[Sema][Comments] Support @param with c++ 'using' keyword

Give appropriate warnings with -Wdocumentation for @param comments
that refer to function aliases defined with 'using'. Very similar
to typedef's behavior. This does not add support for
TypeAliasTemplateDecl yet.

Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D23783


git-svn-id: https://llvm.org/svn/llvm-project/cfe/trunk@279662 91177308-0d34-0410-b5e6-96231b3b80d8
(cherry picked from commit 5fcbbd604f20ee02cd29a879d17ca78ab171905c)
diff --git a/test/Sema/warn-documentation.cpp b/test/Sema/warn-documentation.cpp
index 34d8f5f..2f2f44d 100644
--- a/test/Sema/warn-documentation.cpp
+++ b/test/Sema/warn-documentation.cpp
@@ -416,38 +416,6 @@
 /// \returns aaa.
 using test_function_like_using8 = foo::function_wrapper<int (int aaa, int ccc)> &&;
-// expected-warning@+4 {{template parameter 'U' not found in the template declaration}} expected-note@+4 {{did you mean 'T'?}}
-// expected-warning@+2 {{parameter 'bbb' not found in the function declaration}} expected-note@+2 {{did you mean 'ccc'?}}
-/// \param aaa Meow.
-/// \param bbb Bbb.
-/// \tparam U Uuu.
-template<typename T>
-using test_function_like_using9 = int(T aaa, int ccc);
-// expected-warning@+4 {{template parameter 'U' not found in the template declaration}} expected-note@+4 {{did you mean 'T'?}}
-// expected-warning@+2 {{parameter 'bbb' not found in the function declaration}} expected-note@+2 {{did you mean 'ccc'?}}
-/// \param aaa Meow.
-/// \param bbb Bbb.
-/// \tparam U Uuu.
-template<typename T>
-using test_function_like_using10 = int (*)(T aaa, int ccc);
-// expected-warning@+4 {{template parameter 'U' not found in the template declaration}} expected-note@+4 {{did you mean 'T'?}}
-// expected-warning@+2 {{parameter 'bbb' not found in the function declaration}} expected-note@+2 {{did you mean 'ccc'?}}
-/// \param aaa Meow.
-/// \param bbb Bbb.
-/// \tparam U Uuu.
-template<typename T>
-using test_function_like_using11 = foo::function_wrapper<int (T aaa, int ccc)>;
-// expected-warning@+4 {{template parameter 'U' not found in the template declaration}} expected-note@+4 {{did you mean 'T'?}}
-// expected-warning@+2 {{parameter 'bbb' not found in the function declaration}} expected-note@+2 {{did you mean 'ccc'?}}
-/// \param aaa Meow.
-/// \param bbb Bbb.
-/// \tparam U Uuu.
-template<typename T>
-using test_function_like_using12 = foo::function_wrapper<int (T aaa, int ccc)> *;
 using test_not_function_like_using1 = int (*)(int aaa);
 // expected-warning@+1 {{'\param' command used in a comment that is not attached to a function declaration}}