blob: 6f33cc638bf70324e71a5c864d418e72100ca226 [file] [log] [blame]
// Foundation/NSURLSession/NSURLSessionTask.swift - NSURLSession API
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/// URLSession API code.
/// - SeeAlso: NSURLSession.swift
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
import CoreFoundation
import Dispatch
/// A cancelable object that refers to the lifetime
/// of processing a given request.
open class URLSessionTask : NSObject, NSCopying {
/// How many times the task has been suspended, 0 indicating a running task.
fileprivate var suspendCount = 1
fileprivate var easyHandle: _EasyHandle!
fileprivate var totalDownloaded = 0
fileprivate var session: URLSessionProtocol! //change to nil when task completes
fileprivate let body: _Body
fileprivate let tempFileURL: URL
/// The internal state that the task is in.
/// Setting this value will also add / remove the easy handle.
/// It is independt of the `state: URLSessionTask.State`. The
/// `internalState` tracks the state of transfers / waiting for callbacks.
/// The `state` tracks the overall state of the task (running vs.
/// completed).
/// - SeeAlso: URLSessionTask._InternalState
fileprivate var internalState = _InternalState.initial {
// We manage adding / removing the easy handle and pausing / unpausing
// here at a centralized place to make sure the internal state always
// matches up with the state of the easy handle being added and paused.
willSet {
if !internalState.isEasyHandlePaused && newValue.isEasyHandlePaused {
fatalError("Need to solve pausing receive.")
if internalState.isEasyHandleAddedToMultiHandle && !newValue.isEasyHandleAddedToMultiHandle {
session.remove(handle: easyHandle)
didSet {
if !oldValue.isEasyHandleAddedToMultiHandle && internalState.isEasyHandleAddedToMultiHandle {
session.add(handle: easyHandle)
if oldValue.isEasyHandlePaused && !internalState.isEasyHandlePaused {
fatalError("Need to solve pausing receive.")
if case .taskCompleted = internalState {
guard let s = session as? URLSession else { fatalError() }
s.workQueue.async {
/// All operations must run on this queue.
fileprivate let workQueue: DispatchQueue
/// This queue is used to make public attributes thread safe. It's a
/// **concurrent** queue and must be used with a barries when writing. This
/// allows multiple concurrent readers or a single writer.
fileprivate let taskAttributesIsolation: DispatchQueue
public override init() {
// Darwin Foundation oddly allows calling this initializer, even though
// such a task is quite broken -- it doesn't have a session. And calling
// e.g. `taskIdentifier` will crash.
// We set up the bare minimum for init to work, but don't care too much
// about things crashing later.
session = _MissingURLSession()
taskIdentifier = 0
originalRequest = nil
body = .none
workQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "URLSessionTask.notused.0")
taskAttributesIsolation = DispatchQueue(label: "URLSessionTask.notused.1", attributes: DispatchQueue.Attributes.concurrent)
let fileName = NSTemporaryDirectory() + NSUUID().uuidString + ".tmp"
_ = FileManager.default.createFile(atPath: fileName, contents: nil)
self.tempFileURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: fileName)
/// Create a data task. If there is a httpBody in the URLRequest, use that as a parameter
internal convenience init(session: URLSession, request: URLRequest, taskIdentifier: Int) {
if let bodyData = request.httpBody {
self.init(session: session, request: request, taskIdentifier: taskIdentifier, body:
} else {
self.init(session: session, request: request, taskIdentifier: taskIdentifier, body: .none)
internal init(session: URLSession, request: URLRequest, taskIdentifier: Int, body: _Body) {
self.session = session
self.workQueue = session.workQueue
self.taskAttributesIsolation = session.taskAttributesIsolation
self.taskIdentifier = taskIdentifier
self.originalRequest = request
self.body = body
let fileName = NSTemporaryDirectory() + NSUUID().uuidString + ".tmp"
_ = FileManager.default.createFile(atPath: fileName, contents: nil)
self.tempFileURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: fileName)
self.easyHandle = _EasyHandle(delegate: self)
deinit {
//TODO: Can we ensure this somewhere else? This might run on the wrong
// thread / queue.
//if internalState.isEasyHandleAddedToMultiHandle {
// session.removeHandle(easyHandle)
open override func copy() -> Any {
return copy(with: nil)
open func copy(with zone: NSZone?) -> Any {
return self
/// An identifier for this task, assigned by and unique to the owning session
open let taskIdentifier: Int
/// May be nil if this is a stream task
/*@NSCopying*/ open let originalRequest: URLRequest?
/// May differ from originalRequest due to http server redirection
/*@NSCopying*/ open fileprivate(set) var currentRequest: URLRequest? {
get {
return taskAttributesIsolation.sync { self._currentRequest }
//TODO: dispatch_barrier_async
set { taskAttributesIsolation.async(flags: .barrier) { self._currentRequest = newValue } }
fileprivate var _currentRequest: URLRequest? = nil
/*@NSCopying*/ open fileprivate(set) var response: URLResponse? {
get {
return taskAttributesIsolation.sync { self._response }
set { taskAttributesIsolation.async(flags: .barrier) { self._response = newValue } }
fileprivate var _response: URLResponse? = nil
/* Byte count properties may be zero if no body is expected,
* or URLSessionTransferSizeUnknown if it is not possible
* to know how many bytes will be transferred.
