blob: 5af65d7e4fbbcc81bff80978a2760050f511a884 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015-2016 The Khronos Group Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Validation tests for Logical Layout
#include <gmock/gmock.h>
#include "TestFixture.h"
#include "UnitSPIRV.h"
#include "ValidateFixtures.h"
#include "source/assembly_grammar.h"
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <tuple>
#include <utility>
namespace {
using spvtest::ScopedContext;
using std::get;
using std::make_pair;
using std::ostringstream;
using std::pair;
using std::string;
using std::tuple;
using std::vector;
using testing::Combine;
using testing::Values;
using testing::ValuesIn;
// Parameter for validation test fixtures. The first string is a capability
// name that will begin the assembly under test, the second the remainder
// assembly, and the vector at the end determines whether the test expects
// success or failure. See below for details and convenience methods to access
// each one.
// The assembly to test is composed from a variable top line and a fixed
// remainder. The top line will be an OpCapability instruction, while the
// remainder will be some assembly text that succeeds or fails to assemble
// depending on which capability was chosen. For instance, the following will
// succeed:
// OpCapability Pipes ; implies Kernel
// OpLifetimeStop %1 0 ; requires Kernel
// and the following will fail:
// OpCapability Kernel
// %1 = OpTypeNamedBarrier ; requires NamedBarrier
// So how does the test parameter capture which capabilities should cause
// success and which shouldn't? The answer is in the last element: it's a
// vector of capabilities that make the remainder assembly succeed. So if the
// first-line capability exists in that vector, success is expected; otherwise,
// failure is expected in the tests.
// We will use testing::Combine() to vary the first line: when we combine
// AllCapabilities() with a single remainder assembly, we generate enough test
// cases to try the assembly with every possible capability that could be
// declared. However, Combine() only produces tuples -- it cannot produce, say,
// a struct. Therefore, this type must be a tuple.
using CapTestParameter = tuple<string, pair<string, vector<string>>>;
const string& Capability(const CapTestParameter& p) { return get<0>(p); }
const string& Remainder(const CapTestParameter& p) { return get<1>(p).first; }
const vector<string>& MustSucceed(const CapTestParameter& p) {
return get<1>(p).second;
// Creates assembly to test from p.
string MakeAssembly(const CapTestParameter& p) {
ostringstream ss;
const string& capability = Capability(p);
if (!capability.empty()) {
ss << "OpCapability " << capability << "\n";
ss << Remainder(p);
return ss.str();
// Expected validation result for p.
spv_result_t ExpectedResult(const CapTestParameter& p) {
const auto& caps = MustSucceed(p);
auto found = find(begin(caps), end(caps), Capability(p));
return (found == end(caps)) ? SPV_ERROR_INVALID_CAPABILITY : SPV_SUCCESS;
// Assembles using v1.0, unless the parameter's capability requires v1.1.
using ValidateCapability = spvtest::ValidateBase<CapTestParameter>;
// Always assembles using v1.1.
using ValidateCapabilityV11 = spvtest::ValidateBase<CapTestParameter>;
// Always assembles using Vulkan 1.0.
// TODO(dneto): Refactor all these tests to scale better across environments.
using ValidateCapabilityVulkan10 = spvtest::ValidateBase<CapTestParameter>;
// Always assembles using OpenGL 4.0.
using ValidateCapabilityOpenGL40 = spvtest::ValidateBase<CapTestParameter>;
TEST_F(ValidateCapability, Default) {
const char str[] = R"(
OpCapability Kernel
OpCapability Matrix
OpMemoryModel Logical OpenCL
%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1
%vec3 = OpTypeVector %intt 3
%mat33 = OpTypeMatrix %vec3 3
ASSERT_EQ(SPV_SUCCESS, ValidateInstructions());
// clang-format off
const vector<string>& AllCapabilities() {
static const auto r = new vector<string>{
return *r;
const vector<string>& AllV10Capabilities() {
static const auto r = new vector<string>{
return *r;
const vector<string>& MatrixDependencies() {
static const auto r = new vector<string>{
return *r;
const vector<string>& ShaderDependencies() {
static const auto r = new vector<string>{
return *r;
const vector<string>& TessellationDependencies() {
static const auto r = new vector<string>{
return *r;
const vector<string>& GeometryDependencies() {
static const auto r = new vector<string>{
return *r;
const vector<string>& GeometryTessellationDependencies() {
static const auto r = new vector<string>{
return *r;
// Returns the names of capabilities that directly depend on Kernel,
// plus itself.
