blob: e83ca0b65120ef72dbf4b27a2c189e503a24c6a2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Foundation/NSURLSession/EasyHandle.swift - NSURLSession & libcurl
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/// libcurl *easy handle* wrapper.
/// These are libcurl helpers for the URLSession API code.
/// - SeeAlso:
/// - SeeAlso: NSURLSession.swift
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
import CoreFoundation
import Dispatch
/// Minimal wrapper around the [curl easy interface](
/// An *easy handle* manages the state of a transfer inside libcurl.
/// As such the easy handle's responsibility is implementing the HTTP
/// protocol while the *multi handle* is in charge of managing sockets and
/// reading from / writing to these sockets.
/// An easy handle is added to a multi handle in order to associate it with
/// an actual socket. The multi handle will then feed bytes into the easy
/// handle and read bytes from the easy handle. But this process is opaque
/// to use. It is further worth noting, that with HTTP/1.1 persistent
/// connections and with HTTP/2 there's a 1-to-many relationship between
/// TCP streams and HTTP transfers / easy handles. A single TCP stream and
/// its socket may be shared by multiple easy handles.
/// A single HTTP request-response exchange (refered to here as a
/// *transfer*) corresponds directly to an easy handle. Hence anything that
/// needs to be configured for a specific transfer (e.g. the URL) will be
/// configured on an easy handle.
/// A single `URLSessionTask` may do multiple, sonecutive transfers, and
/// as a result it will have to reconfigure it's easy handle between
/// transfers. An easy handle can be re-used once its transfer has
/// completed.
/// - Note: All code assumes that it is being called on a single thread /
/// `Dispatch` only -- it is intentionally **not** thread safe.
internal final class _EasyHandle {
let rawHandle = CFURLSessionEasyHandleInit()
unowned let delegate: _EasyHandleDelegate
fileprivate var headerList: _CurlStringList?
fileprivate var pauseState: _PauseState = []
internal var fileLength: Int64 = 0
internal var timeoutTimer: _TimeoutSource!
init(delegate: _EasyHandleDelegate) {
self.delegate = delegate
deinit {
extension _EasyHandle: Equatable {}
internal func ==(lhs: _EasyHandle, rhs: _EasyHandle) -> Bool {
return lhs.rawHandle == rhs.rawHandle
extension _EasyHandle {
enum _Action {
case abort
case proceed
case pause
enum _WriteBufferResult {
case abort
case pause
/// Write the given number of bytes into the buffer
case bytes(Int)
internal extension _EasyHandle {
func completedTransfer(withErrorCode errorCode: Int?) {
delegate.transferCompleted(withErrorCode: errorCode)
internal protocol _EasyHandleDelegate: class {
/// Handle data read from the network.
/// - returns: the action to be taken: abort, proceed, or pause.
func didReceive(data: Data) -> _EasyHandle._Action
/// Handle header data read from the network.
/// - returns: the action to be taken: abort, proceed, or pause.
func didReceive(headerData data: Data) -> _EasyHandle._Action
/// Fill a buffer with data to be sent.
/// - parameter data: The buffer to fill
/// - returns: the number of bytes written to the `data` buffer, or `nil` to stop the current transfer immediately.
func fill(writeBuffer buffer: UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<Int8>) -> _EasyHandle._WriteBufferResult
/// The transfer for this handle completed.
/// - parameter errorCode: An NSURLError code, or `nil` if no error occured.
func transferCompleted(withErrorCode errorCode: Int?)
/// Seek the input stream to the given position
func seekInputStream(to position: UInt64) throws
/// Gets called during the transfer to update progress.
