blob: a7af6bab63db11a8191a99c88ec1aedb12185b15 [file] [log] [blame]
/* CFBundle.h
Copyright (c) 1999-2017, Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
#include <CoreFoundation/CFBase.h>
#include <CoreFoundation/CFArray.h>
#include <CoreFoundation/CFDictionary.h>
#include <CoreFoundation/CFError.h>
#include <CoreFoundation/CFString.h>
#include <CoreFoundation/CFURL.h>
typedef struct CF_BRIDGED_TYPE(id) __CFBundle *CFBundleRef;
typedef struct CF_BRIDGED_TYPE(id) __CFBundle *CFPlugInRef;
/* ===================== Standard Info.plist keys ===================== */
const CFStringRef kCFBundleInfoDictionaryVersionKey;
/* The version of the Info.plist format */
const CFStringRef kCFBundleExecutableKey;
/* The name of the executable in this bundle, if any */
const CFStringRef kCFBundleIdentifierKey;
/* The bundle identifier (for CFBundleGetBundleWithIdentifier()) */
const CFStringRef kCFBundleVersionKey;
/* The version number of the bundle. For Mac OS 9 style version numbers (for example "2.5.3d5"), */
/* clients can use CFBundleGetVersionNumber() instead of accessing this key directly since that */
/* function will properly convert the version string into its compact integer representation. */
const CFStringRef kCFBundleDevelopmentRegionKey;
/* The name of the development language of the bundle. */
const CFStringRef kCFBundleNameKey;
/* The human-readable name of the bundle. This key is often found in the InfoPlist.strings since it is usually localized. */
const CFStringRef kCFBundleLocalizationsKey;
/* Allows an unbundled application that handles localization itself to specify which localizations it has available. */
/* ===================== Finding Bundles ===================== */
CFBundleRef CFBundleGetMainBundle(void);
CFBundleRef CFBundleGetBundleWithIdentifier(CFStringRef bundleID);
/* A bundle can name itself by providing a key in the info dictionary. */
/* This facility is meant to allow bundle-writers to get hold of their */
/* bundle from their code without having to know where it was on the disk. */
/* This is meant to be a replacement mechanism for +bundleForClass: users. */
/* Note that this does not search for bundles on the disk; it will locate */
/* only bundles already loaded or otherwise known to the current process. */
CFArrayRef CFBundleGetAllBundles(void);
/* This is potentially expensive, and not thread-safe. Use with care. */
/* Best used for debuggging or other diagnostic purposes. */
/* ===================== Creating Bundles ===================== */
CFTypeID CFBundleGetTypeID(void);
CFBundleRef CFBundleCreate(CFAllocatorRef allocator, CFURLRef bundleURL);
/* Might return an existing instance with the ref-count bumped. */
CFArrayRef CFBundleCreateBundlesFromDirectory(CFAllocatorRef allocator, CFURLRef directoryURL, CFStringRef bundleType);
/* Create instances for all bundles in the given directory matching the given type */
/* (or all of them if bundleType is NULL). Instances are created using CFBundleCreate() and are not released. */
/* ==================== Basic Bundle Info ==================== */
CFURLRef CFBundleCopyBundleURL(CFBundleRef bundle);
CFTypeRef CFBundleGetValueForInfoDictionaryKey(CFBundleRef bundle, CFStringRef key);
/* Returns a localized value if available, otherwise the global value. */
/* This is the recommended function for examining the info dictionary. */
CFDictionaryRef CFBundleGetInfoDictionary(CFBundleRef bundle);
/* This is the global info dictionary. Note that CFBundle may add */
/* extra keys to the dictionary for its own use. */
CFDictionaryRef CFBundleGetLocalInfoDictionary(CFBundleRef bundle);
/* This is the localized info dictionary. */
void CFBundleGetPackageInfo(CFBundleRef bundle, UInt32 *packageType, UInt32 *packageCreator);
CFStringRef CFBundleGetIdentifier(CFBundleRef bundle);
UInt32 CFBundleGetVersionNumber(CFBundleRef bundle);
CFStringRef CFBundleGetDevelopmentRegion(CFBundleRef bundle);
CFURLRef CFBundleCopySupportFilesDirectoryURL(CFBundleRef bundle);
CFURLRef CFBundleCopyResourcesDirectoryURL(CFBundleRef bundle);
CFURLRef CFBundleCopyPrivateFrameworksURL(CFBundleRef bundle);
CFURLRef CFBundleCopySharedFrameworksURL(CFBundleRef bundle);
CFURLRef CFBundleCopySharedSupportURL(CFBundleRef bundle);
CFURLRef CFBundleCopyBuiltInPlugInsURL(CFBundleRef bundle);
/* ------------- Basic Bundle Info without a CFBundle instance ------------- */
/* This API is provided to enable developers to retrieve basic information */
/* about a bundle without having to create an instance of CFBundle. */
/* Because of caching behavior when a CFBundle instance exists, it will be faster */
/* to actually create a CFBundle if you need to retrieve multiple pieces of info. */
CFDictionaryRef CFBundleCopyInfoDictionaryInDirectory(CFURLRef bundleURL);
Boolean CFBundleGetPackageInfoInDirectory(CFURLRef url, UInt32 *packageType, UInt32 *packageCreator);
/* ==================== Resource Handling API ==================== */
