blob: 5331894bb60185eee8e11a1c945fab388f32a8b8 [file] [log] [blame]
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
import CoreFoundation
#if os(OSX) || os(iOS)
internal let kCFNumberFormatterNoStyle = CFNumberFormatterStyle.noStyle
internal let kCFNumberFormatterDecimalStyle = CFNumberFormatterStyle.decimalStyle
internal let kCFNumberFormatterCurrencyStyle = CFNumberFormatterStyle.currencyStyle
internal let kCFNumberFormatterPercentStyle = CFNumberFormatterStyle.percentStyle
internal let kCFNumberFormatterScientificStyle = CFNumberFormatterStyle.scientificStyle
internal let kCFNumberFormatterSpellOutStyle = CFNumberFormatterStyle.spellOutStyle
internal let kCFNumberFormatterOrdinalStyle = CFNumberFormatterStyle.ordinalStyle
internal let kCFNumberFormatterCurrencyISOCodeStyle = CFNumberFormatterStyle.currencyISOCodeStyle
internal let kCFNumberFormatterCurrencyPluralStyle = CFNumberFormatterStyle.currencyPluralStyle
internal let kCFNumberFormatterCurrencyAccountingStyle = CFNumberFormatterStyle.currencyAccountingStyle
public class NumberFormatter : Formatter {
typealias CFType = CFNumberFormatter
private var _currentCfFormatter: CFType?
private var _cfFormatter: CFType {
if let obj = _currentCfFormatter {
return obj
} else {
#if os(OSX) || os(iOS)
let numberStyle = CFNumberFormatterStyle(rawValue: CFIndex(self.numberStyle.rawValue))!
let numberStyle = CFNumberFormatterStyle(self.numberStyle.rawValue)
let obj = CFNumberFormatterCreate(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, locale._cfObject, numberStyle)!
_currentCfFormatter = obj
return obj
// this is for NSUnitFormatter
public var formattingContext: Context = .unknown // default is NSFormattingContextUnknown
// Report the used range of the string and an NSError, in addition to the usual stuff from NSFormatter
/// - Experiment: This is a draft API currently under consideration for official import into Foundation as a suitable alternative
/// - Note: Since this API is under consideration it may be either removed or revised in the near future
public func objectValue(_ string: String, range: inout NSRange) throws -> AnyObject? { NSUnimplemented() }
public override func string(for obj: AnyObject) -> String? {
guard let number = obj as? NSNumber else { return nil }
return string(from: number)
// Even though NSNumberFormatter responds to the usual NSFormatter methods,
// here are some convenience methods which are a little more obvious.
public func string(from number: NSNumber) -> String? {
return CFNumberFormatterCreateStringWithNumber(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, _cfFormatter, number._cfObject)._swiftObject
public func number(from string: String) -> NSNumber? {
var range = CFRange(location: 0, length: string.length)
let number = withUnsafeMutablePointer(to: &range) { (rangePointer: UnsafeMutablePointer<CFRange>) -> NSNumber? in
#if os(OSX) || os(iOS)
let result = CFNumberFormatterCreateNumberFromString(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, _cfFormatter, string._cfObject, rangePointer, CFNumberFormatterOptionFlags.parseIntegersOnly.rawValue)
let result = CFNumberFormatterCreateNumberFromString(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, _cfFormatter, string._cfObject, rangePointer, CFOptionFlags(kCFNumberFormatterParseIntegersOnly))
return result?._nsObject
return number
public class func localizedString(from num: NSNumber, number nstyle: Style) -> String {
let numberFormatter = NumberFormatter()
numberFormatter.numberStyle = nstyle
return numberFormatter.string(for: num)!