func updateProgressMeter(with propgress: _EasyHandle._Progress)
extension _EasyHandle {
func set(verboseModeOn flag: Bool) {
try! CFURLSession_easy_setopt_long(rawHandle, CFURLSessionOptionVERBOSE, flag ? 1 : 0).asError()
/// - SeeAlso:
func set(debugOutputOn flag: Bool, task: URLSessionTask) {
if flag {
try! CFURLSession_easy_setopt_ptr(rawHandle, CFURLSessionOptionDEBUGDATA, UnsafeMutableRawPointer(Unmanaged.passUnretained(task).toOpaque())).asError()
try! CFURLSession_easy_setopt_dc(rawHandle, CFURLSessionOptionDEBUGFUNCTION, printLibcurlDebug(handle:type:data:size:userInfo:)).asError()
} else {
try! CFURLSession_easy_setopt_ptr(rawHandle, CFURLSessionOptionDEBUGDATA, nil).asError()
try! CFURLSession_easy_setopt_ptr(rawHandle, CFURLSessionOptionDEBUGFUNCTION, nil).asError()
func set(passHeadersToDataStream flag: Bool) {
try! CFURLSession_easy_setopt_long(rawHandle, CFURLSessionOptionHEADER, flag ? 1 : 0).asError()
/// Follow any Location: header that the server sends as part of a HTTP header in a 3xx response
func set(followLocation flag: Bool) {
try! CFURLSession_easy_setopt_long(rawHandle, CFURLSessionOptionFOLLOWLOCATION, flag ? 1 : 0).asError()
/// Switch off the progress meter. It will also prevent the CFURLSessionOptionPROGRESSFUNCTION from getting called.
func set(progressMeterOff flag: Bool) {
try! CFURLSession_easy_setopt_long(rawHandle, CFURLSessionOptionNOPROGRESS, flag ? 1 : 0).asError()
/// Skip all signal handling
/// - SeeAlso:
func set(skipAllSignalHandling flag: Bool) {
try! CFURLSession_easy_setopt_long(rawHandle, CFURLSessionOptionNOSIGNAL, flag ? 1 : 0).asError()
/// Set error buffer for error messages
/// - SeeAlso:
func set(errorBuffer buffer: UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<UInt8>?) {
try! CFURLSession_easy_setopt_ptr(rawHandle, CFURLSessionOptionERRORBUFFER, buffer?.baseAddress ?? nil).asError()
/// Request failure on HTTP response >= 400
func set(failOnHTTPErrorCode flag: Bool) {
try! CFURLSession_easy_setopt_long(rawHandle, CFURLSessionOptionFAILONERROR, flag ? 1 : 0).asError()
/// URL to use in the request
/// - SeeAlso:
func set(url: URL) {
url.absoluteString.withCString {
try! CFURLSession_easy_setopt_ptr(rawHandle, CFURLSessionOptionURL, UnsafeMutablePointer(mutating: $0)).asError()
/// Set allowed protocols
/// - Note: This has security implications. Not limiting this, someone could
/// redirect a HTTP request into one of the many other protocols that libcurl
/// supports.
/// - SeeAlso:
/// - SeeAlso:
func setAllowedProtocolsToHTTPAndHTTPS() {
let protocols = (CFURLSessionProtocolHTTP | CFURLSessionProtocolHTTPS)
try! CFURLSession_easy_setopt_long(rawHandle, CFURLSessionOptionPROTOCOLS, protocols).asError()
try! CFURLSession_easy_setopt_long(rawHandle, CFURLSessionOptionREDIR_PROTOCOLS, protocols).asError()
//TODO: Added in libcurl 7.45.0
// "https".withCString {
// try! CFURLSession_easy_setopt_ptr(rawHandle, CFURLSessionOptionDEFAULT_PROTOCOL, UnsafeMutablePointer($0)).asError()
//TODO: Proxy setting, namely CFURLSessionOptionPROXY, CFURLSessionOptionPROXYPORT,
// CFURLSessionOptionHEADEROPT, etc.
/// set preferred receive buffer size
/// - SeeAlso:
func set(preferredReceiveBufferSize size: Int) {
try! CFURLSession_easy_setopt_long(rawHandle, CFURLSessionOptionBUFFERSIZE, min(size, Int(CFURLSessionMaxWriteSize))).asError()
/// Set custom HTTP headers
/// - SeeAlso:
func set(customHeaders headers: [String]) {
let list = _CurlStringList(headers)
try! CFURLSession_easy_setopt_ptr(rawHandle, CFURLSessionOptionHTTPHEADER, list.asUnsafeMutablePointer).asError()
// We need to retain the list for as long as the rawHandle is in use.
headerList = list
/// Wait for pipelining/multiplexing
/// - SeeAlso:
//func set(waitForPipeliningAndMultiplexing flag: Bool) {
// try! CFURLSession_easy_setopt_long(rawHandle, CFURLSessionOptionPIPEWAIT, flag ? 1 : 0).asError()
//TODO: The public API does not allow us to use CFURLSessionOptionSTREAM_DEPENDS / CFURLSessionOptionSTREAM_DEPENDS_E
// Might be good to add support for it, though.
