blob: ffc19ceb9ed6ea030bf177c8531478b29120ab16 [file] [log] [blame]
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
import CoreFoundation
public typealias NSErrorDomain = NSString
/// Predefined domain for errors from most Foundation APIs.
public let NSCocoaErrorDomain: String = "NSCocoaErrorDomain"
// Other predefined domains; value of "code" will correspond to preexisting values in these domains.
public let NSPOSIXErrorDomain: String = "NSPOSIXErrorDomain"
public let NSOSStatusErrorDomain: String = "NSOSStatusErrorDomain"
public let NSMachErrorDomain: String = "NSMachErrorDomain"
// Key in userInfo. A recommended standard way to embed NSErrors from underlying calls. The value of this key should be an NSError.
public let NSUnderlyingErrorKey: String = "NSUnderlyingError"
// Keys in userInfo, for subsystems wishing to provide their error messages up-front. Note that NSError will also consult the userInfoValueProvider for the domain when these values are not present in the userInfo dictionary.
public let NSLocalizedDescriptionKey: String = "NSLocalizedDescription"
public let NSLocalizedFailureReasonErrorKey: String = "NSLocalizedFailureReason"
public let NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestionErrorKey: String = "NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion"
public let NSLocalizedRecoveryOptionsErrorKey: String = "NSLocalizedRecoveryOptions"
public let NSRecoveryAttempterErrorKey: String = "NSRecoveryAttempter"
public let NSHelpAnchorErrorKey: String = "NSHelpAnchor"
// Other standard keys in userInfo, for various error codes
public let NSStringEncodingErrorKey: String = "NSStringEncodingErrorKey"
public let NSURLErrorKey: String = "NSURL"
public let NSFilePathErrorKey: String = "NSFilePathErrorKey"
open class NSError : NSObject, NSCopying, NSSecureCoding, NSCoding {
typealias CFType = CFError
internal var _cfObject: CFType {
return CFErrorCreate(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, domain._cfObject, code, nil)
// ErrorType forbids this being internal
open var _domain: String
open var _code: Int
/// - Experiment: This is a draft API currently under consideration for official import into Foundation
/// - Note: This API differs from Darwin because it uses [String : Any] as a type instead of [String : AnyObject]. This allows the use of Swift value types.
private var _userInfo: [String : Any]?
/// - Experiment: This is a draft API currently under consideration for official import into Foundation
/// - Note: This API differs from Darwin because it uses [String : Any] as a type instead of [String : AnyObject]. This allows the use of Swift value types.
public init(domain: String, code: Int, userInfo dict: [String : Any]? = nil) {
_domain = domain
_code = code
_userInfo = dict
public required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
guard aDecoder.allowsKeyedCoding else {
preconditionFailure("Unkeyed coding is unsupported.")
_code = aDecoder.decodeInteger(forKey: "NSCode")
_domain = aDecoder.decodeObject(of: NSString.self, forKey: "NSDomain")!._swiftObject
if let info = aDecoder.decodeObject(of: [NSSet.self, NSDictionary.self, NSArray.self, NSString.self, NSNumber.self, NSData.self, NSURL.self], forKey: "NSUserInfo") as? NSDictionary {
var filteredUserInfo = [String : Any]()
// user info must be filtered so that the keys are all strings
info.enumerateKeysAndObjects(options: []) {
if let key = $0.0 as? NSString {
filteredUserInfo[key._swiftObject] = $0.1
_userInfo = filteredUserInfo
public static var supportsSecureCoding: Bool {
return true
open func encode(with aCoder: NSCoder) {
guard aCoder.allowsKeyedCoding else {
preconditionFailure("Unkeyed coding is unsupported.")
aCoder.encode(_domain._bridgeToObjectiveC(), forKey: "NSDomain")
aCoder.encode(Int32(_code), forKey: "NSCode")
aCoder.encode(_userInfo?._bridgeToObjectiveC(), forKey: "NSUserInfo")
open override func copy() -> Any {
return copy(with: nil)
open func copy(with zone: NSZone? = nil) -> Any {
return self
open var domain: String {
return _domain
open var code: Int {
return _code
/// - Experiment: This is a draft API currently under consideration for official import into Foundation
/// - Note: This API differs from Darwin because it uses [String : Any] as a type instead of [String : AnyObject]. This allows the use of Swift value types.
open var userInfo: [String : Any] {
if let info = _userInfo {
return info
} else {
return Dictionary<String, Any>()
open var localizedDescription: String {
let desc = userInfo[NSLocalizedDescriptionKey] as? String
return desc ?? "The operation could not be completed"
open var localizedFailureReason: String? {
return userInfo[NSLocalizedFailureReasonErrorKey] as? String
open var localizedRecoverySuggestion: String? {
return userInfo[NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestionErrorKey] as? String
open var localizedRecoveryOptions: [String]? {
return userInfo[NSLocalizedRecoveryOptionsErrorKey] as? [String]
open var recoveryAttempter: Any? {
return userInfo[NSRecoveryAttempterErrorKey]
open var helpAnchor: String? {
return userInfo[NSHelpAnchorErrorKey] as? String
internal typealias UserInfoProvider = (_ error: Error, _ key: String) -> Any?
internal static var userInfoProviders = [String: UserInfoProvider]()
open class func setUserInfoValueProvider(forDomain errorDomain: String, provider: (/* @escaping */ (Error, String) -> Any?)?) {
NSError.userInfoProviders[errorDomain] = provider
open class func userInfoValueProvider(forDomain errorDomain: String) -> ((Error, String) -> Any?)? {
return NSError.userInfoProviders[errorDomain]
override open var description: String {
return localizedDescription
// -- NSObject Overrides --
// The compiler has special paths for attempting to do some bridging on NSError (and equivalent Error instances) -- in particular, in the lookup of NSError objects' superclass.
