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/*==-- clang-c/Refactor.h - Refactoring Public C Interface --------*- C -*-===*\
|* *|
|* The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure *|
|* *|
|* This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source *|
|* License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. *|
|* *|
|* *|
|* This header provides a public inferface to a Clang library for performing *|
|* refactoring actions on projects without exposing the full Clang C++ API. *|
|* *|
#include "clang-c/Index.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
* \defgroup CINDEX_REFACTOR Refactoring options.
* @{
* \brief The refactoring options that can be specified for each refactoring
* action.
enum CXRefactoringOption {
* \brief The refactoring actions like 'rename' will avoid looking for
* occurrences of the renamed symbol in comments if this option is enabled.
CXRefactorOption_AvoidTextualMatches = 1
* \brief Opaque pointer representing a set of options that can be given to
* a refactoring action.
typedef void *CXRefactoringOptionSet;
* \brief Returns a new option set.
CXRefactoringOptionSet clang_RefactoringOptionSet_create();
* \brief Parses and returns a new option set or NULL if the given string is
* invalid.
clang_RefactoringOptionSet_createFromString(const char *String);
* \brief Adds a new option to the given refactoring option set.
void clang_RefactoringOptionSet_add(CXRefactoringOptionSet Set,
enum CXRefactoringOption Option);
* \brief Converts the given refactoring option set to a string value.
CXString clang_RefactoringOptionSet_toString(CXRefactoringOptionSet Set);
* \brief Free the given option set.
* Option sets should be freed by this function only when they were created
* using the \c clang_RefactoringOptionSet_create* methods.
void clang_RefactoringOptionSet_dispose(CXRefactoringOptionSet Set);
* @}
* \defgroup CINDEX_REFACTOR Refactoring actions.
* @{
* \brief The refactoring actions that can be performed by libclang.
enum CXRefactoringActionType {
* \brief The 'rename' refactoring action.
CXRefactor_Rename = 0,
* \brief The local 'rename' refactoring action.
CXRefactor_Rename_Local = 1,
* \brief The 'extract' refactoring action extracts source code into a
* new function.
CXRefactor_Extract = 2,
* \brief The sub-action of 'extract' that extracts source code into a new
* method.
CXRefactor_Extract_Method = 3,
* \brief The action that converts an if/else constructs to a switch block.
CXRefactor_IfSwitchConversion = 4,
* \brief The action that wraps an Objective-C string literal in an
* NSLocalizedString macro.
CXRefactor_LocalizeObjCStringLiteral = 5,
* \brief The action that adds missing switch cases to an switch over an enum.
CXRefactor_FillInEnumSwitchCases = 6,
* \brief The action that adds missing protocol methods to an Objective-C
* class.
CXRefactor_FillInMissingProtocolStubs = 7,
* \brief The action that extracts an expression that's repeated in a function
* into a new variable.
CXRefactor_ExtractRepeatedExpressionIntoVariable = 8,
* \brief The action that adds missing abstract class method overrides to a
* class.
CXRefactor_FillInMissingMethodStubsFromAbstractClasses = 9,
* \brief The action that generates dummy method definitions for method
* declarations without respective definitions.
CXRefactor_ImplementDeclaredMethods = 10,
* \brief The sub-action of 'extract' that extracts source expression into a
* new variable.
CXRefactor_Extract_Expression = 11,
* \brief Return the name of the given refactoring action.
clang_RefactoringActionType_getName(enum CXRefactoringActionType Action);
* \brief A set of refactoring actions that can be performed at some specific
* location in a source file.
* The actions in the action set are ordered by their priority: most important
* actions are placed before the less important ones.
typedef struct {
const enum CXRefactoringActionType *Actions;
unsigned NumActions;
} CXRefactoringActionSet;
* \brief Free the given refactoring action set.
clang_RefactoringActionSet_dispose(CXRefactoringActionSet *Set);
typedef struct {
enum CXRefactoringActionType Action;
* \brief The set of diagnostics that describes the reason why this action
* couldn't be initiated. This set of diagnostics is managed by the
* \c CXRefactoringActionSetWithDiagnostics and shouldn't be freed manually.
CXDiagnosticSet Diagnostics;
} CXRefactoringActionWithDiagnostics;
* \brief A set of refactoring actions that couldn't be initiated at some
* location and their respective diagnostics that describe the reason why
* the initiation failed.
typedef struct {
CXRefactoringActionWithDiagnostics *Actions;
unsigned NumActions;
} CXRefactoringActionSetWithDiagnostics;
* \brief Free the given refactoring action set with diagnostics.
