blob: d071add86b595a99c2352190d70f63d1108238f8 [file] [log] [blame]
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/// This header file describes the constructs used to represent URL
/// load requests in a manner independent of protocol and URL scheme.
/// Immutable and mutable variants of this URL load request concept
/// are described, named `NSURLRequest` and `NSMutableURLRequest`,
/// respectively. A collection of constants is also declared to
/// exercise control over URL content caching policy.
/// `NSURLRequest` and `NSMutableURLRequest` are designed to be
/// customized to support protocol-specific requests. Protocol
/// implementors who need to extend the capabilities of `NSURLRequest`
/// and `NSMutableURLRequest` are encouraged to provide categories on
/// these classes as appropriate to support protocol-specific data. To
/// store and retrieve data, category methods can use the
/// `propertyForKey(_:,inRequest:)` and
/// `setProperty(_:,forKey:,inRequest:)` class methods on
/// `NSURLProtocol`. See the `NSHTTPURLRequest` on `NSURLRequest` and
/// `NSMutableHTTPURLRequest` on `NSMutableURLRequest` for examples of
/// such extensions.
/// The main advantage of this design is that a client of the URL
/// loading library can implement request policies in a standard way
/// without type checking of requests or protocol checks on URLs. Any
/// protocol-specific details that have been set on a URL request will
/// be used if they apply to the particular URL being loaded, and will
/// be ignored if they do not apply.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/// A cache policy
/// The `NSURLRequestCachePolicy` `enum` defines constants that
/// can be used to specify the type of interactions that take place with
/// the caching system when the URL loading system processes a request.
/// Specifically, these constants cover interactions that have to do
/// with whether already-existing cache data is returned to satisfy a
/// URL load request.
extension NSURLRequest {
public enum CachePolicy : UInt {
/// Specifies that the caching logic defined in the protocol
/// implementation, if any, is used for a particular URL load request. This
/// is the default policy for URL load requests.
case useProtocolCachePolicy
/// Specifies that the data for the URL load should be loaded from the
/// origin source. No existing local cache data, regardless of its freshness
/// or validity, should be used to satisfy a URL load request.
case reloadIgnoringLocalCacheData
/// Specifies that not only should the local cache data be ignored, but that
/// proxies and other intermediates should be instructed to disregard their
/// caches so far as the protocol allows. Unimplemented.
case reloadIgnoringLocalAndRemoteCacheData // Unimplemented
/// Older name for `NSURLRequestReloadIgnoringLocalCacheData`.
public static var reloadIgnoringCacheData: CachePolicy { return .reloadIgnoringLocalCacheData }
/// Specifies that the existing cache data should be used to satisfy a URL
/// load request, regardless of its age or expiration date. However, if
/// there is no existing data in the cache corresponding to a URL load
/// request, the URL is loaded from the origin source.
case returnCacheDataElseLoad
/// Specifies that the existing cache data should be used to satisfy a URL
/// load request, regardless of its age or expiration date. However, if
/// there is no existing data in the cache corresponding to a URL load
/// request, no attempt is made to load the URL from the origin source, and
/// the load is considered to have failed. This constant specifies a
/// behavior that is similar to an "offline" mode.
case returnCacheDataDontLoad
/// Specifies that the existing cache data may be used provided the origin
/// source confirms its validity, otherwise the URL is loaded from the
/// origin source.
/// - Note: Unimplemented.
case reloadRevalidatingCacheData // Unimplemented
public enum NetworkServiceType : UInt {
case networkServiceTypeDefault // Standard internet traffic
case networkServiceTypeVoIP // Voice over IP control traffic
case networkServiceTypeVideo // Video traffic
case networkServiceTypeBackground // Background traffic
case networkServiceTypeVoice // Voice data
/// An `NSURLRequest` object represents a URL load request in a
/// manner independent of protocol and URL scheme.
/// `NSURLRequest` encapsulates basic data elements about a URL load request.
/// In addition, `NSURLRequest` is designed to be extended to support
/// protocol-specific data by adding categories to access a property
/// object provided in an interface targeted at protocol implementors.
/// Protocol implementors should direct their attention to the
/// `NSURLRequestExtensibility` category on `NSURLRequest` for more
/// information on how to provide extensions on `NSURLRequest` to
/// support protocol-specific request information.
/// Clients of this API who wish to create `NSURLRequest` objects to
/// load URL content should consult the protocol-specific `NSURLRequest`
/// categories that are available. The `NSHTTPURLRequest` category on
/// `NSURLRequest` is an example.
