blob: 10635b11225ecbd3473dafb2424ab3d2cf9f833c [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- LangOptions.h - C Language Family Language Options -----*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
/// \file
/// \brief Defines the clang::LangOptions interface.
#include "clang/Basic/CommentOptions.h"
#include "clang/Basic/LLVM.h"
#include "clang/Basic/ObjCRuntime.h"
#include "clang/Basic/Sanitizers.h"
#include "clang/Basic/Visibility.h"
#include <string>
#include <vector>
namespace clang {
/// Bitfields of LangOptions, split out from LangOptions in order to ensure that
/// this large collection of bitfields is a trivial class type.
class LangOptionsBase {
// Define simple language options (with no accessors).
#define LANGOPT(Name, Bits, Default, Description) unsigned Name : Bits;
#define ENUM_LANGOPT(Name, Type, Bits, Default, Description)
#include "clang/Basic/LangOptions.def"
// Define language options of enumeration type. These are private, and will
// have accessors (below).
#define LANGOPT(Name, Bits, Default, Description)
#define ENUM_LANGOPT(Name, Type, Bits, Default, Description) \
unsigned Name : Bits;
#include "clang/Basic/LangOptions.def"
/// \brief Keeps track of the various options that can be
/// enabled, which controls the dialect of C or C++ that is accepted.
class LangOptions : public LangOptionsBase {
typedef clang::Visibility Visibility;
enum GCMode { NonGC, GCOnly, HybridGC };
enum StackProtectorMode { SSPOff, SSPOn, SSPStrong, SSPReq };
enum SignedOverflowBehaviorTy {
SOB_Undefined, // Default C standard behavior.
SOB_Defined, // -fwrapv
SOB_Trapping // -ftrapv
enum CompilingModuleKind {
CMK_None, ///< Not compiling a module interface at all.
CMK_ModuleMap, ///< Compiling a module from a module map.
CMK_ModuleInterface ///< Compiling a C++ modules TS module interface unit.
enum PragmaMSPointersToMembersKind {
enum DefaultCallingConvention {
enum AddrSpaceMapMangling { ASMM_Target, ASMM_On, ASMM_Off };
enum MSVCMajorVersion {
MSVC2010 = 16,
MSVC2012 = 17,
MSVC2013 = 18,
MSVC2015 = 19
/// \brief Set of enabled sanitizers.
SanitizerSet Sanitize;
/// \brief Paths to blacklist files specifying which objects
/// (files, functions, variables) should not be instrumented.
std::vector<std::string> SanitizerBlacklistFiles;
clang::ObjCRuntime ObjCRuntime;
std::string ObjCConstantStringClass;
/// \brief The name of the handler function to be called when -ftrapv is
/// specified.
/// If none is specified, abort (GCC-compatible behaviour).
std::string OverflowHandler;
/// \brief The name of the current module, of which the main source file
/// is a part. If CompilingModule is set, we are compiling the interface
/// of this module, otherwise we are compiling an implementation file of
/// it.
std::string CurrentModule;
/// \brief The names of any features to enable in module 'requires' decls
/// in addition to the hard-coded list in Module.cpp and the target features.
/// This list is sorted.
std::vector<std::string> ModuleFeatures;
/// \brief Options for parsing comments.
CommentOptions CommentOpts;
/// \brief A list of all -fno-builtin-* function names (e.g., memset).
std::vector<std::string> NoBuiltinFuncs;
/// \brief Triples of the OpenMP targets that the host code codegen should
/// take into account in order to generate accurate offloading descriptors.
std::vector<llvm::Triple> OMPTargetTriples;
/// \brief Name of the IR file that contains the result of the OpenMP target
/// host code generation.
std::string OMPHostIRFile;
/// \brief Indicates whether the front-end is explicitly told that the
/// input is a header file (i.e. -x c-header).
bool IsHeaderFile;
// Define accessors/mutators for language options of enumeration type.
#define LANGOPT(Name, Bits, Default, Description)
#define ENUM_LANGOPT(Name, Type, Bits, Default, Description) \
Type get##Name() const { return static_cast<Type>(Name); } \
void set##Name(Type Value) { Name = static_cast<unsigned>(Value); }
#include "clang/Basic/LangOptions.def"
/// Are we compiling a module interface (.cppm or module map)?
bool isCompilingModule() const {
return getCompilingModule() != CMK_None;
bool isSignedOverflowDefined() const {
return getSignedOverflowBehavior() == SOB_Defined;
bool isSubscriptPointerArithmetic() const {
return ObjCRuntime.isSubscriptPointerArithmetic() &&
bool isCompatibleWithMSVC(MSVCMajorVersion MajorVersion) const {
return MSCompatibilityVersion >= MajorVersion * 10000000U;
/// \brief Reset all of the options that are not considered when building a
/// module.
void resetNonModularOptions();
/// \brief Is this a libc/libm function that is no longer recognized as a
/// builtin because a -fno-builtin-* option has been specified?
bool isNoBuiltinFunc(StringRef Name) const;
/// \brief Floating point control options
class FPOptions {
unsigned fp_contract : 1;
FPOptions() : fp_contract(0) {}
FPOptions(const LangOptions &LangOpts) :
fp_contract(LangOpts.DefaultFPContract) {}
/// \brief Describes the kind of translation unit being processed.
enum TranslationUnitKind {
/// \brief The translation unit is a complete translation unit.
/// \brief The translation unit is a prefix to a translation unit, and is
/// not complete.
/// \brief The translation unit is a module.
} // end namespace clang