blob: ed8563df61fb608a308ac87a6c8ee111035574c3 [file] [log] [blame]
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
class TestAffineTransform : XCTestCase {
private let accuracyThreshold = 0.001
static var allTests: [(String, (TestAffineTransform) -> () throws -> Void)] {
return [
("test_BasicConstruction", test_BasicConstruction),
("test_IdentityTransformation", test_IdentityTransformation),
("test_Scale", test_Scale),
("test_Scaling", test_Scaling),
("test_TranslationScaling", test_TranslationScaling),
("test_ScalingTranslation", test_ScalingTranslation),
("test_Rotation_Degrees", test_Rotation_Degrees),
("test_Rotation_Radians", test_Rotation_Radians),
("test_Inversion", test_Inversion),
("test_IdentityTransformation", test_IdentityTransformation),
("test_Translation", test_Translation),
("test_TranslationComposed", test_TranslationComposed),
("test_AppendTransform", test_AppendTransform),
("test_PrependTransform", test_PrependTransform),
("test_TransformComposition", test_TransformComposition),
("test_hashing", test_hashing),
("test_rotation_compose", test_rotation_compose),
("test_translation_and_rotation", test_translation_and_rotation),
("test_Equal", test_Equal),
("test_NSCoding", test_NSCoding),
func checkPointTransformation(_ transform: NSAffineTransform, point: NSPoint, expectedPoint: NSPoint, _ message: String = "", file: StaticString = #file, line: UInt = #line) {
let newPoint = transform.transform(point)
XCTAssertEqual(Double(newPoint.x), Double(expectedPoint.x), accuracy: accuracyThreshold,
"x (expected: \(expectedPoint.x), was: \(newPoint.x)): \(message)", file: file, line: line)
XCTAssertEqual(Double(newPoint.y), Double(expectedPoint.y), accuracy: accuracyThreshold,
"y (expected: \(expectedPoint.y), was: \(newPoint.y)): \(message)", file: file, line: line)
func checkSizeTransformation(_ transform: NSAffineTransform, size: NSSize, expectedSize: NSSize, _ message: String = "", file: StaticString = #file, line: UInt = #line) {
let newSize = transform.transform(size)
XCTAssertEqual(Double(newSize.width), Double(expectedSize.width), accuracy: accuracyThreshold,
"width (expected: \(expectedSize.width), was: \(newSize.width)): \(message)", file: file, line: line)
XCTAssertEqual(Double(newSize.height), Double(expectedSize.height), accuracy: accuracyThreshold,
"height (expected: \(expectedSize.height), was: \(newSize.height)): \(message)", file: file, line: line)
func checkRectTransformation(_ transform: NSAffineTransform, rect: NSRect, expectedRect: NSRect, _ message: String = "", file: StaticString = #file, line: UInt = #line) {
let newRect = transform.transformRect(rect)
checkPointTransformation(transform, point: newRect.origin, expectedPoint: expectedRect.origin,
"origin (expected: \(expectedRect.origin), was: \(newRect.origin)): \(message)", file: file, line: line)
checkSizeTransformation(transform, size: newRect.size, expectedSize: expectedRect.size,
"size (expected: \(expectedRect.size), was: \(newRect.size)): \(message)", file: file, line: line)
func test_BasicConstruction() {
let identityTransform = NSAffineTransform()
let transformStruct = identityTransform.transformStruct
// The diagonal entries (1,1) and (2,2) of the identity matrix are ones. The other entries are zeros.
