blob: b288af70b07dfc83f5a589e33f967d05bacd6bf7 [file] [log] [blame]
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
import CoreFoundation
extension Array : _ObjectTypeBridgeable {
public func _bridgeToObject() -> NSArray {
return NSArray(array: map {
return _NSObjectRepresentableBridge($0)
public static func _forceBridgeFromObject(_ x: NSArray, result: inout Array?) {
var array = [Element]()
for value in x.allObjects {
if let v = value as? Element {
} else {
result = array
public static func _conditionallyBridgeFromObject(_ x: NSArray, result: inout Array?) -> Bool {
_forceBridgeFromObject(x, result: &result)
return true
public class NSArray : NSObject, NSCopying, NSMutableCopying, NSSecureCoding, NSCoding {
private let _cfinfo = _CFInfo(typeID: CFArrayGetTypeID())
internal var _storage = [AnyObject]()
public var count: Int {
guard self.dynamicType === NSArray.self || self.dynamicType === NSMutableArray.self else {
return _storage.count
public func object(at index: Int) -> AnyObject {
guard self.dynamicType === NSArray.self || self.dynamicType === NSMutableArray.self else {
return _storage[index]
public convenience override init() {
self.init(objects: [], count:0)
public required init(objects: UnsafePointer<AnyObject?>, count cnt: Int) {
for idx in 0..<cnt {
public required convenience init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
if !aDecoder.allowsKeyedCoding {
var cnt: UInt32 = 0
// We're stuck with (int) here (rather than unsigned int)
// because that's the way the code was originally written, unless
// we go to a new version of the class, which has its own problems.
withUnsafeMutablePointer(to: &cnt) { (ptr: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt32>) -> Void in
aDecoder.decodeValue(ofObjCType: "i", at: UnsafeMutableRawPointer(ptr))
let objects = UnsafeMutablePointer<AnyObject?>.allocate(capacity: Int(cnt))
for idx in 0..<cnt {
objects.advanced(by: Int(idx)).initialize(to: aDecoder.decodeObject())
self.init(objects: UnsafePointer<AnyObject?>(objects), count: Int(cnt))
objects.deinitialize(count: Int(cnt))
objects.deallocate(capacity: Int(cnt))
} else if aDecoder.dynamicType == NSKeyedUnarchiver.self || aDecoder.containsValue(forKey: "NS.objects") {
let objects = aDecoder._decodeArrayOfObjectsForKey("NS.objects")
self.init(array: objects)
} else {
var objects = [AnyObject]()
var count = 0
while let object = aDecoder.decodeObject(forKey: "NS.object.\(count)") {
count += 1
self.init(array: objects)
public func encode(with aCoder: NSCoder) {
if let keyedArchiver = aCoder as? NSKeyedArchiver {
keyedArchiver._encodeArrayOfObjects(self, forKey:"NS.objects")
} else {
for object in self {
if let codable = object as? NSCoding {
codable.encode(with: aCoder)
public static func supportsSecureCoding() -> Bool {
return true
public override func copy() -> AnyObject {
return copy(with: nil)
public func copy(with zone: NSZone? = nil) -> AnyObject {
if self.dynamicType === NSArray.self {
// return self for immutable type
return self
} else if self.dynamicType === NSMutableArray.self {
let array = NSArray()
array._storage = self._storage
return array
return NSArray(array: self.allObjects)
public override func mutableCopy() -> AnyObject {
return mutableCopy(with: nil)
public func mutableCopy(with zone: NSZone? = nil) -> AnyObject {
if self.dynamicType === NSArray.self || self.dynamicType === NSMutableArray.self {
// always create and return an NSMutableArray
let mutableArray = NSMutableArray()
mutableArray._storage = self._storage
return mutableArray
return NSMutableArray(array: self.allObjects)
public convenience init(object anObject: AnyObject) {
self.init(array: [anObject])
public convenience init(array: [AnyObject]) {
self.init(array: array, copyItems: false)
public convenience init(array: [AnyObject], copyItems: Bool) {
let optionalArray : [AnyObject?] =
copyItems ? { return Optional<AnyObject>(($0 as! NSObject).copy()) } : { return Optional<AnyObject>($0) }
// This would have been nice, but "initializer delegation cannot be nested in another expression"
// optionalArray.withUnsafeBufferPointer { ptr in
// self.init(objects: ptr.baseAddress, count: array.count)
