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// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
import Dispatch
import CoreFoundation
@enum NSHTTPCookieAcceptPolicy
@abstract Values for the different cookie accept policies
@constant NSHTTPCookieAcceptPolicyAlways Accept all cookies
@constant NSHTTPCookieAcceptPolicyNever Reject all cookies
@constant NSHTTPCookieAcceptPolicyOnlyFromMainDocumentDomain Accept cookies
only from the main document domain
extension HTTPCookie {
public enum AcceptPolicy : UInt {
case always
case never
case onlyFromMainDocumentDomain
@class NSHTTPCookieStorage
@discussion NSHTTPCookieStorage implements a singleton object (shared
instance) which manages the shared cookie store. It has methods
to allow clients to set and remove cookies, and get the current
set of cookies. It also has convenience methods to parse and
generate cookie-related HTTP header fields.
open class HTTPCookieStorage: NSObject {
private static var sharedStorage: HTTPCookieStorage?
private static var sharedCookieStorages: [String: HTTPCookieStorage] = [:] //for group storage containers
private var cookieFilePath: String!
private let workQueue: DispatchQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "HTTPCookieStorage.workqueue")
var allCookies: [String: HTTPCookie]
private init(cookieStorageName: String) {
allCookies = [:]
cookieAcceptPolicy = .always
cookieFilePath = filePath(path: _CFXDGCreateDataHomePath()._swiftObject, fileName: "/.cookies." + cookieStorageName)
private func loadPersistedCookies() {
guard let cookies = NSMutableDictionary(contentsOfFile: cookieFilePath) else { return }
var cookies0 = _SwiftValue.fetch(cookies) as? [String: [String: Any]] ?? [:]
for key in cookies0.keys {
if let cookie = createCookie(cookies0[key]!) {
allCookies[key] = cookie
private func directory(with path: String) -> Bool {
guard !FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: path) else { return true }
do {
try FileManager.default.createDirectory(atPath: path, withIntermediateDirectories: false, attributes: nil)
return true
} catch {
return false
private func filePath(path: String, fileName: String) -> String {
if directory(with: path) {
return path + fileName
//if we were unable to create the desired directory, create the cookie file in the `pwd`
return fileName
open var cookies: [HTTPCookie]? {
var theCookies: [HTTPCookie]?
workQueue.sync {
theCookies = Array(self.allCookies.values)
return theCookies
@method sharedHTTPCookieStorage
@abstract Get the shared cookie storage in the default location.
@result The shared cookie storage
@discussion Starting in OS X 10.11, each app has its own sharedHTTPCookieStorage singleton,
which will not be shared with other applications.
open class var shared: HTTPCookieStorage {
get {
if sharedStorage == nil {
sharedStorage = HTTPCookieStorage(cookieStorageName: "shared")
return sharedStorage!
@method sharedCookieStorageForGroupContainerIdentifier:
@abstract Get the cookie storage for the container associated with the specified application group identifier
@param identifier The application group identifier
@result A cookie storage with a persistent store in the application group container
@discussion By default, applications and associated app extensions have different data containers, which means
that the sharedHTTPCookieStorage singleton will refer to different persistent cookie stores in an application and
any app extensions that it contains. This method allows clients to create a persistent cookie storage that can be
shared among all applications and extensions with access to the same application group. Subsequent calls to this
method with the same identifier will return the same cookie storage instance.
open class func sharedCookieStorage(forGroupContainerIdentifier identifier: String) -> HTTPCookieStorage {
guard let cookieStorage = sharedCookieStorages[identifier] else {
let newCookieStorage = HTTPCookieStorage(cookieStorageName: identifier)
sharedCookieStorages[identifier] = newCookieStorage
return newCookieStorage
return cookieStorage
@method setCookie:
@abstract Set a cookie
@discussion The cookie will override an existing cookie with the
same name, domain and path, if any.
open func setCookie(_ cookie: HTTPCookie) {
workQueue.sync {
guard cookieAcceptPolicy != .never else { return }
//add or override
let key = cookie.domain + cookie.path +
if let _ = allCookies.index(forKey: key) {
allCookies.updateValue(cookie, forKey: key)
} else {
allCookies[key] = cookie
//remove stale cookies, these may include the one we just added
let expired = allCookies.filter { (_, value) in value.expiresDate != nil && value.expiresDate!.timeIntervalSinceNow < 0 }
for (key,_) in expired {
self.allCookies.removeValue(forKey: key)
private func createCookie(_ properties: [String: Any]) -> HTTPCookie? {
var cookieProperties: [HTTPCookiePropertyKey: Any] = [:]
for (key, value) in properties {
if key == "Expires" {
guard let timestamp = value as? NSNumber else { continue }
cookieProperties[HTTPCookiePropertyKey(rawValue: key)] = Date(timeIntervalSince1970: timestamp.doubleValue)
} else {
cookieProperties[HTTPCookiePropertyKey(rawValue: key)] = properties[key]
return HTTPCookie(properties: cookieProperties)
private func updatePersistentStore() {
//persist cookies
var persistDictionary: [String : [String : Any]] = [:]
let persistable = allCookies.filter { (_, value) in
value.expiresDate != nil &&
value.isSessionOnly == false &&
value.expiresDate!.timeIntervalSinceNow > 0
for (key,cookie) in persistable {
persistDictionary[key] = cookie.persistableDictionary()
let nsdict = as! NSDictionary
_ = nsdict.write(toFile: cookieFilePath, atomically: true)
@method deleteCookie:
@abstract Delete the specified cookie
open func deleteCookie(_ cookie: HTTPCookie) {
let key = cookie.domain + cookie.path +
workQueue.sync {
self.allCookies.removeValue(forKey: key)
@method removeCookiesSince:
@abstract Delete all cookies from the cookie storage since the provided date.