// TODO: These should use DBL_MAX but it's not available as part of Glibc on Linux
XCTAssertEqual(Double(transformStruct.m11), Double(1), accuracy: accuracyThreshold)
XCTAssertEqual(Double(transformStruct.m22), Double(1), accuracy: accuracyThreshold)
XCTAssertEqual(Double(transformStruct.m12), Double(0), accuracy: accuracyThreshold)
XCTAssertEqual(Double(transformStruct.m21), Double(0), accuracy: accuracyThreshold)
XCTAssertEqual(Double(transformStruct.tX), Double(0), accuracy: accuracyThreshold)
XCTAssertEqual(Double(transformStruct.tY), Double(0), accuracy: accuracyThreshold)
func test_IdentityTransformation() {
let identityTransform = NSAffineTransform()
func checkIdentityPointTransformation(_ point: NSPoint) {
checkPointTransformation(identityTransform, point: point, expectedPoint: point)
checkIdentityPointTransformation(NSPoint(x: 24.5, y: 10.0))
checkIdentityPointTransformation(NSPoint(x: -7.5, y: 2.0))
func checkIdentitySizeTransformation(_ size: NSSize) {
checkSizeTransformation(identityTransform, size: size, expectedSize: size)
checkIdentitySizeTransformation(NSSize(width: 13.0, height: 12.5))
checkIdentitySizeTransformation(NSSize(width: 100.0, height: -100.0))
func test_Translation() {
let point =
let noop = NSAffineTransform()
noop.translateX(by: CGFloat(), yBy: CGFloat())
checkPointTransformation(noop, point: point, expectedPoint: point)
let translateH = NSAffineTransform()
translateH.translateX(by: CGFloat(10.0), yBy: CGFloat())
checkPointTransformation(translateH, point: point, expectedPoint: NSPoint(x: 10.0, y: 0.0))
let translateV = NSAffineTransform()
translateV.translateX(by: CGFloat(), yBy: CGFloat(20.0))
checkPointTransformation(translateV, point: point, expectedPoint: NSPoint(x: 0.0, y: 20.0))
let translate = NSAffineTransform()
translate.translateX(by: CGFloat(-30.0), yBy: CGFloat(40.0))
checkPointTransformation(translate, point: point, expectedPoint: NSPoint(x: -30.0, y: 40.0))
func test_Scale() {
let size = NSSize(width: 10.0, height: 10.0)
let noop = NSAffineTransform()
noop.scale(by: CGFloat(1.0))
checkSizeTransformation(noop, size: size, expectedSize: size)
let shrink = NSAffineTransform()
shrink.scale(by: CGFloat(0.5))
checkSizeTransformation(shrink, size: size, expectedSize: NSSize(width: 5.0, height: 5.0))
let grow = NSAffineTransform()
grow.scale(by: CGFloat(3.0))
checkSizeTransformation(grow, size: size, expectedSize: NSSize(width: 30.0, height: 30.0))
let stretch = NSAffineTransform()
stretch.scaleX(by: CGFloat(2.0), yBy: CGFloat(0.5))
checkSizeTransformation(stretch, size: size, expectedSize: NSSize(width: 20.0, height: 5.0))
func test_Rotation_Degrees() {
let point = NSPoint(x: 10.0, y: 10.0)
let noop = NSAffineTransform()
noop.rotate(byDegrees: CGFloat())
checkPointTransformation(noop, point: point, expectedPoint: point)
let tenEighty = NSAffineTransform()
tenEighty.rotate(byDegrees: CGFloat(1080.0))
checkPointTransformation(tenEighty, point: point, expectedPoint: point)
let rotateCounterClockwise = NSAffineTransform()
rotateCounterClockwise.rotate(byDegrees: CGFloat(90.0))
checkPointTransformation(rotateCounterClockwise, point: point, expectedPoint: NSPoint(x: -10.0, y: 10.0))
let rotateClockwise = NSAffineTransform()
rotateClockwise.rotate(byDegrees: CGFloat(-90.0))
checkPointTransformation(rotateClockwise, point: point, expectedPoint: NSPoint(x: 10.0, y: -10.0))
let reflectAboutOrigin = NSAffineTransform()
reflectAboutOrigin.rotate(byDegrees: CGFloat(180.0))
checkPointTransformation(reflectAboutOrigin, point: point, expectedPoint: NSPoint(x: -10.0, y: -10.0))