/// Number of body bytes already received
open fileprivate(set) var countOfBytesReceived: Int64 {
get {
return taskAttributesIsolation.sync { self._countOfBytesReceived }
set { taskAttributesIsolation.async(flags: .barrier) { self._countOfBytesReceived = newValue } }
fileprivate var _countOfBytesReceived: Int64 = 0
/// Number of body bytes already sent */
open fileprivate(set) var countOfBytesSent: Int64 {
get {
return taskAttributesIsolation.sync { self._countOfBytesSent }
set { taskAttributesIsolation.async(flags: .barrier) { self._countOfBytesSent = newValue } }
fileprivate var _countOfBytesSent: Int64 = 0
/// Number of body bytes we expect to send, derived from the Content-Length of the HTTP request */
open fileprivate(set) var countOfBytesExpectedToSend: Int64 = 0
/// Number of byte bytes we expect to receive, usually derived from the Content-Length header of an HTTP response. */
open fileprivate(set) var countOfBytesExpectedToReceive: Int64 = 0
/// The taskDescription property is available for the developer to
/// provide a descriptive label for the task.
open var taskDescription: String?
/* -cancel returns immediately, but marks a task as being canceled.
* The task will signal -URLSession:task:didCompleteWithError: with an
* error value of { NSURLErrorDomain, NSURLErrorCancelled }. In some
* cases, the task may signal other work before it acknowledges the
* cancelation. -cancel may be sent to a task that has been suspended.
open func cancel() { NSUnimplemented() }
* The current state of the task within the session.
open var state: URLSessionTask.State {
get {
return taskAttributesIsolation.sync { self._state }
set { taskAttributesIsolation.async(flags: .barrier) { self._state = newValue } }
fileprivate var _state: URLSessionTask.State = .suspended
* The error, if any, delivered via -URLSession:task:didCompleteWithError:
* This property will be nil in the event that no error occured.
/*@NSCopying*/ open fileprivate(set) var error: Error?
/// Suspend the task.
/// Suspending a task will prevent the URLSession from continuing to
/// load data. There may still be delegate calls made on behalf of
/// this task (for instance, to report data received while suspending)
/// but no further transmissions will be made on behalf of the task
/// until -resume is sent. The timeout timer associated with the task
/// will be disabled while a task is suspended. -suspend and -resume are
/// nestable.
open func suspend() {
// suspend / resume is implemented simply by adding / removing the task's
// easy handle fromt he session's multi-handle.
// This might result in slightly different behaviour than the Darwin Foundation
// implementation, but it'll be difficult to get complete parity anyhow.
// Too many things depend on timeout on the wire etc.
// TODO: It may be worth looking into starting over a task that gets
// resumed. The Darwin Foundation documentation states that that's what
// it does for anything but download tasks.
// We perform the increment and call to `updateTaskState()`
// synchronous, to make sure the `state` is updated when this method
// returns, but the actual suspend will be done asynchronous to avoid
// dead-locks.
workQueue.sync {
self.suspendCount += 1
guard self.suspendCount < Int.max else { fatalError("Task suspended too many times \(Int.max).") }
if self.suspendCount == 1 {
self.workQueue.async {
/// Resume the task.
/// - SeeAlso: `suspend()`
open func resume() {
workQueue.sync {
self.suspendCount -= 1
guard 0 <= self.suspendCount else { fatalError("Resuming a task that's not suspended. Calls to resume() / suspend() need to be matched.") }
if self.suspendCount == 0 {
self.workQueue.async {
/// The priority of the task.
/// Sets a scaling factor for the priority of the task. The scaling factor is a
/// value between 0.0 and 1.0 (inclusive), where 0.0 is considered the lowest
/// priority and 1.0 is considered the highest.
/// The priority is a hint and not a hard requirement of task performance. The
/// priority of a task may be changed using this API at any time, but not all
/// protocols support this; in these cases, the last priority that took effect
/// will be used.
/// If no priority is specified, the task will operate with the default priority
/// as defined by the constant URLSessionTask.defaultPriority. Two additional
/// priority levels are provided: URLSessionTask.lowPriority and
/// URLSessionTask.highPriority, but use is not restricted to these.
open var priority: Float {
get {
return taskAttributesIsolation.sync { self._priority }
set {
taskAttributesIsolation.async(flags: .barrier) { self._priority = newValue }
fileprivate var _priority: Float = URLSessionTask.defaultPriority
extension URLSessionTask {
public enum State : Int {
/// The task is currently being serviced by the session
case running
case suspended
/// The task has been told to cancel. The session will receive a URLSession:task:didCompleteWithError: message.
case canceling
/// The task has completed and the session will receive no more delegate notifications
case completed
fileprivate extension URLSessionTask {
/// The calls to `suspend` can be nested. This one is only called when the
/// task is not suspended and needs to go into suspended state.
