| // Copyright (c) 2015-2016 The Khronos Group Inc. |
| // |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| // You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| // |
| // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| // |
| // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| // limitations under the License. |
| |
| |
| #include <functional> |
| #include <list> |
| #include <map> |
| #include <set> |
| #include <unordered_map> |
| #include <unordered_set> |
| #include <vector> |
| |
| #include "latest_version_spirv_header.h" |
| #include "spirv-tools/libspirv.h" |
| #include "val/basic_block.h" |
| #include "val/construct.h" |
| |
| namespace spvtools { |
| namespace val { |
| |
| struct bb_constr_type_pair_hash { |
| std::size_t operator()( |
| const std::pair<const BasicBlock*, ConstructType>& p) const { |
| auto h1 = std::hash<const BasicBlock*>{}(p.first); |
| auto h2 = std::hash<std::underlying_type<ConstructType>::type>{}( |
| static_cast<std::underlying_type<ConstructType>::type>(p.second)); |
| return (h1 ^ h2); |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| enum class FunctionDecl { |
| kFunctionDeclUnknown, /// < Unknown function declaration |
| kFunctionDeclDeclaration, /// < Function declaration |
| kFunctionDeclDefinition /// < Function definition |
| }; |
| |
| /// This class manages all function declaration and definitions in a module. It |
| /// handles the state and id information while parsing a function in the SPIR-V |
| /// binary. |
| class Function { |
| public: |
| Function(uint32_t id, uint32_t result_type_id, |
| SpvFunctionControlMask function_control, uint32_t function_type_id); |
| |
| /// Registers a function parameter in the current function |
| /// @return Returns SPV_SUCCESS if the call was successful |
| spv_result_t RegisterFunctionParameter(uint32_t id, uint32_t type_id); |
| |
| /// Sets the declaration type of the current function |
| /// @return Returns SPV_SUCCESS if the call was successful |
| spv_result_t RegisterSetFunctionDeclType(FunctionDecl type); |
| |
| /// Registers a block in the current function. Subsequent block instructions |
| /// will target this block |
| /// @param id The ID of the label of the block |
| /// @return Returns SPV_SUCCESS if the call was successful |
| spv_result_t RegisterBlock(uint32_t id, bool is_definition = true); |
| |
| /// Registers a variable in the current block |
| /// |
| /// @param[in] type_id The type ID of the varaible |
| /// @param[in] id The ID of the varaible |
| /// @param[in] storage The storage of the variable |
| /// @param[in] init_id The initializer ID of the variable |
| /// |
| /// @return Returns SPV_SUCCESS if the call was successful |
| spv_result_t RegisterBlockVariable(uint32_t type_id, uint32_t id, |
| SpvStorageClass storage, uint32_t init_id); |
| |
| /// Registers a loop merge construct in the function |
| /// |
| /// @param[in] merge_id The merge block ID of the loop |
| /// @param[in] continue_id The continue block ID of the loop |
| /// |
| /// @return Returns SPV_SUCCESS if the call was successful |
| spv_result_t RegisterLoopMerge(uint32_t merge_id, uint32_t continue_id); |
| |
| /// Registers a selection merge construct in the function |
| /// @return Returns SPV_SUCCESS if the call was successful |
| spv_result_t RegisterSelectionMerge(uint32_t merge_id); |
| |
| /// Registers the end of the block |
| /// |
| /// @param[in] successors_list A list of ids to the block's successors |
| /// @param[in] branch_instruction the branch instruction that ended the block |
| void RegisterBlockEnd(std::vector<uint32_t> successors_list, |
| SpvOp branch_instruction); |
| |
| /// Registers the end of the function. This is idempotent. |
| void RegisterFunctionEnd(); |
| |
| /// Returns true if the \p id block is the first block of this function |
| bool IsFirstBlock(uint32_t id) const; |
| |
| /// Returns true if the \p merge_block_id is a BlockType of \p type |
| bool IsBlockType(uint32_t merge_block_id, BlockType type) const; |
| |
| /// Returns a pair consisting of the BasicBlock with \p id and a bool |
| /// which is true if the block has been defined, and false if it is |
| /// declared but not defined. This function will return nullptr if the |
| /// \p id was not declared and not defined at the current point in the binary |
| std::pair<const BasicBlock*, bool> GetBlock(uint32_t id) const; |
| std::pair<BasicBlock*, bool> GetBlock(uint32_t id); |
| |
| /// Returns the first block of the current function |
| const BasicBlock* first_block() const; |
| |
| /// Returns the first block of the current function |
| BasicBlock* first_block(); |
| |
| /// Returns a vector of all the blocks in the function |
| const std::vector<BasicBlock*>& ordered_blocks() const; |
| |
| /// Returns a vector of all the blocks in the function |
| std::vector<BasicBlock*>& ordered_blocks(); |
| |
