blob: 1efce442752178dbe541a446260ddd8482ed49e4 [file] [log] [blame]
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
import CoreFoundation
@abstract Defines the order, repetition, and allowable values for a document
public class XMLDTD : XMLNode {
internal var _xmlDTD: _CFXMLDTDPtr {
return _CFXMLDTDPtr(_xmlNode)
public convenience init(contentsOf url: URL, options mask: Int) throws {
let urlString = url.absoluteString
guard let node = _CFXMLParseDTD(urlString!) else {
//TODO: throw error
fatalError("parsing dtd string failed")
self.init(ptr: node)
public convenience init(data: Data, options mask: Int) throws {
var unmanagedError: Unmanaged<CFError>? = nil
guard let node = _CFXMLParseDTDFromData(data._cfObject, &unmanagedError) else {
if let error = unmanagedError?.takeRetainedValue()._nsObject {
throw error
//TODO: throw a generic error?
fatalError("parsing dtd from data failed")
self.init(ptr: node)
} //primitive
@method publicID
@abstract Sets the public id. This identifier should be in the default catalog in /etc/xml/catalog or in a path specified by the environment variable XML_CATALOG_FILES. When the public id is set the system id must also be set.
public var publicID: String? {
get {
return _CFXMLDTDExternalID(_xmlDTD)?._swiftObject
set {
if let value = newValue {
_CFXMLDTDSetExternalID(_xmlDTD, value)
} else {
_CFXMLDTDSetExternalID(_xmlDTD, nil)
@method systemID
@abstract Sets the system id. This should be a URL that points to a valid DTD.
public var systemID: String? {
get {
return _CFXMLDTDSystemID(_xmlDTD)?._swiftObject
set {
if let value = newValue {
_CFXMLDTDSetSystemID(_xmlDTD, value)
} else {
_CFXMLDTDSetSystemID(_xmlDTD, nil)
@method insertChild:atIndex:
@abstract Inserts a child at a particular index.
public func insertChild(_ child: XMLNode, at index: Int) {
_insertChild(child, atIndex: index)
} //primitive
@method insertChildren:atIndex:
@abstract Insert several children at a particular index.
public func insertChildren(_ children: [XMLNode], at index: Int) {
_insertChildren(children, atIndex: index)
@method removeChildAtIndex:
@abstract Removes a child at a particular index.
public func removeChild(at index: Int) {
} //primitive
@method setChildren:
@abstract Removes all existing children and replaces them with the new children. Set children to nil to simply remove all children.
public func setChildren(_ children: [XMLNode]?) {
} //primitive
@method addChild:
@abstract Adds a child to the end of the existing children.
public func addChild(_ child: XMLNode) {
@method replaceChildAtIndex:withNode:
@abstract Replaces a child at a particular index with another child.
public func replaceChild(at index: Int, with node: XMLNode) {
_replaceChildAtIndex(index, withNode: node)
@method entityDeclarationForName:
@abstract Returns the entity declaration matching this name.
public func entityDeclaration(forName name: String) -> XMLDTDNode? {
guard let node = _CFXMLDTDGetEntityDesc(_xmlDTD, name) else { return nil }
return XMLDTDNode._objectNodeForNode(node)
} //primitive
@method notationDeclarationForName:
@abstract Returns the notation declaration matching this name.
public func notationDeclaration(forName name: String) -> XMLDTDNode? {
guard let node = _CFXMLDTDGetNotationDesc(_xmlDTD, name) else { return nil }
return XMLDTDNode._objectNodeForNode(node)
} //primitive
@method elementDeclarationForName:
@abstract Returns the element declaration matching this name.
public func elementDeclaration(forName name: String) -> XMLDTDNode? {
guard let node = _CFXMLDTDGetElementDesc(_xmlDTD, name) else { return nil }
return XMLDTDNode._objectNodeForNode(node)
} //primitive
@method attributeDeclarationForName:
@abstract Returns the attribute declaration matching this name.
public func attributeDeclaration(forName name: String, elementName: String) -> XMLDTDNode? {
guard let node = _CFXMLDTDGetAttributeDesc(_xmlDTD, elementName, name) else { return nil }
return XMLDTDNode._objectNodeForNode(node)
} //primitive
@method predefinedEntityDeclarationForName:
@abstract Returns the predefined entity declaration matching this name.
@discussion The five predefined entities are
<ul><li>&amp;lt; - &lt;</li><li>&amp;gt; - &gt;</li><li>&amp;amp; - &amp;</li><li>&amp;quot; - &quot;</li><li>&amp;apos; - &amp;</li></ul>
public class func predefinedEntityDeclaration(forName name: String) -> XMLDTDNode? {
guard let node = _CFXMLDTDGetPredefinedEntity(name) else { return nil }
return XMLDTDNode._objectNodeForNode(node)
internal override class func _objectNodeForNode(_ node: _CFXMLNodePtr) -> XMLDTD {
precondition(_CFXMLNodeGetType(node) == _kCFXMLTypeDTD)
if let privateData = _CFXMLNodeGetPrivateData(node) {
return XMLDTD.unretainedReference(privateData)
return XMLDTD(ptr: node)
internal override init(ptr: _CFXMLNodePtr) {
super.init(ptr: ptr)