/// Objects of this class are used with the `NSURLSession` API to perform the
/// load of a URL.
public class NSURLRequest: NSObject, NSSecureCoding, NSCopying, NSMutableCopying {
public override func copy() -> AnyObject {
return copy(with: nil)
public func copy(with zone: NSZone? = nil) -> AnyObject {
if self.dynamicType === NSURLRequest.self {
// Already immutable
return self
let c = NSURLRequest(url: url!)
c.setValues(from: self)
return c
public convenience init(url: URL) {
self.init(url: url, cachePolicy: .useProtocolCachePolicy, timeoutInterval: 60.0)
public init(url: URL, cachePolicy: NSURLRequest.CachePolicy, timeoutInterval: TimeInterval) {
self.url = url
_cachePolicy = cachePolicy
_timeoutInterval = timeoutInterval
private func setValues(from source: NSURLRequest) {
self._allHTTPHeaderFields = source.allHTTPHeaderFields
self.url = source.url
self.mainDocumentURL = source.mainDocumentURL
self.httpMethod = source.httpMethod
public override func mutableCopy() -> AnyObject {
return mutableCopy(with: nil)
public func mutableCopy(with zone: NSZone? = nil) -> AnyObject {
let c = NSMutableURLRequest(url: url!)
c.setValues(from: self)
return c
public required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
public func encode(with aCoder: NSCoder) {
/// Indicates that NSURLRequest implements the NSSecureCoding protocol.
public static func supportsSecureCoding() -> Bool { return true }
/// The URL of the receiver.
/*@NSCopying */public private(set) var url: URL?
/// The main document URL associated with this load.
/// This URL is used for the cookie "same domain as main
/// document" policy. There may also be other future uses.
/*@NSCopying*/ public private(set) var mainDocumentURL: URL?
internal var _cachePolicy: CachePolicy = .useProtocolCachePolicy
public var cachePolicy: CachePolicy {
return _cachePolicy
internal var _timeoutInterval: TimeInterval = 60.0
public var timeoutInterval: TimeInterval {
return _timeoutInterval
/// Returns the HTTP request method of the receiver.
public private(set) var httpMethod: String? = "GET"
/// A dictionary containing all the HTTP header fields
/// of the receiver.
internal var _allHTTPHeaderFields: [String: String]? = nil
public var allHTTPHeaderFields: [String: String]? {
get {
return _allHTTPHeaderFields
/// Returns the value which corresponds to the given header field.
/// Note that, in keeping with the HTTP RFC, HTTP header field
/// names are case-insensitive.
/// - Parameter field: the header field name to use for the lookup
/// (case-insensitive).
/// - Returns: the value associated with the given header field, or `nil` if
/// there is no value associated with the given header field.
public func value(forHTTPHeaderField field: String) -> String? {
guard let f = allHTTPHeaderFields else { return nil }
return existingHeaderField(field, inHeaderFields: f)?.1
internal enum Body {
case data(Data)
case stream(InputStream)
internal var _body: Body?
public var httpBody: Data? {
if let body = _body {
switch body {
case .data(let data):
return data
case .stream(_):
return nil
return nil
public var httpBodyStream: InputStream? {
if let body = _body {
switch body {
case .data(_):
return nil
case .stream(let stream):
return stream
return nil
internal var _networkServiceType: NetworkServiceType = .networkServiceTypeDefault
public var networkServiceType: NetworkServiceType {
return _networkServiceType
internal var _allowsCellularAccess: Bool = true
public var allowsCellularAccess: Bool {
return _allowsCellularAccess
internal var _httpShouldHandleCookies: Bool = true
public var httpShouldHandleCookies: Bool {
return _httpShouldHandleCookies
internal var _httpShouldUsePipelining: Bool = true
public var httpShouldUsePipelining: Bool {
return _httpShouldUsePipelining
/// An `NSMutableURLRequest` object represents a mutable URL load
/// request in a manner independent of protocol and URL scheme.
/// This specialization of `NSURLRequest` is provided to aid
/// developers who may find it more convenient to mutate a single request
/// object for a series of URL loads instead of creating an immutable
/// `NSURLRequest` for each load. This programming model is supported by
/// the following contract stipulation between `NSMutableURLRequest` and the
/// `NSURLSession` API: `NSURLSession` makes a deep copy of each
/// `NSMutableURLRequest` object passed to it.
/// `NSMutableURLRequest` is designed to be extended to support
/// protocol-specific data by adding categories to access a property
/// object provided in an interface targeted at protocol implementors.
/// Protocol implementors should direct their attention to the
/// `NSMutableURLRequestExtensibility` category on
/// `NSMutableURLRequest` for more information on how to provide
/// extensions on `NSMutableURLRequest` to support protocol-specific
/// request information.
