blob: 311fddf6fa3be1b62aad8b903bd7f3f90a00486e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Shaderc Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "file_compiler.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include "file.h"
#include "file_includer.h"
#include "shader_stage.h"
#include "libshaderc_util/io.h"
#include "libshaderc_util/message.h"
namespace {
using shaderc_util::string_piece;
// A helper function to emit SPIR-V binary code as a list of hex numbers in
// text form. Returns true if a non-empty compilation result is emitted
// successfully. Return false if nothing should be emitted, either because the
// compilation result is empty, or the compilation output is not SPIR-V binary
// code.
template <typename CompilationResultType>
bool EmitSpirvBinaryAsCommaSeparatedNumbers(const CompilationResultType& result,
std::ostream* out) {
// Return early if the compilation output is not in SPIR-V binary code form.
if (!std::is_same<CompilationResultType,
return false;
// Return early if the compilation result is empty.
if (result.cbegin() == result.cend()) return false;
std::ios::fmtflags output_stream_flag_cache(out->flags());
*out << std::hex << std::setfill('0');
auto RI = result.cbegin();
*out << "0x" << std::setw(8) << *RI++;
for (size_t counter = 1; RI != result.cend(); RI++, counter++) {
*out << ",";
// Break line for every four words.
if (counter % 4 == 0) {
*out << std::endl;
*out << "0x" << std::setw(8) << *RI;
return true;
} // anonymous namespace
namespace glslc {
bool FileCompiler::CompileShaderFile(const std::string& input_file,
shaderc_shader_kind shader_stage) {
std::vector<char> input_data;
std::string path = input_file;
if (!shaderc_util::ReadFile(path, &input_data)) {
return false;
std::string output_name = GetOutputFileName(input_file);
std::ofstream potential_file_stream;
std::ostream* output_stream =
shaderc_util::GetOutputStream(output_name, &potential_file_stream);
if (!output_stream) {
// An error message has already been emitted to the stderr stream.
return false;
string_piece error_file_name = input_file;
if (error_file_name == "-") {
// If the input file was stdin, we want to output errors as <stdin>.
error_file_name = "<stdin>";
string_piece source_string = "";
if (!input_data.empty()) {
source_string = {&input_data.front(),
&input_data.front() + input_data.size()};
std::unique_ptr<FileIncluder> includer(
new FileIncluder(&include_file_finder_));
// Get a reference to the dependency trace before we pass the ownership to
// shaderc::CompileOptions.
const auto& used_source_files = includer->file_path_trace();
if (shader_stage == shaderc_spirv_assembly) {
// Only act if the requested target is SPIR-V binary.
if (output_type_ == OutputType::SpirvBinary) {
const auto result =
compiler_.AssembleToSpv(, source_string.size());
return EmitCompiledResult(result, input_file, error_file_name,
used_source_files, output_stream);
} else {
return true;
switch (output_type_) {
case OutputType::SpirvBinary: {
const auto result = compiler_.CompileGlslToSpv(, source_string.size(), shader_stage,, options_);
return EmitCompiledResult(result, input_file, error_file_name,
used_source_files, output_stream);
case OutputType::SpirvAssemblyText: {
const auto result = compiler_.CompileGlslToSpvAssembly(, source_string.size(), shader_stage,, options_);
return EmitCompiledResult(result, input_file, error_file_name,
used_source_files, output_stream);
case OutputType::PreprocessedText: {
const auto result = compiler_.PreprocessGlsl(, source_string.size(), shader_stage,, options_);
return EmitCompiledResult(result, input_file, error_file_name,
used_source_files, output_stream);
return false;
template <typename CompilationResultType>
bool FileCompiler::EmitCompiledResult(
const CompilationResultType& result, const std::string& input_file,
string_piece error_file_name,
const std::unordered_set<std::string>& used_source_files,
std::ostream* out) {
total_errors_ += result.GetNumErrors();
total_warnings_ += result.GetNumWarnings();
bool compilation_success =
result.GetCompilationStatus() == shaderc_compilation_status_success;
// Handle the error message for failing to deduce the shader kind.
if (result.GetCompilationStatus() ==
shaderc_compilation_status_invalid_stage) {
if (IsGlslFile(error_file_name)) {
std::cerr << "glslc: error: "
<< "'" << error_file_name << "': "
<< ".glsl file encountered but no -fshader-stage "
"specified ahead";
} else if (error_file_name == "<stdin>") {
<< "glslc: error: '-': -fshader-stage required when input is from "
"standard "
"input \"-\"";
} else {
std::cerr << "glslc: error: "
<< "'" << error_file_name << "': "
<< "file not recognized: File format not recognized";
std::cerr << "\n";
return false;
// Get a string_piece which refers to the normal compilation output for now.
// This string_piece might be redirected to the dependency info to be dumped
// later, if the handler is instantiated to dump as normal compilation output,
// and the original compilation output should be blocked. Otherwise it won't
// be touched. The main output stream dumps this string_piece later.
string_piece compilation_output(
reinterpret_cast<const char*>(result.cbegin()),
reinterpret_cast<const char*>(result.cend()));
// If we have dependency info dumping handler instantiated, we should dump
// dependency info first. This may redirect the compilation output
// string_piece to dependency info.
std::string potential_dependency_info_output;
if (dependency_info_dumping_handler_) {
if (!dependency_info_dumping_handler_->DumpDependencyInfo(
&potential_dependency_info_output, used_source_files)) {
return false;
if (!potential_dependency_info_output.empty()) {
// If the potential_dependency_info_output string is not empty, it means
// we should dump dependency info as normal compilation output. Redirect
// the compilation output string_piece to the dependency info stored in
// potential_dependency_info_output to make it happen.
compilation_output = potential_dependency_info_output;
// Write compilation output to output file. If an output format for SPIR-V
// binary code is specified, it is handled here.
switch (binary_emission_format_) {
case SpirvBinaryEmissionFormat::Unspecified:
case SpirvBinaryEmissionFormat::Binary:
// The output format is unspecified or specified as binary output.
out->write(, compilation_output.size());
case SpirvBinaryEmissionFormat::Numbers:
// The output format is specified to be a list of hex numbers, the
// compilation output must be in SPIR-V binary code form.
assert(output_type_ == OutputType::SpirvBinary);
if (EmitSpirvBinaryAsCommaSeparatedNumbers(result, out)) {
// Only emits the end-of-line character when the emitted compilation
// result is not empty.