internal func _reset() {
_currentCfFormatter = nil
internal func _setFormatterAttributes(_ formatter: CFNumberFormatter) {
_setFormatterAttribute(formatter, attributeName: kCFNumberFormatterCurrencyCode, value: _currencyCode?._cfObject)
_setFormatterAttribute(formatter, attributeName: kCFNumberFormatterDecimalSeparator, value: _decimalSeparator?._cfObject)
_setFormatterAttribute(formatter, attributeName: kCFNumberFormatterCurrencyDecimalSeparator, value: _currencyDecimalSeparator?._cfObject)
_setFormatterAttribute(formatter, attributeName: kCFNumberFormatterAlwaysShowDecimalSeparator, value: _alwaysShowsDecimalSeparator._cfObject)
_setFormatterAttribute(formatter, attributeName: kCFNumberFormatterGroupingSeparator, value: _groupingSeparator?._cfObject)
_setFormatterAttribute(formatter, attributeName: kCFNumberFormatterUseGroupingSeparator, value: _usesGroupingSeparator._cfObject)
_setFormatterAttribute(formatter, attributeName: kCFNumberFormatterPercentSymbol, value: _percentSymbol?._cfObject)
_setFormatterAttribute(formatter, attributeName: kCFNumberFormatterZeroSymbol, value: _zeroSymbol?._cfObject)
_setFormatterAttribute(formatter, attributeName: kCFNumberFormatterNaNSymbol, value: _notANumberSymbol?._cfObject)
_setFormatterAttribute(formatter, attributeName: kCFNumberFormatterInfinitySymbol, value: _positiveInfinitySymbol._cfObject)
_setFormatterAttribute(formatter, attributeName: kCFNumberFormatterMinusSign, value: _minusSign?._cfObject)
_setFormatterAttribute(formatter, attributeName: kCFNumberFormatterPlusSign, value: _plusSign?._cfObject)
_setFormatterAttribute(formatter, attributeName: kCFNumberFormatterCurrencySymbol, value: _currencySymbol?._cfObject)
_setFormatterAttribute(formatter, attributeName: kCFNumberFormatterExponentSymbol, value: _exponentSymbol?._cfObject)
_setFormatterAttribute(formatter, attributeName: kCFNumberFormatterMinIntegerDigits, value: _minimumIntegerDigits._bridgeToObject()._cfObject)
_setFormatterAttribute(formatter, attributeName: kCFNumberFormatterMaxIntegerDigits, value: _maximumIntegerDigits._bridgeToObject()._cfObject)
_setFormatterAttribute(formatter, attributeName: kCFNumberFormatterMinFractionDigits, value: _minimumFractionDigits._bridgeToObject()._cfObject)
if _minimumFractionDigits <= 0 {
_setFormatterAttribute(formatter, attributeName: kCFNumberFormatterMaxFractionDigits, value: _maximumFractionDigits._bridgeToObject()._cfObject)
_setFormatterAttribute(formatter, attributeName: kCFNumberFormatterGroupingSize, value: _groupingSize._bridgeToObject()._cfObject)
_setFormatterAttribute(formatter, attributeName: kCFNumberFormatterSecondaryGroupingSize, value: _secondaryGroupingSize._bridgeToObject()._cfObject)
_setFormatterAttribute(formatter, attributeName: kCFNumberFormatterRoundingMode, value: _roundingMode.rawValue._bridgeToObject()._cfObject)
_setFormatterAttribute(formatter, attributeName: kCFNumberFormatterRoundingIncrement, value: _roundingIncrement?._cfObject)
_setFormatterAttribute(formatter, attributeName: kCFNumberFormatterFormatWidth, value: _formatWidth._bridgeToObject()._cfObject)
_setFormatterAttribute(formatter, attributeName: kCFNumberFormatterPaddingCharacter, value: _paddingCharacter?._cfObject)
_setFormatterAttribute(formatter, attributeName: kCFNumberFormatterPaddingPosition, value: _paddingPosition.rawValue._bridgeToObject()._cfObject)
_setFormatterAttribute(formatter, attributeName: kCFNumberFormatterMultiplier, value: _multiplier?._cfObject)
_setFormatterAttribute(formatter, attributeName: kCFNumberFormatterPositivePrefix, value: _positivePrefix?._cfObject)
_setFormatterAttribute(formatter, attributeName: kCFNumberFormatterPositiveSuffix, value: _positiveSuffix?._cfObject)
_setFormatterAttribute(formatter, attributeName: kCFNumberFormatterNegativePrefix, value: _negativePrefix?._cfObject)
_setFormatterAttribute(formatter, attributeName: kCFNumberFormatterNegativeSuffix, value: _negativeSuffix?._cfObject)
_setFormatterAttribute(formatter, attributeName: kCFNumberFormatterPerMillSymbol, value: _percentSymbol?._cfObject)
_setFormatterAttribute(formatter, attributeName: kCFNumberFormatterInternationalCurrencySymbol, value: _internationalCurrencySymbol?._cfObject)