func performSuspend() {
if case .transferInProgress(let transferState) = internalState {
internalState = .transferReady(transferState)
/// The calls to `resume` can be nested. This one is only called when the
/// task is suspended and needs to go out of suspended state.
func performResume() {
if case .initial = internalState {
guard let r = originalRequest else { fatalError("Task has no original request.") }
startNewTransfer(with: r)
if case .transferReady(let transferState) = internalState {
internalState = .transferInProgress(transferState)
internal extension URLSessionTask {
/// The is independent of the public `state: URLSessionTask.State`.
enum _InternalState {
/// Task has been created, but nothing has been done, yet
case initial
/// The easy handle has been fully configured. But it is not added to
/// the multi handle.
case transferReady(_TransferState)
/// The easy handle is currently added to the multi handle
case transferInProgress(_TransferState)
/// The transfer completed.
/// The easy handle has been removed from the multi handle. This does
/// not (necessarily mean the task completed. A task that gets
/// redirected will do multiple transfers.
case transferCompleted(response: HTTPURLResponse, bodyDataDrain: _TransferState._DataDrain)
/// The transfer failed.
/// Same as `.transferCompleted`, but without response / body data
case transferFailed
/// Waiting for the completion handler of the HTTP redirect callback.
/// When we tell the delegate that we're about to perform an HTTP
/// redirect, we need to wait for the delegate to let us know what
/// action to take.
case waitingForRedirectCompletionHandler(response: HTTPURLResponse, bodyDataDrain: _TransferState._DataDrain)
/// Waiting for the completion handler of the 'did receive response' callback.
/// When we tell the delegate that we received a response (i.e. when
/// we received a complete header), we need to wait for the delegate to
/// let us know what action to take. In this state the easy handle is
/// paused in order to suspend delegate callbacks.
case waitingForResponseCompletionHandler(_TransferState)
/// The task is completed
/// Contrast this with `.transferCompleted`.
case taskCompleted
fileprivate extension URLSessionTask._InternalState {
var isEasyHandleAddedToMultiHandle: Bool {
switch self {
case .initial: return false
case .transferReady: return false
case .transferInProgress: return true
case .transferCompleted: return false
case .transferFailed: return false
case .waitingForRedirectCompletionHandler: return false
case .waitingForResponseCompletionHandler: return true
case .taskCompleted: return false
var isEasyHandlePaused: Bool {
switch self {
case .initial: return false
case .transferReady: return false
case .transferInProgress: return false
case .transferCompleted: return false
case .transferFailed: return false
case .waitingForRedirectCompletionHandler: return false
case .waitingForResponseCompletionHandler: return true
case .taskCompleted: return false
internal extension URLSessionTask {
/// Updates the (public) state based on private / internal state.
/// - Note: This must be called on the `workQueue`.
fileprivate func updateTaskState() {
func calculateState() -> URLSessionTask.State {
if case .taskCompleted = internalState {
return .completed
if suspendCount == 0 {
return .running
} else {
return .suspended
state = calculateState()
internal extension URLSessionTask {
enum _Body {
case none
case data(DispatchData)
/// Body data is read from the given file URL
case file(URL)
case stream(InputStream)
fileprivate extension URLSessionTask._Body {
enum _Error : Error {
case fileForBodyDataNotFound
/// - Returns: The body length, or `nil` for no body (e.g. `GET` request).
func getBodyLength() throws -> UInt64? {
switch self {
case .none:
return 0
case .data(let d):
return UInt64(d.count)
/// Body data is read from the given file URL
case .file(let fileURL):
guard let s = try FileManager.default.attributesOfItem(atPath: fileURL.path)[.size] as? NSNumber else {
throw _Error.fileForBodyDataNotFound
return s.uint64Value
case .stream:
return nil
/// Easy handle related
fileprivate extension URLSessionTask {
/// Start a new transfer
func startNewTransfer(with request: URLRequest) {
currentRequest = request
guard let url = request.url else { fatalError("No URL in request.") }
internalState = .transferReady(createTransferState(url: url))
configureEasyHandle(for: request)
if suspendCount < 1 {
/// Creates a new transfer state with the given behaviour:
func createTransferState(url: URL) -> URLSessionTask._TransferState {
let drain = createTransferBodyDataDrain()
switch body {
case .none:
return URLSessionTask._TransferState(url: url, bodyDataDrain: drain)
case .data(let data):
let source = _HTTPBodyDataSource(data: data)
return URLSessionTask._TransferState(url: url, bodyDataDrain: drain, bodySource: source)
case .file(let fileURL):
let source = _HTTPBodyFileSource(fileURL: fileURL, workQueue: workQueue, dataAvailableHandler: { [weak self] in
// Unpause the easy handle
return URLSessionTask._TransferState(url: url, bodyDataDrain: drain, bodySource: source)
case .stream:
/// The data drain.