CINDEX_LINKAGE void clang_RefactoringActionSetWithDiagnostics_dispose(
CXRefactoringActionSetWithDiagnostics *Set);
* \brief Find the set of refactoring actions that can be performed at the given
* location.
* This function examines the AST around the given source range and creates a
* \c CXRefactoringActionSet that contains all of the actions that can be
* performed in the given source range.
* \param TU The translation unit which contains the given source range.
* \param Location The location at which the refactoring action will be
* performed.
* \param SelectionRange The range in which the AST should be checked. Usually
* corresponds to the selection range or location of the cursor in the editor.
* Can be a null range.
* \param Options The optional refactoring options that might influence the way
* the search is performed.
* \param[out] OutSet A non-NULL pointer to store the created
* \c CXRefactoringActionSet.
* \returns Zero on success, CXError_RefactoringActionUnavailable when
* there are no actions available in the given range, or an error code
* otherwise.
enum CXErrorCode
clang_Refactoring_findActionsAt(CXTranslationUnit TU, CXSourceLocation Location,
CXSourceRange SelectionRange,
CXRefactoringOptionSet Options,
CXRefactoringActionSet *OutSet);
* \brief Find the set of refactoring actions that can be performed at the given
* location.
* This function examines the AST around the given source range and creates a
* \c CXRefactoringActionSet that contains all of the actions that can be
* performed in the given source range. It also creates a
* \c CXRefactoringActionSetWithDiagnostics that might describe the reason why
* some refactoring actions are not be available.
* \param TU The translation unit which contains the given source range.
* \param Location The location at which the refactoring action will be
* performed.
* \param SelectionRange The range in which the AST should be checked. Usually
* corresponds to the selection range or location of the cursor in the editor.
* Can be a null range.
* \param Options The optional refactoring options that might influence the way
* the search is performed.
* \param[out] OutSet A non-NULL pointer to store the created
* \c CXRefactoringActionSet.
* \param[out] OutFailureSet An optional pointer to store the created
* \c CXRefactoringActionSetWithDiagnostics that describes the failures reasons
* for some of the refactoring actions.
* \returns Zero on success, CXError_RefactoringActionUnavailable when
* there are no actions available in the given range, or an error code
* otherwise.
enum CXErrorCode clang_Refactoring_findActionsWithInitiationFailureDiagnosicsAt(
CXTranslationUnit TU, CXSourceLocation Location,
CXSourceRange SelectionRange, CXRefactoringOptionSet Options,
CXRefactoringActionSet *OutSet,
CXRefactoringActionSetWithDiagnostics *OutFailureSet);
* @}
* \defgroup CINDEX_REFACTOR_INITIATE Refactoring initiation
* @{
* \brief Opaque pointer representing the initiated refactoring action.
typedef void *CXRefactoringAction;
* \brief Free the given refactoring action.
* The refactoring action should be freed before the initiation and/or
* implementation translation units.
CINDEX_LINKAGE void clang_RefactoringAction_dispose(CXRefactoringAction Action);
* \brief Return the source range that's associated with the initiated
* refactoring action.
* The returned source range covers the source that will be modified by the
* given refactoring action. If the action has no associated source range,
* then this function will return a null \c CXSourceRange.
clang_RefactoringAction_getSourceRangeOfInterest(CXRefactoringAction Action);
* \brief Return the type of the initiated action, which might be different
* to the type of the requested action. For an operation 'rename', the action
* could actually initiate the local 'rename' operation.
enum CXRefactoringActionType
clang_RefactoringAction_getInitiatedActionType(CXRefactoringAction Action);
* \brief Return a non-zero value when the refactoring action requires access
* to an additional translation unit that contains an implementation of some
* declaration.
// TODO: Remove (this is no longer needed due to refactoring continuations).
int clang_RefactoringAction_requiresImplementationTU(
CXRefactoringAction Action);
* \brief Return a USR that corresponds to the declaration whose implementation
* is required in order for the given refactoring action to work correctly.
// TODO: Remove (this is no longer needed due to refactoring continuations).
CXString clang_RefactoringAction_getUSRThatRequiresImplementationTU(
CXRefactoringAction Action);
* \brief Set the translation unit that contains the declaration whose
* implementation is required for the given refactoring action to work
* correctly.
// TODO: Remove (this is no longer needed due to refactoring continuations).
enum CXErrorCode
clang_RefactoringAction_addImplementationTU(CXRefactoringAction Action,
CXTranslationUnit TU);
* \brief A refactoring candidate determines on which piece of source code the
* action should be applied.
* Most refactoring actions have just one candidate, but some actions, like
* 'Extract' can produce multiple candidates.