func test_Rotation_Radians() {
let point = NSPoint(x: 10.0, y: 10.0)
let noop = NSAffineTransform()
noop.rotate(byRadians: CGFloat())
checkPointTransformation(noop, point: point, expectedPoint: point)
let tenEighty = NSAffineTransform()
tenEighty.rotate(byRadians: 6 * .pi)
checkPointTransformation(tenEighty, point: point, expectedPoint: point)
let rotateCounterClockwise = NSAffineTransform()
rotateCounterClockwise.rotate(byRadians: .pi / 2)
checkPointTransformation(rotateCounterClockwise, point: point, expectedPoint: NSPoint(x: -10.0, y: 10.0))
let rotateClockwise = NSAffineTransform()
rotateClockwise.rotate(byRadians: -.pi / 2)
checkPointTransformation(rotateClockwise, point: point, expectedPoint: NSPoint(x: 10.0, y: -10.0))
let reflectAboutOrigin = NSAffineTransform()
reflectAboutOrigin.rotate(byRadians: .pi)
checkPointTransformation(reflectAboutOrigin, point: point, expectedPoint: NSPoint(x: -10.0, y: -10.0))
func test_Inversion() {
let point = NSPoint(x: 10.0, y: 10.0)
var translate = AffineTransform()
translate.translate(x: CGFloat(-30.0), y: CGFloat(40.0))
var rotate = AffineTransform()
translate.rotate(byDegrees: CGFloat(30.0))
var scale = AffineTransform()
let identityTransform = NSAffineTransform()
// append transformations
// invert transformations
// append inverse transformations in reverse order
checkPointTransformation(identityTransform, point: point, expectedPoint: point)
func test_TranslationComposed() {
let xyPlus5 = NSAffineTransform()
xyPlus5.translateX(by: CGFloat(2.0), yBy: CGFloat(3.0))
xyPlus5.translateX(by: CGFloat(3.0), yBy: CGFloat(2.0))
checkPointTransformation(xyPlus5, point: NSPoint(x: -2.0, y: -3.0),
expectedPoint: NSPoint(x: 3.0, y: 2.0))
func test_Scaling() {
let xyTimes5 = NSAffineTransform()
xyTimes5.scale(by: CGFloat(5.0))
checkPointTransformation(xyTimes5, point: NSPoint(x: -2.0, y: 3.0),
expectedPoint: NSPoint(x: -10.0, y: 15.0))
let xTimes2YTimes3 = NSAffineTransform()
xTimes2YTimes3.scaleX(by: CGFloat(2.0), yBy: CGFloat(-3.0))
checkPointTransformation(xTimes2YTimes3, point: NSPoint(x: -1.0, y: 3.5),
expectedPoint: NSPoint(x: -2.0, y: -10.5))
func test_TranslationScaling() {
let xPlus2XYTimes5 = NSAffineTransform()
xPlus2XYTimes5.translateX(by: CGFloat(2.0), yBy: CGFloat())
xPlus2XYTimes5.scaleX(by: CGFloat(5.0), yBy: CGFloat(-5.0))
checkPointTransformation(xPlus2XYTimes5, point: NSPoint(x: 1.0, y: 2.0),
expectedPoint: NSPoint(x: 7.0, y: -10.0))
func test_ScalingTranslation() {
let xyTimes5XPlus3 = NSAffineTransform()
xyTimes5XPlus3.scale(by: CGFloat(5.0))
xyTimes5XPlus3.translateX(by: CGFloat(3.0), yBy: CGFloat())
checkPointTransformation(xyTimes5XPlus3, point: NSPoint(x: 1.0, y: 2.0),
expectedPoint: NSPoint(x: 20.0, y: 10.0))
func test_AppendTransform() {
let point = NSPoint(x: 10.0, y: 10.0)
var identityTransform = AffineTransform()
checkPointTransformation(NSAffineTransform(transform: identityTransform), point: point, expectedPoint: point)
var translate = AffineTransform()
translate.translate(x: CGFloat(10.0), y: CGFloat())
var scale = AffineTransform()
let translateThenScale = NSAffineTransform(transform: translate)
checkPointTransformation(translateThenScale, point: point, expectedPoint: NSPoint(x: 40.0, y: 20.0))
func test_PrependTransform() {
let point = NSPoint(x: 10.0, y: 10.0)
var identityTransform = AffineTransform()
checkPointTransformation(NSAffineTransform(transform: identityTransform), point: point, expectedPoint: point)
var translate = AffineTransform()
translate.translate(x: CGFloat(10.0), y: CGFloat())
var scale = AffineTransform()