// }
let cnt = array.count
let buffer = UnsafeMutablePointer<AnyObject?>.allocate(capacity: cnt)
buffer.initialize(from: optionalArray)
self.init(objects: buffer, count: cnt)
buffer.deinitialize(count: cnt)
buffer.deallocate(capacity: cnt)
public override func isEqual(_ object: AnyObject?) -> Bool {
guard let otherObject = object, otherObject is NSArray else {
return false
let otherArray = otherObject as! NSArray
return self.isEqual(to: otherArray.bridge())
public override var hash: Int {
return self.count
internal var allObjects: [AnyObject] {
if self.dynamicType === NSArray.self || self.dynamicType === NSMutableArray.self {
return _storage
} else {
return (0..<count).map { idx in
return self[idx]
public func adding(_ anObject: AnyObject) -> [AnyObject] {
return allObjects + [anObject]
public func addingObjects(from otherArray: [AnyObject]) -> [AnyObject] {
return allObjects + otherArray
public func componentsJoined(by separator: String) -> String {
// make certain to call NSObject's description rather than asking the string interpolator for the swift description
return bridge().map() { ($0 as! NSObject).description }.joined(separator: separator)
public func contains(_ anObject: AnyObject) -> Bool {
let other = anObject as! NSObject
for idx in 0..<count {
let obj = self[idx] as! NSObject
if obj === other || obj.isEqual(other) {
return true
return false
public func description(withLocale locale: AnyObject?) -> String { return description(withLocale: locale, indent: 0) }
public func description(withLocale locale: AnyObject?, indent level: Int) -> String {
var descriptions = [String]()
let cnt = count
for idx in 0..<cnt {
let obj = self[idx] as! NSObject
if let string = obj as? NSString {
} else if let array = obj as? NSArray {
descriptions.append(array.description(withLocale: locale, indent: level + 1))
} else if let dict = obj as? NSDictionary {
descriptions.append(dict.description(withLocale: locale, indent: level + 1))
} else {
var indent = ""
for _ in 0..<level {
indent += " "
var result = indent + "(\n"
for idx in 0..<cnt {
result += indent + " " + descriptions[idx]
if idx + 1 < cnt {
result += ",\n"
} else {
result += "\n"
result += indent + ")"
return result
public func firstObjectCommon(with otherArray: [AnyObject]) -> AnyObject? {
let set = NSSet(array: otherArray)
for idx in 0..<count {
let item = self[idx]
if set.contains(item) {
return item
return nil
internal func getObjects(_ objects: inout [AnyObject], range: NSRange) {
objects.reserveCapacity(objects.count + range.length)
if self.dynamicType === NSArray.self || self.dynamicType === NSMutableArray.self {
objects += _storage[range.toRange()!]
objects += range.toRange()!.map { self[$0] }
public func index(of anObject: AnyObject) -> Int {
for idx in 0..<count {
let obj = object(at: idx) as! NSObject
if anObject === obj || obj.isEqual(anObject) {
return idx
return NSNotFound
public func index(of anObject: AnyObject, in range: NSRange) -> Int {
for idx in 0..<range.length {
let obj = object(at: idx + range.location) as! NSObject
if anObject === obj || obj.isEqual(anObject) {
return idx
return NSNotFound
public func indexOfObjectIdentical(to anObject: AnyObject) -> Int {
for idx in 0..<count {
let obj = object(at: idx) as! NSObject
if anObject === obj {
return idx
return NSNotFound
public func indexOfObjectIdentical(to anObject: AnyObject, in range: NSRange) -> Int {
for idx in 0..<range.length {
let obj = object(at: idx + range.location) as! NSObject
if anObject === obj {
return idx
return NSNotFound
public func isEqual(to otherArray: [AnyObject]) -> Bool {
if count != otherArray.count {
return false
for idx in 0..<count {
let obj1 = object(at: idx) as! NSObject
let obj2 = otherArray[idx] as! NSObject
if obj1 === obj2 {
if !obj1.isEqual(obj2) {
return false
return true
public var firstObject: AnyObject? {
if count > 0 {
return object(at: 0)
} else {
return nil
public var lastObject: AnyObject? {
if count > 0 {
return object(at: count - 1)
} else {
return nil
public struct Iterator : IteratorProtocol {
// TODO: Detect mutations
// TODO: Use IndexingGenerator instead?
