blob: a7b011f02f97a740cc73f208c80577c8b776b332 [file] [log] [blame]
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
import CoreFoundation
#if os(OSX) || os(iOS)
import Darwin
#elseif os(Linux) || CYGWIN
import Glibc
extension JSONSerialization {
public struct ReadingOptions : OptionSet {
public let rawValue : UInt
public init(rawValue: UInt) { self.rawValue = rawValue }
public static let mutableContainers = ReadingOptions(rawValue: 1 << 0)
public static let mutableLeaves = ReadingOptions(rawValue: 1 << 1)
public static let allowFragments = ReadingOptions(rawValue: 1 << 2)
internal static let useReferenceNumericTypes = ReadingOptions(rawValue: 1 << 15)
public struct WritingOptions : OptionSet {
public let rawValue : UInt
public init(rawValue: UInt) { self.rawValue = rawValue }
public static let prettyPrinted = WritingOptions(rawValue: 1 << 0)
public static let sortedKeys = WritingOptions(rawValue: 1 << 1)
/* A class for converting JSON to Foundation/Swift objects and converting Foundation/Swift objects to JSON.
An object that may be converted to JSON must have the following properties:
- Top level object is a `Swift.Array` or `Swift.Dictionary`
- All objects are `Swift.String`, `Foundation.NSNumber`, `Swift.Array`, `Swift.Dictionary`,
or `Foundation.NSNull`
- All dictionary keys are `Swift.String`s
- `NSNumber`s are not NaN or infinity
open class JSONSerialization : NSObject {
/* Determines whether the given object can be converted to JSON.
Other rules may apply. Calling this method or attempting a conversion are the definitive ways
to tell if a given object can be converted to JSON data.
- parameter obj: The object to test.
- returns: `true` if `obj` can be converted to JSON, otherwise `false`.
open class func isValidJSONObject(_ obj: Any) -> Bool {
// TODO: - revisit this once bridging story gets fully figured out
func isValidJSONObjectInternal(_ obj: Any?) -> Bool {
// Emulate the SE-0140 behavior bridging behavior for nils
guard let obj = obj else {
return true
// object is Swift.String, NSNull, Int, Bool, or UInt
if obj is String || obj is NSNull || obj is Int || obj is Bool || obj is UInt {
return true
// object is a Double and is not NaN or infinity
if let number = obj as? Double {
return number.isFinite
// object is a Float and is not NaN or infinity
if let number = obj as? Float {
return number.isFinite
// object is Swift.Array
if let array = obj as? [Any?] {
for element in array {
guard isValidJSONObjectInternal(element) else {
return false
return true
// object is Swift.Dictionary
if let dictionary = obj as? [String: Any?] {
for (_, value) in dictionary {
guard isValidJSONObjectInternal(value) else {
return false
return true
// object is NSNumber and is not NaN or infinity
// For better performance, this (most expensive) test should be last.
if let number = as? NSNumber {
let invalid = number.doubleValue.isInfinite || number.doubleValue.isNaN
return !invalid
// invalid object
return false
// top level object must be an Swift.Array or Swift.Dictionary
guard obj is [Any?] || obj is [String: Any?] else {
return false
return isValidJSONObjectInternal(obj)
/* Generate JSON data from a Foundation object. If the object will not produce valid JSON then an exception will be thrown. Setting the NSJSONWritingPrettyPrinted option will generate JSON with whitespace designed to make the output more readable. If that option is not set, the most compact possible JSON will be generated. If an error occurs, the error parameter will be set and the return value will be nil. The resulting data is a encoded in UTF-8.