open func removeCookies(since date: Date) {
let cookiesSinceDate = allCookies.values.filter {
$![.created] as! Double > date.timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate
for cookie in cookiesSinceDate {
@method cookiesForURL:
@abstract Returns an array of cookies to send to the given URL.
@param URL The URL for which to get cookies.
@result an NSArray of NSHTTPCookie objects.
@discussion The cookie manager examines the cookies it stores and
includes those which should be sent to the given URL. You can use
<tt>+[NSCookie requestHeaderFieldsWithCookies:]</tt> to turn this array
into a set of header fields to add to a request.
open func cookies(for url: URL) -> [HTTPCookie]? {
var cookies: [HTTPCookie]?
guard let host = else { return nil }
workQueue.sync {
cookies = Array(allCookies.values.filter{ $0.domain == host })
return cookies
@method setCookies:forURL:mainDocumentURL:
@abstract Adds an array cookies to the cookie store, following the
cookie accept policy.
@param cookies The cookies to set.
@param URL The URL from which the cookies were sent.
@param mainDocumentURL The main document URL to be used as a base for the "same
domain as main document" policy.
@discussion For mainDocumentURL, the caller should pass the URL for
an appropriate main document, if known. For example, when loading
a web page, the URL of the main html document for the top-level
frame should be passed. To save cookies based on a set of response
headers, you can use <tt>+[NSCookie
cookiesWithResponseHeaderFields:forURL:]</tt> on a header field
dictionary and then use this method to store the resulting cookies
in accordance with policy settings.
open func setCookies(_ cookies: [HTTPCookie], for url: URL?, mainDocumentURL: URL?) {
//if the cookieAcceptPolicy is `never` we don't have anything to do
guard cookieAcceptPolicy != .never else { return }
//if the urls don't have a host, we cannot do anything
guard let urlHost = url?.host else { return }
if mainDocumentURL != nil && cookieAcceptPolicy == .onlyFromMainDocumentDomain {
guard let mainDocumentHost = mainDocumentURL?.host else { return }
//the must be a suffix of, this is based on Darwin's behaviour
guard mainDocumentHost.hasSuffix(urlHost) else { return }
//save only those cookies whose domain matches with the
let validCookies = cookies.filter { urlHost == $0.domain }
for cookie in validCookies {
@method cookieAcceptPolicy
@abstract The cookie accept policy preference of the
open var cookieAcceptPolicy: HTTPCookie.AcceptPolicy
@method sortedCookiesUsingDescriptors:
@abstract Returns an array of all cookies in the store, sorted according to the key value and sorting direction of the NSSortDescriptors specified in the parameter.
@param sortOrder an array of NSSortDescriptors which represent the preferred sort order of the resulting array.
@discussion proper sorting of cookies may require extensive string conversion, which can be avoided by allowing the system to perform the sorting. This API is to be preferred over the more generic -[NSHTTPCookieStorage cookies] API, if sorting is going to be performed.
open func sortedCookies(using sortOrder: [NSSortDescriptor]) -> [HTTPCookie] { NSUnimplemented() }
public extension Notification.Name {
@const NSHTTPCookieManagerCookiesChangedNotification
@abstract Notification sent when the set of cookies changes
public static let NSHTTPCookieManagerCookiesChanged = Notification.Name(rawValue: "NSHTTPCookieManagerCookiesChangedNotification")
extension HTTPCookie {
internal func persistableDictionary() -> [String: Any] {
var properties: [String: Any] = [:]
properties[] = name
properties[HTTPCookiePropertyKey.path.rawValue] = path
properties[HTTPCookiePropertyKey.value.rawValue] = _value
properties[] = _secure
properties[HTTPCookiePropertyKey.version.rawValue] = _version
properties[HTTPCookiePropertyKey.expires.rawValue] = _expiresDate?.timeIntervalSince1970 ?? Date().timeIntervalSince1970 //OK?
properties[HTTPCookiePropertyKey.domain.rawValue] = _domain
if let commentURL = _commentURL {
properties[HTTPCookiePropertyKey.commentURL.rawValue] = commentURL.absoluteString
if let comment = _comment {
properties[HTTPCookiePropertyKey.comment.rawValue] = comment
properties[HTTPCookiePropertyKey.port.rawValue] = portList
return properties