* The candidates are managed by the refactoring action, and their description
* string doesn't need to be freed manually.
typedef struct { CXString Description; } CXRefactoringCandidate;
* \brief A set of refactoring candidates on which the previously initiatied
* refactoring action can be performed.
* The candidates in the candidate set are ordered by their priority: the
* ones that are more likely to be selected are placed before the other ones.
* A non-empty refactoring candidate set always has more than one refactoring
* candidate, because when a refactoring action has just one candidate,
* \c clang_RefactoringAction_getRefactoringCandidates will return an empty
* candidate set.
typedef struct {
const CXRefactoringCandidate *Candidates;
unsigned NumCandidates;
} CXRefactoringCandidateSet;
* \brief Returns the given action's refactoring candidates.
* The resulting refactoring candidate set will be empty when the given \c
* CXRefactoringAction has just one refactoring candidate.
* \param Action A previously initiated \c CXRefactoringAction.
* \param[out] OutRefactoringCandidateSet An pointer to store the action's
* refactoring candidate set.
* \returns Zero on success, or an error code otherwise.
enum CXErrorCode clang_RefactoringAction_getRefactoringCandidates(
CXRefactoringAction Action,
CXRefactoringCandidateSet *OutRefactoringCandidateSet);
* \brief Tells the given refactoring action that it has to perform the
* operation on the refactoring candidate that's located at \p Index in the \c
* CXRefactoringCandidateSet.
enum CXErrorCode
clang_RefactoringAction_selectRefactoringCandidate(CXRefactoringAction Action,
unsigned Index);
// TODO: Remove.
enum CXErrorCode clang_Refactoring_initiateActionAt(
CXTranslationUnit TU, CXSourceLocation Location,
CXSourceRange SelectionRange, enum CXRefactoringActionType ActionType,
CXRefactoringOptionSet Options, CXRefactoringAction *OutAction,
CXString *OutFailureReason);
* \brief Initiate a specific refactoring action at the given location.
* This function initiates an \p ActionType refactoring action when it can
* be initiated at the given location and creates a \c CXRefactoringAction
* action that will allow the control.
* \param TU The translation unit in which the action should be initiated.
* \param Location The location at which the refactoring action will be
* performed.
* \param SelectionRange The range in which the AST should be checked. Usually
* corresponds to the selection range or location of the cursor in the editor.
* Can be a null range.
* \param ActionType The type of action that should be initiated.
* \param Options The optional refactoring options that might have an influence
* on the initiation process.
* \param[out] OutAction A non-NULL pointer to store the created
* \c CXRefactoringAction.
* \param[out] OutDiagnostics An optional pointer to store any diagnostics that
* describe why the action wasn't initiated.
* \returns Zero on success, CXError_RefactoringActionUnavailable when
* the given refactoring action can't be performed at the given location, or an
* error code otherwise.
enum CXErrorCode clang_Refactoring_initiateAction(
CXTranslationUnit TU, CXSourceLocation Location,
CXSourceRange SelectionRange, enum CXRefactoringActionType ActionType,
CXRefactoringOptionSet Options, CXRefactoringAction *OutAction,
CXDiagnosticSet *OutDiagnostics);
* \brief Initiate a specific refactoring action on a particular declaration.
* This function searches for the declaration that corresponds to \p DeclUSR
* and initiates an \p ActionType a refactoring action on that declaration
* if possible.
* \param TU The translation unit in which the declaration is defined.
* \param DeclUSR The USR that corresponds to the declaration of interest.
* \param ActionType The type of action that should be initiated.
* \param Options The optional refactoring options that might have an influence
* on the initiation process.
* \param[out] OutAction A non-NULL pointer to store the created
* \c CXRefactoringAction.
* \returns Zero on success, CXError_RefactoringActionUnavailable when
* the given refactoring action can't be performed on the found declaration, or
* an error code otherwise.
// TODO: Remove (not needed).
enum CXErrorCode clang_Refactoring_initiateActionOnDecl(
CXTranslationUnit TU, const char *DeclUSR,
enum CXRefactoringActionType ActionType, CXRefactoringOptionSet Options,
CXRefactoringAction *OutAction, CXString *OutFailureReason);
* @}
* \defgroup CINDEX_REFACTOR_REPLACEMENT Refactoring replacement
* @{
* \brief A source location in a single file that is independent of \c
* CXTranslationUnit.
typedef struct { unsigned Line, Column; } CXFileLocation;
* \brief A source range in a single file that is independent of \c
* CXTranslationUnit.
typedef struct { CXFileLocation Begin, End; } CXFileRange;
// TODO: Remove
typedef struct {
CXFileRange Range;
CXString ReplacementString;
} CXRefactoringReplacement_Old;
// TODO: Remove
typedef struct {
CXString Filename;
const CXRefactoringReplacement_Old *Replacements;
unsigned NumReplacements;
} CXRefactoringFileReplacementSet_Old;
// TODO: Remove
typedef struct {
const CXRefactoringFileReplacementSet_Old *FileReplacementSets;
unsigned NumFileReplacementSets;
} CXRefactoringReplacements_Old;
* \brief Identifies a character range in the source code of a single file that
* should be replaced with the replacement string.