const vector<string>& KernelDependencies() {
static const auto r = new vector<string>{
return *r;
const vector<string>& AddressesDependencies() {
static const auto r = new vector<string>{
return *r;
const vector<string>& Sampled1DDependencies() {
static const auto r = new vector<string>{
return *r;
const vector<string>& SampledRectDependencies() {
static const auto r = new vector<string>{
return *r;
const vector<string>& SampledBufferDependencies() {
static const auto r = new vector<string>{
return *r;
const char kOpenCLMemoryModel[] = \
" OpCapability Kernel"
" OpMemoryModel Logical OpenCL ";
const char kGLSL450MemoryModel[] = \
" OpCapability Shader"
" OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450 ";
const char kVoidFVoid[] = \
" %void = OpTypeVoid"
" %void_f = OpTypeFunction %void"
" %func = OpFunction %void None %void_f"
" %label = OpLabel"
" OpReturn"
" OpFunctionEnd ";
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(ExecutionModel, ValidateCapability,
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
" OpEntryPoint Vertex %func \"shader\"" +
string(kVoidFVoid), ShaderDependencies()),
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
" OpEntryPoint TessellationControl %func \"shader\"" +
string(kVoidFVoid), TessellationDependencies()),
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
" OpEntryPoint TessellationEvaluation %func \"shader\"" +
string(kVoidFVoid), TessellationDependencies()),
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
" OpEntryPoint Geometry %func \"shader\"" +
string(kVoidFVoid), GeometryDependencies()),
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
" OpEntryPoint Fragment %func \"shader\"" +
string(kVoidFVoid), ShaderDependencies()),
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
" OpEntryPoint GLCompute %func \"shader\"" +
string(kVoidFVoid), ShaderDependencies()),
make_pair(string(kGLSL450MemoryModel) +
" OpEntryPoint Kernel %func \"shader\"" +
string(kVoidFVoid), KernelDependencies())
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(AddressingAndMemoryModel, ValidateCapability,
make_pair(" OpCapability Shader"
" OpMemoryModel Logical Simple", AllCapabilities()),
make_pair(" OpCapability Shader"
" OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450", AllCapabilities()),
make_pair(" OpCapability Kernel"
" OpMemoryModel Logical OpenCL", AllCapabilities()),
make_pair(" OpCapability Shader"
" OpMemoryModel Physical32 Simple", AddressesDependencies()),
make_pair(" OpCapability Shader"
" OpMemoryModel Physical32 GLSL450", AddressesDependencies()),
make_pair(" OpCapability Kernel"
" OpMemoryModel Physical32 OpenCL", AddressesDependencies()),
make_pair(" OpCapability Shader"
" OpMemoryModel Physical64 Simple", AddressesDependencies()),
make_pair(" OpCapability Shader"
" OpMemoryModel Physical64 GLSL450", AddressesDependencies()),
make_pair(" OpCapability Kernel"
" OpMemoryModel Physical64 OpenCL", AddressesDependencies())
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(ExecutionMode, ValidateCapability,
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
"OpEntryPoint Geometry %func \"shader\" "
"OpExecutionMode %func Invocations 42" +
string(kVoidFVoid), GeometryDependencies()),
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
"OpEntryPoint TessellationControl %func \"shader\" "
"OpExecutionMode %func SpacingEqual" +
string(kVoidFVoid), TessellationDependencies()),
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
"OpEntryPoint TessellationControl %func \"shader\" "
"OpExecutionMode %func SpacingFractionalEven" +
string(kVoidFVoid), TessellationDependencies()),
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
"OpEntryPoint TessellationControl %func \"shader\" "
"OpExecutionMode %func SpacingFractionalOdd" +
string(kVoidFVoid), TessellationDependencies()),
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
"OpEntryPoint TessellationControl %func \"shader\" "
"OpExecutionMode %func VertexOrderCw" +
string(kVoidFVoid), TessellationDependencies()),
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
"OpEntryPoint TessellationControl %func \"shader\" "
"OpExecutionMode %func VertexOrderCcw" +
string(kVoidFVoid), TessellationDependencies()),
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
"OpEntryPoint Vertex %func \"shader\" "
"OpExecutionMode %func PixelCenterInteger" +
string(kVoidFVoid), ShaderDependencies()),
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
"OpEntryPoint Vertex %func \"shader\" "
"OpExecutionMode %func OriginUpperLeft" +
string(kVoidFVoid), ShaderDependencies()),
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
"OpEntryPoint Vertex %func \"shader\" "
"OpExecutionMode %func OriginLowerLeft" +
string(kVoidFVoid), ShaderDependencies()),
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
"OpEntryPoint Vertex %func \"shader\" "
"OpExecutionMode %func EarlyFragmentTests" +
string(kVoidFVoid), ShaderDependencies()),
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
"OpEntryPoint TessellationControl %func \"shader\" "
"OpExecutionMode %func PointMode" +
string(kVoidFVoid), TessellationDependencies()),
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
"OpEntryPoint Vertex %func \"shader\" "
"OpExecutionMode %func Xfb" +
string(kVoidFVoid), vector<string>{"TransformFeedback"}),
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
"OpEntryPoint Vertex %func \"shader\" "
"OpExecutionMode %func DepthReplacing" +
string(kVoidFVoid), ShaderDependencies()),
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
"OpEntryPoint Vertex %func \"shader\" "
"OpExecutionMode %func DepthGreater" +