*out << std::endl;
case SpirvBinaryEmissionFormat::CInitList:
// The output format is specified to be a C-style initializer list, the
// compilation output must be in SPIR-V binary code form.
assert(output_type_ == OutputType::SpirvBinary);
if (result.begin() != result.end()) {
// Only emits the '{' when the compilation result is not empty.
*out << "{";
if (EmitSpirvBinaryAsCommaSeparatedNumbers(result, out)) {
// Only emits the end-of-line character when the emitted compilation
// result is not empty.
*out << "}" << std::endl;
// Write error message to std::cerr.
std::cerr << result.GetErrorMessage();
if (out->fail()) {
// Something wrong happened on output.
if (out == &std::cout) {
std::cerr << "glslc: error: error writing to standard output"
<< std::endl;
} else {
std::cerr << "glslc: error: error writing to output file: '"
<< output_file_name_ << "'" << std::endl;
return false;
return compilation_success;
void FileCompiler::AddIncludeDirectory(const std::string& path) {
void FileCompiler::SetIndividualCompilationFlag() {
if (output_type_ != OutputType::SpirvAssemblyText) {
needs_linking_ = false;
file_extension_ = ".spv";
void FileCompiler::SetDisassemblyFlag() {
if (!PreprocessingOnly()) {
output_type_ = OutputType::SpirvAssemblyText;
needs_linking_ = false;
file_extension_ = ".spvasm";
void FileCompiler::SetPreprocessingOnlyFlag() {
output_type_ = OutputType::PreprocessedText;
needs_linking_ = false;
if (output_file_name_.empty()) {
output_file_name_ = "-";
bool FileCompiler::ValidateOptions(size_t num_files) {
if (num_files == 0) {
std::cerr << "glslc: error: no input files" << std::endl;
return false;
if (num_files > 1 && needs_linking_) {
std::cerr << "glslc: error: linking multiple files is not supported yet. "
"Use -c to compile files individually."
<< std::endl;
return false;
// If we are outputting many object files, we cannot specify -o. Also
// if we are preprocessing multiple files they must be to stdout.
if (num_files > 1 && ((!PreprocessingOnly() && !needs_linking_ &&
!output_file_name_.empty()) ||
(PreprocessingOnly() && output_file_name_ != "-"))) {
std::cerr << "glslc: error: cannot specify -o when generating multiple"
" output files"
<< std::endl;
return false;
// If we have dependency info dumping handler instantiated, we should check
// its validity.
if (dependency_info_dumping_handler_) {
std::string dependency_info_dumping_hander_error_msg;
if (!dependency_info_dumping_handler_->IsValid(
&dependency_info_dumping_hander_error_msg, num_files)) {
std::cerr << "glslc: error: " << dependency_info_dumping_hander_error_msg
<< std::endl;
return false;
// If the output format is specified to be a binary, a list of hex numbers or
// a C-style initializer list, the output must be in SPIR-V binary code form.
if (binary_emission_format_ != SpirvBinaryEmissionFormat::Unspecified) {
if (output_type_ != OutputType::SpirvBinary) {
std::cerr << "glslc: error: cannot emit output as a ";
switch (binary_emission_format_) {
case SpirvBinaryEmissionFormat::Binary:
std::cerr << "binary";
case SpirvBinaryEmissionFormat::Numbers:
std::cerr << "list of hex numbers";
case SpirvBinaryEmissionFormat::CInitList:
std::cerr << "C-style initializer list";
case SpirvBinaryEmissionFormat::Unspecified:
// The compiler should never be here at runtime. This case is added to
// complete the switch cases.
std::cerr << " when the output is not SPIR-V binary code" << std::endl;
return false;
if (dependency_info_dumping_handler_ &&
dependency_info_dumping_handler_->DumpingAsCompilationOutput()) {
std::cerr << "glslc: error: cannot dump dependency info when specifying "
"any binary output format"
<< std::endl;
return true;
void FileCompiler::OutputMessages() {
shaderc_util::OutputMessages(&std::cerr, total_warnings_, total_errors_);
std::string FileCompiler::GetOutputFileName(std::string input_filename) {
if (output_file_name_.empty()) {
return needs_linking_ ? std::string("a.spv")
: GetCandidateOutputFileName(input_filename);
} else {
return output_file_name_.str();
std::string FileCompiler::GetCandidateOutputFileName(
std::string input_filename) {
if (!output_file_name_.empty() && !PreprocessingOnly()) {
return output_file_name_.str();
std::string extension = file_extension_;
if (PreprocessingOnly() || needs_linking_) {
extension = ".spv";
std::string candidate_output_file_name =
? shaderc_util::GetBaseFileName(input_filename) + extension
: shaderc_util::GetBaseFileName(
input_filename.substr(0, input_filename.find_last_of('.')) +
return candidate_output_file_name;
} // namesapce glslc