* Replacements are managed by the result of a specific refactoring action,
* like \c CXRenamingResult, and are invalidated when the refactoring result is
* destroyed.
typedef struct {
CXFileRange Range;
CXString ReplacementString;
void *AssociatedData;
} CXRefactoringReplacement;
* \brief A set of refactoring replacements that are applicable to a certain
* file.
typedef struct {
CXString Filename;
const CXRefactoringReplacement *Replacements;
unsigned NumReplacements;
} CXRefactoringFileReplacementSet;
* \brief A set of refactoring replacements that have been produced by a
* refactoring operation.
* The refactoring replacements depend on \c CXRefactoringResult, and can't be
* used after the refactoring result is freed.
typedef struct {
const CXRefactoringFileReplacementSet *FileReplacementSets;
unsigned NumFileReplacementSets;
} CXRefactoringReplacements;
* @}
* \defgroup CINDEX_SYMBOL_OPERATION Symbol-based refactoring operation
* (e.g. Rename).
* @{
* \brief The type of a symbol occurrence.
* The occurrence kind determines if an occurrence can be renamed automatically
* or if the user has to make the decision whether or not this occurrence
* should be renamed.
enum CXSymbolOccurrenceKind {
* \brief This occurrence is an exact match and can be renamed automatically.
CXSymbolOccurrence_MatchingSymbol = 0,
* \brief This is an occurrence of a matching selector. It can't be renamed
* automatically unless the indexer proves that this selector refers only
* to the declarations that correspond to the renamed symbol.
CXSymbolOccurrence_MatchingSelector = 1,
* \brief This is an occurrence of an implicit property that uses the
* renamed method.
CXSymbolOccurrence_MatchingImplicitProperty = 2,
* \brief This is an occurrence of an symbol name in a comment.
CXSymbolOccurrence_MatchingCommentString = 3,
* \brief This is an occurrence of an symbol name in a documentation comment.
CXSymbolOccurrence_MatchingDocCommentString = 4,
* \brief This is an occurrence of an symbol name in a filename in an inclusion
* directive.
CXSymbolOccurrence_MatchingFilename = 5,
* \brief This is an occurrence of a symbol name that belongs to the extracted
* declaration. Note: this occurrence can be in two replacements as we might
* extract an out-of-line method that will be both declared and defined.
CXSymbolOccurrence_ExtractedDeclaration = 100,
* \brief This is an occurrence of a symbol name that references the extracted
* declaration.
CXSymbolOccurrence_ExtractedDeclaration_Reference = 101,
// TODO: Remove
typedef struct {
const CXRefactoringReplacement_Old *Replacements;
unsigned ReplacementCount;
enum CXSymbolOccurrenceKind Kind;
* Whether or not this occurrence is inside a macro. When this is true, the
* replacements of the occurrence contain just a single empty replacement that
* points to the location of the macro expansion.
int IsMacroExpansion;
} CXRenamedSymbolOccurrence;
* \brief An occurrence of a symbol.
* Contains the source ranges that represent the pieces of the name of the
* symbol. The occurrences are managed by \c CXRenamingResult, and are
* invalidated when \c CXRenamingResult is destroyed.
typedef struct {
const CXFileRange *NamePieces;
unsigned NumNamePieces;
enum CXSymbolOccurrenceKind Kind;
* Whether or not this occurrence is inside a macro. When this is true, the
* replacements of the occurrence contain just a single empty replacement that
* points to the location of the macro expansion.
int IsMacroExpansion;
unsigned SymbolIndex;
} CXSymbolOccurrence;
// TODO: Remove
typedef struct {
CXString Filename;
const CXRenamedSymbolOccurrence *Occurrences;
unsigned NumOccurrences;
} CXFileRenamingResult; // TODO: Remove
* \brief A set of symbol occurrences that occur in a single file.
typedef struct {
CXString Filename;
* The set of occurrences for each symbol of interest.
const CXSymbolOccurrence *Occurrences;
unsigned NumOccurrences;
} CXSymbolOccurrencesInFile;
* \brief Opaque pointer representing all of the renames that should take place
* in a single translation unit.