internal class func _data(withJSONObject value: Any, options opt: WritingOptions, stream: Bool) throws -> Data {
var jsonStr = String()
var writer = JSONWriter(
pretty: opt.contains(.prettyPrinted),
sortedKeys: opt.contains(.sortedKeys),
writer: { (str: String?) in
if let str = str {
if let container = value as? NSArray {
try writer.serializeJSON(container._bridgeToSwift())
} else if let container = value as? NSDictionary {
try writer.serializeJSON(container._bridgeToSwift())
} else if let container = value as? Array<Any> {
try writer.serializeJSON(container)
} else if let container = value as? Dictionary<AnyHashable, Any> {
try writer.serializeJSON(container)
} else {
fatalError("Top-level object was not NSArray or NSDictionary") // This is a fatal error in objective-c too (it is an NSInvalidArgumentException)
let count = jsonStr.lengthOfBytes(using: .utf8)
let bufferLength = count+1 // Allow space for null terminator
var utf8: [CChar] = Array<CChar>(repeating: 0, count: bufferLength)
if !jsonStr.getCString(&utf8, maxLength: bufferLength, encoding: .utf8) {
fatalError("Failed to generate a CString from a String")
let rawBytes = UnsafeRawPointer(UnsafePointer(utf8))
let result = Data(bytes: rawBytes.bindMemory(to: UInt8.self, capacity: count), count: count)
return result
open class func data(withJSONObject value: Any, options opt: WritingOptions = []) throws -> Data {
return try _data(withJSONObject: value, options: opt, stream: false)
/* Create a Foundation object from JSON data. Set the NSJSONReadingAllowFragments option if the parser should allow top-level objects that are not an NSArray or NSDictionary. Setting the NSJSONReadingMutableContainers option will make the parser generate mutable NSArrays and NSDictionaries. Setting the NSJSONReadingMutableLeaves option will make the parser generate mutable NSString objects. If an error occurs during the parse, then the error parameter will be set and the result will be nil.
The data must be in one of the 5 supported encodings listed in the JSON specification: UTF-8, UTF-16LE, UTF-16BE, UTF-32LE, UTF-32BE. The data may or may not have a BOM. The most efficient encoding to use for parsing is UTF-8, so if you have a choice in encoding the data passed to this method, use UTF-8.
open class func jsonObject(with data: Data, options opt: ReadingOptions = []) throws -> Any {
return try data.withUnsafeBytes { (bytes: UnsafePointer<UInt8>) -> Any in
let encoding: String.Encoding
let buffer: UnsafeBufferPointer<UInt8>
if let detected = parseBOM(bytes, length: data.count) {
encoding = detected.encoding
buffer = UnsafeBufferPointer(start: bytes.advanced(by: detected.skipLength), count: data.count - detected.skipLength)
else {
encoding = detectEncoding(bytes, data.count)
buffer = UnsafeBufferPointer(start: bytes, count: data.count)
let source = JSONReader.UnicodeSource(buffer: buffer, encoding: encoding)
let reader = JSONReader(source: source)
if let (object, _) = try reader.parseObject(0, options: opt) {
return object
else if let (array, _) = try reader.parseArray(0, options: opt) {
return array
else if opt.contains(.allowFragments), let (value, _) = try reader.parseValue(0, options: opt) {
return value
throw NSError(domain: NSCocoaErrorDomain, code: CocoaError.propertyListReadCorrupt.rawValue, userInfo: [
"NSDebugDescription" : "JSON text did not start with array or object and option to allow fragments not set."
/* Write JSON data into a stream. The stream should be opened and configured. The return value is the number of bytes written to the stream, or 0 on error. All other behavior of this method is the same as the dataWithJSONObject:options:error: method.
open class func writeJSONObject(_ obj: Any, toStream stream: OutputStream, options opt: WritingOptions) throws -> Int {
let jsonData = try _data(withJSONObject: obj, options: opt, stream: true)
let count = jsonData.count
return jsonData.withUnsafeBytes { (bytePtr: UnsafePointer<UInt8>) -> Int in
let res: Int = stream.write(bytePtr, maxLength: count)
/// TODO: If the result here is negative the error should be obtained from the stream to propigate as a throw
return res
/* Create a JSON object from JSON data stream. The stream should be opened and configured. All other behavior of this method is the same as the JSONObjectWithData:options:error: method.
open class func jsonObject(with stream: InputStream, options opt: ReadingOptions = []) throws -> Any {
var data = Data()
guard stream.streamStatus == .open || stream.streamStatus == .reading else {
fatalError("Stream is not available for reading")
repeat {
var buffer = [UInt8](repeating: 0, count: 1024)
var bytesRead: Int = 0
bytesRead =, maxLength: buffer.count)
if bytesRead < 0 {
throw stream.streamError!