string(kVoidFVoid), ShaderDependencies()),
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
"OpEntryPoint Vertex %func \"shader\" "
"OpExecutionMode %func DepthLess" +
string(kVoidFVoid), ShaderDependencies()),
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
"OpEntryPoint Vertex %func \"shader\" "
"OpExecutionMode %func DepthUnchanged" +
string(kVoidFVoid), ShaderDependencies()),
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
"OpEntryPoint Kernel %func \"shader\" "
"OpExecutionMode %func LocalSize 42 42 42" +
string(kVoidFVoid), AllCapabilities()),
make_pair(string(kGLSL450MemoryModel) +
"OpEntryPoint Kernel %func \"shader\" "
"OpExecutionMode %func LocalSizeHint 42 42 42" +
string(kVoidFVoid), KernelDependencies()),
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
"OpEntryPoint Geometry %func \"shader\" "
"OpExecutionMode %func InputPoints" +
string(kVoidFVoid), GeometryDependencies()),
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
"OpEntryPoint Geometry %func \"shader\" "
"OpExecutionMode %func InputLines" +
string(kVoidFVoid), GeometryDependencies()),
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
"OpEntryPoint Geometry %func \"shader\" "
"OpExecutionMode %func InputLinesAdjacency" +
string(kVoidFVoid), GeometryDependencies()),
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
"OpEntryPoint Geometry %func \"shader\" "
"OpExecutionMode %func Triangles" +
string(kVoidFVoid), GeometryDependencies()),
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
"OpEntryPoint TessellationControl %func \"shader\" "
"OpExecutionMode %func Triangles" +
string(kVoidFVoid), TessellationDependencies()),
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
"OpEntryPoint Geometry %func \"shader\" "
"OpExecutionMode %func InputTrianglesAdjacency" +
string(kVoidFVoid), GeometryDependencies()),
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
"OpEntryPoint TessellationControl %func \"shader\" "
"OpExecutionMode %func Quads" +
string(kVoidFVoid), TessellationDependencies()),
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
"OpEntryPoint TessellationControl %func \"shader\" "
"OpExecutionMode %func Isolines" +
string(kVoidFVoid), TessellationDependencies()),
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
"OpEntryPoint Geometry %func \"shader\" "
"OpExecutionMode %func OutputVertices 42" +
string(kVoidFVoid), GeometryDependencies()),
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
"OpEntryPoint TessellationControl %func \"shader\" "
"OpExecutionMode %func OutputVertices 42" +
string(kVoidFVoid), TessellationDependencies()),
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
"OpEntryPoint Geometry %func \"shader\" "
"OpExecutionMode %func OutputPoints" +
string(kVoidFVoid), GeometryDependencies()),
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
"OpEntryPoint Geometry %func \"shader\" "
"OpExecutionMode %func OutputLineStrip" +
string(kVoidFVoid), GeometryDependencies()),
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
"OpEntryPoint Geometry %func \"shader\" "
"OpExecutionMode %func OutputTriangleStrip" +
string(kVoidFVoid), GeometryDependencies()),
make_pair(string(kGLSL450MemoryModel) +
"OpEntryPoint Kernel %func \"shader\" "
"OpExecutionMode %func VecTypeHint 2" +
string(kVoidFVoid), KernelDependencies()),
make_pair(string(kGLSL450MemoryModel) +
"OpEntryPoint Kernel %func \"shader\" "
"OpExecutionMode %func ContractionOff" +
string(kVoidFVoid), KernelDependencies()))),);
// clang-format on
ExecutionModeV11, ValidateCapabilityV11,
Values(make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
"OpEntryPoint Kernel %func \"shader\" "
"OpExecutionMode %func SubgroupSize 1" +
string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
"OpEntryPoint Kernel %func \"shader\" "
"OpExecutionMode %func SubgroupsPerWorkgroup 65535" +
vector<string>{"SubgroupDispatch"}))), );
// clang-format off
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(StorageClass, ValidateCapability,
make_pair(string(kGLSL450MemoryModel) +
" %intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
" %ptrt = OpTypePointer UniformConstant %intt\n"
" %var = OpVariable %ptrt UniformConstant\n", AllCapabilities()),
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
" %intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
" %ptrt = OpTypePointer Input %intt"
" %var = OpVariable %ptrt Input\n", AllCapabilities()),
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
" %intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
" %ptrt = OpTypePointer Uniform %intt\n"
" %var = OpVariable %ptrt Uniform\n", ShaderDependencies()),
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
" %intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
" %ptrt = OpTypePointer Output %intt\n"
" %var = OpVariable %ptrt Output\n", ShaderDependencies()),
make_pair(string(kGLSL450MemoryModel) +
" %intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
" %ptrt = OpTypePointer Workgroup %intt\n"
" %var = OpVariable %ptrt Workgroup\n", AllCapabilities()),
make_pair(string(kGLSL450MemoryModel) +
" %intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
" %ptrt = OpTypePointer CrossWorkgroup %intt\n"
" %var = OpVariable %ptrt CrossWorkgroup\n", AllCapabilities()),
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
" %intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
" %ptrt = OpTypePointer Private %intt\n"
" %var = OpVariable %ptrt Private\n", ShaderDependencies()),
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
" %intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