_setFormatterAttribute(formatter, attributeName: kCFNumberFormatterCurrencyGroupingSeparator, value: _currencyGroupingSeparator?._cfObject)
_setFormatterAttribute(formatter, attributeName: kCFNumberFormatterIsLenient, value: kCFBooleanTrue)
_setFormatterAttribute(formatter, attributeName: kCFNumberFormatterUseSignificantDigits, value: _usesSignificantDigits._cfObject)
if _usesSignificantDigits {
_setFormatterAttribute(formatter, attributeName: kCFNumberFormatterMinSignificantDigits, value: _minimumSignificantDigits._bridgeToObject()._cfObject)
_setFormatterAttribute(formatter, attributeName: kCFNumberFormatterMaxSignificantDigits, value: _maximumSignificantDigits._bridgeToObject()._cfObject)
internal func _setFormatterAttribute(_ formatter: CFNumberFormatter, attributeName: CFString, value: AnyObject?) {
if let value = value {
CFNumberFormatterSetProperty(formatter, attributeName, value)
// Attributes of an NSNumberFormatter
internal var _numberStyle: Style = .noStyle
public var numberStyle: Style {
get {
return _numberStyle
set {
switch newValue {
case .noStyle, .ordinalStyle, .spellOutStyle:
_usesSignificantDigits = false
case .currencyStyle, .currencyPluralStyle, .currencyISOCodeStyle, .currencyAccountingStyle:
_usesSignificantDigits = false
_usesGroupingSeparator = true
_minimumFractionDigits = 2
_usesSignificantDigits = true
_usesGroupingSeparator = true
_numberStyle = newValue
internal var _locale: Locale = Locale.current
/*@NSCopying*/ public var locale: Locale! {
get {
return _locale
set {
_locale = newValue
internal var _generatesDecimalNumbers: Bool = false
public var generatesDecimalNumbers: Bool {
get {
return _generatesDecimalNumbers
set {
_generatesDecimalNumbers = newValue
internal var _negativeFormat: String!
public var negativeFormat: String! {
get {
return _negativeFormat
set {
_negativeFormat = newValue
internal var _textAttributesForNegativeValues: [String : AnyObject]?
public var textAttributesForNegativeValues: [String : AnyObject]? {
get {
return _textAttributesForNegativeValues
set {
_textAttributesForNegativeValues = newValue
internal var _positiveFormat: String!
public var positiveFormat: String! {
get {
return _positiveFormat
set {
_positiveFormat = newValue
internal var _textAttributesForPositiveValues: [String : AnyObject]?
public var textAttributesForPositiveValues: [String : AnyObject]? {
get {
return _textAttributesForPositiveValues
set {
_textAttributesForPositiveValues = newValue
internal var _allowsFloats: Bool = true
public var allowsFloats: Bool {
get {
return _allowsFloats
set {
_allowsFloats = newValue
internal var _decimalSeparator: String!
public var decimalSeparator: String! {
get {
return _decimalSeparator
set {
_decimalSeparator = newValue
internal var _alwaysShowsDecimalSeparator: Bool = false
public var alwaysShowsDecimalSeparator: Bool {
get {
return _alwaysShowsDecimalSeparator
set {
_alwaysShowsDecimalSeparator = newValue
internal var _currencyDecimalSeparator: String!
public var currencyDecimalSeparator: String! {
get {
return _currencyDecimalSeparator
set {
_currencyDecimalSeparator = newValue
internal var _usesGroupingSeparator: Bool = false
public var usesGroupingSeparator: Bool {
get {
return _usesGroupingSeparator
set {
_usesGroupingSeparator = newValue
internal var _groupingSeparator: String!
public var groupingSeparator: String! {
get {
return _groupingSeparator
set {
_groupingSeparator = newValue
internal var _zeroSymbol: String?
public var zeroSymbol: String? {
get {
return _zeroSymbol
set {
_zeroSymbol = newValue
internal var _textAttributesForZero: [String : AnyObject]?
public var textAttributesForZero: [String : AnyObject]? {
get {
return _textAttributesForZero
set {
_textAttributesForZero = newValue
internal var _nilSymbol: String = ""
public var nilSymbol: String {
get {
return _nilSymbol
set {
_nilSymbol = newValue
internal var _textAttributesForNil: [String : AnyObject]?
public var textAttributesForNil: [String : AnyObject]? {
get {
return _textAttributesForNil
set {
_textAttributesForNil = newValue
internal var _notANumberSymbol: String!