} else {
data.append(&buffer, count: bytesRead)
} while stream.hasBytesAvailable
return try jsonObject(with: data, options: opt)
//MARK: - Encoding Detection
internal extension JSONSerialization {
/// Detect the encoding format of the NSData contents
class func detectEncoding(_ bytes: UnsafePointer<UInt8>, _ length: Int) -> String.Encoding {
if length >= 4 {
switch (bytes[0], bytes[1], bytes[2], bytes[3]) {
case (0, 0, 0, _):
return .utf32BigEndian
case (_, 0, 0, 0):
return .utf32LittleEndian
case (0, _, 0, _):
return .utf16BigEndian
case (_, 0, _, 0):
return .utf16LittleEndian
else if length >= 2 {
switch (bytes[0], bytes[1]) {
case (0, _):
return .utf16BigEndian
case (_, 0):
return .utf16LittleEndian
return .utf8
static func parseBOM(_ bytes: UnsafePointer<UInt8>, length: Int) -> (encoding: String.Encoding, skipLength: Int)? {
if length >= 2 {
switch (bytes[0], bytes[1]) {
case (0xEF, 0xBB):
if length >= 3 && bytes[2] == 0xBF {
return (.utf8, 3)
case (0x00, 0x00):
if length >= 4 && bytes[2] == 0xFE && bytes[3] == 0xFF {
return (.utf32BigEndian, 4)
case (0xFF, 0xFE):
if length >= 4 && bytes[2] == 0 && bytes[3] == 0 {
return (.utf32LittleEndian, 4)
return (.utf16LittleEndian, 2)
case (0xFE, 0xFF):
return (.utf16BigEndian, 2)
return nil
//MARK: - JSONSerializer
private struct JSONWriter {
private let maxUIntLength = String(describing: UInt.max).count
private let maxIntLength = String(describing: Int.max).count
var indent = 0
let pretty: Bool
let sortedKeys: Bool
let writer: (String?) -> Void
private lazy var _numberformatter: CFNumberFormatter = {
let formatter: CFNumberFormatter
formatter = CFNumberFormatterCreate(nil, CFLocaleCopyCurrent(), kCFNumberFormatterNoStyle)
CFNumberFormatterSetProperty(formatter, kCFNumberFormatterMaxFractionDigits, NSNumber(value: 15))
CFNumberFormatterSetFormat(formatter, "0.###############"._cfObject)
return formatter
init(pretty: Bool = false, sortedKeys: Bool = false, writer: @escaping (String?) -> Void) {
self.pretty = pretty
self.sortedKeys = sortedKeys
self.writer = writer
mutating func serializeJSON(_ obj: Any?) throws {
guard let obj = obj else {
try serializeNull()
// For better performance, the most expensive conditions to evaluate should be last.
switch (obj) {
case let str as String:
try serializeString(str)
case let boolValue as Bool:
case let num as Int:
try serializeInt(value: num)
case let num as UInt:
try serializeUInt(value: num)
case let array as Array<Any?>:
try serializeArray(array)
case let dict as Dictionary<AnyHashable, Any?>:
try serializeDictionary(dict)
case is NSNull:
try serializeNull()
case _ where is NSNumber:
try serializeNumber( as! NSNumber)
throw NSError(domain: NSCocoaErrorDomain, code: CocoaError.propertyListReadCorrupt.rawValue, userInfo: ["NSDebugDescription" : "Invalid object cannot be serialized"])
private func serializeUInt(value: UInt) throws {
if value == 0 {
var array: [UInt] = []
var stringResult = ""
//Maximum length of an UInt
var number = value
while number != 0 {
array.append(number % 10)
number /= 10
Step backwards through the array and append the values to the string. This way the values are appended in the correct order.