// On platforms where we don't have bridging (i.e. Linux), this causes a silgen failure. We can avoid the issue by overriding methods inherited by NSObject ourselves.
override open var hashValue: Int {
// CFHash does the appropriate casting/bridging on platforms where we support it.
return Int(bitPattern: CFHash(self))
override open func isEqual(_ object: Any?) -> Bool {
// Pulled from NSObject itself; this works on all platforms.
guard let obj = object as? NSError else { return false }
return obj === self
extension NSError : Swift.Error { }
extension NSError : _CFBridgeable { }
extension CFError : _NSBridgeable {
typealias NSType = NSError
internal var _nsObject: NSType {
let userInfo = CFErrorCopyUserInfo(self)._swiftObject
var newUserInfo: [String: Any] = [:]
for (key, value) in userInfo {
if let key = key as? String {
newUserInfo[key] = value
return NSError(domain: CFErrorGetDomain(self)._swiftObject, code: CFErrorGetCode(self), userInfo: newUserInfo)
/// Describes an error that provides localized messages describing why
/// an error occurred and provides more information about the error.
public protocol LocalizedError : Error {
/// A localized message describing what error occurred.
var errorDescription: String? { get }
/// A localized message describing the reason for the failure.
var failureReason: String? { get }
/// A localized message describing how one might recover from the failure.
var recoverySuggestion: String? { get }
/// A localized message providing "help" text if the user requests help.
var helpAnchor: String? { get }
public extension LocalizedError {
var errorDescription: String? { return nil }
var failureReason: String? { return nil }
var recoverySuggestion: String? { return nil }
var helpAnchor: String? { return nil }
/// Class that implements the informal protocol
/// NSErrorRecoveryAttempting, which is used by NSError when it
/// attempts recovery from an error.
class _NSErrorRecoveryAttempter {
func attemptRecovery(fromError error: Error,
optionIndex recoveryOptionIndex: Int) -> Bool {
let error = error as! RecoverableError
return error.attemptRecovery(optionIndex: recoveryOptionIndex)
/// Describes an error that may be recoverable by presenting several
/// potential recovery options to the user.
public protocol RecoverableError : Error {
/// Provides a set of possible recovery options to present to the user.
var recoveryOptions: [String] { get }
/// Attempt to recover from this error when the user selected the
/// option at the given index. This routine must call handler and
/// indicate whether recovery was successful (or not).
/// This entry point is used for recovery of errors handled at a
/// "document" granularity, that do not affect the entire
/// application.
func attemptRecovery(optionIndex recoveryOptionIndex: Int, resultHandler handler: (_ recovered: Bool) -> Void)
/// Attempt to recover from this error when the user selected the
/// option at the given index. Returns true to indicate
/// successful recovery, and false otherwise.
/// This entry point is used for recovery of errors handled at
/// the "application" granularity, where nothing else in the
/// application can proceed until the attempted error recovery
/// completes.
func attemptRecovery(optionIndex recoveryOptionIndex: Int) -> Bool
public extension RecoverableError {
/// Default implementation that uses the application-model recovery
/// mechanism (``attemptRecovery(optionIndex:)``) to implement
/// document-modal recovery.
func attemptRecovery(optionIndex recoveryOptionIndex: Int, resultHandler handler: (_ recovered: Bool) -> Void) {
handler(attemptRecovery(optionIndex: recoveryOptionIndex))
/// Describes an error type that specifically provides a domain, code,
/// and user-info dictionary.
public protocol CustomNSError : Error {
/// The domain of the error.
static var errorDomain: String { get }
/// The error code within the given domain.
var errorCode: Int { get }
/// The user-info dictionary.
var errorUserInfo: [String : Any] { get }
public extension Error where Self : CustomNSError {
/// Default implementation for customized NSErrors.
var _domain: String { return Self.errorDomain }
/// Default implementation for customized NSErrors.
var _code: Int { return self.errorCode }
public extension Error {
/// Retrieve the localized description for this error.
var localizedDescription: String {
let defaultUserInfo = _swift_Foundation_getErrorDefaultUserInfo(self) as! [String : Any]
return NSError(domain: _domain, code: _code, userInfo: defaultUserInfo).localizedDescription
/// Retrieve the default userInfo dictionary for a given error.
public func _swift_Foundation_getErrorDefaultUserInfo(_ error: Error) -> Any? {
// TODO: Implement info value providers and return the code that was deleted here.
let hasUserInfoValueProvider = false
// Populate the user-info dictionary
var result: [String : Any]
// Initialize with custom user-info.
if let customNSError = error as? CustomNSError {
result = customNSError.errorUserInfo
} else {
result = [:]
// Handle localized errors. If we registered a user-info value
// provider, these will computed lazily.
if !hasUserInfoValueProvider,
let localizedError = error as? LocalizedError {
if let description = localizedError.errorDescription {
result[NSLocalizedDescriptionKey] = description
if let reason = localizedError.failureReason {
result[NSLocalizedFailureReasonErrorKey] = reason
if let suggestion = localizedError.recoverySuggestion {
result[NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestionErrorKey] = suggestion
if let helpAnchor = localizedError.helpAnchor {
result[NSHelpAnchorErrorKey] = helpAnchor
// Handle recoverable errors. If we registered a user-info value
// provider, these will computed lazily.
if !hasUserInfoValueProvider,
let recoverableError = error as? RecoverableError {
result[NSLocalizedRecoveryOptionsErrorKey] =
result[NSRecoveryAttempterErrorKey] = _NSErrorRecoveryAttempter()
return result
// NSError and CFError conform to the standard Error protocol. Compiler
// magic allows this to be done as a "toll-free" conversion when an NSError
// or CFError is used as an Error existential.