public var notANumberSymbol: String! {
get {
return _notANumberSymbol
set {
_notANumberSymbol = newValue
internal var _textAttributesForNotANumber: [String : AnyObject]?
public var textAttributesForNotANumber: [String : AnyObject]? {
get {
return _textAttributesForNotANumber
set {
_textAttributesForNotANumber = newValue
internal var _positiveInfinitySymbol: String = "+∞"
public var positiveInfinitySymbol: String {
get {
return _positiveInfinitySymbol
set {
_positiveInfinitySymbol = newValue
internal var _textAttributesForPositiveInfinity: [String : AnyObject]?
public var textAttributesForPositiveInfinity: [String : AnyObject]? {
get {
return _textAttributesForPositiveInfinity
set {
_textAttributesForPositiveInfinity = newValue
internal var _negativeInfinitySymbol: String = "-∞"
public var negativeInfinitySymbol: String {
get {
return _negativeInfinitySymbol
set {
_negativeInfinitySymbol = newValue
internal var _textAttributesForNegativeInfinity: [String : AnyObject]?
public var textAttributesForNegativeInfinity: [String : AnyObject]? {
get {
return _textAttributesForNegativeInfinity
set {
_textAttributesForNegativeInfinity = newValue
internal var _positivePrefix: String!
public var positivePrefix: String! {
get {
return _positivePrefix
set {
_positivePrefix = newValue
internal var _positiveSuffix: String!
public var positiveSuffix: String! {
get {
return _positiveSuffix
set {
_positiveSuffix = newValue
internal var _negativePrefix: String!
public var negativePrefix: String! {
get {
return _negativePrefix
set {
_negativePrefix = newValue
internal var _negativeSuffix: String!
public var negativeSuffix: String! {
get {
return _negativeSuffix
set {
_negativeSuffix = newValue
internal var _currencyCode: String!
public var currencyCode: String! {
get {
return _currencyCode
set {
_currencyCode = newValue
internal var _currencySymbol: String!
public var currencySymbol: String! {
get {
return _currencySymbol
set {
_currencySymbol = newValue
internal var _internationalCurrencySymbol: String!
public var internationalCurrencySymbol: String! {
get {
return _internationalCurrencySymbol
set {
_internationalCurrencySymbol = newValue
internal var _percentSymbol: String!
public var percentSymbol: String! {
get {
return _percentSymbol
set {
_percentSymbol = newValue
internal var _perMillSymbol: String!
public var perMillSymbol: String! {
get {
return _perMillSymbol
set {
_perMillSymbol = newValue
internal var _minusSign: String!
public var minusSign: String! {
get {
return _minusSign
set {
_minusSign = newValue
internal var _plusSign: String!
public var plusSign: String! {
get {
return _plusSign
set {
_plusSign = newValue
public var _exponentSymbol: String!
public var exponentSymbol: String! {
get {
return _exponentSymbol
set {
_exponentSymbol = newValue
internal var _groupingSize: Int = 3
public var groupingSize: Int {
get {
return _groupingSize
set {
_groupingSize = newValue
internal var _secondaryGroupingSize: Int = 0
public var secondaryGroupingSize: Int {
get {
return _secondaryGroupingSize
set {
_secondaryGroupingSize = newValue
internal var _multiplier: NSNumber?
/*@NSCopying*/ public var multiplier: NSNumber? {
get {
return _multiplier
set {
_multiplier = newValue
internal var _formatWidth: Int = 0
public var formatWidth: Int {
get {
return _formatWidth
set {
_formatWidth = newValue
internal var _paddingCharacter: String!
public var paddingCharacter: String! {
get {
return _paddingCharacter
set {
_paddingCharacter = newValue
internal var _paddingPosition: PadPosition = .beforePrefix
public var paddingPosition: PadPosition {
get {
return _paddingPosition
set {
_paddingPosition = newValue
internal var _roundingMode: RoundingMode = .roundHalfEven
public var roundingMode: RoundingMode {
get {
return _roundingMode
set {
_roundingMode = newValue
internal var _roundingIncrement: NSNumber! = 0
/*@NSCopying*/ public var roundingIncrement: NSNumber! {
get {
return _roundingIncrement
set {
_roundingIncrement = newValue
internal var _minimumIntegerDigits: Int = 0
public var minimumIntegerDigits: Int {
get {
return _minimumIntegerDigits
set {
_minimumIntegerDigits = newValue
internal var _maximumIntegerDigits: Int = 42
public var maximumIntegerDigits: Int {
get {
return _maximumIntegerDigits
set {
_maximumIntegerDigits = newValue
internal var _minimumFractionDigits: Int = 0
public var minimumFractionDigits: Int {
get {
return _minimumFractionDigits
set {
_minimumFractionDigits = newValue
internal var _maximumFractionDigits: Int = 0
public var maximumFractionDigits: Int {
get {
return _maximumFractionDigits
set {
_maximumFractionDigits = newValue
internal var _minimum: NSNumber?