let array : NSArray
let sentinel : Int
let reverse : Bool
var idx : Int
public mutating func next() -> AnyObject? {
guard idx != sentinel else {
return nil
let result = array.object(at: reverse ? idx - 1 : idx)
idx += reverse ? -1 : 1
return result
init(_ array : NSArray, reverse : Bool = false) {
self.array = array
self.sentinel = reverse ? 0 : array.count
self.idx = reverse ? array.count : 0
self.reverse = reverse
public func objectEnumerator() -> NSEnumerator {
return NSGeneratorEnumerator(Iterator(self))
public func reverseObjectEnumerator() -> NSEnumerator {
return NSGeneratorEnumerator(Iterator(self, reverse: true))
/*@NSCopying*/ public var sortedArrayHint: Data {
let size = count
let buffer = UnsafeMutablePointer<Int32>.allocate(capacity: size)
for idx in 0..<count {
let item = object(at: idx) as! NSObject
let hash = item.hash
buffer.advanced(by: idx).pointee = Int32(hash).littleEndian
return Data(bytesNoCopy: unsafeBitCast(buffer, to: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>.self), count: count * sizeof(Int.self), deallocator: .custom({ _ in
buffer.deallocate(capacity: size)
buffer.deinitialize(count: size)
public func sortedArray(_ comparator: @noescape @convention(c) (AnyObject, AnyObject, UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) -> Int, context: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) -> [AnyObject] {
return sortedArray([]) { lhs, rhs in
return ComparisonResult(rawValue: comparator(lhs, rhs, context))!
public func sortedArray(_ comparator: @noescape @convention(c) (AnyObject, AnyObject, UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) -> Int, context: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?, hint: Data?) -> [AnyObject] {
return sortedArray([]) { lhs, rhs in
return ComparisonResult(rawValue: comparator(lhs, rhs, context))!
public func subarray(with range: NSRange) -> [AnyObject] {
if range.length == 0 {
return []
var objects = [AnyObject]()
getObjects(&objects, range: range)
return objects
public func write(toFile path: String, atomically useAuxiliaryFile: Bool) -> Bool { NSUnimplemented() }
public func write(to url: URL, atomically: Bool) -> Bool { NSUnimplemented() }
public func objects(at indexes: IndexSet) -> [AnyObject] {
var objs = [AnyObject]()
indexes.rangeView().forEach {
objs.append(contentsOf: self.subarray(with: NSRange(location: $0.lowerBound, length: $0.upperBound - $0.lowerBound)))
return objs
public subscript (idx: Int) -> AnyObject {
guard idx < count && idx >= 0 else {
fatalError("\(self): Index out of bounds")
return object(at: idx)
public func enumerateObjects(_ block: @noescape (AnyObject, Int, UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) -> Void) {
self.enumerateObjects([], using: block)
public func enumerateObjects(_ opts: EnumerationOptions = [], using block: @noescape (AnyObject, Int, UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) -> Swift.Void) {
self.enumerateObjects(at: IndexSet(indexesIn: NSMakeRange(0, count)), options: opts, using: block)
public func enumerateObjects(at s: IndexSet, options opts: EnumerationOptions = [], using block: @noescape (AnyObject, Int, UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) -> Void) {
guard !opts.contains(.concurrent) else {
s._bridgeToObjectiveC().enumerate(opts) { (idx, stop) in
block(self.object(at: idx), idx, stop)
public func indexOfObject(passingTest predicate: @noescape (AnyObject, Int, UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) -> Bool) -> Int {
return indexOfObject([], passingTest: predicate)
public func indexOfObject(_ opts: EnumerationOptions = [], passingTest predicate: @noescape (AnyObject, Int, UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) -> Bool) -> Int {
return indexOfObject(at: IndexSet(indexesIn: NSMakeRange(0, count)), options: opts, passingTest: predicate)