extension CFError : Error {
public var _domain: String {
return CFErrorGetDomain(self)._swiftObject
public var _code: Int {
return CFErrorGetCode(self)
public var _userInfo: Any? {
return CFErrorCopyUserInfo(self) as Any
/// An internal protocol to represent Swift error enums that map to standard
/// Cocoa NSError domains.
public protocol _ObjectTypeBridgeableError : Error {
/// Produce a value of the error type corresponding to the given NSError,
/// or return nil if it cannot be bridged.
init?(_bridgedNSError: NSError)
/// Helper protocol for _BridgedNSError, which used to provide
/// default implementations.
public protocol __BridgedNSError : Error {
static var _nsErrorDomain: String { get }
// Allow two bridged NSError types to be compared.
extension __BridgedNSError where Self: RawRepresentable, Self.RawValue: SignedInteger {
public static func ==(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool {
return lhs.rawValue == rhs.rawValue
public extension __BridgedNSError where Self: RawRepresentable, Self.RawValue: SignedInteger {
public var _domain: String { return Self._nsErrorDomain }
public var _code: Int { return Int(rawValue) }
public init?(rawValue: RawValue) {
self = unsafeBitCast(rawValue, to: Self.self)
public init?(_bridgedNSError: NSError) {
if _bridgedNSError.domain != Self._nsErrorDomain {
return nil
self.init(rawValue: RawValue(IntMax(_bridgedNSError.code)))
public var hashValue: Int { return _code }
// Allow two bridged NSError types to be compared.
extension __BridgedNSError where Self: RawRepresentable, Self.RawValue: UnsignedInteger {
public static func ==(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool {
return lhs.rawValue == rhs.rawValue
public extension __BridgedNSError where Self: RawRepresentable, Self.RawValue: UnsignedInteger {
public var _domain: String { return Self._nsErrorDomain }
public var _code: Int {
return Int(bitPattern: UInt(rawValue))
public init?(rawValue: RawValue) {
self = unsafeBitCast(rawValue, to: Self.self)
public init?(_bridgedNSError: NSError) {
if _bridgedNSError.domain != Self._nsErrorDomain {
return nil
self.init(rawValue: RawValue(UIntMax(UInt(_bridgedNSError.code))))
public var hashValue: Int { return _code }
/// Describes a raw representable type that is bridged to a particular
/// NSError domain.
/// This protocol is used primarily to generate the conformance to
/// _ObjectTypeBridgeableError for such an enum.
public protocol _BridgedNSError : __BridgedNSError, RawRepresentable, _ObjectTypeBridgeableError, Hashable {
/// The NSError domain to which this type is bridged.
static var _nsErrorDomain: String { get }
/// Describes a bridged error that stores the underlying NSError, so
/// it can be queried.
public protocol _BridgedStoredNSError : __BridgedNSError, _ObjectTypeBridgeableError, CustomNSError, Hashable {
/// The type of an error code.
associatedtype Code: _ErrorCodeProtocol
/// The error code for the given error.
var code: Code { get }
//// Retrieves the embedded NSError.
var _nsError: NSError { get }
/// Create a new instance of the error type with the given embedded
/// NSError.
/// The \c error must have the appropriate domain for this error
/// type.
init(_nsError error: NSError)
/// Various helper implementations for _BridgedStoredNSError
public extension _BridgedStoredNSError where Code: RawRepresentable, Code.RawValue: SignedInteger {
// FIXME: Generalize to Integer.
public var code: Code {
return Code(rawValue: numericCast(_nsError.code))!
/// Initialize an error within this domain with the given ``code``
/// and ``userInfo``.
public init(_ code: Code, userInfo: [String : Any] = [:]) {
self.init(_nsError: NSError(domain: Self._nsErrorDomain,
code: numericCast(code.rawValue),
userInfo: userInfo))
/// The user-info dictionary for an error that was bridged from
/// NSError.
var userInfo: [String : Any] { return errorUserInfo }
/// Various helper implementations for _BridgedStoredNSError
public extension _BridgedStoredNSError where Code: RawRepresentable, Code.RawValue: UnsignedInteger {
// FIXME: Generalize to Integer.
public var code: Code {
return Code(rawValue: numericCast(_nsError.code))!
/// Initialize an error within this domain with the given ``code``
/// and ``userInfo``.
public init(_ code: Code, userInfo: [String : Any] = [:]) {
self.init(_nsError: NSError(domain: Self._nsErrorDomain,
code: numericCast(code.rawValue),
userInfo: userInfo))
/// Implementation of __BridgedNSError for all _BridgedStoredNSErrors.
public extension _BridgedStoredNSError {
/// Default implementation of ``init(_bridgedNSError)`` to provide
/// bridging from NSError.
public init?(_bridgedNSError error: NSError) {
if error.domain != Self._nsErrorDomain {
return nil
self.init(_nsError: error)
/// Implementation of CustomNSError for all _BridgedStoredNSErrors.
public extension _BridgedStoredNSError {
static var errorDomain: String { return _nsErrorDomain }
var errorCode: Int { return _nsError.code }
var errorUserInfo: [String : Any] {
return _nsError.userInfo
/// Implementation of Hashable for all _BridgedStoredNSErrors.
public extension _BridgedStoredNSError {
var hashValue: Int {
return _nsError.hashValue
/// Describes the code of an error.
public protocol _ErrorCodeProtocol : Equatable {
/// The corresponding error code.
associatedtype _ErrorType
// FIXME: We want _ErrorType to be _BridgedStoredNSError and have its
// Code match Self, but we cannot express those requirements yet.
