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= spvc Manual
:toclevels: 3
:source-highlighter: pygments
== Name
`spvc` - A validating SPIR-V to GLSL/HLSL/MSL compiler with Clang-compatible options.
== Synopsis
spvc [--help]
spvc [--version]
[--validate=<target env>]
[-o outfile]
== Description
`spvc` is a wrapper around SPIRV-Cross.
A SPIR-V module must pass validation before it is given to SPIRV-Cross for translation.
=== Input file languages
Spvc accepts SPIR-V binary files as input.
=== Output file naming
If a name is specified via `-o`, the output file will be given that name.
Otherwise the output file name is the same as the input file name except
with a `.glsl,` `.hlsl` or `.msl` extension, as appropriate.
== Command Line Options
=== Overall Options
==== `--help`
`--help` tells the spvc compiler to display all available options and exit.
==== `--version`
`--version` displays version information.
==== `--validate=<source env>`
`--validate` validates the input with the given environment, which is one of:
* vulkan1.0
* vulkan1.1
The default is `vulkan1.0`.
==== `-o`
`-o` lets you specify the output file's name. It cannot be used when there are
multiple files generated. A filename of `-` represents standard output.