var counter = array.count
while counter > 0 {
counter -= 1
let digit: UInt = array[counter]
switch digit {
case 0: stringResult.append("0")
case 1: stringResult.append("1")
case 2: stringResult.append("2")
case 3: stringResult.append("3")
case 4: stringResult.append("4")
case 5: stringResult.append("5")
case 6: stringResult.append("6")
case 7: stringResult.append("7")
case 8: stringResult.append("8")
case 9: stringResult.append("9")
default: fatalError()
private func serializeInt(value: Int) throws {
if value == 0 {
var array: [Int] = []
var stringResult = ""
//Account for a negative sign
stringResult.reserveCapacity(maxIntLength + 1)
var number = value
while number != 0 {
array.append(number % 10)
number /= 10
//If negative add minus sign before adding any values
if value < 0 {
Step backwards through the array and append the values to the string. This way the values are appended in the correct order.
var counter = array.count
while counter > 0 {
counter -= 1
let digit = array[counter]
switch digit {
case 0: stringResult.append("0")
case 1, -1: stringResult.append("1")
case 2, -2: stringResult.append("2")
case 3, -3: stringResult.append("3")
case 4, -4: stringResult.append("4")
case 5, -5: stringResult.append("5")
case 6, -6: stringResult.append("6")
case 7, -7: stringResult.append("7")
case 8, -8: stringResult.append("8")
case 9, -9: stringResult.append("9")
default: fatalError()
func serializeString(_ str: String) throws {
for scalar in str.unicodeScalars {
switch scalar {
case "\"":
writer("\\\"") // U+0022 quotation mark
case "\\":
writer("\\\\") // U+005C reverse solidus
// U+002F solidus not escaped
case "\u{8}":
writer("\\b") // U+0008 backspace
case "\u{c}":
writer("\\f") // U+000C form feed
case "\n":
writer("\\n") // U+000A line feed
case "\r":
writer("\\r") // U+000D carriage return
case "\t":
writer("\\t") // U+0009 tab
case "\u{0}"..."\u{f}":
writer("\\u000\(String(scalar.value, radix: 16))") // U+0000 to U+000F
case "\u{10}"..."\u{1f}":
writer("\\u00\(String(scalar.value, radix: 16))") // U+0010 to U+001F
func serializeBool(_ bool: Bool) {
switch bool {
case true:
case false:
mutating func serializeNumber(_ num: NSNumber) throws {
if num.doubleValue.isInfinite || num.doubleValue.isNaN {
throw NSError(domain: NSCocoaErrorDomain, code: CocoaError.propertyListReadCorrupt.rawValue, userInfo: ["NSDebugDescription" : "Number cannot be infinity or NaN"])
switch num._cfTypeID {
case CFBooleanGetTypeID():
writer(_serializationString(for: num))
mutating func serializeArray(_ array: [Any?]) throws {
if pretty {
var first = true
for elem in array {
if first {
first = false
} else if pretty {
} else {
try serializeJSON(elem)
if pretty {
mutating func serializeDictionary(_ dict: Dictionary<AnyHashable, Any?>) throws {
if pretty {
var first = true
func serializeDictionaryElement(key: AnyHashable, value: Any?) throws {
if first {
first = false
} else if pretty {
} else {
if let key = key as? String {
try serializeString(key)
} else {
throw NSError(domain: NSCocoaErrorDomain, code: CocoaError.propertyListReadCorrupt.rawValue, userInfo: ["NSDebugDescription" : "NSDictionary key must be NSString"])
pretty ? writer(": ") : writer(":")
try serializeJSON(value)
if sortedKeys {
let elems = try dict.sorted(by: { a, b in
guard let a = a.key as? String,
