blob: 69b2e0a85f216d848d7101f4f61ab6eae1fb66e3 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2015 The Shaderc Authors. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import expect
from glslc_test_framework import inside_glslc_testsuite
from placeholder import FileShader, StdinShader
class TestDashCapENoDefs(expect.StdoutMatch):
"""Tests -E without any defines."""
shader = FileShader('#version 140\nvoid main(){}', '.vert')
expected_stdout = '#version 140\nvoid main() { }\n'
glslc_args = ['-E', shader]
class TestDashCapEGlslFileAccepted(expect.StdoutMatch):
"""Tests -E if we provide a .glsl file without an explicit stage."""
shader = FileShader('#version 140\nvoid main(){}', '.glsl')
expected_stdout = '#version 140\nvoid main() { }\n'
glslc_args = ['-E', shader]
class TestDashCapESingleDefine(expect.StdoutMatch):
"""Tests -E with command-line define."""
shader = FileShader('#version 140\nvoid main(){ int a = X; }', '.vert')
expected_stdout = '#version 140\nvoid main() { int a = 4; }\n'
glslc_args = ['-DX=4', '-E', shader]
class TestDashCapEExpansion(expect.StdoutMatch):
"""Tests -E with macro expansion."""
shader = FileShader('''#version 140
#define X 4
void main() {
int a = X;
''', '.vert')
expected_stdout = '''#version 140
void main() {
int a = 4;
glslc_args = ['-E', shader]
class TestDashCapEFunctionMacro(expect.StdoutMatch):
"""Tests -E with function-style macro expansion."""
shader = FileShader('''#version 140
#define X(A) 4+A
void main() {
int a = X(1);
''', '.vert')
expected_stdout = '''#version 140
void main() {
int a = 4 + 1;
glslc_args = ['-E', shader]
class TestDashCapEPragma(expect.StdoutMatch):
"""Tests -E to make sure pragmas get retained."""
shader = FileShader('''#version 140
#pragma optimize(off)
void main() {
''', '.vert')
expected_stdout = '''#version 140
#pragma optimize(off)
void main() {
glslc_args = ['-E', shader]
class TestDashCapEExtension(expect.StdoutMatch):
"""Tests -E to make sure extensions get retained."""
shader = FileShader('''#version 140
#extension foo: require
void main() {
''', '.vert')
expected_stdout = '''#version 140
#extension foo : require
void main() {
glslc_args = ['-E', shader]
class TestDashCapELine(expect.StdoutMatch):
"""Tests -E to make sure line numbers get retained."""
shader = FileShader('''#version 140
#define X 4
#line X
#line 2 3
void main() {
''', '.vert')
expected_stdout = '''#version 140
#line 4
#line 2 3
void main() {
glslc_args = ['-E', shader]
class TestDashCapEError(expect.ErrorMessage):
"""Tests -E to make sure #errors get retained."""
shader = FileShader('''#version 140
#if 1
#error This is an error
void main() {
''', '.vert')
expected_error = [
shader, ':3: error: \'#error\' : This is an error\n',
'1 error generated.\n']
glslc_args = ['-E', shader]
class TestDashCapEStdin(expect.StdoutMatch):
"""Tests to make sure -E works with stdin."""
shader = StdinShader('''#version 140
void main() {
expected_stdout = '''#version 140
void main() {
glslc_args = ['-E', '-fshader-stage=vertex', shader]
class TestDashCapEStdinDoesNotRequireShaderStage(expect.StdoutMatch):
"""Tests to make sure -E works with stdin even when no shader-stage
is specified."""
shader = StdinShader('''#version 140
void main() {
expected_stdout = '''#version 140
void main() {
glslc_args = ['-E', shader]
class TestDashCapEMultipleFiles(expect.StdoutMatch):
"""Tests to make sure -E works with multiple files."""
shader = StdinShader('''#version 140
void main() {
shader2 = FileShader('''#version 140
void function() {
''', '.vert')
expected_stdout = '''#version 140
void main() {
#version 140
void function() {
glslc_args = ['-E', '-fshader-stage=vertex', shader, shader2]
class TestDashCapEMultipleFilesWithoutStage(expect.StdoutMatch):
"""Tests to make sure -E works with multiple files even if we do not
specify a stage."""
shader = StdinShader('''#version 140
void main() {
shader2 = FileShader('''#version 140
void function() {
''', '.glsl')
expected_stdout = '''#version 140
void main() {
#version 140
void function() {
glslc_args = ['-E', shader, shader2]
class TestDashCapEOutputFile(expect.SuccessfulReturn, expect.ValidFileContents):
"""Tests to make sure -E works with output files."""
shader = FileShader('''#version 140
void function() {
''', '.vert')
expected_file_contents = '''#version 140
void function() {
target_filename = 'foo'
glslc_args = ['-E', shader, '-ofoo']
class TestDashCapEWithS(expect.StdoutMatch):
"""Tests -E in the presence of -S."""
shader = FileShader('#version 140\nvoid main(){}', '.vert')
expected_stdout = '#version 140\nvoid main() { }\n'
glslc_args = ['-E', '-S', shader]
class TestMultipileDashCapE(expect.StdoutMatch):
"""Tests that using -E multiple times works."""
shader = FileShader('#version 140\nvoid main(){}', '.vert')
expected_stdout = '#version 140\nvoid main() { }\n'
glslc_args = ['-E', '-E', shader, '-E']
class TestDashCapEAfterFile(expect.StdoutMatch):
"""Tests that using -E after the filename also works."""
shader = FileShader('#version 140\nvoid main(){}', '.vert')
expected_stdout = '#version 140\nvoid main() { }\n'
glslc_args = [shader, '-E']
class TestDashCapEWithDashC(expect.StdoutMatch):
"""Tests to make sure -E works in the presence of -c."""
shader = FileShader('''#version 140
void main() {
''', '.vert')
shader2 = FileShader('''#version 140
void function() {
''', '.vert')
expected_stdout = '''#version 140
void main() {
#version 140
void function() {
glslc_args = ['-E', '-c', shader, shader2]
class TestDashCapEWithPPErrors(expect.ErrorMessage):
"""Tests to make sure -E outputs error messages for preprocessing errors."""
shader = FileShader('''#version 310 es
#extension s enable // missing :
#defin A // Bad define
#if X // In glsl X must be defined for X to work.
// Lack of endif.
void main() {
''', '.vert')
expected_error = [
shader, ':2: error: \'#extension\' : \':\' missing after extension',
' name\n',
shader, ':3: error: \'#\' : invalid directive: defin\n',
shader, ':4: error: \'preprocessor evaluation\' : undefined macro in',
' expression not allowed in es profile X\n',
shader, ':8: error: \'\' : missing #endif\n',
'4 errors generated.\n']
glslc_args = ['-E', shader]
class TestDashCapEStdinErrors(expect.ErrorMessage):
"""Tests that -E outputs error messages correctly for stdin input."""
shader = StdinShader('''#version 310 es
#extension s enable // missing :
void main() {
expected_error = [
'<stdin>:2: error: \'#extension\' : \':\' missing after extension',
' name\n',
'1 error generated.\n']
glslc_args = ['-E', shader]