/// This depends on what the delegate / completion handler need.
fileprivate func createTransferBodyDataDrain() -> URLSessionTask._TransferState._DataDrain {
switch session.behaviour(for: self) {
case .noDelegate:
return .ignore
case .taskDelegate:
// Data will be forwarded to the delegate as we receive it, we don't
// need to do anything about it.
return .ignore
case .dataCompletionHandler:
// Data needs to be concatenated in-memory such that we can pass it
// to the completion handler upon completion.
return .inMemory(nil)
case .downloadCompletionHandler:
// Data needs to be written to a file (i.e. a download task).
let fileHandle = try! FileHandle(forWritingTo: tempFileURL)
return .toFile(tempFileURL, fileHandle)
/// Set options on the easy handle to match the given request.
/// This performs a series of `curl_easy_setopt()` calls.
fileprivate func configureEasyHandle(for request: URLRequest) {
// At this point we will call the equivalent of curl_easy_setopt()
// to configure everything on the handle. Since we might be re-using
// a handle, we must be sure to set everything and not rely on defaul
// values.
//TODO: We could add a strong reference from the easy handle back to
// its URLSessionTask by means of CURLOPT_PRIVATE -- that would ensure
// that the task is always around while the handle is running.
// We would have to break that retain cycle once the handle completes
// its transfer.
// Behavior Options
easyHandle.set(verboseModeOn: enableLibcurlDebugOutput)
easyHandle.set(debugOutputOn: enableLibcurlDebugOutput, task: self)
easyHandle.set(passHeadersToDataStream: false)
easyHandle.set(progressMeterOff: true)
easyHandle.set(skipAllSignalHandling: true)
// Error Options:
easyHandle.set(errorBuffer: nil)
easyHandle.set(failOnHTTPErrorCode: false)
// Network Options:
guard let url = request.url else { fatalError("No URL in request.") }
easyHandle.set(url: url)
easyHandle.set(preferredReceiveBufferSize: Int.max)
do {
switch (body, try body.getBodyLength()) {
case (.none, _):
set(requestBodyLength: .noBody)
case (_, .some(let length)):
set(requestBodyLength: .length(length))
case (_, .none):
set(requestBodyLength: .unknown)
} catch let e {
// Fail the request here.
// TODO: We have multiple options:
// NSURLErrorNoPermissionsToReadFile
// NSURLErrorFileDoesNotExist
internalState = .transferFailed
failWith(errorCode: errorCode(fileSystemError: e), request: request)
// HTTP Options:
easyHandle.set(followLocation: false)
easyHandle.set(customHeaders: curlHeaders(for: request))
//Options unavailable on Ubuntu 14.04 (libcurl 7.36)
//TODO: Introduce something like an #if
//easyHandle.set(waitForPipeliningAndMultiplexing: true)
//easyHandle.set(streamWeight: priority)
//set the request timeout
//TODO: the timeout value needs to be reset on every data transfer
let s = session as! URLSession
easyHandle.set(timeout: Int(s.configuration.timeoutIntervalForRequest))
easyHandle.set(automaticBodyDecompression: true)
easyHandle.set(requestMethod: request.httpMethod ?? "GET")
if request.httpMethod == "HEAD" {
easyHandle.set(noBody: true)
} else if ((request.httpMethod == "POST") && (request.value(forHTTPHeaderField: "Content-Type") == nil)) {
easyHandle.set(customHeaders: ["Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded"])
fileprivate extension URLSessionTask {
/// These are a list of headers that should be passed to libcurl.
/// Headers will be returned as `Accept: text/html` strings for
/// setting fields, `Accept:` for disabling the libcurl default header, or
/// `Accept;` for a header with no content. This is the format that libcurl
/// expects.
/// - SeeAlso:
func curlHeaders(for request: URLRequest) -> [String] {
var result: [String] = []
var names = Set<String>()
if let hh = currentRequest?.allHTTPHeaderFields {
hh.forEach {
let name = $0.0.lowercased()
guard !names.contains(name) else { return }
if $0.1.isEmpty {
result.append($0.0 + ";")
} else {
result.append($0.0 + ": " + $0.1)
curlHeadersToSet.forEach {
let name = $0.0.lowercased()
guard !names.contains(name) else { return }
if $0.1.isEmpty {
result.append($0.0 + ";")
} else {
result.append($0.0 + ": " + $0.1)
curlHeadersToRemove.forEach {
let name = $0.lowercased()
guard !names.contains(name) else { return }
result.append($0 + ":")
return result
/// Any header values that should be passed to libcurl
/// These will only be set if not already part of the request.
