blob: 0a485ca9e53ccc33eaec9d73ae129f867935e211 [file] [log] [blame]
// Foundation/URLSession/TaskRegistry.swift - URLSession & libcurl
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/// These are libcurl helpers for the URLSession API code.
/// - SeeAlso:
/// - SeeAlso: URLSession.swift
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
import CoreFoundation
import Dispatch
extension URLSession {
/// This helper class keeps track of all tasks, and their behaviours.
/// Each `URLSession` has a `TaskRegistry` for its running tasks. The
/// *behaviour* defines what action is to be taken e.g. upon completion.
/// The behaviour stores the completion handler for tasks that are
/// completion handler based.
/// - Note: This must **only** be accessed on the owning session's work queue.
class _TaskRegistry {
/// Completion handler for `URLSessionDataTask`, and `URLSessionUploadTask`.
typealias DataTaskCompletion = (Data?, URLResponse?, Error?) -> Void
/// Completion handler for `URLSessionDownloadTask`.
typealias DownloadTaskCompletion = (URL?, URLResponse?, Error?) -> Void
/// What to do upon events (such as completion) of a specific task.
enum _Behaviour {
/// Call the `URLSession`s delegate
case callDelegate
/// Default action for all events, except for completion.
case dataCompletionHandler(DataTaskCompletion)
/// Default action for all events, except for completion.
case downloadCompletionHandler(DownloadTaskCompletion)
fileprivate var tasks: [Int: URLSessionTask] = [:]
fileprivate var behaviours: [Int: _Behaviour] = [:]
fileprivate var tasksFinishedCallback: (() -> Void)?
extension URLSession._TaskRegistry {
/// Add a task
/// - Note: This must **only** be accessed on the owning session's work queue.
func add(_ task: URLSessionTask, behaviour: _Behaviour) {
let identifier = task.taskIdentifier
guard identifier != 0 else { fatalError("Invalid task identifier") }
guard tasks.index(forKey: identifier) == nil else {
if tasks[identifier] === task {
fatalError("Trying to re-insert a task that's already in the registry.")
} else {
fatalError("Trying to insert a task, but a different task with the same identifier is already in the registry.")
tasks[identifier] = task
behaviours[identifier] = behaviour
/// Remove a task
/// - Note: This must **only** be accessed on the owning session's work queue.
func remove(_ task: URLSessionTask) {
let identifier = task.taskIdentifier
guard identifier != 0 else { fatalError("Invalid task identifier") }
guard let tasksIdx = tasks.index(forKey: identifier) else {
fatalError("Trying to remove task, but it's not in the registry.")
tasks.remove(at: tasksIdx)
guard let behaviourIdx = behaviours.index(forKey: identifier) else {
fatalError("Trying to remove task's behaviour, but it's not in the registry.")
behaviours.remove(at: behaviourIdx)
guard let allTasksFinished = tasksFinishedCallback else { return }
if self.isEmpty {
func notify(on tasksCompetion: @escaping () -> Void) {
tasksFinishedCallback = tasksCompetion
var isEmpty: Bool {
return tasks.isEmpty
extension URLSession._TaskRegistry {
/// The behaviour that's registered for the given task.
/// - Note: It is a programming error to pass a task that isn't registered.
/// - Note: This must **only** be accessed on the owning session's work queue.
func behaviour(for task: URLSessionTask) -> _Behaviour {
guard let b = behaviours[task.taskIdentifier] else {
fatalError("Trying to access a behaviour for a task that in not in the registry.")
return b