blob: 65c5e0d26f4de833bcc8cc36aa0cf60e2c56db41 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015-2016 The Khronos Group Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "text_handler.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <tuple>
#include "assembly_grammar.h"
#include "binary.h"
#include "ext_inst.h"
#include "instruction.h"
#include "opcode.h"
#include "text.h"
#include "util/bitutils.h"
#include "util/hex_float.h"
namespace {
using spvutils::BitwiseCast;
using spvutils::FloatProxy;
using spvutils::HexFloat;
// Advances |text| to the start of the next line and writes the new position to
// |position|.
spv_result_t advanceLine(spv_text text, spv_position position) {
while (true) {
if (position->index >= text->length) return SPV_END_OF_STREAM;
switch (text->str[position->index]) {
case '\0':
case '\n':
position->column = 0;
// Advances |text| to first non white space character and writes the new
// position to |position|.
// If a null terminator is found during the text advance, SPV_END_OF_STREAM is
// returned, SPV_SUCCESS otherwise. No error checking is performed on the
// parameters, its the users responsibility to ensure these are non null.
spv_result_t advance(spv_text text, spv_position position) {
// NOTE: Consume white space, otherwise don't advance.
if (position->index >= text->length) return SPV_END_OF_STREAM;
switch (text->str[position->index]) {
case '\0':
case ';':
if (spv_result_t error = advanceLine(text, position)) return error;
return advance(text, position);
case ' ':
case '\t':
case '\r':
return advance(text, position);
case '\n':
position->column = 0;
return advance(text, position);
// Fetches the next word from the given text stream starting from the given
// *position. On success, writes the decoded word into *word and updates
// *position to the location past the returned word.
// A word ends at the next comment or whitespace. However, double-quoted
// strings remain intact, and a backslash always escapes the next character.
spv_result_t getWord(spv_text text, spv_position position, std::string* word) {
if (!text->str || !text->length) return SPV_ERROR_INVALID_TEXT;
if (!position) return SPV_ERROR_INVALID_POINTER;
const size_t start_index = position->index;
bool quoting = false;
bool escaping = false;
// NOTE: Assumes first character is not white space!
while (true) {
if (position->index >= text->length) {
word->assign(text->str + start_index, text->str + position->index);
const char ch = text->str[position->index];
if (ch == '\\')
escaping = !escaping;
else {
switch (ch) {
case '"':
if (!escaping) quoting = !quoting;
case ' ':
case ';':
case '\t':
case '\n':
case '\r':
if (escaping || quoting) break;
// Fall through.
case '\0': { // NOTE: End of word found!
word->assign(text->str + start_index, text->str + position->index);
escaping = false;
// Returns true if the characters in the text as position represent
// the start of an Opcode.
bool startsWithOp(spv_text text, spv_position position) {
if (text->length < position->index + 3) return false;
char ch0 = text->str[position->index];
char ch1 = text->str[position->index + 1];
char ch2 = text->str[position->index + 2];
return ('O' == ch0 && 'p' == ch1 && ('A' <= ch2 && ch2 <= 'Z'));
} // anonymous namespace
namespace libspirv {
const IdType kUnknownType = {0, false, IdTypeClass::kBottom};
// TODO(dneto): Reorder AssemblyContext definitions to match declaration order.
// This represents all of the data that is only valid for the duration of
// a single compilation.
uint32_t AssemblyContext::spvNamedIdAssignOrGet(const char* textValue) {
if (named_ids_.end() == named_ids_.find(textValue)) {
named_ids_[std::string(textValue)] = bound_++;
return named_ids_[textValue];
uint32_t AssemblyContext::getBound() const { return bound_; }
spv_result_t AssemblyContext::advance() {
return ::advance(text_, &current_position_);
spv_result_t AssemblyContext::getWord(std::string* word,
spv_position next_position) {
*next_position = current_position_;
return ::getWord(text_, next_position, word);
bool AssemblyContext::startsWithOp() {
return ::startsWithOp(text_, &current_position_);
bool AssemblyContext::isStartOfNewInst() {
spv_position_t pos = current_position_;
if (::advance(text_, &pos)) return false;
if (::startsWithOp(text_, &pos)) return true;
std::string word;
pos = current_position_;
if (::getWord(text_, &pos, &word)) return false;
if ('%' != word.front()) return false;
if (::advance(text_, &pos)) return false;
if (::getWord(text_, &pos, &word)) return false;
if ("=" != word) return false;
if (::advance(text_, &pos)) return false;
if (::startsWithOp(text_, &pos)) return true;
return false;
char AssemblyContext::peek() const {
return text_->str[current_position_.index];
bool AssemblyContext::hasText() const {
return text_->length > current_position_.index;
void AssemblyContext::seekForward(uint32_t size) {
current_position_.index += size;
current_position_.column += size;
spv_result_t AssemblyContext::binaryEncodeU32(const uint32_t value,
spv_instruction_t* pInst) {
pInst->words.insert(pInst->words.end(), value);
spv_result_t AssemblyContext::binaryEncodeU64(const uint64_t value,
spv_instruction_t* pInst) {
uint32_t low = uint32_t(0x00000000ffffffff & value);
uint32_t high = uint32_t((0xffffffff00000000 & value) >> 32);
binaryEncodeU32(low, pInst);
binaryEncodeU32(high, pInst);
spv_result_t AssemblyContext::binaryEncodeNumericLiteral(
const char* val, spv_result_t error_code, const IdType& type,
spv_instruction_t* pInst) {
const bool is_bottom = type.type_class == libspirv::IdTypeClass::kBottom;
const bool is_floating = libspirv::isScalarFloating(type);
const bool is_integer = libspirv::isScalarIntegral(type);
if (!is_bottom && !is_floating && !is_integer) {
return diagnostic(SPV_ERROR_INTERNAL)
<< "The expected type is not a scalar integer or float type";
// If this is bottom, but looks like a float, we should treat it like a
// float.