/// - SeeAlso:
var curlHeadersToSet: [(String,String)] {
var result = [("Connection", "keep-alive"),
("User-Agent", userAgentString),
if let language = NSLocale.current.languageCode {
result.append(("Accept-Language", language))
return result
/// Any header values that should be removed from the ones set by libcurl
/// - SeeAlso:
var curlHeadersToRemove: [String] {
if case .none = body {
return []
} else {
return ["Expect"]
fileprivate var userAgentString: String = {
// Darwin uses something like this: "xctest (unknown version) CFNetwork/760.4.2 Darwin/15.4.0 (x86_64)"
let info = ProcessInfo.processInfo
let name = info.processName
let curlVersion = CFURLSessionCurlVersionInfo()
//TODO: Should probably use sysctl(3) to get these:
// kern.ostype: Darwin
// kern.osrelease: 15.4.0
//TODO: Use NSBundle to get the version number?
return "\(name) (unknown version) curl/\(curlVersion.major).\(curlVersion.minor).\(curlVersion.patch)"
fileprivate func errorCode(fileSystemError error: Error) -> Int {
func fromCocoaErrorCode(_ code: Int) -> Int {
switch code {
case CocoaError.fileReadNoSuchFile.rawValue:
return NSURLErrorFileDoesNotExist
case CocoaError.fileReadNoPermission.rawValue:
return NSURLErrorNoPermissionsToReadFile
return NSURLErrorUnknown
switch error {
case let e as NSError where e.domain == NSCocoaErrorDomain:
return fromCocoaErrorCode(e.code)
return NSURLErrorUnknown
fileprivate extension URLSessionTask {
/// Set request body length.
/// An unknown length
func set(requestBodyLength length: URLSessionTask._RequestBodyLength) {
switch length {
case .noBody:
easyHandle.set(upload: false)
easyHandle.set(requestBodyLength: 0)
case .length(let length):
easyHandle.set(upload: true)
easyHandle.set(requestBodyLength: Int64(length))
case .unknown:
easyHandle.set(upload: true)
easyHandle.set(requestBodyLength: -1)
enum _RequestBodyLength {
case noBody
case length(UInt64)
/// Will result in a chunked upload
case unknown
extension URLSessionTask: _EasyHandleDelegate {
func didReceive(data: Data) -> _EasyHandle._Action {
guard case .transferInProgress(let ts) = internalState else { fatalError("Received body data, but no transfer in progress.") }
guard ts.isHeaderComplete else { fatalError("Received body data, but the header is not complete, yet.") }
notifyDelegate(aboutReceivedData: data)
internalState = .transferInProgress(ts.byAppending(bodyData: data))
return .proceed
fileprivate func notifyDelegate(aboutReceivedData data: Data) {
if case .taskDelegate(let delegate) = session.behaviour(for: self),
let dataDelegate = delegate as? URLSessionDataDelegate,
let task = self as? URLSessionDataTask {
// Forward to the delegate:
guard let s = session as? URLSession else { fatalError() }
s.delegateQueue.addOperation {
dataDelegate.urlSession(s, dataTask: task, didReceive: data)
} else if case .taskDelegate(let delegate) = session.behaviour(for: self),
let downloadDelegate = delegate as? URLSessionDownloadDelegate,
let task = self as? URLSessionDownloadTask {
guard let s = session as? URLSession else { fatalError() }
let fileHandle = try! FileHandle(forWritingTo: tempFileURL)
_ = fileHandle.seekToEndOfFile()
self.totalDownloaded += data.count
s.delegateQueue.addOperation {
downloadDelegate.urlSession(s, downloadTask: task, didWriteData: Int64(data.count), totalBytesWritten: Int64(self.totalDownloaded),
totalBytesExpectedToWrite: Int64(self.easyHandle.fileLength))
if Int(self.easyHandle.fileLength) == totalDownloaded {
s.delegateQueue.addOperation {
downloadDelegate.urlSession(s, downloadTask: task, didFinishDownloadingTo: self.tempFileURL)
func didReceive(headerData data: Data) -> _EasyHandle._Action {
guard case .transferInProgress(let ts) = internalState else { fatalError("Received body data, but no transfer in progress.") }
do {
let newTS = try ts.byAppending(headerLine: data)
internalState = .transferInProgress(newTS)
let didCompleteHeader = !ts.isHeaderComplete && newTS.isHeaderComplete
if didCompleteHeader {
// The header is now complete, but wasn't before.
return .proceed
} catch {
return .abort
func fill(writeBuffer buffer: UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<Int8>) -> _EasyHandle._WriteBufferResult {
guard case .transferInProgress(let ts) = internalState else { fatalError("Requested to fill write buffer, but transfer isn't in progress.") }
guard let source = ts.requestBodySource else { fatalError("Requested to fill write buffer, but transfer state has no body source.") }
switch source.getNextChunk(withLength: buffer.count) {
case .data(let data):
copyDispatchData(data, infoBuffer: buffer)
let count = data.count
assert(count > 0)
return .bytes(count)
case .done:
return .bytes(0)
case .retryLater:
// At this point we'll try to pause the easy handle. The body source
// is responsible for un-pausing the handle once data becomes
// available.
return .pause
case .error:
return .abort
func transferCompleted(withErrorCode errorCode: Int?) {
// At this point the transfer is complete and we can decide what to do.