" %ptrt = OpTypePointer PushConstant %intt\n"
" %var = OpVariable %ptrt PushConstant\n", ShaderDependencies()),
make_pair(string(kGLSL450MemoryModel) +
" %intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
" %ptrt = OpTypePointer AtomicCounter %intt\n"
" %var = OpVariable %ptrt AtomicCounter\n", vector<string>{"AtomicStorage"}),
make_pair(string(kGLSL450MemoryModel) +
" %intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
" %ptrt = OpTypePointer Image %intt\n"
" %var = OpVariable %ptrt Image\n", AllCapabilities())
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(Dim, ValidateCapability,
make_pair(" OpCapability ImageBasic" +
string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
" %voidt = OpTypeVoid"
" %imgt = OpTypeImage %voidt 1D 0 0 0 0 Unknown",
make_pair(" OpCapability ImageBasic" +
string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
" %voidt = OpTypeVoid"
" %imgt = OpTypeImage %voidt 2D 0 0 0 0 Unknown",
make_pair(" OpCapability ImageBasic" +
string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
" %voidt = OpTypeVoid"
" %imgt = OpTypeImage %voidt 3D 0 0 0 0 Unknown",
make_pair(" OpCapability ImageBasic" +
string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
" %voidt = OpTypeVoid"
" %imgt = OpTypeImage %voidt Cube 0 0 0 0 Unknown",
make_pair(" OpCapability ImageBasic" +
string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
" %voidt = OpTypeVoid"
" %imgt = OpTypeImage %voidt Rect 0 0 0 0 Unknown",
make_pair(" OpCapability ImageBasic" +
string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
" %voidt = OpTypeVoid"
" %imgt = OpTypeImage %voidt Buffer 0 0 0 0 Unknown",
make_pair(" OpCapability ImageBasic" +
string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
" %voidt = OpTypeVoid"
" %imgt = OpTypeImage %voidt SubpassData 0 0 0 2 Unknown",
// NOTE: All Sampler Address Modes require kernel capabilities but the
// OpConstantSampler requires LiteralSampler which depends on Kernel
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(SamplerAddressingMode, ValidateCapability,
make_pair(string(kGLSL450MemoryModel) +
" %samplert = OpTypeSampler"
" %sampler = OpConstantSampler %samplert None 1 Nearest",
make_pair(string(kGLSL450MemoryModel) +
" %samplert = OpTypeSampler"
" %sampler = OpConstantSampler %samplert ClampToEdge 1 Nearest",
make_pair(string(kGLSL450MemoryModel) +
" %samplert = OpTypeSampler"
" %sampler = OpConstantSampler %samplert Clamp 1 Nearest",
make_pair(string(kGLSL450MemoryModel) +
" %samplert = OpTypeSampler"
" %sampler = OpConstantSampler %samplert Repeat 1 Nearest",
make_pair(string(kGLSL450MemoryModel) +
" %samplert = OpTypeSampler"
" %sampler = OpConstantSampler %samplert RepeatMirrored 1 Nearest",
//TODO(umar): Sampler Filter Mode
//TODO(umar): Image Format
//TODO(umar): Image Channel Order
//TODO(umar): Image Channel Data Type
//TODO(umar): Image Operands
//TODO(umar): FP Fast Math Mode
//TODO(umar): FP Rounding Mode
//TODO(umar): Linkage Type
//TODO(umar): Access Qualifier
//TODO(umar): Function Parameter Attribute
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(Decoration, ValidateCapability,
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
"OpDecorate %intt RelaxedPrecision\n"
"%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", ShaderDependencies()),
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
"OpDecorate %intt Block\n"
"%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", ShaderDependencies()),
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
"OpDecorate %intt BufferBlock\n"
"%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", ShaderDependencies()),
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
"OpDecorate %intt RowMajor\n"
"%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", MatrixDependencies()),
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
"OpDecorate %intt ColMajor\n"
"%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", MatrixDependencies()),
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
"OpDecorate %intt ArrayStride 1\n"
"%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", ShaderDependencies()),
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
"OpDecorate %intt MatrixStride 1\n"
"%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", MatrixDependencies()),
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
"OpDecorate %intt GLSLShared\n"
"%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", ShaderDependencies()),
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
"OpDecorate %intt GLSLPacked\n"
"%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", ShaderDependencies()),
make_pair(string(kGLSL450MemoryModel) +
"OpDecorate %intt CPacked\n"
"%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", KernelDependencies()),
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
"OpDecorate %intt NoPerspective\n"
"%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", ShaderDependencies()),
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
"OpDecorate %intt Flat\n"
"%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", ShaderDependencies()),
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
"OpDecorate %intt Patch\n"
"%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", TessellationDependencies()),
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
"OpDecorate %intt Centroid\n"
"%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", ShaderDependencies()),
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
"OpDecorate %intt Sample\n"
"%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", vector<string>{"SampleRateShading"}),
