blob: 38a85b267048c298453d11d14df8b2266305a73e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Shaderc Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <cassert>
#include <cctype>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
#include <list>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include "libshaderc_util/string_piece.h"
#include "spirv-tools/libspirv.h"
#include "file.h"
#include "file_compiler.h"
#include "shader_stage.h"
using shaderc_util::string_piece;
namespace {
// Prints the help message.
void PrintHelp(std::ostream* out) {
*out << R"(glslc - Compile shaders into SPIR-V
Usage: glslc [options] file...
An input file of - represents standard input.
-c Only run preprocess, compile, and assemble steps.
-Dmacro[=defn] Add an implicit macro definition.
-E Outputs only the results of the preprocessing step.
Output defaults to standard output.
Treat subsequent input files as having stage <stage>.
Valid stages are vertex, fragment, tesscontrol, tesseval,
geometry, and compute.
-g Generate source-level debug information.
Currently this option has no effect.
--help Display available options.
--version Display compiler version information.
-I <value> Add directory to include search path.
-o <file> Write output to <file>.
A file name of '-' represents standard output.
-std=<value> Version and profile for input files. Possible values
are concatenations of version and profile, e.g. 310es,
450core, etc.
-M Generate make dependencies. Implies -E and -w.
-MM An alias for -M.
-MD Generate make dependencies and compile.
-MF <file> Write dependency output to the given file.
-MT <target> Specify the target of the rule emitted by dependency
-S Only run preprocess and compilation steps.
Set the target shader environment, and the semantics
of warnings and errors. Valid values are 'opengl',
'opengl_compat' and 'vulkan'. The default value is 'vulkan'.
-w Suppresses all warning messages.
-Werror Treat all warnings as errors.
-x <language> Treat subsequent input files as having type <language>.
The only supported language is glsl.
// Gets the option argument for the option at *index in argv in a way consistent
// with clang/gcc. On success, returns true and writes the parsed argument into
// *option_argument. Returns false if any errors occur. After calling this
// function, *index will the index of the last command line argument consumed.
bool GetOptionArgument(int argc, char** argv, int* index,
const std::string& option,
string_piece* option_argument) {
const string_piece arg = argv[*index];
if (arg.size() != option.size()) {
*option_argument = arg.substr(option.size());
return true;
} else {
if (option.back() == '=') {
*option_argument = "";
return true;
if (++(*index) >= argc) return false;
*option_argument = argv[*index];
return true;
const char kBuildVersion[] =
#include ""
} // anonymous namespace
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, shaderc_shader_kind>> input_files;
shaderc_shader_kind current_fshader_stage = shaderc_glsl_infer_from_source;
glslc::FileCompiler compiler;
bool success = true;
bool has_stdin_input = false;
for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) {
const string_piece arg = argv[i];
if (arg == "--help") {
return 0;
} else if (arg == "--version") {
std::cout << kBuildVersion << std::endl;
std::cout << "Target: " << spvTargetEnvDescription(SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_0)
<< std::endl;
return 0;
} else if (arg.starts_with("-o")) {
string_piece file_name;
if (!GetOptionArgument(argc, argv, &i, "-o", &file_name)) {
<< "glslc: error: argument to '-o' is missing (expected 1 value)"
<< std::endl;
return 1;
} else if (arg.starts_with("-fshader-stage=")) {
const string_piece stage = arg.substr(std::strlen("-fshader-stage="));
current_fshader_stage = glslc::GetForcedShaderKindFromCmdLine(arg);
if (current_fshader_stage == shaderc_glsl_infer_from_source) {
std::cerr << "glslc: error: stage not recognized: '" << stage << "'"
<< std::endl;
return 1;
} else if (arg.starts_with("-std=")) {
const string_piece standard = arg.substr(std::strlen("-std="));
int version;
shaderc_profile profile;
if (!shaderc_parse_version_profile(standard.begin(), &version,
&profile)) {
std::cerr << "glslc: error: invalid value '" << standard
<< "' in '-std=" << standard << "'" << std::endl;
return 1;
compiler.options().SetForcedVersionProfile(version, profile);
} else if (arg.starts_with("--target-env=")) {
shaderc_target_env target_env = shaderc_target_env_default;
const string_piece target_env_str =
if (target_env_str == "vulkan") {
target_env = shaderc_target_env_vulkan;
} else if (target_env_str == "opengl") {
target_env = shaderc_target_env_opengl;
} else if (target_env_str == "opengl_compat") {
target_env = shaderc_target_env_opengl_compat;
} else {
std::cerr << "glslc: error: invalid value '" << target_env_str
<< "' in '--target-env=" << target_env_str << "'"
<< std::endl;
return 1;
compiler.options().SetTargetEnvironment(target_env, 0);
} else if (arg.starts_with("-x")) {
string_piece option_arg;
if (!GetOptionArgument(argc, argv, &i, "-x", &option_arg)) {
<< "glslc: error: argument to '-x' is missing (expected 1 value)"
<< std::endl;
success = false;
} else {
if (option_arg != "glsl") {
std::cerr << "glslc: error: language not recognized: '" << option_arg
<< "'" << std::endl;
return 1;
} else if (arg == "-c") {
} else if (arg == "-E") {
} else if (arg == "-M" || arg == "-MM") {
// -M implies -E and -w
if (compiler.GetDependencyDumpingHandler()->DumpingModeNotSet()) {
} else {
std::cerr << "glslc: error: both -M (or -MM) and -MD are specified. "
"Only one should be used at one time."