public func indexOfObject(at s: IndexSet, options opts: EnumerationOptions = [], passingTest predicate: @noescape (AnyObject, Int, UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) -> Bool) -> Int {
var result = NSNotFound
enumerateObjects(at: s, options: opts) { (obj, idx, stop) -> Void in
if predicate(obj, idx, stop) {
result = idx
stop.pointee = true
return result
public func indexesOfObjects(passingTest predicate: @noescape (AnyObject, Int, UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) -> Bool) -> IndexSet {
return indexesOfObjects([], passingTest: predicate)
public func indexesOfObjects(_ opts: EnumerationOptions = [], passingTest predicate: @noescape (AnyObject, Int, UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) -> Bool) -> IndexSet {
return indexesOfObjects(at: IndexSet(indexesIn: NSMakeRange(0, count)), options: opts, passingTest: predicate)
public func indexesOfObjects(at s: IndexSet, options opts: EnumerationOptions = [], passingTest predicate: @noescape (AnyObject, Int, UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) -> Bool) -> IndexSet {
var result = IndexSet()
enumerateObjects(at: s, options: opts) { (obj, idx, stop) in
if predicate(obj, idx, stop) {
return result
internal func sortedArrayFromRange(_ range: NSRange, options: SortOptions, usingComparator cmptr: @noescape (AnyObject, AnyObject) -> ComparisonResult) -> [AnyObject] {
// The sort options are not available. We use the Array's sorting algorithm. It is not stable neither concurrent.
guard options.isEmpty else {
let count = self.count
if range.length == 0 || count == 0 {
return []
let swiftRange = range.toRange()!
return allObjects[swiftRange].sorted { lhs, rhs in
return cmptr(lhs, rhs) == .orderedAscending
public func sortedArray(comparator cmptr: @noescape (AnyObject, AnyObject) -> ComparisonResult) -> [AnyObject] {
return sortedArrayFromRange(NSMakeRange(0, count), options: [], usingComparator: cmptr)
public func sortedArray(_ opts: SortOptions = [], usingComparator cmptr: @noescape (AnyObject, AnyObject) -> ComparisonResult) -> [AnyObject] {
return sortedArrayFromRange(NSMakeRange(0, count), options: opts, usingComparator: cmptr)
public func index(of obj: AnyObject, inSortedRange r: NSRange, options opts: NSBinarySearchingOptions = [], usingComparator cmp: @noescape (AnyObject, AnyObject) -> ComparisonResult) -> Int {
let lastIndex = r.location + r.length - 1
// argument validation
guard lastIndex < count else {
let bounds = count == 0 ? "for empty array" : "[0 .. \(count - 1)]"
NSInvalidArgument("range \(r) extends beyond bounds \(bounds)")
if opts.contains(.FirstEqual) && opts.contains(.LastEqual) {
NSInvalidArgument("both NSBinarySearching.FirstEqual and NSBinarySearching.LastEqual options cannot be specified")
let searchForInsertionIndex = opts.contains(.InsertionIndex)
// fringe cases
if r.length == 0 {
return searchForInsertionIndex ? r.location : NSNotFound
let leastObj = object(at: r.location)
if cmp(obj, leastObj) == .orderedAscending {
return searchForInsertionIndex ? r.location : NSNotFound
let greatestObj = object(at: lastIndex)
if cmp(obj, greatestObj) == .orderedDescending {
return searchForInsertionIndex ? lastIndex + 1 : NSNotFound
// common processing
let firstEqual = opts.contains(.FirstEqual)
let lastEqual = opts.contains(.LastEqual)
let anyEqual = !(firstEqual || lastEqual)
var result = NSNotFound
var indexOfLeastGreaterThanObj = NSNotFound
var start = r.location
var end = lastIndex
loop: while start <= end {
let middle = start + (end - start) / 2
let item = object(at: middle)
switch cmp(item, obj) {
case .orderedSame where anyEqual:
result = middle
break loop
case .orderedSame where lastEqual:
result = middle
case .orderedAscending:
start = middle + 1
case .orderedSame where firstEqual:
result = middle
case .orderedDescending:
indexOfLeastGreaterThanObj = middle
end = middle - 1
fatalError("Implementation error.")