extension _ErrorCodeProtocol where Self._ErrorType: _BridgedStoredNSError {
/// Allow one to match an error code against an arbitrary error.
public static func ~=(match: Self, error: Error) -> Bool {
guard let specificError = error as? Self._ErrorType else { return false }
// FIXME: Work around IRGen crash when we set Code == Code._ErrorType.Code.
let specificCode = specificError.code as! Self
return match == specificCode
extension _BridgedStoredNSError {
public static func == (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool {
return lhs._nsError.isEqual(rhs._nsError)
/// Describes errors within the Cocoa error domain.
public struct CocoaError : _BridgedStoredNSError {
public let _nsError: NSError
public init(_nsError error: NSError) {
precondition(error.domain == NSCocoaErrorDomain)
self._nsError = error
public static var _nsErrorDomain: String { return NSCocoaErrorDomain }
/// The error code itself.
public struct Code : RawRepresentable, _ErrorCodeProtocol {
public typealias _ErrorType = CocoaError
public let rawValue: Int
public init(rawValue: Int) {
self.rawValue = rawValue
public static var fileNoSuchFile: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code(rawValue: 4) }
public static var fileLocking: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code(rawValue: 255) }
public static var fileReadUnknown: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code(rawValue: 256) }
public static var fileReadNoPermission: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code(rawValue: 257) }
public static var fileReadInvalidFileName: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code(rawValue: 258) }
public static var fileReadCorruptFile: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code(rawValue: 259) }
public static var fileReadNoSuchFile: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code(rawValue: 260) }
public static var fileReadInapplicableStringEncoding: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code(rawValue: 261) }
public static var fileReadUnsupportedScheme: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code(rawValue: 262) }
public static var fileReadTooLarge: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code(rawValue: 263) }
public static var fileReadUnknownStringEncoding: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code(rawValue: 264) }
public static var fileWriteUnknown: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code(rawValue: 512) }
public static var fileWriteNoPermission: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code(rawValue: 513) }
public static var fileWriteInvalidFileName: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code(rawValue: 514) }
public static var fileWriteFileExists: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code(rawValue: 516) }
public static var fileWriteInapplicableStringEncoding: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code(rawValue: 517) }
public static var fileWriteUnsupportedScheme: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code(rawValue: 518) }
public static var fileWriteOutOfSpace: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code(rawValue: 640) }
public static var fileWriteVolumeReadOnly: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code(rawValue: 642) }
public static var fileManagerUnmountUnknown: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code(rawValue: 768) }
public static var fileManagerUnmountBusy: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code(rawValue: 769) }
public static var keyValueValidation: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code(rawValue: 1024) }
public static var formatting: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code(rawValue: 2048) }
public static var userCancelled: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code(rawValue: 3072) }
public static var featureUnsupported: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code(rawValue: 3328) }
public static var executableNotLoadable: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code(rawValue: 3584) }
public static var executableArchitectureMismatch: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code(rawValue: 3585) }
public static var executableRuntimeMismatch: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code(rawValue: 3586) }
public static var executableLoad: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code(rawValue: 3587) }
public static var executableLink: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code(rawValue: 3588) }
public static var propertyListReadCorrupt: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code(rawValue: 3840) }
public static var propertyListReadUnknownVersion: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code(rawValue: 3841) }
public static var propertyListReadStream: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code(rawValue: 3842) }
public static var propertyListWriteStream: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code(rawValue: 3851) }
public static var propertyListWriteInvalid: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code(rawValue: 3852) }
public static var xpcConnectionInterrupted: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code(rawValue: 4097) }
public static var xpcConnectionInvalid: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code(rawValue: 4099) }
public static var xpcConnectionReplyInvalid: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code(rawValue: 4101) }
public static var ubiquitousFileUnavailable: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code(rawValue: 4353) }
public static var ubiquitousFileNotUploadedDueToQuota: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code(rawValue: 4354) }
public static var ubiquitousFileUbiquityServerNotAvailable: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code(rawValue: 4355) }
public static var userActivityHandoffFailed: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code(rawValue: 4608) }
public static var userActivityConnectionUnavailable: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code(rawValue: 4609) }
public static var userActivityRemoteApplicationTimedOut: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code(rawValue: 4610) }
public static var userActivityHandoffUserInfoTooLarge: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code(rawValue: 4611) }
public static var coderReadCorrupt: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code(rawValue: 4864) }
public static var coderValueNotFound: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code(rawValue: 4865) }
public extension CocoaError {
private var _nsUserInfo: [AnyHashable : Any] {
return _nsError.userInfo
/// The file path associated with the error, if any.
var filePath: String? {
return _nsUserInfo[NSFilePathErrorKey._bridgeToObjectiveC()] as? String
/// The string encoding associated with this error, if any.
var stringEncoding: String.Encoding? {
return (_nsUserInfo[NSStringEncodingErrorKey._bridgeToObjectiveC()] as? NSNumber)
.map { String.Encoding(rawValue: $0.uintValue) }
/// The underlying error behind this error, if any.
var underlying: Error? {
return _nsUserInfo[NSUnderlyingErrorKey._bridgeToObjectiveC()] as? Error
/// The URL associated with this error, if any.