/*@NSCopying*/ public var minimum: NSNumber? {
get {
return _minimum
set {
_minimum = newValue
internal var _maximum: NSNumber?
/*@NSCopying*/ public var maximum: NSNumber? {
get {
return _maximum
set {
_maximum = newValue
internal var _currencyGroupingSeparator: String!
public var currencyGroupingSeparator: String! {
get {
return _currencyGroupingSeparator
set {
_currencyGroupingSeparator = newValue
internal var _lenient: Bool = false
public var lenient: Bool {
get {
return _lenient
set {
_lenient = newValue
internal var _usesSignificantDigits: Bool = false
public var usesSignificantDigits: Bool {
get {
return _usesSignificantDigits
set {
_usesSignificantDigits = newValue
internal var _minimumSignificantDigits: Int = 1
public var minimumSignificantDigits: Int {
get {
return _minimumSignificantDigits
set {
_minimumSignificantDigits = newValue
internal var _maximumSignificantDigits: Int = 6
public var maximumSignificantDigits: Int {
get {
return _maximumSignificantDigits
set {
_maximumSignificantDigits = newValue
internal var _partialStringValidationEnabled: Bool = false
public var partialStringValidationEnabled: Bool {
get {
return _partialStringValidationEnabled
set {
_partialStringValidationEnabled = newValue
internal var _hasThousandSeparators: Bool = false
public var hasThousandSeparators: Bool {
get {
return _hasThousandSeparators
set {
_hasThousandSeparators = newValue
internal var _thousandSeparator: String!
public var thousandSeparator: String! {
get {
return _thousandSeparator
set {
_thousandSeparator = newValue
internal var _localizesFormat: Bool = true
public var localizesFormat: Bool {
get {
return _localizesFormat
set {
_localizesFormat = newValue
internal var _format: String = "#;0;#"
public var format: String {
get {
return _format
set {
_format = newValue
//FIXME: Uncomment these when NSAttributedString get rid of NSUnimplementend(),
// this is currently commented out so that NSNumberFormatter instances can be tested
// internal var _attributedStringForZero: NSAttributedString = NSAttributedString(string: "0")
// /*@NSCopying*/ public var attributedStringForZero: NSAttributedString {
// get {
// return _attributedStringForZero
// }
// set {
// _reset()
// _attributedStringForZero = newValue
// }
// }
// internal var _attributedStringForNil: NSAttributedString = NSAttributedString(string: "")
// /*@NSCopying*/ public var attributedStringForNil: NSAttributedString {
// get {
// return _attributedStringForNil
// }
// set {
// _reset()
// _attributedStringForNil = newValue
// }
// }
// internal var _attributedStringForNotANumber: NSAttributedString = NSAttributedString(string: "NaN")
// /*@NSCopying*/ public var attributedStringForNotANumber: NSAttributedString {
// get {
// return _attributedStringForNotANumber
// }
// set {
// _reset()
// _attributedStringForNotANumber = newValue
// }
// }
// internal var _roundingBehavior: NSDecimalNumberHandler = .defaultDecimalNumberHandler()
// /*@NSCopying*/ public var roundingBehavior: NSDecimalNumberHandler {
// get {
// return _roundingBehavior
// }
// set {
// _reset()
// _roundingBehavior = newValue
// }
// }
extension NumberFormatter {
public enum Style : UInt {
case noStyle
case decimalStyle
case currencyStyle
case percentStyle
case scientificStyle
case spellOutStyle
case ordinalStyle
case currencyISOCodeStyle
case currencyPluralStyle
case currencyAccountingStyle
public enum PadPosition : UInt {
case beforePrefix
case afterPrefix
case beforeSuffix
case afterSuffix
public enum RoundingMode : UInt {
case roundCeiling
case roundFloor
case roundDown
case roundUp
case roundHalfEven
case roundHalfDown
case roundHalfUp