* The result of a renaming action is indepedent from \c CXRenamingAction, and
* remains valid after \c CXRenamingAction is destroyed.
typedef void *CXRenamingResult;
* \brief Opaque pointer representing all of the symbol occurrences from a
* single TU/file.
* The result of a symbol search occurrence search operation is indepedent from
* \c CXRefactoringAction, and remains valid after \c CXRefactoringAction is
* destroyed.
typedef void *CXSymbolOccurrencesResult;
* \brief Find the cursor that's being renamed at the given location.
* \param TU The translation unit in which the cursor is present.
* \param Location The location at which the refactoring action will be
* performed.
* \param SelectionRange The range in which the AST should be checked. Usually
* corresponds to the selection range or location of the cursor in the editor.
* Can be a null range.
* \returns Zero on success, CXError_RefactoringActionUnavailable when
* there's no suitable cursor at the given location, or an error code otherwise.
enum CXErrorCode clang_Refactoring_findRenamedCursor(
CXTranslationUnit TU, CXSourceLocation Location,
CXSourceRange SelectionRange, CXCursor *OutCursor);
* \brief Initiates a renaming operation on a previously initiated refactoring
* action.
* The initiation process finds the symbols that have to be renamed for a
* previously initiated \c CXRefactor_Rename refactoring action.
* \returns Zero on success, or an error code otherwise.
// TODO: Remove
enum CXErrorCode
clang_Refactoring_initiateRenamingOperation(CXRefactoringAction Action);
* \brief Set the new name of the renamed symbol in the given \c
* RenamingAction.
* \returns Zero on success, CXError_RefactoringNameInvalid when the new name
* isn't a valid identifier, CXError_RefactoringNameSizeMismatch when the new
* name has an incorrect number of pieces or a different error code otherwise.
// TODO: Remove
enum CXErrorCode clang_RenamingOperation_setNewName(CXRefactoringAction Action,
const char *NewName);
* \brief Return the number of symbols that are renamed by the given renaming
* action.
* A renaming action typically works on just one symbol. However, there are
* certain language constructs that require work with more than one symbol in
* order for them to be renamed correctly. Property declarations in Objective-C
* are the perfect example: in addition to the actual property, the action has
* to rename the corresponding getters and setters, as well as the backing ivar.
// TODO: Remove
unsigned clang_RenamingOperation_getNumSymbols(CXRefactoringAction Action);
* \brief Return the USR of the declaration that was found for the symbol at the
* given \p Index in the given renaming action.
// TODO: Remove
CXString clang_RenamingOperation_getUSRForSymbol(CXRefactoringAction Action,
unsigned Index);
// TODO: Remove
CXRenamingResult clang_Refactoring_findRenamedOccurrencesInPrimaryTUs(
CXRefactoringAction Action, const char *const *CommandLineArgs,
int NumCommandLineArgs, struct CXUnsavedFile *UnsavedFiles,
unsigned NumUnsavedFiles);
* \brief Find all of the occurrences of the symbol that is being searched for
* by the given refactoring action in the translation unit that was used to
* initiate the refactoring action.
* This function searches for all of the \c CXSymbolOccurrence in the
* translation units that are referenced by the given \c CXRefactoringAction by
* iterating through the AST of the each translation unit. The occurrences that
* are found don't have to be from the main file in the translation unit, they
* can be from files included in that translation unit.
* \param Action The \c CXRefactoringAction operation that was inititated by
* \c clang_Refactoring_initiateActionAt().
* \param CommandLineArgs The command-line arguments that would be
* passed to the \c clang executable if it were being invoked out-of-process.
* \param NumCommandLineArgs The number of command-line arguments in
* \c CommandLineArgs.
* \param UnsavedFiles the files that have not yet been saved to disk
* but may be required for parsing, including the contents of
* those files. The contents and name of these files (as specified by
* CXUnsavedFile) are copied when necessary, so the client only needs to
* guarantee their validity until the call to this function returns.
* \param NumUnsavedFiles the number of unsaved file entries in \p
* UnsavedFiles.
* \returns If successful, a new \c CXSymbolOccurrencesResult structure
* containing the occurrences of the symbol in the initiation translation unit,
* which should eventually be freed with \c clang_SymbolOccurrences_dispose().
* If symbol search fails, returns NULL.
CXSymbolOccurrencesResult clang_Refactoring_findSymbolOccurrencesInInitiationTU(
CXRefactoringAction Action, const char *const *CommandLineArgs,
int NumCommandLineArgs, struct CXUnsavedFile *UnsavedFiles,
unsigned NumUnsavedFiles);
// TODO: Remove
typedef struct {
CXFileLocation Location;
* The kind of the declaration/expression that was indexed at this location.