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
"OpDecorate %intt Invariant\n"
"%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", ShaderDependencies()),
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
"OpDecorate %intt Restrict\n"
"%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", AllCapabilities()),
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
"OpDecorate %intt Aliased\n"
"%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", AllCapabilities()),
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
"OpDecorate %intt Volatile\n"
"%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", AllCapabilities()),
make_pair(string(kGLSL450MemoryModel) +
"OpDecorate %intt Constant\n"
"%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", KernelDependencies()),
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
"OpDecorate %intt Coherent\n"
"%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", AllCapabilities()),
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
"OpDecorate %intt NonWritable\n"
"%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", AllCapabilities()),
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
"OpDecorate %intt NonReadable\n"
"%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", AllCapabilities()),
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
"OpDecorate %intt Uniform\n"
"%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", ShaderDependencies()),
make_pair(string(kGLSL450MemoryModel) +
"OpDecorate %intt SaturatedConversion\n"
"%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", KernelDependencies()),
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
"OpDecorate %intt Stream 0\n"
"%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", vector<string>{"GeometryStreams"}),
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
"OpDecorate %intt Location 0\n"
"%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", ShaderDependencies()),
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
"OpDecorate %intt Component 0\n"
"%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", ShaderDependencies()),
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
"OpDecorate %intt Index 0\n"
"%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", ShaderDependencies()),
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
"OpDecorate %intt Binding 0\n"
"%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", ShaderDependencies()),
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
"OpDecorate %intt DescriptorSet 0\n"
"%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", ShaderDependencies()),
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
"OpDecorate %intt Offset 0\n"
"%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", ShaderDependencies()),
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
"OpDecorate %intt XfbBuffer 0\n"
"%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", vector<string>{"TransformFeedback"}),
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
"OpDecorate %intt XfbStride 0\n"
"%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", vector<string>{"TransformFeedback"}),
make_pair(string(kGLSL450MemoryModel) +
"OpDecorate %intt FuncParamAttr Zext\n"
"%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", KernelDependencies()),
make_pair(string(kGLSL450MemoryModel) +
"OpDecorate %intt FPRoundingMode RTE\n"
"%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", KernelDependencies()),
make_pair(string(kGLSL450MemoryModel) +
"OpDecorate %intt FPFastMathMode Fast\n"
"%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", KernelDependencies()),
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
"OpDecorate %intt LinkageAttributes \"other\" Import\n"
"%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", vector<string>{"Linkage"}),
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
"OpDecorate %intt NoContraction\n"
"%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", ShaderDependencies()),
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
"OpDecorate %intt InputAttachmentIndex 0\n"
"%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", vector<string>{"InputAttachment"}),
make_pair(string(kGLSL450MemoryModel) +
"OpDecorate %intt Alignment 4\n"
"%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", KernelDependencies())
// clang-format on
DecorationSpecId, ValidateCapability,
Values(make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
"OpDecorate %intt SpecId 1\n"
"%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n",
ShaderDependencies()))), );
DecorationV11, ValidateCapabilityV11,
Values(make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
"OpDecorate %p MaxByteOffset 0 "
"%i32 = OpTypeInt 32 1 "
"%pi32 = OpTypePointer Workgroup %i32 "
"%p = OpVariable %pi32 Workgroup ",
// Trying to test OpDecorate here, but if this fails due to
// incorrect OpMemoryModel validation, that must also be
// fixed.
make_pair(string("OpMemoryModel Logical OpenCL "
"OpDecorate %intt SpecId 1 "
"%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1 "),
make_pair(string("OpMemoryModel Logical Simple "
"OpDecorate %intt SpecId 1 "
"%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1 "),
ShaderDependencies()))), );
// clang-format off
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(BuiltIn, ValidateCapability,
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
"OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn Position\n"
"%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", ShaderDependencies()),
// Just mentioning PointSize, ClipDistance, or CullDistance as a BuiltIn does
