-04 18:09:23 -0700")
let dateInterval = DateInterval(start: date1, end: date2)
XCTAssertEqual(dateInterval.duration, 60 * 60)
func test_startDurationInitializer() {
let date = dateWithString("2019-04-04 17:09:23 -0700")
let dateInterval = DateInterval(start: date, duration: 60)
XCTAssertEqual(dateInterval.duration, 60)
func test_compareDifferentStarts() {
let date1 = dateWithString("2019-04-04 17:09:23 -0700")
let date2 = dateWithString("2019-04-04 18:09:23 -0700")
let dateInterval1 = DateInterval(start: date1, duration: 100)
let dateInterval2 = DateInterval(start: date2, duration: 100)
XCTAssertEqual(, .orderedAscending)
XCTAssertEqual(, .orderedDescending)
func test_compareDifferentDurations() {
let date = dateWithString("2019-04-04 17:09:23 -0700")
let dateInterval1 = DateInterval(start: date, duration: 60)
let dateInterval2 = DateInterval(start: date, duration: 90)
XCTAssertEqual(, .orderedAscending)
XCTAssertEqual(, .orderedDescending)
func test_compareSame() {
let date = dateWithString("2019-04-04 17:09:23 -0700")
let dateInterval1 = DateInterval(start: date, duration: 60)
let dateInterval2 = DateInterval(start: date, duration: 60)
XCTAssertEqual(, .orderedSame)
XCTAssertEqual(, .orderedSame)
func test_comparisonOperators() {
let date1 = dateWithString("2019-04-04 17:00:00 -0700")
let date2 = dateWithString("2019-04-04 17:30:00 -0700")
let dateInterval1 = DateInterval(start: date1, duration: 60)
let dateInterval2 = DateInterval(start: date2, duration: 60)
let dateInterval3 = DateInterval(start: date1, duration: 90)
let dateInterval4 = DateInterval(start: date1, duration: 60)
XCTAssertTrue(dateInterval1 < dateInterval2)
XCTAssertTrue(dateInterval1 < dateInterval3)
XCTAssertTrue(dateInterval1 == dateInterval4)
func test_intersects() {
let date1 = dateWithString("2019-04-04 17:09:23 -0700")
let date2 = dateWithString("2019-04-04 17:10:20 -0700")
let dateInterval1 = DateInterval(start: date1, duration: 60)
let dateInterval2 = DateInterval(start: date2, duration: 15)
func test_intersection() {
let date1 = dateWithString("2019-04-04 17:00:00 -0700")
let date2 = dateWithString("2019-04-04 17:15:00 -0700")
let dateInterval1 = DateInterval(start: date1, duration: 60 * 30)
let dateInterval2 = DateInterval(start: date2, duration: 60 * 30)
let intersection = dateInterval1.intersection(with: dateInterval2)
XCTAssertEqual(intersection!.duration, 60 * 15)
func test_intersectionZeroDuration() {
let date1 = dateWithString("2019-04-04 17:00:00 -0700")
let date2 = dateWithString("2019-04-04 17:30:00 -0700")
let dateInterval1 = DateInterval(start: date1, duration: 60 * 30)
let dateInterval2 = DateInterval(start: date2, duration: 60 * 30)
let intersection = dateInterval1.intersection(with: dateInterval2)
XCTAssertEqual(intersection!.duration, 0)
func test_intersectionNil() {
let date1 = dateWithString("2019-04-04 17:00:00 -0700")
let date2 = dateWithString("2019-04-04 17:30:01 -0700")
let dateInterval1 = DateInterval(start: date1, duration: 60 * 30)
let dateInterval2 = DateInterval(start: date2, duration: 60 * 30)
XCTAssertNil(dateInterval1.intersection(with: dateInterval2))
func test_contains() {
let date1 = dateWithString("2019-04-04 17:00:00 -0700")
let date2 = dateWithString("2019-04-04 17:30:00 -0700")
let date3 = dateWithString("2019-04-04 17:45:00 -0700")
let date4 = dateWithString("2019-04-04 17:50:00 -0700")
let dateInterval = DateInterval(start: date1, duration: 60 * 45)
func test_hashing() {
guard #available(iOS 10.10, OSX 10.12, tvOS 10.0, watchOS 3.0, *) else { return }
let start1a = dateWithString("2019-04-04 17:09:23 -0700")
let start1b = dateWithString("2019-04-04 17:09:23 -0700")
let start2a = Date(timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate: start1a.timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate.nextUp)
let start2b = Date(timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate: start1a.timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate.nextUp)
let duration1 = 1800.0
let duration2 = duration1.nextUp
let intervals: [[DateInterval]] = [
DateInterval(start: start1a, duration: duration1),
DateInterval(start: start1b, duration: duration1),
DateInterval(start: start1a, duration: duration2),
DateInterval(start: start1b, duration: duration2),
DateInterval(start: start2a, duration: duration1),
DateInterval(start: start2b, duration: duration1),
DateInterval(start: start2a, duration: duration2),
DateInterval(start: start2b, duration: duration2),