| /// Returns a list of all the cfg constructs in the function |
| const std::list<Construct>& constructs() const; |
| |
| /// Returns a list of all the cfg constructs in the function |
| std::list<Construct>& constructs(); |
| |
| /// Returns the number of blocks in the current function being parsed |
| size_t block_count() const; |
| |
| /// Returns the id of the function |
| uint32_t id() const { return id_; } |
| |
| /// Returns return type id of the function |
| uint32_t GetResultTypeId() const { return result_type_id_; } |
| |
| /// Returns the number of blocks in the current function being parsed |
| size_t undefined_block_count() const; |
| const std::unordered_set<uint32_t>& undefined_blocks() const { |
| return undefined_blocks_; |
| } |
| |
| /// Returns the block that is currently being parsed in the binary |
| BasicBlock* current_block(); |
| |
| /// Returns the block that is currently being parsed in the binary |
| const BasicBlock* current_block() const; |
| |
| // For dominance calculations, we want to analyze all the |
| // blocks in the function, even in degenerate control flow cases |
| // including unreachable blocks. We therefore make an "augmented CFG" |
| // which is the same as the ordinary CFG but adds: |
| // - A pseudo-entry node. |
| // - A pseudo-exit node. |
| // - A minimal set of edges so that a forward traversal from the |
| // pseudo-entry node will visit all nodes. |
| // - A minimal set of edges so that a backward traversal from the |
| // pseudo-exit node will visit all nodes. |
| // In particular, the pseudo-entry node is the unique source of the |
| // augmented CFG, and the psueo-exit node is the unique sink of the |
| // augmented CFG. |
| |
| /// Returns the pseudo exit block |
| BasicBlock* pseudo_entry_block() { return &pseudo_entry_block_; } |
| |
| /// Returns the pseudo exit block |
| const BasicBlock* pseudo_entry_block() const { return &pseudo_entry_block_; } |
| |
| /// Returns the pseudo exit block |
| BasicBlock* pseudo_exit_block() { return &pseudo_exit_block_; } |
| |
| /// Returns the pseudo exit block |
| const BasicBlock* pseudo_exit_block() const { return &pseudo_exit_block_; } |
| |
| using GetBlocksFunction = |
| std::function<const std::vector<BasicBlock*>*(const BasicBlock*)>; |
| /// Returns the block successors function for the augmented CFG. |
| GetBlocksFunction AugmentedCFGSuccessorsFunction() const; |
| /// Like AugmentedCFGSuccessorsFunction, but also includes a forward edge from |
| /// a loop header block to its continue target, if they are different blocks. |
| GetBlocksFunction |
| AugmentedCFGSuccessorsFunctionIncludingHeaderToContinueEdge() const; |
| /// Returns the block predecessors function for the augmented CFG. |
| GetBlocksFunction AugmentedCFGPredecessorsFunction() const; |
| |
| /// Returns the control flow nesting depth of the given basic block. |
| /// This function only works when you have structured control flow. |
| /// This function should only be called after the control flow constructs have |
| /// been identified and dominators have been computed. |
| int GetBlockDepth(BasicBlock* bb); |
| |
| /// Prints a GraphViz digraph of the CFG of the current funciton |
| void PrintDotGraph() const; |
| |
| /// Prints a directed graph of the CFG of the current funciton |
| void PrintBlocks() const; |
| |
| /// Registers execution model limitation such as "Feature X is only available |
| /// with Execution Model Y". |
| void RegisterExecutionModelLimitation(SpvExecutionModel model, |
| const std::string& message); |
| |
| /// Registers execution model limitation with an |is_compatible| functor. |
| void RegisterExecutionModelLimitation( |
| std::function<bool(SpvExecutionModel, std::string*)> is_compatible) { |
| execution_model_limitations_.push_back(is_compatible); |
| } |
| |
| /// Returns true if the given execution model passes the limitations stored in |
| /// execution_model_limitations_. Returns false otherwise and fills optional |
| /// |reason| parameter. |
| bool IsCompatibleWithExecutionModel(SpvExecutionModel model, |
| std::string* reason = nullptr) const; |
| |
| // Inserts id to the set of functions called from this function. |
| void AddFunctionCallTarget(uint32_t call_target_id) { |
| function_call_targets_.insert(call_target_id); |
| } |
| |
| // Returns a set with ids of all functions called from this function. |
| const std::set<uint32_t> function_call_targets() const { |
| return function_call_targets_; |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| // Computes the representation of the augmented CFG. |
| // Populates augmented_successors_map_ and augmented_predecessors_map_. |
| void ComputeAugmentedCFG(); |
| |
| // Adds a copy of the given Construct, and tracks it by its entry block. |
| // Returns a reference to the stored construct. |
| Construct& AddConstruct(const Construct& new_construct); |
| |