* This is particularly important for Objective-C selectors. The refactoring
* engine requires the following cursor kinds for the following indexed
* occurrences:
* - ObjC method declaration: CXCursor_ObjC(Instance/Class)MethodDecl
* - ObjC method message send: CXCursor_ObjCMessageExpr
* Other occurrences can use any other cursor cursor kinds.
enum CXCursorKind CursorKind;
} CXRenamedIndexedSymbolLocation;
// TODO: Remove
typedef struct {
* An array of occurrences that represent indexed occurrences of a symbol.
* It's valid to pass-in no indexed locations, the refactoring engine will
* just perform textual search in that case.
const CXRenamedIndexedSymbolLocation *IndexedLocations;
unsigned IndexedLocationCount;
* The kind of the declaration that is being renamed.
* This is particularly important for Objective-C selectors. The refactoring
* engine requires the following cursor kinds for the following renamed
* declaration:
* - ObjC methods: CXCursor_ObjC(Instance/Class)MethodDecl
* Other declarations can use any other cursor cursor kinds.
enum CXCursorKind CursorKind;
const char *Name;
const char *NewName;
} CXRenamedIndexedSymbol;
// TODO: Remove
enum CXErrorCode clang_Refactoring_findRenamedOccurrencesInIndexedFile(
const CXRenamedIndexedSymbol *Symbols, unsigned NumSymbols, CXIndex CIdx,
const char *Filename, const char *const *CommandLineArgs,
int NumCommandLineArgs, struct CXUnsavedFile *UnsavedFiles,
unsigned NumUnsavedFiles, CXRefactoringOptionSet Options,
CXRenamingResult *OutResult);
* \brief A location of an already known occurrence of a symbol.
* Used for rename-indexed operation where the renaming is performed on an
* already indexed source file.
typedef struct {
CXFileLocation Location;
* The kind of the declaration/expression that was indexed at this location.
* This is particularly important for Objective-C selectors. The refactoring
* engine requires the following cursor kinds for the following indexed
* occurrences:
* - ObjC method declaration: CXCursor_ObjC(Instance/Class)MethodDecl
* - ObjC method message send: CXCursor_ObjCMessageExpr
* - filename in an #include: CXCursor_InclusionDirective
* Other occurrences can use any other cursor cursor kinds.
enum CXCursorKind CursorKind;
} CXIndexedSymbolLocation;
* \brief A symbol that should be found the an indexer symbol search operation.
* Used for rename-indexed operation where the renaming is performed on an
* already indexed source file.
typedef struct {
* An array of occurrences that represent indexed occurrences of a symbol.
* It's valid to pass-in no indexed locations, the refactoring engine will
* just perform textual search in that case.
const CXIndexedSymbolLocation *IndexedLocations;
unsigned IndexedLocationCount;
* The kind of the declaration that is being renamed.
* This is particularly important for Objective-C selectors. The refactoring
* engine requires the following cursor kinds for the following renamed
* declaration:
* - ObjC methods: CXCursor_ObjC(Instance/Class)MethodDecl
* Other declarations can use any other cursor cursor kinds.
enum CXCursorKind CursorKind;
* The name of the symbol. Objective-C selector names should be specified
* using the ':' separator for selector pieces.
const char *Name;
} CXIndexedSymbol;
* \brief Find all of the occurrences of a symbol in an indexed file.
* This function searches for all of the \c CXIndexedSymbol in the
* given file by inspecting the source code at the given indexed locations.
* The indexed operations are thread-safe and can be performed concurrently.
* \param Symbols The information about the symbols that includes the locations
* for a symbol in the file as determined by the indexer.
* \param NumSymbols The number of symbols in \p Symbols.
* \param CIdx The index object with which the translation unit will be
* associated.
* \param Filename The name of the source file that contains the given
* \p Locations.
* \param CommandLineArgs The command-line arguments that would be
* passed to the \c clang executable if it were being invoked out-of-process.
* These command-line options will be parsed and will affect how the translation
* unit is parsed.
* \param NumCommandLineArgs The number of command-line arguments in
* \c CommandLineArgs.
* \param UnsavedFiles the files that have not yet been saved to disk
* but may be required for parsing, including the contents of
* those files. The contents and name of these files (as specified by
* CXUnsavedFile) are copied when necessary, so the client only needs to
* guarantee their validity until the call to this function returns.
* \param NumUnsavedFiles the number of unsaved file entries in \p
* UnsavedFiles.
