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// Foundation/NSURLSession/TransferState.swift - NSURLSession & libcurl
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/// The state of a single transfer.
/// These are libcurl helpers for the URLSession API code.
/// - SeeAlso:
/// - SeeAlso: NSURLSession.swift
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
import CoreFoundation
extension _HTTPURLProtocol {
/// State related to an ongoing transfer.
/// This contains headers received so far, body data received so far, etc.
/// There's a strict 1-to-1 relationship between an `EasyHandle` and a
/// `TransferState`.
/// - TODO: Might move the `EasyHandle` into this `struct` ?
/// - SeeAlso: `URLSessionTask.EasyHandle`
internal struct _HTTPTransferState {
/// The URL that's being requested
let url: URL
/// Raw headers received.
let parsedResponseHeader: _ParsedResponseHeader
/// Once the headers is complete, this will contain the response
var response: HTTPURLResponse?
/// The body data to be sent in the request
let requestBodySource: _HTTPBodySource?
/// Body data received
let bodyDataDrain: _DataDrain
/// Describes what to do with received body data for this transfer:
extension _HTTPURLProtocol {
enum _DataDrain {
/// Concatenate in-memory
case inMemory(NSMutableData?)
/// Write to file
case toFile(URL, FileHandle?)
/// Do nothing. Might be forwarded to delegate
case ignore
extension _HTTPURLProtocol._HTTPTransferState {
/// Transfer state that can receive body data, but will not send body data.
init(url: URL, bodyDataDrain: _HTTPURLProtocol._DataDrain) {
self.url = url
self.parsedResponseHeader = _HTTPURLProtocol._ParsedResponseHeader()
self.response = nil
self.requestBodySource = nil
self.bodyDataDrain = bodyDataDrain
/// Transfer state that sends body data and can receive body data.
init(url: URL, bodyDataDrain: _HTTPURLProtocol._DataDrain, bodySource: _HTTPBodySource) {
self.url = url
self.parsedResponseHeader = _HTTPURLProtocol._ParsedResponseHeader()
self.response = nil
self.requestBodySource = bodySource
self.bodyDataDrain = bodyDataDrain
extension _HTTPURLProtocol._HTTPTransferState {
enum _Error: Error {
case parseSingleLineError
case parseCompleteHeaderError
/// Appends a header line
/// Will set the complete response once the header is complete, i.e. the
/// return value's `isHeaderComplete` will then by `true`.
/// - Throws: When a parsing error occurs
func byAppending(headerLine data: Data) throws -> _HTTPURLProtocol._HTTPTransferState {
guard let h = parsedResponseHeader.byAppending(headerLine: data) else {
throw _Error.parseSingleLineError
if case .complete(let lines) = h {
// Header is complete
let response = lines.createHTTPURLResponse(for: url)
guard response != nil else {
throw _Error.parseCompleteHeaderError
return _HTTPURLProtocol._HTTPTransferState(url: url, parsedResponseHeader: _HTTPURLProtocol._ParsedResponseHeader(), response: response, requestBodySource: requestBodySource, bodyDataDrain: bodyDataDrain)
} else {
return _HTTPURLProtocol._HTTPTransferState(url: url, parsedResponseHeader: h, response: nil, requestBodySource: requestBodySource, bodyDataDrain: bodyDataDrain)
var isHeaderComplete: Bool {
return response != nil
/// Append body data
/// - Important: This will mutate the existing `NSMutableData` that the
/// struct may already have in place -- copying the data is too
/// expensive. This behaviour
func byAppending(bodyData buffer: Data) -> _HTTPURLProtocol._HTTPTransferState {
switch bodyDataDrain {
case .inMemory(let bodyData):
let data: NSMutableData = bodyData ?? NSMutableData()
let drain = _HTTPURLProtocol._DataDrain.inMemory(data)
return _HTTPURLProtocol._HTTPTransferState(url: url, parsedResponseHeader: parsedResponseHeader, response: response, requestBodySource: requestBodySource, bodyDataDrain: drain)
case .toFile(_, let fileHandle):
//TODO: Create / open the file for writing
// Append to the file
_ = fileHandle!.seekToEndOfFile()
return self
case .ignore:
return self
/// Sets the given body source on the transfer state.
/// This can be used to either set the initial body source, or to reset it
/// e.g. when restarting a transfer.
func bySetting(bodySource newSource: _HTTPBodySource) -> _HTTPURLProtocol._HTTPTransferState {
return _HTTPURLProtocol._HTTPTransferState(url: url, parsedResponseHeader: parsedResponseHeader, response: response, requestBodySource: newSource, bodyDataDrain: bodyDataDrain)