// If everything went well, we will simply forward the resulting data
// to the delegate. But in case of redirects etc. we might send another
// request.
guard case .transferInProgress(let ts) = internalState else { fatalError("Transfer completed, but it wasn't in progress.") }
guard let request = currentRequest else { fatalError("Transfer completed, but there's no current request.") }
guard errorCode == nil else {
internalState = .transferFailed
failWith(errorCode: errorCode!, request: request)
guard let response = ts.response else { fatalError("Transfer completed, but there's no response.") }
internalState = .transferCompleted(response: response, bodyDataDrain: ts.bodyDataDrain)
let action = completionAction(forCompletedRequest: request, response: response)
switch action {
case .completeTask:
case .failWithError(let errorCode):
internalState = .transferFailed
failWith(errorCode: errorCode, request: request)
case .redirectWithRequest(let newRequest):
redirectFor(request: newRequest)
func seekInputStream(to position: UInt64) throws {
// We will reset the body sourse and seek forward.
func updateProgressMeter(with propgress: _EasyHandle._Progress) {
//TODO: Update progress. Note that a single URLSessionTask might
// perform multiple transfers. The values in `progress` are only for
// the current transfer.
/// State Transfers
extension URLSessionTask {
func completeTask() {
guard case .transferCompleted(response: let response, bodyDataDrain: let bodyDataDrain) = internalState else {
fatalError("Trying to complete the task, but its transfer isn't complete.")
self.response = response
//because we deregister the task with the session on internalState being set to taskCompleted
//we need to do the latter after the delegate/handler was notified/invoked
switch session.behaviour(for: self) {
case .taskDelegate(let delegate):
guard let s = session as? URLSession else { fatalError() }
s.delegateQueue.addOperation {
delegate.urlSession(s, task: self, didCompleteWithError: nil)
self.internalState = .taskCompleted
case .noDelegate:
internalState = .taskCompleted
case .dataCompletionHandler(let completion):
guard case .inMemory(let bodyData) = bodyDataDrain else {
fatalError("Task has data completion handler, but data drain is not in-memory.")
guard let s = session as? URLSession else { fatalError() }
var data = Data()
if let body = bodyData {
data = Data(bytes: body.bytes, count: body.length)
s.delegateQueue.addOperation {
completion(data, response, nil)
self.internalState = .taskCompleted
self.session = nil
case .downloadCompletionHandler(let completion):
guard case .toFile(let url, let fileHandle?) = bodyDataDrain else {
fatalError("Task has data completion handler, but data drain is not a file handle.")
guard let s = session as? URLSession else { fatalError() }
//The contents are already written, just close the file handle and call the handler
s.delegateQueue.addOperation {
completion(url, response, nil)
self.internalState = .taskCompleted
self.session = nil
func completeTask(withError error: Error) {
self.error = error
guard case .transferFailed = internalState else {
fatalError("Trying to complete the task, but its transfer isn't complete / failed.")
switch session.behaviour(for: self) {
case .taskDelegate(let delegate):
guard let s = session as? URLSession else { fatalError() }
s.delegateQueue.addOperation {
delegate.urlSession(s, task: self, didCompleteWithError: error as Error)
self.internalState = .taskCompleted
case .noDelegate:
internalState = .taskCompleted
case .dataCompletionHandler(let completion):
guard let s = session as? URLSession else { fatalError() }
s.delegateQueue.addOperation {
completion(nil, nil, error)
self.internalState = .taskCompleted
case .downloadCompletionHandler(let completion):
guard let s = session as? URLSession else { fatalError() }
s.delegateQueue.addOperation {
completion(nil, nil, error)
self.internalState = .taskCompleted
func failWith(errorCode: Int, request: URLRequest) {
//TODO: Error handling
let userInfo: [String : Any]? = {
NSURLErrorFailingURLErrorKey: $0,
NSURLErrorFailingURLStringErrorKey: $0.absoluteString,
let error = URLError(_nsError: NSError(domain: NSURLErrorDomain, code: errorCode, userInfo: userInfo))
completeTask(withError: error)
func redirectFor(request: URLRequest) {
//TODO: Should keep track of the number of redirects that this
// request has gone through and err out once it's too large, i.e.
// call into `failWith(errorCode: )` with NSURLErrorHTTPTooManyRedirects
guard case .transferCompleted(response: let response, bodyDataDrain: let bodyDataDrain) = internalState else {
fatalError("Trying to redirect, but the transfer is not complete.")
switch session.behaviour(for: self) {
case .taskDelegate(let delegate):
// At this point we need to change the internal state to note
// that we're waiting for the delegate to call the completion
// handler. Then we'll call the delegate callback
// (willPerformHTTPRedirection). The task will then switch out of
// its internal state once the delegate calls the completion
// handler.
//TODO: Should the `public response: URLResponse` property be updated
// before we call delegate API
// `func urlSession(session: session: URLSession, task: URLSessionTask, willPerformHTTPRedirection response: NSHTTPURLResponse, newRequest request: NSURLRequest, completionHandler: (NSURLRequest?) -> Void)`
// ?
internalState = .waitingForRedirectCompletionHandler(response: response, bodyDataDrain: bodyDataDrain)
// We need this ugly cast in order to be able to support `URLSessionTask.init()`
guard let s = session as? URLSession else { fatalError() }
s.delegateQueue.addOperation {
delegate.urlSession(s, task: self, willPerformHTTPRedirection: response, newRequest: request) { [weak self] (request: URLRequest?) in
guard let task = self else { return }
task.workQueue.async {
case .noDelegate, .dataCompletionHandler, .downloadCompletionHandler:
// Follow the redirect.
startNewTransfer(with: request)
fileprivate func didCompleteRedirectCallback(_ request: URLRequest?) {
guard case .waitingForRedirectCompletionHandler(response: let response, bodyDataDrain: let bodyDataDrain) = internalState else {
fatalError("Received callback for HTTP redirection, but we're not waiting for it. Was it called multiple times?")