/// set numerical stream weight
/// - Parameter weight: values are clamped to lie between 0 and 1
/// - SeeAlso:
/// - SeeAlso:
//func set(streamWeight weight: Float) {
// // Scale and clamp such that the range 0->1 ends up 1->256
// let w = 1 + max(0, min(255, Int(round(weight * 255))))
// try! CFURLSession_easy_setopt_long(rawHandle, CFURLSessionOptionPIPEWAIT, w).asError()
/// Enable automatic decompression of HTTP downloads
/// - SeeAlso:
/// - SeeAlso:
func set(automaticBodyDecompression flag: Bool) {
if flag {
"".withCString {
try! CFURLSession_easy_setopt_ptr(rawHandle, CFURLSessionOptionACCEPT_ENCODING, UnsafeMutableRawPointer(mutating: $0)).asError()
try! CFURLSession_easy_setopt_long(rawHandle, CFURLSessionOptionHTTP_CONTENT_DECODING, 1).asError()
} else {
try! CFURLSession_easy_setopt_ptr(rawHandle, CFURLSessionOptionACCEPT_ENCODING, nil).asError()
try! CFURLSession_easy_setopt_long(rawHandle, CFURLSessionOptionHTTP_CONTENT_DECODING, 0).asError()
/// Set request method
/// - SeeAlso:
func set(requestMethod method: String) {
method.withCString {
try! CFURLSession_easy_setopt_ptr(rawHandle, CFURLSessionOptionCUSTOMREQUEST, UnsafeMutableRawPointer(mutating: $0)).asError()
/// Download request without body
/// - SeeAlso:
func set(noBody flag: Bool) {
try! CFURLSession_easy_setopt_long(rawHandle, CFURLSessionOptionNOBODY, flag ? 1 : 0).asError()
/// Enable data upload
/// - SeeAlso:
func set(upload flag: Bool) {
try! CFURLSession_easy_setopt_long(rawHandle, CFURLSessionOptionUPLOAD, flag ? 1 : 0).asError()
/// Set size of the request body to send
/// - SeeAlso:
func set(requestBodyLength length: Int64) {
try! CFURLSession_easy_setopt_int64(rawHandle, CFURLSessionOptionINFILESIZE_LARGE, length).asError()
func set(timeout value: Int) {
try! CFURLSession_easy_setopt_long(rawHandle, CFURLSessionOptionTIMEOUT, value).asError()
fileprivate func printLibcurlDebug(handle: CFURLSessionEasyHandle, type: CInt, data: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>, size: Int, userInfo: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) -> CInt {
// C.f. <>
let info = CFURLSessionInfo(value: type)
let text = data.withMemoryRebound(to: UInt8.self, capacity: size, {
let buffer = UnsafeBufferPointer<UInt8>(start: $0, count: size)
return String(utf8Buffer: buffer)
}) ?? "";
guard let userInfo = userInfo else { return 0 }
let task = Unmanaged<URLSessionTask>.fromOpaque(userInfo).takeUnretainedValue()
printLibcurlDebug(type: info, data: text, task: task)
return 0
fileprivate func printLibcurlDebug(type: CFURLSessionInfo, data: String, task: URLSessionTask) {
// libcurl sends is data with trailing CRLF which inserts lots of newlines into our output.
print("[\(task.taskIdentifier)] \(type.debugHeader) \(data.mapControlToPictures)")
fileprivate extension String {
/// Replace control characters U+0000 - U+0019 to Control Pictures U+2400 - U+2419
var mapControlToPictures: String {
let d = { (u: UnicodeScalar) -> UnicodeScalar in
switch u.value {
case 0..<0x20: return UnicodeScalar(u.value + 0x2400)!