CFURLRef CFBundleCopyResourceURL(CFBundleRef bundle, CFStringRef resourceName, CFStringRef resourceType, CFStringRef subDirName);
CFArrayRef CFBundleCopyResourceURLsOfType(CFBundleRef bundle, CFStringRef resourceType, CFStringRef subDirName);
CFStringRef CFBundleCopyLocalizedString(CFBundleRef bundle, CFStringRef key, CFStringRef value, CFStringRef tableName) CF_FORMAT_ARGUMENT(2);
#define CFCopyLocalizedString(key, comment) \
CFBundleCopyLocalizedString(CFBundleGetMainBundle(), (key), (key), NULL)
#define CFCopyLocalizedStringFromTable(key, tbl, comment) \
CFBundleCopyLocalizedString(CFBundleGetMainBundle(), (key), (key), (tbl))
#define CFCopyLocalizedStringFromTableInBundle(key, tbl, bundle, comment) \
CFBundleCopyLocalizedString((bundle), (key), (key), (tbl))
#define CFCopyLocalizedStringWithDefaultValue(key, tbl, bundle, value, comment) \
CFBundleCopyLocalizedString((bundle), (key), (value), (tbl))
/* ------------- Resource Handling without a CFBundle instance ------------- */
/* This API is provided to enable developers to use the CFBundle resource */
/* searching policy without having to create an instance of CFBundle. */
/* Because of caching behavior when a CFBundle instance exists, it will be faster */
/* to actually create a CFBundle if you need to access several resources. */
CFURLRef CFBundleCopyResourceURLInDirectory(CFURLRef bundleURL, CFStringRef resourceName, CFStringRef resourceType, CFStringRef subDirName);
CFArrayRef CFBundleCopyResourceURLsOfTypeInDirectory(CFURLRef bundleURL, CFStringRef resourceType, CFStringRef subDirName);
/* =========== Localization-specific Resource Handling API =========== */
/* This API allows finer-grained control over specific localizations, */
/* as distinguished from the above API, which always uses the user's */
/* preferred localizations for the bundle in the current app context. */
CFArrayRef CFBundleCopyBundleLocalizations(CFBundleRef bundle);
/* Lists the localizations that a bundle contains. */
CFArrayRef CFBundleCopyPreferredLocalizationsFromArray(CFArrayRef locArray);
/* Given an array of possible localizations, returns the one or more */
/* of them that CFBundle would use in the current application context. */
/* To determine the localizations that would be used for a particular */
/* bundle in the current application context, apply this function to the */
/* result of CFBundleCopyBundleLocalizations(). */
CFArrayRef CFBundleCopyLocalizationsForPreferences(CFArrayRef locArray, CFArrayRef prefArray);
/* Given an array of possible localizations, returns the one or more of */
/* them that CFBundle would use, without reference to the current application */
/* context, if the user's preferred localizations were given by prefArray. */
/* If prefArray is NULL, the current user's actual preferred localizations will */
/* be used. This is not the same as CFBundleCopyPreferredLocalizationsFromArray(), */
/* because that function takes the current application context into account. */
/* To determine the localizations that another application would use, apply */
/* this function to the result of CFBundleCopyBundleLocalizations(). */
CFURLRef CFBundleCopyResourceURLForLocalization(CFBundleRef bundle, CFStringRef resourceName, CFStringRef resourceType, CFStringRef subDirName, CFStringRef localizationName);
CFArrayRef CFBundleCopyResourceURLsOfTypeForLocalization(CFBundleRef bundle, CFStringRef resourceType, CFStringRef subDirName, CFStringRef localizationName);
/* The localizationName argument to CFBundleCopyResourceURLForLocalization() or */
/* CFBundleCopyResourceURLsOfTypeForLocalization() must be identical to one of the */
/* localizations in the bundle, as returned by CFBundleCopyBundleLocalizations(). */
/* It is recommended that either CFBundleCopyPreferredLocalizationsFromArray() or */
/* CFBundleCopyLocalizationsForPreferences() be used to select the localization. */
/* =================== Unbundled application info ===================== */
/* This API is provided to enable developers to retrieve bundle-related */
/* information about an application that may be bundled or unbundled. */
CFDictionaryRef CFBundleCopyInfoDictionaryForURL(CFURLRef url);
/* For a directory URL, this is equivalent to CFBundleCopyInfoDictionaryInDirectory(). */
/* For a plain file URL representing an unbundled executable, this will attempt to read */
/* an info dictionary from the (__TEXT, __info_plist) section, if it is a Mach-o file. */
CFArrayRef CFBundleCopyLocalizationsForURL(CFURLRef url);
/* For a directory URL, this is equivalent to calling CFBundleCopyBundleLocalizations() */
/* on the corresponding bundle. For a plain file URL representing an unbundled executable, */
/* this will attempt to determine its localizations using the CFBundleLocalizations and */
/* CFBundleDevelopmentRegion keys in the dictionary returned by CFBundleCopyInfoDictionaryForURL. */