let b = b.key as? String else {
throw NSError(domain: NSCocoaErrorDomain, code: CocoaError.propertyListReadCorrupt.rawValue, userInfo: ["NSDebugDescription" : "NSDictionary key must be NSString"])
let options: NSString.CompareOptions = [.numeric, .caseInsensitive, .forcedOrdering]
let range: Range<String.Index> = a.startIndex..<a.endIndex
let locale = NSLocale.system
return, options: options, range: range, locale: locale) == .orderedAscending
for elem in elems {
try serializeDictionaryElement(key: elem.key, value: elem.value)
} else {
for (key, value) in dict {
try serializeDictionaryElement(key: key, value: value)
if pretty {
func serializeNull() throws {
let indentAmount = 2
mutating func incAndWriteIndent() {
indent += indentAmount
mutating func decAndWriteIndent() {
indent -= indentAmount
func writeIndent() {
for _ in 0..<indent {
writer(" ")
private mutating func _serializationString(for number: NSNumber) -> String {
if !CFNumberIsFloatType(number._cfObject) {
return number.stringValue
return CFNumberFormatterCreateStringWithNumber(nil, _numberformatter, number._cfObject)._swiftObject
//MARK: - JSONDeserializer
private struct JSONReader {
static let whitespaceASCII: [UInt8] = [
0x09, // Horizontal tab
0x0A, // Line feed or New line
0x0D, // Carriage return
0x20, // Space
struct Structure {
static let BeginArray: UInt8 = 0x5B // [
static let EndArray: UInt8 = 0x5D // ]
static let BeginObject: UInt8 = 0x7B // {
static let EndObject: UInt8 = 0x7D // }
static let NameSeparator: UInt8 = 0x3A // :
static let ValueSeparator: UInt8 = 0x2C // ,
static let QuotationMark: UInt8 = 0x22 // "
static let Escape: UInt8 = 0x5C // \
typealias Index = Int
typealias IndexDistance = Int
struct UnicodeSource {
let buffer: UnsafeBufferPointer<UInt8>
let encoding: String.Encoding
let step: Int
init(buffer: UnsafeBufferPointer<UInt8>, encoding: String.Encoding) {
self.buffer = buffer
self.encoding = encoding
self.step = {
switch encoding {
case String.Encoding.utf8:
return 1
case String.Encoding.utf16BigEndian, String.Encoding.utf16LittleEndian:
return 2
case String.Encoding.utf32BigEndian, String.Encoding.utf32LittleEndian:
return 4
return 1
func takeASCII(_ input: Index) -> (UInt8, Index)? {
guard hasNext(input) else {
return nil
let index: Int
switch encoding {
case String.Encoding.utf8:
index = input
case String.Encoding.utf16BigEndian where buffer[input] == 0:
index = input + 1
case String.Encoding.utf32BigEndian where buffer[input] == 0 && buffer[input+1] == 0 && buffer[input+2] == 0:
index = input + 3
case String.Encoding.utf16LittleEndian where buffer[input+1] == 0:
index = input
case String.Encoding.utf32LittleEndian where buffer[input+1] == 0 && buffer[input+2] == 0 && buffer[input+3] == 0:
index = input
return nil
return (buffer[index] < 0x80) ? (buffer[index], input + step) : nil
func takeString(_ begin: Index, end: Index) throws -> String {
let byteLength = begin.distance(to: end)
guard let chunk = String(data: Data(bytes: buffer.baseAddress!.advanced(by: begin), count: byteLength), encoding: encoding) else {
throw NSError(domain: NSCocoaErrorDomain, code: CocoaError.propertyListReadCorrupt.rawValue, userInfo: [
"NSDebugDescription" : "Unable to convert data to a string using the detected encoding. The data may be corrupt."