if !searchForInsertionIndex {
return result
if result == NSNotFound {
return indexOfLeastGreaterThanObj
return lastEqual ? result + 1 : result
public convenience init?(contentsOfFile path: String) { NSUnimplemented() }
public convenience init?(contentsOfURL url: URL) { NSUnimplemented() }
override public var _cfTypeID: CFTypeID {
return CFArrayGetTypeID()
extension NSArray : _CFBridgable, _SwiftBridgable {
internal var _cfObject: CFArray { return unsafeBitCast(self, to: CFArray.self) }
internal var _swiftObject: [AnyObject] {
var array: [AnyObject]?
Array._forceBridgeFromObject(self, result: &array)
return array!
extension NSMutableArray {
internal var _cfMutableObject: CFMutableArray { return unsafeBitCast(self, to: CFMutableArray.self) }
extension CFArray : _NSBridgable, _SwiftBridgable {
internal var _nsObject: NSArray { return unsafeBitCast(self, to: NSArray.self) }
internal var _swiftObject: Array<AnyObject> { return _nsObject._swiftObject }
extension CFArray {
/// Bridge something returned from CF to an Array<T>. Useful when we already know that a CFArray contains objects that are toll-free bridged with Swift objects, e.g. CFArray<CFURLRef>.
/// - Note: This bridging operation is unfortunately still O(n), but it only traverses the NSArray once, creating the Swift array and casting at the same time.
func _unsafeTypedBridge<T : _CFBridgable>() -> Array<T> {
var result = Array<T>()
let count = CFArrayGetCount(self)
for i in 0..<count {
result.append(unsafeBitCast(CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(self, i), to: T.self))
return result
extension Array : _NSBridgable, _CFBridgable {
internal var _nsObject: NSArray { return _bridgeToObject() }
internal var _cfObject: CFArray { return _nsObject._cfObject }
public struct NSBinarySearchingOptions : OptionSet {
public let rawValue : UInt
public init(rawValue: UInt) { self.rawValue = rawValue }
public static let FirstEqual = NSBinarySearchingOptions(rawValue: 1 << 8)
public static let LastEqual = NSBinarySearchingOptions(rawValue: 1 << 9)
public static let InsertionIndex = NSBinarySearchingOptions(rawValue: 1 << 10)
public class NSMutableArray : NSArray {
public func add(_ anObject: AnyObject) {
insert(anObject, at: count)
public func insert(_ anObject: AnyObject, at index: Int) {
guard self.dynamicType === NSMutableArray.self else {
_storage.insert(anObject, at: index)
public func removeLastObject() {
if count > 0 {
removeObject(at: count - 1)
public func removeObject(at index: Int) {
guard self.dynamicType === NSMutableArray.self else {
_storage.remove(at: index)
public func replaceObject(at index: Int, with anObject: AnyObject) {
guard self.dynamicType === NSMutableArray.self else {
let min = index
let max = index + 1
_storage.replaceSubrange(min..<max, with: [anObject])
public convenience init() {
self.init(capacity: 0)
public init(capacity numItems: Int) {
super.init(objects: [], count: 0)
if self.dynamicType === NSMutableArray.self {
public required convenience init(objects: UnsafePointer<AnyObject?>, count cnt: Int) {
self.init(capacity: cnt)
for idx in 0..<cnt {
public override subscript (idx: Int) -> AnyObject {
get {
return object(at: idx)
set(newObject) {
self.replaceObject(at: idx, with: newObject)
public func addObjectsFromArray(_ otherArray: [AnyObject]) {
if self.dynamicType === NSMutableArray.self {
_storage += otherArray
} else {
for obj in otherArray {
public func exchangeObject(at idx1: Int, withObjectAt idx2: Int) {
if self.dynamicType === NSMutableArray.self {
swap(&_storage[idx1], &_storage[idx2])
} else {
public func removeAllObjects() {
if self.dynamicType === NSMutableArray.self {
} else {
while count > 0 {
removeObject(at: 0)