let scaleThenTranslate = NSAffineTransform(transform: translate)
checkPointTransformation(scaleThenTranslate, point: point, expectedPoint: NSPoint(x: 30.0, y: 20.0))
func test_TransformComposition() {
let origin = NSPoint(x: 10.0, y: 10.0)
let size = NSSize(width: 40.0, height: 20.0)
let rect = NSRect(origin: origin, size: size)
let center = NSPoint(x: rect.midX, y: rect.midY)
let rotate = NSAffineTransform()
rotate.rotate(byDegrees: CGFloat(90.0))
var moveOrigin = AffineTransform()
moveOrigin.translate(x: -center.x, y: -center.y)
var moveBack = moveOrigin
let rotateAboutCenter = rotate
// center of rect shouldn't move as its the rotation anchor
checkPointTransformation(rotateAboutCenter, point: center, expectedPoint: center)
func test_hashing() {
let a = AffineTransform(m11: 1.0, m12: 2.5, m21: 66.2, m22: 40.2, tX: -5.5, tY: 3.7)
let b = AffineTransform(m11: -55.66, m12: 22.7, m21: 1.5, m22: 0.0, tX: -22, tY: -33)
let c = AffineTransform(m11: 4.5, m12: 1.1, m21: 0.025, m22: 0.077, tX: -0.55, tY: 33.2)
let d = AffineTransform(m11: 7.0, m12: -2.3, m21: 6.7, m22: 0.25, tX: 0.556, tY: 0.99)
let e = AffineTransform(m11: 0.498, m12: -0.284, m21: -0.742, m22: 0.3248, tX: 12, tY: 44)
// Samples testing that every component is properly hashed
let x1 = AffineTransform(m11: 1.0, m12: 2.0, m21: 3.0, m22: 4.0, tX: 5.0, tY: 6.0)
let x2 = AffineTransform(m11: 1.5, m12: 2.0, m21: 3.0, m22: 4.0, tX: 5.0, tY: 6.0)
let x3 = AffineTransform(m11: 1.0, m12: 2.5, m21: 3.0, m22: 4.0, tX: 5.0, tY: 6.0)
let x4 = AffineTransform(m11: 1.0, m12: 2.0, m21: 3.5, m22: 4.0, tX: 5.0, tY: 6.0)
let x5 = AffineTransform(m11: 1.0, m12: 2.0, m21: 3.0, m22: 4.5, tX: 5.0, tY: 6.0)
let x6 = AffineTransform(m11: 1.0, m12: 2.0, m21: 3.0, m22: 4.0, tX: 5.5, tY: 6.0)
let x7 = AffineTransform(m11: 1.0, m12: 2.0, m21: 3.0, m22: 4.0, tX: 5.0, tY: 6.5)
func bridged(_ t: AffineTransform) -> NSAffineTransform {
return t as NSAffineTransform
let values: [[AffineTransform]] = [
[AffineTransform.identity, NSAffineTransform() as AffineTransform],
[a, bridged(a) as AffineTransform],
[b, bridged(b) as AffineTransform],
[c, bridged(c) as AffineTransform],
[d, bridged(d) as AffineTransform],
[e, bridged(e) as AffineTransform],
[x1], [x2], [x3], [x4], [x5], [x6], [x7]
func test_rotation_compose() {
var t = AffineTransform.identity
t.translate(x: 1.0, y: 1.0)
t.rotate(byDegrees: 90)
t.translate(x: -1.0, y: -1.0)
let result = t.transform(NSPoint(x: 1.0, y: 2.0))
XCTAssertEqual(0.0, Double(result.x), accuracy: accuracyThreshold)
XCTAssertEqual(1.0, Double(result.y), accuracy: accuracyThreshold)
func test_translation_and_rotation() {
let point = NSPoint(x: 10, y: 10)
var translateThenRotate = AffineTransform(translationByX: 20, byY: -30)
translateThenRotate.rotate(byRadians: .pi / 2)
checkPointTransformation(NSAffineTransform(transform: translateThenRotate), point: point, expectedPoint: NSPoint(x: 10, y: -20))
func test_Equal() {
let transform = NSAffineTransform()
let transform1 = NSAffineTransform()
XCTAssertEqual(transform1, transform)
XCTAssertFalse(transform === transform1)
func test_NSCoding() {
let transformA = NSAffineTransform()
transformA.scale(by: 2)
let transformB = NSKeyedUnarchiver.unarchiveObject(with: NSKeyedArchiver.archivedData(withRootObject: transformA)) as! NSAffineTransform
XCTAssertEqual(transformA, transformB, "Archived then unarchived `NSAffineTransform` must be equal.")
extension NSAffineTransform {
func transformRect(_ aRect: NSRect) -> NSRect {
return NSRect(origin: transform(aRect.origin), size: transform(aRect.size))