default: return u
return String(String.UnicodeScalarView(d))
extension _EasyHandle {
/// Send and/or receive pause state for an `EasyHandle`
struct _PauseState : OptionSet {
let rawValue: Int8
init(rawValue: Int8) { self.rawValue = rawValue }
static let receivePaused = _PauseState(rawValue: 1 << 0)
static let sendPaused = _PauseState(rawValue: 1 << 1)
extension _EasyHandle._PauseState {
func setState(on handle: _EasyHandle) {
try! CFURLSessionEasyHandleSetPauseState(handle.rawHandle, contains(.sendPaused) ? 1 : 0, contains(.receivePaused) ? 1 : 0).asError()
extension _EasyHandle._PauseState : TextOutputStreamable {
func write<Target : TextOutputStream>(to target: inout Target) {
switch (self.contains(.receivePaused), self.contains(.sendPaused)) {
case (false, false): target.write("unpaused")
case (true, false): target.write("receive paused")
case (false, true): target.write("send paused")
case (true, true): target.write("send & receive paused")
extension _EasyHandle {
/// Pause receiving data.
/// - SeeAlso:
func pauseReceive() {
guard !pauseState.contains(.receivePaused) else { return }
pauseState.setState(on: self)
/// Pause receiving data.
/// - Note: Chances are high that delegate callbacks (with pending data)
/// will be called before this method returns.
/// - SeeAlso:
func unpauseReceive() {
guard pauseState.contains(.receivePaused) else { return }
pauseState.setState(on: self)
/// Pause sending data.
/// - SeeAlso:
func pauseSend() {
guard !pauseState.contains(.sendPaused) else { return }
pauseState.setState(on: self)
/// Pause sending data.
/// - Note: Chances are high that delegate callbacks (with pending data)
/// will be called before this method returns.
/// - SeeAlso:
func unpauseSend() {
guard pauseState.contains(.sendPaused) else { return }
pauseState.setState(on: self)
internal extension _EasyHandle {
/// errno number from last connect failure
/// - SeeAlso:
var connectFailureErrno: Int {
var errno = Int()
try! CFURLSession_easy_getinfo_long(rawHandle, CFURLSessionInfoOS_ERRNO, &errno).asError()
return errno
extension CFURLSessionInfo : Equatable {}
public func ==(lhs: CFURLSessionInfo, rhs: CFURLSessionInfo) -> Bool {
return lhs.value == rhs.value
extension CFURLSessionInfo {
public var debugHeader: String {
switch self {
case CFURLSessionInfoTEXT: return " "
case CFURLSessionInfoHEADER_OUT: return "=> Send header ";
case CFURLSessionInfoDATA_OUT: return "=> Send data ";
case CFURLSessionInfoSSL_DATA_OUT: return "=> Send SSL data ";
case CFURLSessionInfoHEADER_IN: return "<= Recv header ";
case CFURLSessionInfoDATA_IN: return "<= Recv data ";
case CFURLSessionInfoSSL_DATA_IN: return "<= Recv SSL data ";
default: return " "
extension _EasyHandle {
/// the URL a redirect would go to
/// - SeeAlso:
var redirectURL: URL? {
var p: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>? = nil
try! CFURLSession_easy_getinfo_charp(rawHandle, CFURLSessionInfoREDIRECT_URL, &p).asError()
guard let cstring = p else { return nil }
guard let s = String(cString: cstring, encoding: String.Encoding.utf8) else { return nil }
return URL(string: s)
fileprivate extension _EasyHandle {
static func from(callbackUserData userdata: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) -> _EasyHandle? {
guard let userdata = userdata else { return nil }
return Unmanaged<_EasyHandle>.fromOpaque(userdata).takeUnretainedValue()
fileprivate extension _EasyHandle {
func resetTimer() {
//simply create a new timer with the same queue, timeout and handler
//this must cancel the old handler and reset the timer
timeoutTimer = _TimeoutSource(queue: timeoutTimer.queue, milliseconds: timeoutTimer.milliseconds, handler: timeoutTimer.handler)
/// Forward the libcurl callbacks into Swift methods