return chunk
func hasNext(_ input: Index) -> Bool {
return input + step <= buffer.endIndex
func distanceFromStart(_ index: Index) -> IndexDistance {
return buffer.startIndex.distance(to: index) / step
let source: UnicodeSource
func consumeWhitespace(_ input: Index) -> Index? {
var index = input
while let (char, nextIndex) = source.takeASCII(index), JSONReader.whitespaceASCII.contains(char) {
index = nextIndex
return index
func consumeStructure(_ ascii: UInt8, input: Index) throws -> Index? {
return try consumeWhitespace(input).flatMap(consumeASCII(ascii)).flatMap(consumeWhitespace)
func consumeASCII(_ ascii: UInt8) -> (Index) throws -> Index? {
return { (input: Index) throws -> Index? in
switch self.source.takeASCII(input) {
case .none:
throw NSError(domain: NSCocoaErrorDomain, code: CocoaError.propertyListReadCorrupt.rawValue, userInfo: [
"NSDebugDescription" : "Unexpected end of file during JSON parse."
case let (taken, index)? where taken == ascii:
return index
return nil
func consumeASCIISequence(_ sequence: String, input: Index) throws -> Index? {
var index = input
for scalar in sequence.unicodeScalars {
guard let nextIndex = try consumeASCII(UInt8(scalar.value))(index) else {
return nil
index = nextIndex
return index
func takeMatching(_ match: @escaping (UInt8) -> Bool) -> ([Character], Index) -> ([Character], Index)? {
return { input, index in
guard let (byte, index) = self.source.takeASCII(index), match(byte) else {
return nil
return (input + [Character(UnicodeScalar(byte))], index)
//MARK: - String Parsing
func parseString(_ input: Index) throws -> (String, Index)? {
guard let beginIndex = try consumeWhitespace(input).flatMap(consumeASCII(Structure.QuotationMark)) else {
return nil
var chunkIndex: Int = beginIndex
var currentIndex: Int = chunkIndex
var output: String = ""
while source.hasNext(currentIndex) {
guard let (ascii, index) = source.takeASCII(currentIndex) else {
currentIndex += source.step
switch ascii {
case Structure.QuotationMark:
output += try source.takeString(chunkIndex, end: currentIndex)
return (output, index)
case Structure.Escape:
output += try source.takeString(chunkIndex, end: currentIndex)
if let (escaped, nextIndex) = try parseEscapeSequence(index) {
output += escaped
chunkIndex = nextIndex
currentIndex = nextIndex
else {
throw NSError(domain: NSCocoaErrorDomain, code: CocoaError.propertyListReadCorrupt.rawValue, userInfo: [
"NSDebugDescription" : "Invalid escape sequence at position \(source.distanceFromStart(currentIndex))"
currentIndex = index
throw NSError(domain: NSCocoaErrorDomain, code: CocoaError.propertyListReadCorrupt.rawValue, userInfo: [
"NSDebugDescription" : "Unexpected end of file during string parse."