public func removeObject(_ anObject: AnyObject, inRange range: NSRange) {
let idx = index(of: anObject, in: range)
if idx != NSNotFound {
removeObject(at: idx)
public func removeObject(_ anObject: AnyObject) {
let idx = index(of: anObject)
if idx != NSNotFound {
removeObject(at: idx)
public func removeObjectIdenticalTo(_ anObject: AnyObject, inRange range: NSRange) {
let idx = indexOfObjectIdentical(to: anObject, in: range)
if idx != NSNotFound {
removeObject(at: idx)
public func removeObjectIdenticalTo(_ anObject: AnyObject) {
let idx = indexOfObjectIdentical(to: anObject)
if idx != NSNotFound {
removeObject(at: idx)
public func removeObjects(in otherArray: [AnyObject]) {
let set = NSSet(array : otherArray)
for idx in (0..<count).reversed() {
if set.contains(object(at: idx)) {
removeObject(at: idx)
public func removeObjects(in range: NSRange) {
if self.dynamicType === NSMutableArray.self {
} else {
for idx in range.toRange()!.reversed() {
removeObject(at: idx)
public func replaceObjects(in range: NSRange, withObjectsFrom otherArray: [AnyObject], range otherRange: NSRange) {
var list = [AnyObject]()
otherArray.bridge().getObjects(&list, range:otherRange)
replaceObjectsInRange(range, withObjectsFromArray:list)
public func replaceObjectsInRange(_ range: NSRange, withObjectsFromArray otherArray: [AnyObject]) {
if self.dynamicType === NSMutableArray.self {
_storage.reserveCapacity(count - range.length + otherArray.count)
for idx in 0..<range.length {
_storage[idx + range.location] = otherArray[idx]
for idx in range.length..<otherArray.count {
_storage.insert(otherArray[idx], at: idx + range.location)
} else {
public func setArray(_ otherArray: [AnyObject]) {
if self.dynamicType === NSMutableArray.self {
_storage = otherArray
} else {
replaceObjectsInRange(NSMakeRange(0, count), withObjectsFromArray: otherArray)
public func insertObjects(_ objects: [AnyObject], atIndexes indexes: IndexSet) {
precondition(objects.count == indexes.count)
if self.dynamicType === NSMutableArray.self {
_storage.reserveCapacity(count + indexes.count)
var objectIdx = 0
for insertionIndex in indexes {
self.insert(objects[objectIdx], at: insertionIndex)
objectIdx += 1
public func removeObjectsAtIndexes(_ indexes: IndexSet) {
for range in indexes.rangeView().reversed() {
self.removeObjects(in: NSMakeRange(range.lowerBound, range.upperBound - range.lowerBound))
public func replaceObjectsAtIndexes(_ indexes: IndexSet, withObjects objects: [AnyObject]) {
var objectIndex = 0
for countedRange in indexes.rangeView() {
let range = NSMakeRange(countedRange.lowerBound, countedRange.upperBound - countedRange.lowerBound)
let subObjects = objects[objectIndex..<objectIndex + range.length]
self.replaceObjectsInRange(range, withObjectsFromArray: Array(subObjects))
objectIndex += range.length
public func sortUsingFunction(_ compare: @convention(c) (AnyObject, AnyObject, UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) -> Int, context: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) {
self.setArray(self.sortedArray(compare, context: context))
public func sortUsingComparator(_ cmptr: Comparator) {
self.sortWithOptions([], usingComparator: cmptr)
public func sortWithOptions(_ opts: SortOptions, usingComparator cmptr: Comparator) {
self.setArray(self.sortedArray(opts, usingComparator: cmptr))
public convenience init?(contentsOfFile path: String) { NSUnimplemented() }
public convenience init?(contentsOfURL url: URL) { NSUnimplemented() }
extension NSArray : Sequence {
final public func makeIterator() -> Iterator {
return Iterator(self)
extension Array : Bridgeable {
public func bridge() -> NSArray { return _nsObject }
extension NSArray : Bridgeable {
public func bridge() -> Array<AnyObject> { return _swiftObject }