* \param Options The optional refactoring options that might have an influence
* on the initiation process.
* \param[out] OutResult A non-NULL pointer to store the created
* \c CXSymbolOccurrencesResult.
* \returns Zero on success, or a different error code otherwise.
enum CXErrorCode clang_Refactoring_findSymbolOccurrencesInIndexedFile(
const CXIndexedSymbol *Symbols, unsigned NumSymbols, CXIndex CIdx,
const char *Filename, const char *const *CommandLineArgs,
int NumCommandLineArgs, struct CXUnsavedFile *UnsavedFiles,
unsigned NumUnsavedFiles, CXRefactoringOptionSet Options,
CXSymbolOccurrencesResult *OutResult);
// TODO: Remove
unsigned clang_RenamingResult_getNumModifiedFiles(CXRenamingResult Result);
// TODO: Remove
void clang_RenamingResult_getResultForFile(CXRenamingResult Result,
unsigned FileIndex,
CXFileRenamingResult *OutResult);
// TODO: Remove
void clang_RenamingResult_dispose(CXRenamingResult Result);
* \brief Return the number of files that have occurrences of the specific
* symbol.
unsigned clang_SymbolOccurrences_getNumFiles(CXSymbolOccurrencesResult Result);
* \brief Return the set of symbol occurrences in a single file.
* The resulting \c CXSymbolOccurrencesInFile is managed by the
* \c CXSymbolOccurrencesResult and doesn't have to be disposed of manually.
void clang_SymbolOccurrences_getOccurrencesForFile(
CXSymbolOccurrencesResult Result, unsigned FileIndex,
CXSymbolOccurrencesInFile *OutResult);
// TODO: Support refactoring continuations for \c CXSymbolOccurrencesResult,
// e.g. for function parameter name rename.
* \brief Free the given symbol occurrences result.
void clang_SymbolOccurrences_dispose(CXSymbolOccurrencesResult Result);
* @}
* \defgroup CINDEX_REFACTOR_PERFORM Performing refactoring operations.
* @{
* \brief Opaque pointer representing the results of the refactoring operation.
* The result of a refactoring action depends on the \c CXRefactoringAction, and
* is invalidated after \c CXRefactoringAction is destroyed.
typedef void *CXRefactoringResult;
* \brief Opaque pointer representing a refactoring continuation.
* Refactoring continuations allow refactoring operations to run in external
* AST units with some results that were obtained after querying the indexer.
* The refactoring continuation is not dependent on the \c CXRefactoringAction
* or \c CXRefactoringResult. It does depend on the initiation
* \c CXTranslationUnit initially, but that dependency can be terminated.
typedef void *CXRefactoringContinuation;
* \brief Opaque pointer representing a query to the indexer.
typedef void *CXIndexerQuery;
* \brief Performs the previously initiated refactoring operation.
* This function executes the refactoring operation which produces a set of
* candidate source replacements that can be applied to the source files.
* \param Action The refactoring action.
* \param CommandLineArgs The command-line arguments that would be
* passed to the \c clang executable if it were being invoked out-of-process.
* These command-line options will be parsed and will affect how the translation
* unit is parsed.
* \param NumCommandLineArgs The number of command-line arguments in
* \c CommandLineArgs.
* \param UnsavedFiles the files that have not yet been saved to disk
* but may be required for parsing, including the contents of
* those files. The contents and name of these files (as specified by
* CXUnsavedFile) are copied when necessary, so the client only needs to
* guarantee their validity until the call to this function returns.
* \param NumUnsavedFiles the number of unsaved file entries in \p
* UnsavedFiles.
* \param Options The optional refactoring options that might have an influence
* on the way the particular action will be performed.
* \param[out] OutFailureReason An optional pointer to store a message that
* describes why the action wasn't performed.
* \returns If successful, a new \c CXRefactoringResult structure containing the
* source replacement candidates, which should eventually be freed with
* \c clang_RefactoringResult_dispose(). If the refactoring operation fails,
* returns NULL.
CXRefactoringResult clang_Refactoring_performOperation(
CXRefactoringAction Action, const char *const *CommandLineArgs,
int NumCommandLineArgs, struct CXUnsavedFile *UnsavedFiles,
unsigned NumUnsavedFiles, CXRefactoringOptionSet Options,
CXString *OutFailureReason);
// TODO: Remove. This is the deprecated API.
void clang_RefactoringResult_getReplacements(
CXRefactoringResult Result, CXRefactoringReplacements_Old *OutReplacements);
* \brief Return the set of refactoring source replacements.
