blob: ffd1b7da77053b81b65079473b8a3570d13253fd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Shaderc Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <string>
#include "libshaderc_util/file_finder.h"
#include "libshaderc_util/string_piece.h"
#include "shaderc/shaderc.hpp"
#include "dependency_info.h"
namespace glslc {
// Context for managing compilation of source GLSL files into destination
// SPIR-V files or preprocessed output.
class FileCompiler {
: output_type_(OutputType::SpirvBinary),
total_errors_(0) {}
// Compiles a shader received in input_file, returning true on success and
// false otherwise. If force_shader_stage is not shaderc_glsl_infer_source or
// any default shader stage then the given shader_stage will be used,
// otherwise it will be determined from the source or the file type.
// Places the compilation output into a new file whose name is derived from
// input_file according to the rules from glslc/README.asciidoc.
// If version/profile has been forced, the shader's version/profile is set to
// that value regardless of the #version directive in the source code.
// Any errors/warnings found in the shader source will be output to std::cerr
// and increment the counts reported by OutputMessages().
bool CompileShaderFile(const std::string& input_file,
shaderc_shader_kind shader_stage);
// Adds a directory to be searched when processing #include directives.
// Best practice: if you add an empty string before any other path, that will
// correctly resolve both absolute paths and paths relative to the current
// working directory.
void AddIncludeDirectory(const std::string& path);
// Sets the output filename. A name of "-" indicates standard output.
void SetOutputFileName(const shaderc_util::string_piece& file) {
output_file_name_ = file;
// Returns false if any options are incompatible. The num_files parameter
// represents the number of files that will be compiled.
bool ValidateOptions(size_t num_files);
// Outputs to std::cerr the number of warnings and errors if there are any.
void OutputMessages();
// Sets the flag to indicate individual compilation mode. In this mode, all
// files are compiled individually and written to separate output files
// instead of linked together. This method also disables linking and sets the
// output file extension to ".spv". Disassembly mode and preprocessing only
// mode override this mode and flags.
void SetIndividualCompilationFlag();
// Sets the flag to indicate disassembly mode. In this mode, the compiler
// emits disassembled textual output, instead of outputting object files.
// This method also sets the output file extension to ".spvasm" and disables
// linking. This mode overrides individual compilation mode, and preprocessing
// only mode overrides this mode.
void SetDisassemblyFlag();
// Sets the flag to indicate preprocessing only mode. In this mode, instead of
// outputting object files, the compiler emits the preprocessed source files.
// This method disables linking and sets the output file to stdout. This mode
// overrides disassembly mode and individual compilation mode.
void SetPreprocessingOnlyFlag();
// Gets the reference of the compiler options which reflects the command-line
// arguments.
shaderc::CompileOptions& options() { return options_; };
// Gets a pointer which points to the dependency info dumping hander. Creates
// such a handler if such one does not exist.
DependencyInfoDumpingHandler* GetDependencyDumpingHandler() {
if (!dependency_info_dumping_handler_) {
new DependencyInfoDumpingHandler());
return dependency_info_dumping_handler_.get();
enum class OutputType {
SpirvBinary, // A binary module, as defined by the SPIR-V specification.
SpirvAssemblyText, // Assembly syntax defined by the SPIRV-Tools project.
PreprocessedText, // Preprocessed source code.
// Emits the compilation output from the given result to the given output
// stream and returns true if the result represents a successful compilation
// step. Otherwise returns false and possibly emits messages to the standard
// error stream. Accumulates error and warning counts for use by the
// OutputMessages() method.
template <typename CompilationResultType>
bool EmitCompiledResult(
const CompilationResultType& result, const std::string& input_file_name,
shaderc_util::string_piece error_file_name,
const std::unordered_set<std::string>& used_source_files,
std::ostream* out);
// Returns the final file name to be used for the output file.
// If an output file name is specified by the SetOutputFileName(), use that
// argument as the final output file name.
// If the user did not specify an output filename:
// If linking is not required, and the input filename has a
// standard stage extension (e.g. .vert) then returns the input filename
// without directory names but with the result extenstion (e.g. .spv or
// .spvasm) appended.
// If linking is not required, and the input file name does not have a
// standard stage extension, then also returns the directory-stripped input
// filename, but replaces its extension with the result extension. (If the
// resolved input filename does not have an extension, then appends the
// result extension.)
// If linking is required and output filename is not specified, returns
// "a.spv".
std::string GetOutputFileName(std::string input_filename);
// Returns the candidate output file name deduced from input file name and
// user specified output file name. It is computed as follows:
// If the user did specify an output filename and the compiler is not in
// preprocessing-only mode, then returns that file name.
// If the user did not specify an output filename:
// If the input filename has a standard stage extension (e.g. .vert) then
// returns the input filename without directory names but with the result
// extenstion (e.g. .spv or .spvasm) appended.
// If the input file name does not have a standard stage extension, then also
// returns the directory-stripped input filename, but replaces its extension
// with the result extension. (If the resolved input filename does not have
// an extension, then appends the result extension.)
// When a resolved extension is not available because the compiler is in
// preprocessing-only mode or the compilation requires linking, use .spv as
// the extension.
std::string GetCandidateOutputFileName(std::string input_filename);
// Returns true if the compiler's output is preprocessed text.
bool PreprocessingOnly() { return output_type_ == OutputType::PreprocessedText; }
// Performs actual SPIR-V compilation on the contents of input files.
shaderc::Compiler compiler_;
// Reflects the command-line arguments and goes into
// compiler_.CompileGlslToSpv().
shaderc::CompileOptions options_;
// What kind of output will be produced?
OutputType output_type_;
// A FileFinder used to substitute #include directives in the source code.
shaderc_util::FileFinder include_file_finder_;
// Indicates whether linking is needed to generate the final output.
bool needs_linking_;
// The ownership of dependency dumping handler.
dependency_info_dumping_handler_ = nullptr;
// Reflects the type of file being generated.
std::string file_extension_;
// Name of the file where the compilation output will go.
shaderc_util::string_piece output_file_name_;
// Counts warnings encountered in all compilations via this object.
size_t total_warnings_;
// Counts errors encountered in all compilations via this object.
size_t total_errors_;
} // namespace glslc