func parseEscapeSequence(_ input: Index) throws -> (String, Index)? {
guard let (byte, index) = source.takeASCII(input) else {
throw NSError(domain: NSCocoaErrorDomain, code: CocoaError.propertyListReadCorrupt.rawValue, userInfo: [
"NSDebugDescription" : "Early end of unicode escape sequence around character"
let output: String
switch byte {
case 0x22: output = "\""
case 0x5C: output = "\\"
case 0x2F: output = "/"
case 0x62: output = "\u{08}" // \b
case 0x66: output = "\u{0C}" // \f
case 0x6E: output = "\u{0A}" // \n
case 0x72: output = "\u{0D}" // \r
case 0x74: output = "\u{09}" // \t
case 0x75: return try parseUnicodeSequence(index)
default: return nil
return (output, index)
func parseUnicodeSequence(_ input: Index) throws -> (String, Index)? {
guard let (codeUnit, index) = parseCodeUnit(input) else {
return nil
if !UTF16.isLeadSurrogate(codeUnit) {
return (String(UnicodeScalar(codeUnit)!), index)
guard let (trailCodeUnit, finalIndex) = try consumeASCIISequence("\\u", input: index).flatMap(parseCodeUnit) , UTF16.isTrailSurrogate(trailCodeUnit) else {
throw NSError(domain: NSCocoaErrorDomain, code: CocoaError.propertyListReadCorrupt.rawValue, userInfo: [
"NSDebugDescription" : "Unable to convert unicode escape sequence (no low-surrogate code point) to UTF8-encoded character at position \(source.distanceFromStart(input))"
let highValue = (UInt32(codeUnit - 0xD800) << 10)
let lowValue = UInt32(trailCodeUnit - 0xDC00)
return (String(UnicodeScalar(highValue + lowValue + 0x10000)!), finalIndex)
func isHexChr(_ byte: UInt8) -> Bool {
return (byte >= 0x30 && byte <= 0x39)
|| (byte >= 0x41 && byte <= 0x46)
|| (byte >= 0x61 && byte <= 0x66)
func parseCodeUnit(_ input: Index) -> (UTF16.CodeUnit, Index)? {
let hexParser = takeMatching(isHexChr)
guard let (result, index) = hexParser([], input).flatMap(hexParser).flatMap(hexParser).flatMap(hexParser),
let value = Int(String(result), radix: 16) else {
return nil
return (UTF16.CodeUnit(value), index)
//MARK: - Number parsing
static let numberCodePoints: [UInt8] = [
0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x34, 0x35, 0x36, 0x37, 0x38, 0x39, // 0...9
0x2E, 0x2D, 0x2B, 0x45, 0x65, // . - + E e
func parseNumber(_ input: Index, options opt: JSONSerialization.ReadingOptions) throws -> (Any, Index)? {
func parseTypedNumber(_ address: UnsafePointer<UInt8>, count: Int) -> (Any, IndexDistance)? {
let temp_buffer_size = 64
var temp_buffer = [Int8](repeating: 0, count: temp_buffer_size)
return temp_buffer.withUnsafeMutableBufferPointer { (buffer: inout UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<Int8>) -> (Any, IndexDistance)? in
memcpy(buffer.baseAddress!, address, min(count, temp_buffer_size - 1)) // ensure null termination
let startPointer = buffer.baseAddress!
let intEndPointer = UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>?>.allocate(capacity: 1)
defer { intEndPointer.deallocate(capacity: 1) }
let doubleEndPointer = UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>?>.allocate(capacity: 1)
defer { doubleEndPointer.deallocate(capacity: 1) }
let intResult = strtol(startPointer, intEndPointer, 10)
let intDistance = startPointer.distance(to: intEndPointer[0]!)
let doubleResult = strtod(startPointer, doubleEndPointer)
let doubleDistance = startPointer.distance(to: doubleEndPointer[0]!)