var url: URL? {
return _nsUserInfo[NSURLErrorKey._bridgeToObjectiveC()] as? URL
extension CocoaError.Code {
extension CocoaError {
public static var fileNoSuchFile: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code.fileNoSuchFile }
public static var fileLocking: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code.fileLocking }
public static var fileReadUnknown: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code.fileReadUnknown }
public static var fileReadNoPermission: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code.fileReadNoPermission }
public static var fileReadInvalidFileName: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code.fileReadInvalidFileName }
public static var fileReadCorruptFile: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code.fileReadCorruptFile }
public static var fileReadNoSuchFile: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code.fileReadNoSuchFile }
public static var fileReadInapplicableStringEncoding: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code.fileReadInapplicableStringEncoding }
public static var fileReadUnsupportedScheme: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code.fileReadUnsupportedScheme }
public static var fileReadTooLarge: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code.fileReadTooLarge }
public static var fileReadUnknownStringEncoding: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code.fileReadUnknownStringEncoding }
public static var fileWriteUnknown: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code.fileWriteUnknown }
public static var fileWriteNoPermission: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code.fileWriteNoPermission }
public static var fileWriteInvalidFileName: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code.fileWriteInvalidFileName }
public static var fileWriteFileExists: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code.fileWriteFileExists }
public static var fileWriteInapplicableStringEncoding: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code.fileWriteInapplicableStringEncoding }
public static var fileWriteUnsupportedScheme: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code.fileWriteUnsupportedScheme }
public static var fileWriteOutOfSpace: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code.fileWriteOutOfSpace }
public static var fileWriteVolumeReadOnly: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code.fileWriteVolumeReadOnly }
public static var fileManagerUnmountUnknown: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code.fileManagerUnmountUnknown }
public static var fileManagerUnmountBusy: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code.fileManagerUnmountBusy }
public static var keyValueValidation: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code.keyValueValidation }
public static var formatting: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code.formatting }
public static var userCancelled: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code.userCancelled }
public static var featureUnsupported: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code.featureUnsupported }
public static var executableNotLoadable: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code.executableNotLoadable }
public static var executableArchitectureMismatch: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code.executableArchitectureMismatch }
public static var executableRuntimeMismatch: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code.executableRuntimeMismatch }
public static var executableLoad: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code.executableLoad }
public static var executableLink: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code.executableLink }
public static var propertyListReadCorrupt: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code.propertyListReadCorrupt }
public static var propertyListReadUnknownVersion: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code.propertyListReadUnknownVersion }
public static var propertyListReadStream: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code.propertyListReadStream }
public static var propertyListWriteStream: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code.propertyListWriteStream }
public static var propertyListWriteInvalid: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code.propertyListWriteInvalid }
public static var xpcConnectionInterrupted: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code.xpcConnectionInterrupted }
public static var xpcConnectionInvalid: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code.xpcConnectionInvalid }
public static var xpcConnectionReplyInvalid: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code.xpcConnectionReplyInvalid }
public static var ubiquitousFileUnavailable: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code.ubiquitousFileUnavailable }
public static var ubiquitousFileNotUploadedDueToQuota: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code.ubiquitousFileNotUploadedDueToQuota }
public static var ubiquitousFileUbiquityServerNotAvailable: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code.ubiquitousFileUbiquityServerNotAvailable }
public static var userActivityHandoffFailed: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code.userActivityHandoffFailed }
public static var userActivityConnectionUnavailable: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code.userActivityConnectionUnavailable }
public static var userActivityRemoteApplicationTimedOut: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code.userActivityRemoteApplicationTimedOut }
public static var userActivityHandoffUserInfoTooLarge: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code.userActivityHandoffUserInfoTooLarge }
public static var coderReadCorrupt: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code.coderReadCorrupt }
public static var coderValueNotFound: CocoaError.Code { return CocoaError.Code.coderValueNotFound }
extension CocoaError {
public var isCoderError: Bool {
return code.rawValue >= 4864 && code.rawValue <= 4991
public var isExecutableError: Bool {
return code.rawValue >= 3584 && code.rawValue <= 3839
public var isFileError: Bool {
return code.rawValue >= 0 && code.rawValue <= 1023
public var isFormattingError: Bool {
return code.rawValue >= 2048 && code.rawValue <= 2559
public var isPropertyListError: Bool {
return code.rawValue >= 3840 && code.rawValue <= 4095
public var isUbiquitousFileError: Bool {
return code.rawValue >= 4352 && code.rawValue <= 4607
public var isUserActivityError: Bool {
return code.rawValue >= 4608 && code.rawValue <= 4863
public var isValidationError: Bool {
return code.rawValue >= 1024 && code.rawValue <= 2047
public var isXPCConnectionError: Bool {
return code.rawValue >= 4096 && code.rawValue <= 4224
/// Describes errors in the URL error domain.
public struct URLError : _BridgedStoredNSError {
public let _nsError: NSError
public init(_nsError error: NSError) {
precondition(error.domain == NSURLErrorDomain)
self._nsError = error
public static var _nsErrorDomain: String { return NSURLErrorDomain }
public enum Code : Int, _ErrorCodeProtocol {
public typealias _ErrorType = URLError
case unknown = -1
case cancelled = -999
case badURL = -1000
case timedOut = -1001
case unsupportedURL = -1002
case cannotFindHost = -1003
case cannotConnectToHost = -1004
case networkConnectionLost = -1005
case dnsLookupFailed = -1006
case httpTooManyRedirects = -1007
case resourceUnavailable = -1008
case notConnectedToInternet = -1009
case redirectToNonExistentLocation = -1010
case badServerResponse = -1011
case userCancelledAuthentication = -1012
case userAuthenticationRequired = -1013
case zeroByteResource = -1014
case cannotDecodeRawData = -1015
case cannotDecodeContentData = -1016
case cannotParseResponse = -1017
case fileDoesNotExist = -1100
case fileIsDirectory = -1101
case noPermissionsToReadFile = -1102
case secureConnectionFailed = -1200
case serverCertificateHasBadDate = -1201
case serverCertificateUntrusted = -1202
case serverCertificateHasUnknownRoot = -1203
case serverCertificateNotYetValid = -1204
case clientCertificateRejected = -1205
case clientCertificateRequired = -1206
case cannotLoadFromNetwork = -2000
case cannotCreateFile = -3000
case cannotOpenFile = -3001
case cannotCloseFile = -3002
case cannotWriteToFile = -3003
case cannotRemoveFile = -3004
case cannotMoveFile = -3005
case downloadDecodingFailedMidStream = -3006
case downloadDecodingFailedToComplete = -3007
case internationalRoamingOff = -1018
case callIsActive = -1019
case dataNotAllowed = -1020
case requestBodyStreamExhausted = -1021
case backgroundSessionRequiresSharedContainer = -995
case backgroundSessionInUseByAnotherProcess = -996
case backgroundSessionWasDisconnected = -997
public extension URLError {
private var _nsUserInfo: [AnyHashable : Any] {
return _nsError.userInfo
/// The URL which caused a load to fail.
