Fixed comment for Calendar's compare method
diff --git a/Foundation/Calendar.swift b/Foundation/Calendar.swift
index 084c5fa..df3f0cc 100644
--- a/Foundation/Calendar.swift
+++ b/Foundation/Calendar.swift
@@ -588,7 +588,7 @@
     public func compare(_ date1: Date, to date2: Date, toUnitGranularity unit: NSCalendar.Unit) -> ComparisonResult { fatalError() }
-    /// Compares the given dates down to the given component, reporting them `orderedSame` if they are the same in the given component and all larger components, otherwise either `orderedAscending` or `orderedAscending`.
+    /// Compares the given dates down to the given component, reporting them `orderedSame` if they are the same in the given component and all larger components, otherwise either `orderedAscending` or `orderedDescending`.
     /// - parameter date1: A date to compare.
     /// - parameter date2: A date to compare.