guard intDistance > 0 || doubleDistance > 0 else {
return nil
let shouldUseReferenceType = opt.contains(.useReferenceNumericTypes)
if intDistance == doubleDistance {
return (shouldUseReferenceType ? NSNumber(value: intResult) : intResult,
guard doubleDistance > 0 else {
return nil
if doubleResult == doubleResult.rounded() {
return (shouldUseReferenceType ? NSNumber(value: Int(doubleResult)) : Int(doubleResult),
return (shouldUseReferenceType ? NSNumber(value: doubleResult) : doubleResult,
if source.encoding == String.Encoding.utf8 {
return parseTypedNumber(source.buffer.baseAddress!.advanced(by: input), count: source.buffer.count - input).map { return ($0.0, input + $0.1) }
else {
var numberCharacters = [UInt8]()
var index = input
while let (ascii, nextIndex) = source.takeASCII(index), JSONReader.numberCodePoints.contains(ascii) {
index = nextIndex
return numberCharacters.withUnsafeBufferPointer {
parseTypedNumber($0.baseAddress!, count: $0.count)
}.map { return ($0.0, index) }
//MARK: - Value parsing
func parseValue(_ input: Index, options opt: JSONSerialization.ReadingOptions) throws -> (Any, Index)? {
if let (value, parser) = try parseString(input) {
return (value, parser)
else if let parser = try consumeASCIISequence("true", input: input) {
let result: Any = opt.contains(.useReferenceNumericTypes) ? NSNumber(value: true) : true
return (result, parser)
else if let parser = try consumeASCIISequence("false", input: input) {
let result: Any = opt.contains(.useReferenceNumericTypes) ? NSNumber(value: false) : false
return (result, parser)
else if let parser = try consumeASCIISequence("null", input: input) {
return (NSNull(), parser)
else if let (object, parser) = try parseObject(input, options: opt) {
return (object, parser)
else if let (array, parser) = try parseArray(input, options: opt) {
return (array, parser)
else if let (number, parser) = try parseNumber(input, options: opt) {
return (number, parser)
return nil
//MARK: - Object parsing
func parseObject(_ input: Index, options opt: JSONSerialization.ReadingOptions) throws -> ([String: Any], Index)? {
guard let beginIndex = try consumeStructure(Structure.BeginObject, input: input) else {
return nil
var index = beginIndex
var output: [String: Any] = [:]
while true {
if let finalIndex = try consumeStructure(Structure.EndObject, input: index) {
return (output, finalIndex)
if let (key, value, nextIndex) = try parseObjectMember(index, options: opt) {
output[key] = value
if let finalParser = try consumeStructure(Structure.EndObject, input: nextIndex) {
return (output, finalParser)
else if let nextIndex = try consumeStructure(Structure.ValueSeparator, input: nextIndex) {
index = nextIndex
else {
return nil
return nil
func parseObjectMember(_ input: Index, options opt: JSONSerialization.ReadingOptions) throws -> (String, Any, Index)? {
guard let (name, index) = try parseString(input) else {
throw NSError(domain: NSCocoaErrorDomain, code: CocoaError.propertyListReadCorrupt.rawValue, userInfo: [
"NSDebugDescription" : "Missing object key at location \(source.distanceFromStart(input))"
guard let separatorIndex = try consumeStructure(Structure.NameSeparator, input: index) else {
throw NSError(domain: NSCocoaErrorDomain, code: CocoaError.propertyListReadCorrupt.rawValue, userInfo: [
"NSDebugDescription" : "Invalid separator at location \(source.distanceFromStart(index))"
guard let (value, finalIndex) = try parseValue(separatorIndex, options: opt) else {
throw NSError(domain: NSCocoaErrorDomain, code: CocoaError.propertyListReadCorrupt.rawValue, userInfo: [
"NSDebugDescription" : "Invalid value at location \(source.distanceFromStart(separatorIndex))"
return (name, value, finalIndex)
//MARK: - Array parsing
func parseArray(_ input: Index, options opt: JSONSerialization.ReadingOptions) throws -> ([Any], Index)? {
guard let beginIndex = try consumeStructure(Structure.BeginArray, input: input) else {
return nil
var index = beginIndex
var output: [Any] = []
while true {
if let finalIndex = try consumeStructure(Structure.EndArray, input: index) {
return (output, finalIndex)
if let (value, nextIndex) = try parseValue(index, options: opt) {
if let finalIndex = try consumeStructure(Structure.EndArray, input: nextIndex) {
return (output, finalIndex)
else if let nextIndex = try consumeStructure(Structure.ValueSeparator, input: nextIndex) {
index = nextIndex
throw NSError(domain: NSCocoaErrorDomain, code: CocoaError.propertyListReadCorrupt.rawValue, userInfo: [
"NSDebugDescription" : "Badly formed array at location \(source.distanceFromStart(index))"