func setupCallbacks() {
// write
try! CFURLSession_easy_setopt_ptr(rawHandle, CFURLSessionOptionWRITEDATA, UnsafeMutableRawPointer(Unmanaged.passUnretained(self).toOpaque())).asError()
try! CFURLSession_easy_setopt_wc(rawHandle, CFURLSessionOptionWRITEFUNCTION) { (data: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>, size: Int, nmemb: Int, userdata: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) -> Int in
guard let handle = _EasyHandle.from(callbackUserData: userdata) else { return 0 }
defer {
return handle.didReceive(data: data, size: size, nmemb: nmemb)
// read
try! CFURLSession_easy_setopt_ptr(rawHandle, CFURLSessionOptionREADDATA, UnsafeMutableRawPointer(Unmanaged.passUnretained(self).toOpaque())).asError()
try! CFURLSession_easy_setopt_wc(rawHandle, CFURLSessionOptionREADFUNCTION) { (data: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>, size: Int, nmemb: Int, userdata: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) -> Int in
guard let handle = _EasyHandle.from(callbackUserData: userdata) else { return 0 }
defer {
return handle.fill(writeBuffer: data, size: size, nmemb: nmemb)
// header
try! CFURLSession_easy_setopt_ptr(rawHandle, CFURLSessionOptionHEADERDATA, UnsafeMutableRawPointer(Unmanaged.passUnretained(self).toOpaque())).asError()
try! CFURLSession_easy_setopt_wc(rawHandle, CFURLSessionOptionHEADERFUNCTION) { (data: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>, size: Int, nmemb: Int, userdata: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) -> Int in
guard let handle = _EasyHandle.from(callbackUserData: userdata) else { return 0 }
defer {
var length = Double()
try! CFURLSession_easy_getinfo_double(handle.rawHandle, CFURLSessionInfoCONTENT_LENGTH_DOWNLOAD, &length).asError()
return handle.didReceive(headerData: data, size: size, nmemb: nmemb, fileLength: length)
// socket options
try! CFURLSession_easy_setopt_ptr(rawHandle, CFURLSessionOptionSOCKOPTDATA, UnsafeMutableRawPointer(Unmanaged.passUnretained(self).toOpaque())).asError()
try! CFURLSession_easy_setopt_sc(rawHandle, CFURLSessionOptionSOCKOPTFUNCTION) { (userdata: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?, fd: CInt, type: CFURLSessionSocketType) -> CInt in
guard let handle = _EasyHandle.from(callbackUserData: userdata) else { return 0 }
guard type == CFURLSessionSocketTypeIPCXN else { return 0 }
do {
try handle.setSocketOptions(for: fd)
return 0
} catch {
return 1
// seeking in input stream
try! CFURLSession_easy_setopt_ptr(rawHandle, CFURLSessionOptionSEEKDATA, UnsafeMutableRawPointer(Unmanaged.passUnretained(self).toOpaque())).asError()
try! CFURLSession_easy_setopt_seek(rawHandle, CFURLSessionOptionSEEKFUNCTION, { (userdata, offset, origin) -> Int32 in
guard let handle = _EasyHandle.from(callbackUserData: userdata) else { return CFURLSessionSeekFail }
return handle.seekInputStream(offset: offset, origin: origin)
// progress
try! CFURLSession_easy_setopt_long(rawHandle, CFURLSessionOptionNOPROGRESS, 0).asError()
try! CFURLSession_easy_setopt_ptr(rawHandle, CFURLSessionOptionPROGRESSDATA, UnsafeMutableRawPointer(Unmanaged.passUnretained(self).toOpaque())).asError()
try! CFURLSession_easy_setopt_tc(rawHandle, CFURLSessionOptionXFERINFOFUNCTION, { (userdata: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?, dltotal :Int64, dlnow: Int64, ultotal: Int64, ulnow: Int64) -> Int32 in
guard let handle = _EasyHandle.from(callbackUserData: userdata) else { return -1 }
handle.updateProgressMeter(with: _Progress(totalBytesSent: ulnow, totalBytesExpectedToSend: ultotal, totalBytesReceived: dlnow, totalBytesExpectedToReceive: dltotal))
return 0
/// This callback function gets called by libcurl when it receives body
/// data.
