blob: 8a9720aa98fc661d9de4a477d53d4c7571d773a2 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- IndexRecordWriter.h - Index record serialization -----------------===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#include "clang/Index/IndexSymbol.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallString.h"
namespace clang {
namespace index {
namespace writer {
/// An opaque pointer to a declaration or other symbol used by the
/// IndexRecordWriter to identify when two occurrences refer to the same symbol,
/// and as a token for getting information about a symbol from the caller.
typedef const void *OpaqueDecl;
/// An indexer symbol suitable for serialization.
/// This includes all the information about the symbol that will be serialized
/// except for roles, which are synthesized by looking at all the occurrences.
/// \seealso IndexRecordDecl
/// \note this struct is generally accompanied by a buffer that owns the string
/// storage. It should not be stored permanently.
struct Symbol {
SymbolInfo SymInfo;
StringRef Name;
StringRef USR;
StringRef CodeGenName;
/// An relation to an opaque symbol.
/// \seealso IndexRecordRelation
struct SymbolRelation {
OpaqueDecl RelatedSymbol;
SymbolRoleSet Roles;
typedef llvm::function_ref<Symbol(OpaqueDecl, SmallVectorImpl<char> &Scratch)>
} // end namespace writer
/// A language-independent utility for serializing index record files.
/// Internally, this class is a small state machine. Users should first call
/// beginRecord, and if the file does not already exist, then proceed to add
/// all symbol occurrences (addOccurrence) and finally finish with endRecord.
class IndexRecordWriter {
SmallString<64> RecordsPath; ///< The records directory path.
void *Record = nullptr; ///< The state of the current record.
IndexRecordWriter(StringRef IndexPath);
enum class Result {
/// Begin writing a record for the file \p Filename with contents uniquely
/// identified by \p RecordHash.
/// \param Filename the name of the file this is a record for.
/// \param RecordHash the unique hash of the record contents.
/// \param Error on failure, set to the error message.
/// \param RecordFile if non-null, this is set to the name of the record file.
/// \returns Success if we should continue writing this record, AlreadyExists
/// if the record file has already been written, or Failure if there was an
/// error, in which case \p Error will be set.
Result beginRecord(StringRef Filename, llvm::hash_code RecordHash,
std::string &Error, std::string *RecordFile = nullptr);
/// Finish writing the record file.
/// \param Error on failure, set to the error message.
/// \param GetSymbolForDecl a callback mapping an writer::OpaqueDecl to its
/// writer::Symbol. This is how the language-specific symbol information is
/// provided to the IndexRecordWriter. The scratch parameter can be used for
/// any necessary storage.
/// \return Success, or Failure and sets \p Error.
Result endRecord(std::string &Error,
writer::SymbolWriterCallback GetSymbolForDecl);
/// Add an occurrence of the symbol \p D with the given \p Roles and location.
void addOccurrence(writer::OpaqueDecl D, SymbolRoleSet Roles, unsigned Line,
unsigned Column, ArrayRef<writer::SymbolRelation> Related);
} // end namespace index
} // end namespace clang