// If the request is `nil`, we're supposed to treat the current response
// as the final response, i.e. not do any redirection.
// Otherwise, we'll start a new transfer with the passed in request.
if let r = request {
startNewTransfer(with: r)
} else {
internalState = .transferCompleted(response: response, bodyDataDrain: bodyDataDrain)
/// Response processing
fileprivate extension URLSessionTask {
/// Whenever we receive a response (i.e. a complete header) from libcurl,
/// this method gets called.
func didReceiveResponse() {
guard let dt = self as? URLSessionDataTask else { return }
guard case .transferInProgress(let ts) = internalState else { fatalError("Transfer not in progress.") }
guard let response = ts.response else { fatalError("Header complete, but not URL response.") }
switch session.behaviour(for: self) {
case .noDelegate:
case .taskDelegate(let delegate as URLSessionDataDelegate):
//TODO: There's a problem with libcurl / with how we're using it.
// We're currently unable to pause the transfer / the easy handle:
// For now, we'll notify the delegate, but won't pause the transfer,
// and we'll disregard the completion handler:
guard let s = session as? URLSession else { fatalError() }
s.delegateQueue.addOperation {
delegate.urlSession(s, dataTask: dt, didReceive: response, completionHandler: { _ in
print("warning: Ignoring dispotion from completion handler.")
case .taskDelegate:
case .dataCompletionHandler:
case .downloadCompletionHandler:
/// Give the delegate a chance to tell us how to proceed once we have a
/// response / complete header.
/// This will pause the transfer.
func askDelegateHowToProceedAfterCompleteResponse(_ response: HTTPURLResponse, delegate: URLSessionDataDelegate) {
// Ask the delegate how to proceed.
// This will pause the easy handle. We need to wait for the
// delegate before processing any more data.
guard case .transferInProgress(let ts) = internalState else { fatalError("Transfer not in progress.") }
internalState = .waitingForResponseCompletionHandler(ts)
let dt = self as! URLSessionDataTask
// We need this ugly cast in order to be able to support `URLSessionTask.init()`
guard let s = session as? URLSession else { fatalError() }
s.delegateQueue.addOperation {
delegate.urlSession(s, dataTask: dt, didReceive: response, completionHandler: { [weak self] disposition in
guard let task = self else { return }
task.workQueue.async {
task.didCompleteResponseCallback(disposition: disposition)
/// This gets called (indirectly) when the data task delegates lets us know
/// how we should proceed after receiving a response (i.e. complete header).
func didCompleteResponseCallback(disposition: URLSession.ResponseDisposition) {
guard case .waitingForResponseCompletionHandler(let ts) = internalState else { fatalError("Received response disposition, but we're not waiting for it.") }
switch disposition {
case .cancel:
let error = URLError(_nsError: NSError(domain: NSURLErrorDomain, code: NSURLErrorCancelled))
self.completeTask(withError: error)
case .allow:
// Continue the transfer. This will unpause the easy handle.
internalState = .transferInProgress(ts)
case .becomeDownload:
/* Turn this request into a download */
case .becomeStream:
/* Turn this task into a stream task */
/// Action to be taken after a transfer completes
enum _CompletionAction {
case completeTask
case failWithError(Int)
case redirectWithRequest(URLRequest)
/// What action to take
func completionAction(forCompletedRequest request: URLRequest, response: HTTPURLResponse) -> _CompletionAction {
// Redirect:
if let request = redirectRequest(for: response, fromRequest: request) {
return .redirectWithRequest(request)
return .completeTask
/// If the response is a redirect, return the new request
/// RFC 7231 section 6.4 defines redirection behavior for HTTP/1.1
/// - SeeAlso: <>
func redirectRequest(for response: HTTPURLResponse, fromRequest: URLRequest) -> URLRequest? {
//TODO: Do we ever want to redirect for HEAD requests?
func methodAndURL() -> (String, URL)? {
let location = response.value(forHeaderField: .location),
let targetURL = URL(string: location)
else {
// Can't redirect when there's no location to redirect to.
return nil
// Check for a redirect:
switch response.statusCode {
//TODO: Should we do this for 300 "Multiple Choices", too?
case 301, 302, 303:
// Change into "GET":
return ("GET", targetURL)
case 307:
// Re-use existing method:
return (fromRequest.httpMethod ?? "GET", targetURL)
return nil
guard let (method, targetURL) = methodAndURL() else { return nil }
var request = fromRequest
request.httpMethod = method
request.url = targetURL
return request
fileprivate extension HTTPURLResponse {
/// Type safe HTTP header field name(s)
enum _Field: String {
/// `Location`
/// - SeeAlso: RFC 2616 section 14.30 <>
case location = "Location"
func value(forHeaderField field: _Field) -> String? {
return field.rawValue
public extension URLSessionTask {
/// The default URL session task priority, used implicitly for any task you
/// have not prioritized. The floating point value of this constant is 0.5.