const bool looks_like_float = is_bottom && strchr(val, '.');
// If we explicitly expect a floating-point number, we should handle that
// first.
if (is_floating || looks_like_float)
return binaryEncodeFloatingPointLiteral(val, error_code, type, pInst);
return binaryEncodeIntegerLiteral(val, error_code, type, pInst);
spv_result_t AssemblyContext::binaryEncodeString(const char* value,
spv_instruction_t* pInst) {
const size_t length = strlen(value);
const size_t wordCount = (length / 4) + 1;
const size_t oldWordCount = pInst->words.size();
const size_t newWordCount = oldWordCount + wordCount;
// TODO(dneto): We can just defer this check until later.
return diagnostic() << "Instruction too long: more than "
// Make sure all the bytes in the last word are 0, in case we only
// write a partial word at the end.
pInst->words.back() = 0;
char* dest = (char*)&pInst->words[oldWordCount];
strncpy(dest, value, length);
spv_result_t AssemblyContext::recordTypeDefinition(
const spv_instruction_t* pInst) {
uint32_t value = pInst->words[1];
if (types_.find(value) != types_.end()) {
return diagnostic() << "Value " << value
<< " has already been used to generate a type";
if (pInst->opcode == SpvOpTypeInt) {
if (pInst->words.size() != 4)
return diagnostic() << "Invalid OpTypeInt instruction";
types_[value] = {pInst->words[2], pInst->words[3] != 0,
} else if (pInst->opcode == SpvOpTypeFloat) {
if (pInst->words.size() != 3)
return diagnostic() << "Invalid OpTypeFloat instruction";
types_[value] = {pInst->words[2], false, IdTypeClass::kScalarFloatType};
} else {
types_[value] = {0, false, IdTypeClass::kOtherType};
IdType AssemblyContext::getTypeOfTypeGeneratingValue(uint32_t value) const {
auto type = types_.find(value);
if (type == types_.end()) {
return kUnknownType;
return std::get<1>(*type);
IdType AssemblyContext::getTypeOfValueInstruction(uint32_t value) const {
auto type_value = value_types_.find(value);
if (type_value == value_types_.end()) {
return {0, false, IdTypeClass::kBottom};
return getTypeOfTypeGeneratingValue(std::get<1>(*type_value));
spv_result_t AssemblyContext::recordTypeIdForValue(uint32_t value,
uint32_t type) {
bool successfully_inserted = false;
std::tie(std::ignore, successfully_inserted) =
value_types_.insert(std::make_pair(value, type));
if (!successfully_inserted)
return diagnostic() << "Value is being defined a second time";
spv_result_t AssemblyContext::recordIdAsExtInstImport(
uint32_t id, spv_ext_inst_type_t type) {
bool successfully_inserted = false;
std::tie(std::ignore, successfully_inserted) =
import_id_to_ext_inst_type_.insert(std::make_pair(id, type));
if (!successfully_inserted)
return diagnostic() << "Import Id is being defined a second time";
spv_ext_inst_type_t AssemblyContext::getExtInstTypeForId(uint32_t id) const {
auto type = import_id_to_ext_inst_type_.find(id);
if (type == import_id_to_ext_inst_type_.end()) {
return std::get<1>(*type);
spv_result_t AssemblyContext::binaryEncodeFloatingPointLiteral(
const char* val, spv_result_t error_code, const IdType& type,
spv_instruction_t* pInst) {
const auto bit_width = assumedBitWidth(type);
switch (bit_width) {
case 16: {
spvutils::HexFloat<FloatProxy<spvutils::Float16>> hVal(0);
if (auto error = parseNumber(val, error_code, &hVal,
"Invalid 16-bit float literal: "))
return error;
// getAsFloat will return the spvutils::Float16 value, and get_value
// will return a uint16_t representing the bits of the float.