<< std::endl;
return 1;
} else if (arg == "-MD") {
if (compiler.GetDependencyDumpingHandler()->DumpingModeNotSet()) {
} else {
std::cerr << "glslc: error: both -M (or -MM) and -MD are specified. "
"Only one should be used at one time."
<< std::endl;
return 1;
} else if (arg == "-MF") {
string_piece dep_file_name;
if (!GetOptionArgument(argc, argv, &i, "-MF", &dep_file_name)) {
<< "glslc: error: missing dependency info filename after '-MF'"
<< std::endl;
return 1;
std::string(, dep_file_name.size()));
} else if (arg == "-MT") {
string_piece dep_file_name;
if (!GetOptionArgument(argc, argv, &i, "-MT", &dep_file_name)) {
std::cerr << "glslc: error: missing dependency info target after '-MT'"
<< std::endl;
return 1;
std::string(, dep_file_name.size()));
} else if (arg == "-S") {
} else if (arg.starts_with("-D")) {
const size_t length = arg.size();
if (length <= 2) {
std::cerr << "glslc: error: argument to '-D' is missing" << std::endl;
} else {
const string_piece argument = arg.substr(2);
// Get the exact length of the macro string.
size_t equal_sign_loc = argument.find_first_of('=');
size_t name_length = equal_sign_loc != shaderc_util::string_piece::npos
? equal_sign_loc
: argument.size();
const string_piece name_piece = argument.substr(0, name_length);
if (name_piece.starts_with("GL_")) {
<< "glslc: error: names beginning with 'GL_' cannot be defined: "
<< arg << std::endl;
return 1;
if (name_piece.find("__") != string_piece::npos) {
<< "glslc: warning: names containing consecutive underscores "
"are reserved: "
<< arg << std::endl;
const string_piece value_piece =
(equal_sign_loc == string_piece::npos ||
equal_sign_loc == argument.size() - 1)
? ""
: argument.substr(name_length + 1);
// TODO(deki): check arg for newlines.
compiler.options().AddMacroDefinition(, name_piece.size(),,
} else if (arg.starts_with("-I")) {
string_piece option_arg;
if (!GetOptionArgument(argc, argv, &i, "-I", &option_arg)) {
<< "glslc: error: argument to '-I' is missing (expected 1 value)"
<< std::endl;
success = false;
} else {
} else if (arg == "-g") {
} else if (arg == "-w") {
} else if (arg == "-Werror") {
} else if (!(arg == "-") && arg[0] == '-') {
std::cerr << "glslc: error: "
<< (arg[1] == '-' ? "unsupported option" : "unknown argument")
<< ": '" << arg << "'" << std::endl;
return 1;
} else {
if (arg == "-") {
if (has_stdin_input) {
std::cerr << "glslc: error: specifying standard input \"-\" as input "
<< "more than once is not allowed." << std::endl;
return 1;
has_stdin_input = true;
// If current_fshader_stage is shaderc_glsl_infer_from_source, that means
// we didn't set forced shader kinds (otherwise an error should have
// already been emitted before). So we should deduce the shader kind
// from the file name. If current_fshader_stage is specifed to one of
// the forced shader kinds, use that for the following compilation.
arg.str(), current_fshader_stage == shaderc_glsl_infer_from_source
? glslc::DeduceDefaultShaderKindFromFileName(arg)
: current_fshader_stage);
if (!compiler.ValidateOptions(input_files.size())) return 1;
if (!success) return 1;
for (const auto& input_file : input_files) {
const std::string& name = input_file.first;
const shaderc_shader_kind stage = input_file.second;
success &= compiler.CompileShaderFile(name, stage);
return success ? 0 : 1;