/// - SeeAlso: <>
func didReceive(data: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>, size: Int, nmemb: Int) -> Int {
let d: Int = {
let buffer = Data(bytes: data, count: size*nmemb)
switch delegate.didReceive(data: buffer) {
case .proceed: return size * nmemb
case .abort: return 0
case .pause:
return Int(CFURLSessionWriteFuncPause)
return d
/// This callback function gets called by libcurl when it receives header
/// data.
/// - SeeAlso: <>
func didReceive(headerData data: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>, size: Int, nmemb: Int, fileLength: Double) -> Int {
self.fileLength = Int64(fileLength)
let d: Int = {
let buffer = Data(bytes: data, count: size*nmemb)
switch delegate.didReceive(headerData: buffer) {
case .proceed: return size * nmemb
case .abort: return 0
case .pause:
return Int(CFURLSessionWriteFuncPause)
return d
/// This callback function gets called by libcurl when it wants to send data
/// it to the network.
/// - SeeAlso: <>
func fill(writeBuffer data: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>, size: Int, nmemb: Int) -> Int {
let d: Int = {
let buffer = UnsafeMutableBufferPointer(start: data, count: size * nmemb)
switch delegate.fill(writeBuffer: buffer) {
case .pause:
return Int(CFURLSessionReadFuncPause)
case .abort:
return Int(CFURLSessionReadFuncAbort)
case .bytes(let length):
return length
return d
func setSocketOptions(for fd: CInt) throws {
//TODO: At this point we should call setsockopt(2) to set the QoS on
// the socket based on the QoS of the request.
// On Linux this can be done with IP_TOS. But there's both IntServ and
// DiffServ.
// Not sure what Darwin uses.
// C.f.:
// <>
// <>
func updateProgressMeter(with propgress: _Progress) {
delegate.updateProgressMeter(with: propgress)
func seekInputStream(offset: Int64, origin: CInt) -> CInt {
let d: Int32 = {
/// libcurl should only use SEEK_SET
guard origin == SEEK_SET else { fatalError("Unexpected 'origin' in seek.") }
do {
try delegate.seekInputStream(to: UInt64(offset))
return CFURLSessionSeekOk
} catch {
return CFURLSessionSeekCantSeek
return d
extension _EasyHandle {
/// The progress of a transfer.
/// The number of bytes that we expect to download and upload, and the
/// number of bytes downloaded and uploaded so far.
/// Unknown values will be set to zero. E.g. if the number of bytes
/// expected to be downloaded is unknown, `totalBytesExpectedToReceive`
/// will be zero.
struct _Progress {
let totalBytesSent: Int64
let totalBytesExpectedToSend: Int64
let totalBytesReceived: Int64
let totalBytesExpectedToReceive: Int64
extension _EasyHandle {
/// A simple wrapper / helper for libcurl’s `slist`.
/// It's libcurl's way to represent an array of strings.
internal class _CurlStringList {
fileprivate var rawList: OpaquePointer? = nil
init() {}
init(_ strings: [String]) {
strings.forEach { append($0) }
deinit {
extension _EasyHandle._CurlStringList {
func append(_ string: String) {
string.withCString {
rawList = CFURLSessionSListAppend(rawList, $0)
var asUnsafeMutablePointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer? {
return{ UnsafeMutableRawPointer($0) }
extension CFURLSessionEasyCode : Equatable {}
public func ==(lhs: CFURLSessionEasyCode, rhs: CFURLSessionEasyCode) -> Bool {
return lhs.value == rhs.value
extension CFURLSessionEasyCode : Error {
public var _domain: String { return "libcurl.Easy" }
public var _code: Int { return Int(self.value) }
internal extension CFURLSessionEasyCode {
func asError() throws {
if self == CFURLSessionEasyCodeOK { return }
throw self