// The encoding is therefore correct from the perspective of the SPIR-V
// spec since the top 16 bits will be 0.
return binaryEncodeU32(
static_cast<uint32_t>(hVal.value().getAsFloat().get_value()), pInst);
} break;
case 32: {
spvutils::HexFloat<FloatProxy<float>> fVal(0.0f);
if (auto error = parseNumber(val, error_code, &fVal,
"Invalid 32-bit float literal: "))
return error;
return binaryEncodeU32(BitwiseCast<uint32_t>(fVal), pInst);
} break;
case 64: {
spvutils::HexFloat<FloatProxy<double>> dVal(0.0);
if (auto error = parseNumber(val, error_code, &dVal,
"Invalid 64-bit float literal: "))
return error;
return binaryEncodeU64(BitwiseCast<uint64_t>(dVal), pInst);
} break;
return diagnostic() << "Unsupported " << bit_width << "-bit float literals";
// Returns SPV_SUCCESS if the given value fits within the target scalar
// integral type. The target type may have an unusual bit width.
// If the value was originally specified as a hexadecimal number, then
// the overflow bits should be zero. If it was hex and the target type is
// signed, then return the sign-extended value through the
// updated_value_for_hex pointer argument.
// On failure, return the given error code and emit a diagnostic if that error
// code is not SPV_FAILED_MATCH.
template <typename T>
spv_result_t checkRangeAndIfHexThenSignExtend(T value, spv_result_t error_code,
const IdType& type, bool is_hex,
T* updated_value_for_hex) {
// The encoded result has three regions of bits that are of interest, from
// least to most significant:
// - magnitude bits, where the magnitude of the number would be stored if
// we were using a signed-magnitude representation.
// - an optional sign bit
// - overflow bits, up to bit 63 of a 64-bit number
// For example:
// Type Overflow Sign Magnitude
// --------------- -------- ---- ---------
// unsigned 8 bit 8-63 n/a 0-7
// signed 8 bit 8-63 7 0-6
// unsigned 16 bit 16-63 n/a 0-15
// signed 16 bit 16-63 15 0-14
// We'll use masks to define the three regions.
// At first we'll assume the number is unsigned.
const uint32_t bit_width = assumedBitWidth(type);
uint64_t magnitude_mask =
(bit_width == 64) ? -1 : ((uint64_t(1) << bit_width) - 1);
uint64_t sign_mask = 0;
uint64_t overflow_mask = ~magnitude_mask;
if (value < 0 || type.isSigned) {
// Accommodate the sign bit.
magnitude_mask >>= 1;
sign_mask = magnitude_mask + 1;
bool failed = false;
if (value < 0) {
// The top bits must all be 1 for a negative signed value.
failed = ((value & overflow_mask) != overflow_mask) ||
((value & sign_mask) != sign_mask);
} else {
if (is_hex) {
// Hex values are a bit special. They decode as unsigned values, but
// may represent a negative number. In this case, the overflow bits
// should be zero.
failed = (value & overflow_mask) != 0;
} else {
const uint64_t value_as_u64 = static_cast<uint64_t>(value);
// Check overflow in the ordinary case.
failed = (value_as_u64 & magnitude_mask) != value_as_u64;
if (failed) {
return error_code;
// Sign extend hex the number.
if (is_hex && (value & sign_mask))
*updated_value_for_hex = (value | overflow_mask);
spv_result_t AssemblyContext::binaryEncodeIntegerLiteral(
const char* val, spv_result_t error_code, const IdType& type,
spv_instruction_t* pInst) {
const bool is_bottom = type.type_class == libspirv::IdTypeClass::kBottom;
const uint32_t bit_width = assumedBitWidth(type);
if (bit_width > 64)
return diagnostic(SPV_ERROR_INTERNAL) << "Unsupported " << bit_width
<< "-bit integer literals";
// Either we are expecting anything or integer.
bool is_negative = val[0] == '-';
bool can_be_signed = is_bottom || type.isSigned;
if (is_negative && !can_be_signed) {
return diagnostic()
<< "Cannot put a negative number in an unsigned literal";
const bool is_hex = val[0] == '0' && (val[1] == 'x' || val[1] == 'X');
uint64_t decoded_bits;
if (is_negative) {
int64_t decoded_signed = 0;
if (auto error = parseNumber(val, error_code, &decoded_signed,
"Invalid signed integer literal: "))
return error;
if (auto error = checkRangeAndIfHexThenSignExtend(
decoded_signed, error_code, type, is_hex, &decoded_signed)) {
<< "Integer " << (is_hex ? std::hex : std::dec) << std::showbase
<< decoded_signed << " does not fit in a " << std::dec << bit_width
<< "-bit " << (type.isSigned ? "signed" : "unsigned") << " integer";
return error;
decoded_bits = decoded_signed;
} else {
// There's no leading minus sign, so parse it as an unsigned integer.
if (auto error = parseNumber(val, error_code, &decoded_bits,
"Invalid unsigned integer literal: "))
return error;
if (auto error = checkRangeAndIfHexThenSignExtend(
decoded_bits, error_code, type, is_hex, &decoded_bits)) {
<< "Integer " << (is_hex ? std::hex : std::dec) << std::showbase
<< decoded_bits << " does not fit in a " << std::dec << bit_width
<< "-bit " << (type.isSigned ? "signed" : "unsigned") << " integer";
return error;
if (bit_width > 32) {
return binaryEncodeU64(decoded_bits, pInst);
} else {
return binaryEncodeU32(uint32_t(decoded_bits), pInst);
} // namespace libspirv