public var failingURL: URL? {
return _nsUserInfo[NSURLErrorFailingURLErrorKey._bridgeToObjectiveC()] as? URL
/// The string for the URL which caused a load to fail.
public var failureURLString: String? {
return _nsUserInfo[NSURLErrorFailingURLStringErrorKey._bridgeToObjectiveC()] as? String
public extension URLError {
public static var unknown: URLError.Code { return .unknown }
public static var cancelled: URLError.Code { return .cancelled }
public static var badURL: URLError.Code { return .badURL }
public static var timedOut: URLError.Code { return .timedOut }
public static var unsupportedURL: URLError.Code { return .unsupportedURL }
public static var cannotFindHost: URLError.Code { return .cannotFindHost }
public static var cannotConnectToHost: URLError.Code { return .cannotConnectToHost }
public static var networkConnectionLost: URLError.Code { return .networkConnectionLost }
public static var dnsLookupFailed: URLError.Code { return .dnsLookupFailed }
public static var httpTooManyRedirects: URLError.Code { return .httpTooManyRedirects }
public static var resourceUnavailable: URLError.Code { return .resourceUnavailable }
public static var notConnectedToInternet: URLError.Code { return .notConnectedToInternet }
public static var redirectToNonExistentLocation: URLError.Code { return .redirectToNonExistentLocation }
public static var badServerResponse: URLError.Code { return .badServerResponse }
public static var userCancelledAuthentication: URLError.Code { return .userCancelledAuthentication }
public static var userAuthenticationRequired: URLError.Code { return .userAuthenticationRequired }
public static var zeroByteResource: URLError.Code { return .zeroByteResource }
public static var cannotDecodeRawData: URLError.Code { return .cannotDecodeRawData }
public static var cannotDecodeContentData: URLError.Code { return .cannotDecodeContentData }
public static var cannotParseResponse: URLError.Code { return .cannotParseResponse }
public static var fileDoesNotExist: URLError.Code { return .fileDoesNotExist }
public static var fileIsDirectory: URLError.Code { return .fileIsDirectory }
public static var noPermissionsToReadFile: URLError.Code { return .noPermissionsToReadFile }
public static var secureConnectionFailed: URLError.Code { return .secureConnectionFailed }
public static var serverCertificateHasBadDate: URLError.Code { return .serverCertificateHasBadDate }
public static var serverCertificateUntrusted: URLError.Code { return .serverCertificateUntrusted }
public static var serverCertificateHasUnknownRoot: URLError.Code { return .serverCertificateHasUnknownRoot }
public static var serverCertificateNotYetValid: URLError.Code { return .serverCertificateNotYetValid }
public static var clientCertificateRejected: URLError.Code { return .clientCertificateRejected }
public static var clientCertificateRequired: URLError.Code { return .clientCertificateRequired }
public static var cannotLoadFromNetwork: URLError.Code { return .cannotLoadFromNetwork }
public static var cannotCreateFile: URLError.Code { return .cannotCreateFile }
public static var cannotOpenFile: URLError.Code { return .cannotOpenFile }
public static var cannotCloseFile: URLError.Code { return .cannotCloseFile }
public static var cannotWriteToFile: URLError.Code { return .cannotWriteToFile }
public static var cannotRemoveFile: URLError.Code { return .cannotRemoveFile }
public static var cannotMoveFile: URLError.Code { return .cannotMoveFile }
public static var downloadDecodingFailedMidStream: URLError.Code { return .downloadDecodingFailedMidStream }
public static var downloadDecodingFailedToComplete: URLError.Code { return .downloadDecodingFailedToComplete }
public static var internationalRoamingOff: URLError.Code { return .internationalRoamingOff }
public static var callIsActive: URLError.Code { return .callIsActive }
public static var dataNotAllowed: URLError.Code { return .dataNotAllowed }
public static var requestBodyStreamExhausted: URLError.Code { return .requestBodyStreamExhausted }
public static var backgroundSessionRequiresSharedContainer: URLError.Code { return .backgroundSessionRequiresSharedContainer }
public static var backgroundSessionInUseByAnotherProcess: URLError.Code { return .backgroundSessionInUseByAnotherProcess }
public static var backgroundSessionWasDisconnected: URLError.Code { return .backgroundSessionWasDisconnected }
/// Describes an error in the POSIX error domain.
public struct POSIXError : _BridgedStoredNSError {
public let _nsError: NSError
public init(_nsError error: NSError) {
precondition(error.domain == NSPOSIXErrorDomain)
self._nsError = error
public static var _nsErrorDomain: String { return NSPOSIXErrorDomain }
public enum Code : Int, _ErrorCodeProtocol {
public typealias _ErrorType = POSIXError
case EPERM
case ESRCH
case EINTR
case EIO
case ENXIO
case E2BIG
case EBADF
case EBUSY
case EXDEV
case EFBIG
case EROFS
case EPIPE
case EDOM
case ELOOP
case EAUTH
case EIDRM
case ENOSR
case ETIME
extension POSIXError {
/// Operation not permitted.