| // Returns a reference to the construct corresponding to the given entry |
| // block. |
| Construct& FindConstructForEntryBlock(const BasicBlock* entry_block, |
| ConstructType t); |
| |
| /// The result id of the OpLabel that defined this block |
| uint32_t id_; |
| |
| /// The type of the function |
| uint32_t function_type_id_; |
| |
| /// The type of the return value |
| uint32_t result_type_id_; |
| |
| /// The control fo the funciton |
| SpvFunctionControlMask function_control_; |
| |
| /// The type of declaration of each function |
| FunctionDecl declaration_type_; |
| |
| // Have we finished parsing this function? |
| bool end_has_been_registered_; |
| |
| /// The blocks in the function mapped by block ID |
| std::unordered_map<uint32_t, BasicBlock> blocks_; |
| |
| /// A list of blocks in the order they appeared in the binary |
| std::vector<BasicBlock*> ordered_blocks_; |
| |
| /// Blocks which are forward referenced by blocks but not defined |
| std::unordered_set<uint32_t> undefined_blocks_; |
| |
| /// The block that is currently being parsed |
| BasicBlock* current_block_; |
| |
| /// A pseudo entry node used in dominance analysis. |
| /// After the function end has been registered, the successor list of the |
| /// pseudo entry node is the minimal set of nodes such that all nodes in the |
| /// CFG can be reached by following successor lists. That is, the successors |
| /// will be: |
| /// - Any basic block without predecessors. This includes the entry |
| /// block to the function. |
| /// - A single node from each otherwise unreachable cycle in the CFG, if |
| /// such cycles exist. |
| /// The pseudo entry node does not appear in the predecessor or successor |
| /// list of any ordinary block. |
| /// It has no predecessors. |
| /// It has Id 0. |
| BasicBlock pseudo_entry_block_; |
| |
| /// A pseudo exit block used in dominance analysis. |
| /// After the function end has been registered, the predecessor list of the |
| /// pseudo exit node is the minimal set of nodes such that all nodes in the |
| /// CFG can be reached by following predecessor lists. That is, the |
| /// predecessors will be: |
| /// - Any basic block without successors. This includes any basic block |
| /// ending with an OpReturn, OpReturnValue or similar instructions. |
| /// - A single node from each otherwise unreachable cycle in the CFG, if |
| /// such cycles exist. |
| /// The pseudo exit node does not appear in the predecessor or successor |
| /// list of any ordinary block. |
| /// It has no successors. |
| BasicBlock pseudo_exit_block_; |
| |
| // Maps a block to its successors in the augmented CFG, if that set is |
| // different from its successors in the ordinary CFG. |
| std::unordered_map<const BasicBlock*, std::vector<BasicBlock*>> |
| augmented_successors_map_; |
| // Maps a block to its predecessors in the augmented CFG, if that set is |
| // different from its predecessors in the ordinary CFG. |
| std::unordered_map<const BasicBlock*, std::vector<BasicBlock*>> |
| augmented_predecessors_map_; |
| |
| // Maps a structured loop header to its CFG successors and also its |
| // continue target if that continue target is not the loop header |
| // itself. This might have duplicates. |
| std::unordered_map<const BasicBlock*, std::vector<BasicBlock*>> |
| loop_header_successors_plus_continue_target_map_; |
| |
| /// The constructs that are available in this function |
| std::list<Construct> cfg_constructs_; |
| |
| /// The variable IDs of the functions |
| std::vector<uint32_t> variable_ids_; |
| |
| /// The function parameter ids of the functions |
| std::vector<uint32_t> parameter_ids_; |
| |
| /// Maps a construct's entry block to the construct(s). |
| /// Since a basic block may be the entry block of different types of |
| /// constructs, the type of the construct should also be specified in order to |
| /// get the unique construct. |
| std::unordered_map<std::pair<const BasicBlock*, ConstructType>, Construct*, |
| bb_constr_type_pair_hash> |
| entry_block_to_construct_; |
| |
| /// This map provides the header block for a given merge block. |
| std::unordered_map<BasicBlock*, BasicBlock*> merge_block_header_; |
| |
| /// Stores the control flow nesting depth of a given basic block |
| std::unordered_map<BasicBlock*, int> block_depth_; |
| |
| /// Stores execution model limitations imposed by instructions used within the |
| /// function. The functor stored in the list return true if execution model |
| /// is compatible, false otherwise. If the functor returns false, it can also |
| /// optionally fill the string parameter with the reason for incompatibility. |
| std::list<std::function<bool(SpvExecutionModel, std::string*)>> |
| execution_model_limitations_; |
| |
| /// Stores ids of all functions called from this function. |
| std::set<uint32_t> function_call_targets_; |
| }; |
| |
| } // namespace val |
| } // namespace spvtools |
| |