CFArrayRef CFBundleCopyExecutableArchitecturesForURL(CFURLRef url) API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.5), ios(2.0), watchos(2.0), tvos(9.0));
/* For a directory URL, this is equivalent to calling CFBundleCopyExecutableArchitectures() */
/* on the corresponding bundle. For a plain file URL representing an unbundled executable, */
/* this will return the architectures it provides, if it is a Mach-o file, or NULL otherwise. */
/* ==================== Primitive Code Loading API ==================== */
/* This API abstracts the various different executable formats supported on */
/* various platforms. It can load DYLD, CFM, or DLL shared libraries (on their */
/* appropriate platforms) and gives a uniform API for looking up functions. */
CFURLRef CFBundleCopyExecutableURL(CFBundleRef bundle);
enum {
kCFBundleExecutableArchitectureI386 = 0x00000007,
kCFBundleExecutableArchitecturePPC = 0x00000012,
kCFBundleExecutableArchitectureX86_64 = 0x01000007,
kCFBundleExecutableArchitecturePPC64 = 0x01000012
} API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.5), ios(2.0), watchos(2.0), tvos(9.0));
CFArrayRef CFBundleCopyExecutableArchitectures(CFBundleRef bundle) API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.5), ios(2.0), watchos(2.0), tvos(9.0));
/* If the bundle's executable exists and is a Mach-o file, this function will return an array */
/* of CFNumbers whose values are integers representing the architectures the file provides. */
/* The values currently in use are those listed in the enum above, but others may be added */
/* in the future. If the executable is not a Mach-o file, this function returns NULL. */
Boolean CFBundlePreflightExecutable(CFBundleRef bundle, CFErrorRef *error) API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.5), ios(2.0), watchos(2.0), tvos(9.0));
/* This function will return true if the bundle is loaded, or if the bundle appears to be */
/* loadable upon inspection. This does not mean that the bundle is definitively loadable, */
/* since it may fail to load due to link errors or other problems not readily detectable. */
/* If this function detects problems, it will return false, and return a CFError by reference. */
/* It is the responsibility of the caller to release the CFError. */
Boolean CFBundleLoadExecutableAndReturnError(CFBundleRef bundle, CFErrorRef *error) API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.5), ios(2.0), watchos(2.0), tvos(9.0));
/* If the bundle is already loaded, this function will return true. Otherwise, it will attempt */
/* to load the bundle, and it will return true if that attempt succeeds. If the bundle fails */
/* to load, this function will return false, and it will return a CFError by reference. */
/* It is the responsibility of the caller to release the CFError. */
Boolean CFBundleLoadExecutable(CFBundleRef bundle);
Boolean CFBundleIsExecutableLoaded(CFBundleRef bundle);
void CFBundleUnloadExecutable(CFBundleRef bundle);
void *CFBundleGetFunctionPointerForName(CFBundleRef bundle, CFStringRef functionName);
void CFBundleGetFunctionPointersForNames(CFBundleRef bundle, CFArrayRef functionNames, void *ftbl[]);
void *CFBundleGetDataPointerForName(CFBundleRef bundle, CFStringRef symbolName);
void CFBundleGetDataPointersForNames(CFBundleRef bundle, CFArrayRef symbolNames, void *stbl[]);
CFURLRef CFBundleCopyAuxiliaryExecutableURL(CFBundleRef bundle, CFStringRef executableName);
/* This function can be used to find executables other than your main */
/* executable. This is useful, for instance, for applications that have */
/* some command line tool that is packaged with and used by the application. */
/* The tool can be packaged in the various platform executable directories */
/* in the bundle and can be located with this function. This allows an */
/* app to ship versions of the tool for each platform as it does for the */
/* main app executable. */
/* ==================== Getting a bundle's plugIn ==================== */
CFPlugInRef CFBundleGetPlugIn(CFBundleRef bundle);
/* ==================== Resource Manager-Related API ==================== */
#if __LP64__
typedef int CFBundleRefNum;
typedef SInt16 CFBundleRefNum;
CFBundleRefNum CFBundleOpenBundleResourceMap(CFBundleRef bundle);
/* This function opens the non-localized and the localized resource files */
/* (if any) for the bundle, creates and makes current a single read-only */
/* resource map combining both, and returns a reference number for it. */
/* If it is called multiple times, it opens the files multiple times, */
/* and returns distinct reference numbers. */
SInt32 CFBundleOpenBundleResourceFiles(CFBundleRef bundle, CFBundleRefNum *refNum, CFBundleRefNum *localizedRefNum);
/* Similar to CFBundleOpenBundleResourceMap(), except that it creates two */
/* separate resource maps and returns reference numbers for both. */
void CFBundleCloseBundleResourceMap(CFBundleRef bundle, CFBundleRefNum refNum);