blob: 9808c6d9da07ed3ab6686cdc1afd110a0083c86a [file] [log] [blame]
//===- DirectoryWatcher.h - Listens for directory file changes --*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
/// \file
/// \brief Utility class for listening for file system changes in a directory.
#include "clang/Basic/LLVM.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Chrono.h"
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
namespace clang {
/// Provides notifications for file system changes in a directory.
/// Guarantees that the first time the directory is processed, the receiver will
/// be invoked even if the directory is empty.
class DirectoryWatcher {
enum class EventKind {
/// A file was added to the directory.
/// A file gets moved into the directory and replaces an existing file
/// with the same name will trigger an 'Added' event but no 'Removed' event.
/// If a file gets replaced multiple times within a short time period, it
/// may result in only one 'Added' event due to coalescing by the file
/// system notification mechanism.
/// A file was removed.
/// A file that got replaced by another one with the same name will result
/// in a single 'Added' event, not a 'Removed' one.
/// A file was modified.
/// The watched directory got deleted. No more events will follow.
struct Event {
EventKind Kind;
std::string Filename;
llvm::sys::TimePoint<> ModTime;
typedef std::function<void(ArrayRef<Event> Events, bool isInitial)>
static std::unique_ptr<DirectoryWatcher> create(StringRef Path,
EventReceiver Receiver,
bool waitInitialSync,
std::string &Error);
struct Implementation;
Implementation &Impl;
DirectoryWatcher(const DirectoryWatcher &) = delete;
DirectoryWatcher &operator=(const DirectoryWatcher &) = delete;
} // namespace clang