* The resulting \c CXRefactoringReplacements are managed by the
* \c CXRefactoringResult and don't have to be disposed of manually.
clang_RefactoringResult_getSourceReplacements(CXRefactoringResult Result);
* \brief Represents a set of symbol occurrences that are associated with a
* single refactoring replacement.
* The symbol occurrences depend on \c CXRefactoringResult, and can't be
* used after the refactoring result is freed.
typedef struct {
const CXSymbolOccurrence *AssociatedSymbolOccurrences;
unsigned NumAssociatedSymbolOccurrences;
} CXRefactoringReplacementAssociatedSymbolOccurrences;
* \brief Return the set of symbol occurrences that are associated with the
* given \p Replacement.
CXRefactoringReplacement Replacement);
* \brief Returns the refactoring continuation associated with this result, or
* NULL if this result has no refactoring continuation.
clang_RefactoringResult_getContinuation(CXRefactoringResult Result);
* \brief Free the given refactoring result.
void clang_RefactoringResult_dispose(CXRefactoringResult Result);
* \brief Load the indexer query results from a YAML string.
* Mainly used for testing.
enum CXErrorCode
CXRefactoringContinuation Continuation, const char *Source);
* \brief Return the number of indexer queries that a refactoring continuation
* has.
unsigned clang_RefactoringContinuation_getNumIndexerQueries(
CXRefactoringContinuation Continuation);
* \brief Return the indexer query at index \p Index.
CXIndexerQuery clang_RefactoringContinuation_getIndexerQuery(
CXRefactoringContinuation Continuation, unsigned Index);
* \brief Verify that the all of the indexer queries are satisfied by the
* continuation.
* \returns Null if all of the queries are satisfied an no errors have been
* reported, or a set of diagnostics that describes why the continuation should
* not be run.
CXDiagnosticSet clang_RefactoringContinuation_verifyBeforeFinalizing(
CXRefactoringContinuation Continuation);
* \brief Terminate the connection between the initiation TU and the refactoring
* continuation.
* The continuation converts all the TU-specific state to TU-independent state.
* The indexer queries that are associate with this continuation are also
* invalidated.
void clang_RefactoringContinuation_finalizeEvaluationInInitationTU(
CXRefactoringContinuation Continuation);
* \brief Continue performing the previously initiated and performed refactoring
* operation in the given translation unit \p TU.
CXRefactoringResult clang_RefactoringContinuation_continueOperationInTU(
CXRefactoringContinuation Continuation, CXTranslationUnit TU,
CXString *OutFailureReason);
* \brief Free the given refactoring continuation.
void clang_RefactoringContinuation_dispose(
CXRefactoringContinuation Continuation);
* @}
* \defgroup CINDEX_REFACTOR_INDEXER_QUERY Indexer Queries.
* @{
* \brief The types of indexer queries.
enum CXIndexerQueryKind {
CXIndexerQuery_Unknown = 0,
* \brief The indexer should find the file that contains/should contain the
* implementation of some declaration.
* A file result is expected.
CXIndexerQuery_Decl_FileThatShouldImplement = 1,
* \brief The indexer should determine if the some declaration is defined.
* An integer result is expected.
CXIndexerQuery_Decl_IsDefined = 2,
* \brief Return the kind of the indexer query \p Query.
enum CXIndexerQueryKind clang_IndexerQuery_getKind(CXIndexerQuery Query);
* \brief Return the number of cursors that the \p Query has.
unsigned clang_IndexerQuery_getNumCursors(CXIndexerQuery Query);
* \brief Return the cursor at the given \p CursorIndex.
CXCursor clang_IndexerQuery_getCursor(CXIndexerQuery Query,
unsigned CursorIndex);
* \brief The action that the indexer should take after evaluating the query.
enum CXIndexerQueryAction {
* \brief This result requires no further action.
CXIndexerQueryAction_None = 0,
* \brief The indexer should run the \c CXRefactoringContinuaton in a
* translation unit that contains this file.
CXIndexerQueryAction_RunContinuationInTUThatHasThisFile = 1,
* \brief Consumes an integer/boolean query result.
enum CXIndexerQueryAction
clang_IndexerQuery_consumeIntResult(CXIndexerQuery Query, unsigned CursorIndex,
int Value);
* \brief Consumes a filename query result.
* This function may return
* \c CXIndexerQueryAction_RunContinuationInTUThatHasThisFile which
* should tell the indexer that it has to run the refactoring continuation in
* the TU that contains this file.
enum CXIndexerQueryAction
clang_IndexerQuery_consumeFileResult(CXIndexerQuery Query, unsigned CursorIndex,
const char *Filename);
* @}
#ifdef __cplusplus