blob: ced09ddcb2cfe43d5d3088165efda3478adc1c74 [file] [log] [blame]
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
#if os(OSX) || os(iOS)
import Darwin
#elseif os(Linux)
import Glibc
import CoreFoundation
// for some reason having this take a generic causes a crash...
private func _compiler_crash_fix(_ key: _CFThreadSpecificKey, _ value: AnyObject?) {
_CThreadSpecificSet(key, value)
internal class NSThreadSpecific<T: NSObject> {
private var key = _CFThreadSpecificKeyCreate()
internal func get(_ generator: (Void) -> T) -> T {
if let specific = _CFThreadSpecificGet(key) {
return specific as! T
} else {
let value = generator()
_compiler_crash_fix(key, value)
return value
internal func set(_ value: T) {
_compiler_crash_fix(key, value)
internal enum _NSThreadStatus {
case initialized
case starting
case executing
case finished
private func NSThreadStart(_ context: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>?) -> UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>? {
let thread: Thread = NSObject.unretainedReference(context!)
thread._status = .executing
thread._status = .finished
return nil
public class Thread: NSObject {
static internal var _currentThread = NSThreadSpecific<Thread>()
public static var current: Thread {
return Thread._currentThread.get() {
return Thread(thread: pthread_self())
/// Alternative API for detached thread creation
/// - Experiment: This is a draft API currently under consideration for official import into Foundation as a suitable alternative to creation via selector
/// - Note: Since this API is under consideration it may be either removed or revised in the near future
public class func detachNewThread(_ main: (Void) -> Void) {
let t = Thread(main)
public class func isMultiThreaded() -> Bool {
return true
public class func sleepUntilDate(_ date: Date) {
let start_ut = CFGetSystemUptime()
let start_at = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent()
let end_at = date.timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate
var ti = end_at - start_at
let end_ut = start_ut + ti
while (0.0 < ti) {
var __ts__ = timespec(tv_sec: LONG_MAX, tv_nsec: 0)
if ti < Double(LONG_MAX) {
var integ = 0.0
let frac: Double = withUnsafeMutablePointer(&integ) { integp in
return modf(ti, integp)
__ts__.tv_sec = Int(integ)
__ts__.tv_nsec = Int(frac * 1000000000.0)
let _ = withUnsafePointer(&__ts__) { ts in
nanosleep(ts, nil)
ti = end_ut - CFGetSystemUptime()
public class func sleepForTimeInterval(_ interval: TimeInterval) {
var ti = interval
let start_ut = CFGetSystemUptime()
let end_ut = start_ut + ti
while 0.0 < ti {
var __ts__ = timespec(tv_sec: LONG_MAX, tv_nsec: 0)
if ti < Double(LONG_MAX) {
var integ = 0.0
let frac: Double = withUnsafeMutablePointer(&integ) { integp in
return modf(ti, integp)
__ts__.tv_sec = Int(integ)
__ts__.tv_nsec = Int(frac * 1000000000.0)
let _ = withUnsafePointer(&__ts__) { ts in
nanosleep(ts, nil)
ti = end_ut - CFGetSystemUptime()
public class func exit() {
internal var _main: (Void) -> Void = {}
#if os(OSX) || os(iOS)
private var _thread: pthread_t? = nil
#elseif os(Linux)
private var _thread = pthread_t()
internal var _attr = pthread_attr_t()
internal var _status = _NSThreadStatus.initialized
internal var _cancelled = false
/// - Note: this differs from the Darwin implementation in that the keys must be Strings
public var threadDictionary = [String:AnyObject]()
internal init(thread: pthread_t) {
// Note: even on Darwin this is a non-optional pthread_t; this is only used for valid threads, which are never null pointers.
_thread = thread
public init(_ main: (Void) -> Void) {
_main = main
let _ = withUnsafeMutablePointer(&_attr) { attr in
pthread_attr_setscope(attr, Int32(PTHREAD_SCOPE_SYSTEM))
pthread_attr_setdetachstate(attr, Int32(PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED))
public func start() {
precondition(_status == .initialized, "attempting to start a thread that has already been started")
_status = .starting
if _cancelled {
_status = .finished
_thread = self.withRetainedReference {
return _CFThreadCreate(self._attr, NSThreadStart, $0)
public func main() {
public var stackSize: Int {
get {
var size: Int = 0
return withUnsafeMutablePointers(&_attr, &size) { attr, sz in
pthread_attr_getstacksize(attr, sz)
return sz.pointee
set {
// just don't allow a stack size more than 1GB on any platform
var s = newValue
if (1 << 30) < s {
s = 1 << 30
let _ = withUnsafeMutablePointer(&_attr) { attr in
pthread_attr_setstacksize(attr, s)
public var executing: Bool {
return _status == .executing
public var finished: Bool {
return _status == .finished
public var cancelled: Bool {
return _cancelled
public func cancel() {
_cancelled = true
public class func callStackReturnAddresses() -> [NSNumber] {
public class func callStackSymbols() -> [String] {