public static var EPERM: POSIXError.Code { return .EPERM }
/// No such file or directory.
public static var ENOENT: POSIXError.Code { return .ENOENT }
/// No such process.
public static var ESRCH: POSIXError.Code { return .ESRCH }
/// Interrupted system call.
public static var EINTR: POSIXError.Code { return .EINTR }
/// Input/output error.
public static var EIO: POSIXError.Code { return .EIO }
/// Device not configured.
public static var ENXIO: POSIXError.Code { return .ENXIO }
/// Argument list too long.
public static var E2BIG: POSIXError.Code { return .E2BIG }
/// Exec format error.
public static var ENOEXEC: POSIXError.Code { return .ENOEXEC }
/// Bad file descriptor.
public static var EBADF: POSIXError.Code { return .EBADF }
/// No child processes.
public static var ECHILD: POSIXError.Code { return .ECHILD }
/// Resource deadlock avoided.
public static var EDEADLK: POSIXError.Code { return .EDEADLK }
/// Cannot allocate memory.
public static var ENOMEM: POSIXError.Code { return .ENOMEM }
/// Permission denied.
public static var EACCES: POSIXError.Code { return .EACCES }
/// Bad address.
public static var EFAULT: POSIXError.Code { return .EFAULT }
/// Block device required.
public static var ENOTBLK: POSIXError.Code { return .ENOTBLK }
/// Device / Resource busy.
public static var EBUSY: POSIXError.Code { return .EBUSY }
/// File exists.
public static var EEXIST: POSIXError.Code { return .EEXIST }
/// Cross-device link.
public static var EXDEV: POSIXError.Code { return .EXDEV }
/// Operation not supported by device.
public static var ENODEV: POSIXError.Code { return .ENODEV }
/// Not a directory.
public static var ENOTDIR: POSIXError.Code { return .ENOTDIR }
/// Is a directory.
public static var EISDIR: POSIXError.Code { return .EISDIR }
/// Invalid argument.
public static var EINVAL: POSIXError.Code { return .EINVAL }
/// Too many open files in system.
public static var ENFILE: POSIXError.Code { return .ENFILE }
/// Too many open files.
public static var EMFILE: POSIXError.Code { return .EMFILE }
/// Inappropriate ioctl for device.
public static var ENOTTY: POSIXError.Code { return .ENOTTY }
/// Text file busy.
public static var ETXTBSY: POSIXError.Code { return .ETXTBSY }
/// File too large.
public static var EFBIG: POSIXError.Code { return .EFBIG }
/// No space left on device.
public static var ENOSPC: POSIXError.Code { return .ENOSPC }
/// Illegal seek.
public static var ESPIPE: POSIXError.Code { return .ESPIPE }
/// Read-only file system.
public static var EROFS: POSIXError.Code { return .EROFS }
/// Too many links.
public static var EMLINK: POSIXError.Code { return .EMLINK }
/// Broken pipe.
public static var EPIPE: POSIXError.Code { return .EPIPE }
/// Math Software
/// Numerical argument out of domain.
public static var EDOM: POSIXError.Code { return .EDOM }
/// Result too large.
public static var ERANGE: POSIXError.Code { return .ERANGE }
/// Non-blocking and interrupt I/O.
/// Resource temporarily unavailable.
public static var EAGAIN: POSIXError.Code { return .EAGAIN }
/// Operation would block.
public static var EWOULDBLOCK: POSIXError.Code { return .EWOULDBLOCK }
/// Operation now in progress.
public static var EINPROGRESS: POSIXError.Code { return .EINPROGRESS }
/// Operation already in progress.
public static var EALREADY: POSIXError.Code { return .EALREADY }
/// IPC/Network software -- argument errors.
/// Socket operation on non-socket.
public static var ENOTSOCK: POSIXError.Code { return .ENOTSOCK }
/// Destination address required.
public static var EDESTADDRREQ: POSIXError.Code { return .EDESTADDRREQ }
/// Message too long.
public static var EMSGSIZE: POSIXError.Code { return .EMSGSIZE }
/// Protocol wrong type for socket.
public static var EPROTOTYPE: POSIXError.Code { return .EPROTOTYPE }
/// Protocol not available.
public static var ENOPROTOOPT: POSIXError.Code { return .ENOPROTOOPT }
/// Protocol not supported.
public static var EPROTONOSUPPORT: POSIXError.Code { return .EPROTONOSUPPORT }
/// Socket type not supported.
public static var ESOCKTNOSUPPORT: POSIXError.Code { return .ESOCKTNOSUPPORT }
/// Operation not supported.
public static var ENOTSUP: POSIXError.Code { return .ENOTSUP }
/// Protocol family not supported.
public static var EPFNOSUPPORT: POSIXError.Code { return .EPFNOSUPPORT }
/// Address family not supported by protocol family.
public static var EAFNOSUPPORT: POSIXError.Code { return .EAFNOSUPPORT }
/// Address already in use.
public static var EADDRINUSE: POSIXError.Code { return .EADDRINUSE }
/// Can't assign requested address.
public static var EADDRNOTAVAIL: POSIXError.Code { return .EADDRNOTAVAIL }
/// IPC/Network software -- operational errors
/// Network is down.
public static var ENETDOWN: POSIXError.Code { return .ENETDOWN }
/// Network is unreachable.
public static var ENETUNREACH: POSIXError.Code { return .ENETUNREACH }
/// Network dropped connection on reset.
public static var ENETRESET: POSIXError.Code { return .ENETRESET }
/// Software caused connection abort.