// not trigger the requirement for the associated capability.
// See
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
"OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn PointSize\n"
"%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", AllCapabilities()),
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
"OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn ClipDistance\n"
"%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", AllCapabilities()),
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
"OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn CullDistance\n"
"%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", AllCapabilities()),
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
"OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn VertexId\n"
"%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", ShaderDependencies()),
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
"OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn InstanceId\n"
"%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", ShaderDependencies()),
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
"OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn PrimitiveId\n"
"%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", GeometryTessellationDependencies()),
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
"OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn InvocationId\n"
"%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", GeometryTessellationDependencies()),
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
"OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn Layer\n"
"%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", GeometryDependencies()),
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
"OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn ViewportIndex\n"
"%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", vector<string>{"MultiViewport"}),
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
"OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn TessLevelOuter\n"
"%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", TessellationDependencies()),
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
"OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn TessLevelInner\n"
"%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", TessellationDependencies()),
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
"OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn TessCoord\n"
"%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", TessellationDependencies()),
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
"OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn PatchVertices\n"
"%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", TessellationDependencies()),
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
"OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn FragCoord\n"
"%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", ShaderDependencies()),
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
"OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn PointCoord\n"
"%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", ShaderDependencies()),
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
"OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn FrontFacing\n"
"%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", ShaderDependencies()),
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
"OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn SampleId\n"
"%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", vector<string>{"SampleRateShading"}),
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
"OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn SamplePosition\n"
"%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", vector<string>{"SampleRateShading"}),
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
"OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn SampleMask\n"
"%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", vector<string>{"SampleRateShading"}),
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
"OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn FragDepth\n"
"%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", ShaderDependencies()),
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
"OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn HelperInvocation\n"
"%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", ShaderDependencies()),
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
"OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn VertexIndex\n"
"%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", ShaderDependencies()),
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
"OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn InstanceIndex\n"
"%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", ShaderDependencies()),
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
"OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn NumWorkgroups\n"
"%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", AllCapabilities()),
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
"OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn WorkgroupSize\n"
"%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", AllCapabilities()),
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
"OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn WorkgroupId\n"
"%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", AllCapabilities()),
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
"OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn LocalInvocationId\n"
"%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", AllCapabilities()),
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
"OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn GlobalInvocationId\n"
"%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", AllCapabilities()),
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
"OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn LocalInvocationIndex\n"
"%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", AllCapabilities()),
make_pair(string(kGLSL450MemoryModel) +
"OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn WorkDim\n"
"%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", KernelDependencies()),
make_pair(string(kGLSL450MemoryModel) +
"OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn GlobalSize\n"
"%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", KernelDependencies()),
make_pair(string(kGLSL450MemoryModel) +
"OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn EnqueuedWorkgroupSize\n"
"%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", KernelDependencies()),
make_pair(string(kGLSL450MemoryModel) +
"OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn GlobalOffset\n"
"%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", KernelDependencies()),
make_pair(string(kGLSL450MemoryModel) +
"OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn GlobalLinearId\n"
"%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", KernelDependencies()),
make_pair(string(kGLSL450MemoryModel) +
"OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn SubgroupSize\n"
"%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", KernelDependencies()),
make_pair(string(kGLSL450MemoryModel) +
"OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn SubgroupMaxSize\n"
"%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", KernelDependencies()),
make_pair(string(kGLSL450MemoryModel) +
"OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn NumSubgroups\n"
"%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", KernelDependencies()),
make_pair(string(kGLSL450MemoryModel) +
"OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn NumEnqueuedSubgroups\n"
"%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", KernelDependencies()),
make_pair(string(kGLSL450MemoryModel) +
"OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn SubgroupId\n"
"%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", KernelDependencies()),
make_pair(string(kGLSL450MemoryModel) +
"OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn SubgroupLocalInvocationId\n"
"%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", KernelDependencies()),
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
"OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn VertexIndex\n"
"%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", ShaderDependencies()),
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
"OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn InstanceIndex\n"
"%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", ShaderDependencies())
// Ensure that mere mention of PointSize, ClipDistance, or CullDistance as
// BuiltIns does not trigger the requirement for the associated
// capability.
// See
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(BuiltIn, ValidateCapabilityVulkan10,
// Vulkan 1.0 is based on SPIR-V 1.0
make_pair(string(kGLSL450MemoryModel) +
"OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn PointSize\n"
"%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", AllV10Capabilities()),
make_pair(string(kGLSL450MemoryModel) +
"OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn ClipDistance\n"
"%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", AllV10Capabilities()),
make_pair(string(kGLSL450MemoryModel) +
"OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn CullDistance\n"
"%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", AllV10Capabilities())
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(BuiltIn, ValidateCapabilityOpenGL40,
// OpenGL 4.0 is based on SPIR-V 1.0
make_pair(string(kGLSL450MemoryModel) +
"OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn PointSize\n"
"%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", AllV10Capabilities()),
make_pair(string(kGLSL450MemoryModel) +
"OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn ClipDistance\n"
"%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", AllV10Capabilities()),
make_pair(string(kGLSL450MemoryModel) +
"OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn CullDistance\n"
"%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", AllV10Capabilities())
// TODO(umar): Selection Control
// TODO(umar): Loop Control
// TODO(umar): Function Control
// TODO(umar): Memory Semantics
// TODO(umar): Memory Access
// TODO(umar): Scope
// TODO(umar): Group Operation
// TODO(umar): Kernel Enqueue Flags
// TODO(umar): Kernel Profiling Flags
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(MatrixOp, ValidateCapability,
make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
"%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n"
"%vec3 = OpTypeVector %intt 3\n"
"%mat33 = OpTypeMatrix %vec3 3\n", MatrixDependencies()))),);
// clang-format on
// Creates assembly containing an OpImageFetch instruction using operands for
// the image-operands part. The assembly defines constants %fzero and %izero
// that can be used for operands where IDs are required. The assembly is valid,
// apart from not declaring any capabilities required by the operands.