public static let defaultPriority: Float = 0.5
/// A low URL session task priority, with a floating point value above the
/// minimum of 0 and below the default value.
public static let lowPriority: Float = 0.25
/// A high URL session task priority, with a floating point value above the
/// default value and below the maximum of 1.0.
public static let highPriority: Float = 0.75
* An URLSessionDataTask does not provide any additional
* functionality over an URLSessionTask and its presence is merely
* to provide lexical differentiation from download and upload tasks.
open class URLSessionDataTask : URLSessionTask {
* An URLSessionUploadTask does not currently provide any additional
* functionality over an URLSessionDataTask. All delegate messages
* that may be sent referencing an URLSessionDataTask equally apply
* to URLSessionUploadTasks.
open class URLSessionUploadTask : URLSessionDataTask {
* URLSessionDownloadTask is a task that represents a download to
* local storage.
open class URLSessionDownloadTask : URLSessionTask {
internal var fileLength = -1.0
/* Cancel the download (and calls the superclass -cancel). If
* conditions will allow for resuming the download in the future, the
* callback will be called with an opaque data blob, which may be used
* with -downloadTaskWithResumeData: to attempt to resume the download.
* If resume data cannot be created, the completion handler will be
* called with nil resumeData.
open func cancel(byProducingResumeData completionHandler: @escaping (Data?) -> Void) { NSUnimplemented() }
* An URLSessionStreamTask provides an interface to perform reads
* and writes to a TCP/IP stream created via URLSession. This task
* may be explicitly created from an URLSession, or created as a
* result of the appropriate disposition response to a
* -URLSession:dataTask:didReceiveResponse: delegate message.
* URLSessionStreamTask can be used to perform asynchronous reads
* and writes. Reads and writes are enquened and executed serially,
* with the completion handler being invoked on the sessions delegate
* queuee. If an error occurs, or the task is canceled, all
* outstanding read and write calls will have their completion
* handlers invoked with an appropriate error.
* It is also possible to create InputStream and OutputStream
* instances from an URLSessionTask by sending
* -captureStreams to the task. All outstanding read and writess are
* completed before the streams are created. Once the streams are
* delivered to the session delegate, the task is considered complete
* and will receive no more messsages. These streams are
* disassociated from the underlying session.
open class URLSessionStreamTask : URLSessionTask {
/* Read minBytes, or at most maxBytes bytes and invoke the completion
* handler on the sessions delegate queue with the data or an error.
* If an error occurs, any outstanding reads will also fail, and new
* read requests will error out immediately.
open func readData(ofMinLength minBytes: Int, maxLength maxBytes: Int, timeout: TimeInterval, completionHandler: @escaping (Data?, Bool, Error?) -> Void) { NSUnimplemented() }
/* Write the data completely to the underlying socket. If all the
* bytes have not been written by the timeout, a timeout error will
* occur. Note that invocation of the completion handler does not
* guarantee that the remote side has received all the bytes, only
* that they have been written to the kernel. */
open func write(_ data: Data, timeout: TimeInterval, completionHandler: @escaping (Error?) -> Void) { NSUnimplemented() }
/* -captureStreams completes any already enqueued reads
* and writes, and then invokes the
* URLSession:streamTask:didBecomeInputStream:outputStream: delegate
* message. When that message is received, the task object is
* considered completed and will not receive any more delegate
* messages. */
open func captureStreams() { NSUnimplemented() }
/* Enqueue a request to close the write end of the underlying socket.
* All outstanding IO will complete before the write side of the
* socket is closed. The server, however, may continue to write bytes
* back to the client, so best practice is to continue reading from
* the server until you receive EOF.
open func closeWrite() { NSUnimplemented() }
/* Enqueue a request to close the read side of the underlying socket.
* All outstanding IO will complete before the read side is closed.
* You may continue writing to the server.
open func closeRead() { NSUnimplemented() }
* Begin encrypted handshake. The hanshake begins after all pending
* IO has completed. TLS authentication callbacks are sent to the
* session's -URLSession:task:didReceiveChallenge:completionHandler:
open func startSecureConnection() { NSUnimplemented() }
* Cleanly close a secure connection after all pending secure IO has
* completed.
open func stopSecureConnection() { NSUnimplemented() }
/* Key in the userInfo dictionary of an NSError received during a failed download. */
public let URLSessionDownloadTaskResumeData: String = "NSURLSessionDownloadTaskResumeData"
extension URLSession {
static func printDebug(_ text: @autoclosure () -> String) {
guard enableDebugOutput else { return }
fileprivate let enableLibcurlDebugOutput: Bool = {
return (ProcessInfo.processInfo.environment["URLSessionDebugLibcurl"] != nil)
fileprivate let enableDebugOutput: Bool = {
return (ProcessInfo.processInfo.environment["URLSessionDebug"] != nil)