public static var ECONNABORTED: POSIXError.Code { return .ECONNABORTED }
/// Connection reset by peer.
public static var ECONNRESET: POSIXError.Code { return .ECONNRESET }
/// No buffer space available.
public static var ENOBUFS: POSIXError.Code { return .ENOBUFS }
/// Socket is already connected.
public static var EISCONN: POSIXError.Code { return .EISCONN }
/// Socket is not connected.
public static var ENOTCONN: POSIXError.Code { return .ENOTCONN }
/// Can't send after socket shutdown.
public static var ESHUTDOWN: POSIXError.Code { return .ESHUTDOWN }
/// Too many references: can't splice.
public static var ETOOMANYREFS: POSIXError.Code { return .ETOOMANYREFS }
/// Operation timed out.
public static var ETIMEDOUT: POSIXError.Code { return .ETIMEDOUT }
/// Connection refused.
public static var ECONNREFUSED: POSIXError.Code { return .ECONNREFUSED }
/// Too many levels of symbolic links.
public static var ELOOP: POSIXError.Code { return .ELOOP }
/// File name too long.
public static var ENAMETOOLONG: POSIXError.Code { return .ENAMETOOLONG }
/// Host is down.
public static var EHOSTDOWN: POSIXError.Code { return .EHOSTDOWN }
/// No route to host.
public static var EHOSTUNREACH: POSIXError.Code { return .EHOSTUNREACH }
/// Directory not empty.
public static var ENOTEMPTY: POSIXError.Code { return .ENOTEMPTY }
/// Quotas
/// Too many processes.
public static var EPROCLIM: POSIXError.Code { return .EPROCLIM }
/// Too many users.
public static var EUSERS: POSIXError.Code { return .EUSERS }
/// Disk quota exceeded.
public static var EDQUOT: POSIXError.Code { return .EDQUOT }
/// Network File System
/// Stale NFS file handle.
public static var ESTALE: POSIXError.Code { return .ESTALE }
/// Too many levels of remote in path.
public static var EREMOTE: POSIXError.Code { return .EREMOTE }
/// RPC struct is bad.
public static var EBADRPC: POSIXError.Code { return .EBADRPC }
/// RPC version wrong.
public static var ERPCMISMATCH: POSIXError.Code { return .ERPCMISMATCH }
/// RPC prog. not avail.
public static var EPROGUNAVAIL: POSIXError.Code { return .EPROGUNAVAIL }
/// Program version wrong.
public static var EPROGMISMATCH: POSIXError.Code { return .EPROGMISMATCH }
/// Bad procedure for program.
public static var EPROCUNAVAIL: POSIXError.Code { return .EPROCUNAVAIL }
/// No locks available.
public static var ENOLCK: POSIXError.Code { return .ENOLCK }
/// Function not implemented.
public static var ENOSYS: POSIXError.Code { return .ENOSYS }
/// Inappropriate file type or format.
public static var EFTYPE: POSIXError.Code { return .EFTYPE }
/// Authentication error.
public static var EAUTH: POSIXError.Code { return .EAUTH }
/// Need authenticator.
public static var ENEEDAUTH: POSIXError.Code { return .ENEEDAUTH }
/// Intelligent device errors.
/// Device power is off.
public static var EPWROFF: POSIXError.Code { return .EPWROFF }
/// Device error, e.g. paper out.
public static var EDEVERR: POSIXError.Code { return .EDEVERR }
/// Value too large to be stored in data type.
public static var EOVERFLOW: POSIXError.Code { return .EOVERFLOW }
/// Program loading errors.
/// Bad executable.
public static var EBADEXEC: POSIXError.Code { return .EBADEXEC }
/// Bad CPU type in executable.
public static var EBADARCH: POSIXError.Code { return .EBADARCH }
/// Shared library version mismatch.
public static var ESHLIBVERS: POSIXError.Code { return .ESHLIBVERS }
/// Malformed Macho file.
public static var EBADMACHO: POSIXError.Code { return .EBADMACHO }
/// Operation canceled.
public static var ECANCELED: POSIXError.Code { return .ECANCELED }
/// Identifier removed.
public static var EIDRM: POSIXError.Code { return .EIDRM }
/// No message of desired type.
public static var ENOMSG: POSIXError.Code { return .ENOMSG }
/// Illegal byte sequence.
public static var EILSEQ: POSIXError.Code { return .EILSEQ }
/// Attribute not found.
public static var ENOATTR: POSIXError.Code { return .ENOATTR }
/// Bad message.
public static var EBADMSG: POSIXError.Code { return .EBADMSG }
/// Reserved.
public static var EMULTIHOP: POSIXError.Code { return .EMULTIHOP }
/// No message available on STREAM.
public static var ENODATA: POSIXError.Code { return .ENODATA }
/// Reserved.
public static var ENOLINK: POSIXError.Code { return .ENOLINK }
/// No STREAM resources.
public static var ENOSR: POSIXError.Code { return .ENOSR }
/// Not a STREAM.
public static var ENOSTR: POSIXError.Code { return .ENOSTR }
/// Protocol error.
public static var EPROTO: POSIXError.Code { return .EPROTO }
/// STREAM ioctl timeout.
public static var ETIME: POSIXError.Code { return .ETIME }
/// No such policy registered.
public static var ENOPOLICY: POSIXError.Code { return .ENOPOLICY }
/// State not recoverable.
public static var ENOTRECOVERABLE: POSIXError.Code { return .ENOTRECOVERABLE }
/// Previous owner died.
public static var EOWNERDEAD: POSIXError.Code { return .EOWNERDEAD }
/// Interface output queue is full.
public static var EQFULL: POSIXError.Code { return .EQFULL }