string ImageOperandsTemplate(const string& operands) {
ostringstream ss;
// clang-format off
ss << R"(
OpCapability Kernel
OpMemoryModel Logical OpenCL
%i32 = OpTypeInt 32 1
%f32 = OpTypeFloat 32
%v4i32 = OpTypeVector %i32 4
%timg = OpTypeImage %i32 2D 0 0 0 0 Unknown
%pimg = OpTypePointer UniformConstant %timg
%tfun = OpTypeFunction %i32
%vimg = OpVariable %pimg UniformConstant
%izero = OpConstant %i32 0
%fzero = OpConstant %f32 0.
%main = OpFunction %i32 None %tfun
%lbl = OpLabel
%img = OpLoad %timg %vimg
%r1 = OpImageFetch %v4i32 %img %izero )" << operands << R"(
OpReturnValue %izero
// clang-format on
return ss.str();
TwoImageOperandsMask, ValidateCapability,
Values(make_pair(ImageOperandsTemplate("Bias|Lod %fzero %fzero"),
make_pair(ImageOperandsTemplate("Lod|Offset %fzero %izero"),
make_pair(ImageOperandsTemplate("Sample|MinLod %izero %fzero"),
make_pair(ImageOperandsTemplate("Lod|Sample %fzero %izero"),
AllCapabilities()))), );
// TODO(umar): Instruction capability checks
// True if capability exists in env.
bool Exists(const std::string& capability, spv_target_env env) {
spv_operand_desc dummy;
return SPV_SUCCESS ==
.lookupOperand(SPV_OPERAND_TYPE_CAPABILITY, capability.c_str(),
capability.size(), &dummy);
TEST_P(ValidateCapability, Capability) {
const string capability = Capability(GetParam());
spv_target_env env =
(capability.empty() || Exists(capability, SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_0))
const string test_code = MakeAssembly(GetParam());
CompileSuccessfully(test_code, env);
ASSERT_EQ(ExpectedResult(GetParam()), ValidateInstructions(env)) << test_code;
TEST_P(ValidateCapabilityV11, Capability) {
const string test_code = MakeAssembly(GetParam());
CompileSuccessfully(test_code, SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_1);
<< test_code;
TEST_P(ValidateCapabilityVulkan10, Capability) {
const string test_code = MakeAssembly(GetParam());
CompileSuccessfully(test_code, SPV_ENV_VULKAN_1_0);
<< test_code;
TEST_P(ValidateCapabilityOpenGL40, Capability) {
const string test_code = MakeAssembly(GetParam());
CompileSuccessfully(test_code, SPV_ENV_OPENGL_4_0);
<< test_code;
TEST_F(ValidateCapability, SemanticsIdIsAnIdNotALiteral) {
// From
// The validator was interpreting the memory semantics ID number
// as the value to be checked rather than an ID that references
// another value to be checked.
// In this case a raw ID of 64 was mistaken to mean a literal
// semantic value of UniformMemory, which would require the Shader
// capability.
const char str[] = R"(
OpCapability Kernel
OpMemoryModel Logical OpenCL
; %i32 has ID 1
%i32 = OpTypeInt 32 1
%tf = OpTypeFunction %i32
%pi32 = OpTypePointer CrossWorkgroup %i32
%var = OpVariable %pi32 CrossWorkgroup
%c = OpConstant %i32 100
%scope = OpConstant %i32 1 ; Device scope
; Fake an instruction with 64 as the result id.
; !64 = OpConstantNull %i32
!0x3002e !1 !64
%f = OpFunction %i32 None %tf
%l = OpLabel
%result = OpAtomicIAdd %i32 %var %scope !64 %c
OpReturnValue %result
ASSERT_EQ(SPV_SUCCESS, ValidateInstructions());
} // namespace anonymous