/// Clients of this API who wish to create `NSMutableURLRequest`
/// objects to load URL content should consult the protocol-specific
/// `NSMutableURLRequest` categories that are available. The
/// `NSMutableHTTPURLRequest` category on `NSMutableURLRequest` is an
/// example.
public class NSMutableURLRequest : NSURLRequest {
public required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
public convenience init(url: URL) {
self.init(url: url, cachePolicy: .useProtocolCachePolicy, timeoutInterval: 60.0)
public override init(url: URL, cachePolicy: NSURLRequest.CachePolicy, timeoutInterval: TimeInterval) {
super.init(url: url, cachePolicy: cachePolicy, timeoutInterval: timeoutInterval)
/*@NSCopying */ public override var url: URL? {
get { return super.url }
//TODO: set { super.URL ={ $0.copy() as! NSURL } }
set { super.url = newValue }
/// The main document URL.
/// The caller should pass the URL for an appropriate main
/// document, if known. For example, when loading a web page, the URL
/// of the main html document for the top-level frame should be
/// passed. This main document will be used to implement the cookie
/// *only from same domain as main document* policy, and possibly
/// other things in the future.
/*@NSCopying*/ public override var mainDocumentURL: URL? {
get { return super.mainDocumentURL }
//TODO: set { super.mainDocumentURL ={ $0.copy() as! NSURL } }
set { super.mainDocumentURL = newValue }
/// The HTTP request method of the receiver.
public override var httpMethod: String? {
get { return super.httpMethod }
set { super.httpMethod = newValue }
public override var cachePolicy: CachePolicy {
get {
return _cachePolicy
set {
_cachePolicy = newValue
public override var timeoutInterval: TimeInterval {
get {
return _timeoutInterval
set {
_timeoutInterval = newValue
public override var allHTTPHeaderFields: [String: String]? {
get {
return _allHTTPHeaderFields
set {
_allHTTPHeaderFields = newValue
/// Sets the value of the given HTTP header field.
/// If a value was previously set for the given header
/// field, that value is replaced with the given value. Note that, in
/// keeping with the HTTP RFC, HTTP header field names are
/// case-insensitive.
/// - Parameter value: the header field value.
/// - Parameter field: the header field name (case-insensitive).
public func setValue(_ value: String?, forHTTPHeaderField field: String) {
var f: [String: String] = allHTTPHeaderFields ?? [:]
if let old = existingHeaderField(field, inHeaderFields: f) {
f.removeValue(forKey: old.0)
f[field] = value
_allHTTPHeaderFields = f
/// Adds an HTTP header field in the current header dictionary.
/// This method provides a way to add values to header
/// fields incrementally. If a value was previously set for the given
/// header field, the given value is appended to the previously-existing
/// value. The appropriate field delimiter, a comma in the case of HTTP,
/// is added by the implementation, and should not be added to the given
/// value by the caller. Note that, in keeping with the HTTP RFC, HTTP
/// header field names are case-insensitive.
/// - Parameter value: the header field value.
/// - Parameter field: the header field name (case-insensitive).
public func addValue(_ value: String, forHTTPHeaderField field: String) {
var f: [String: String] = allHTTPHeaderFields ?? [:]
if let old = existingHeaderField(field, inHeaderFields: f) {
f[old.0] = old.1 + "," + value
} else {
f[field] = value
_allHTTPHeaderFields = f
public override var httpBody: Data? {
get {
if let body = _body {
switch body {
case .data(let data):
return data
case .stream(_):
return nil
return nil
set {
if let value = newValue {
_body =
} else {
_body = nil
public override var httpBodyStream: InputStream? {
get {
if let body = _body {
switch body {
case .data(_):
return nil
case .stream(let stream):
return stream
return nil
set {
if let value = newValue {
_body =
} else {
_body = nil
public override var networkServiceType: NetworkServiceType {
get {
return _networkServiceType
set {
_networkServiceType = newValue
public override var allowsCellularAccess: Bool {
get {
return _allowsCellularAccess
set {
_allowsCellularAccess = newValue
public override var httpShouldHandleCookies: Bool {
get {
return _httpShouldHandleCookies
set {
_httpShouldHandleCookies = newValue
public override var httpShouldUsePipelining: Bool {
get {
return _httpShouldUsePipelining
set {
_httpShouldUsePipelining = newValue
/// Returns an existing key-value pair inside the header fields if it exists.
private func existingHeaderField(_ key: String, inHeaderFields fields: [String: String]) -> (String, String)? {
for (k, v) in fields {
if k.lowercased() == key.lowercased() {
return (k, v)
return nil