blob: bc2991287797deb802f639902fbff841b7b2e91d [file] [log] [blame]
SDL - Simple DirectMedia Layer
Copyright (C) 1997-2010 Sam Lantinga
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
Sam Lantinga
#include "SDL_config.h"
#ifndef _SDL_sysvideo_h
#define _SDL_sysvideo_h
#include "SDL_mouse.h"
#include "SDL_keysym.h"
/* The SDL video driver */
typedef struct SDL_Renderer SDL_Renderer;
typedef struct SDL_RenderDriver SDL_RenderDriver;
typedef struct SDL_VideoDisplay SDL_VideoDisplay;
typedef struct SDL_VideoDevice SDL_VideoDevice;
/* Define the SDL texture structure */
struct SDL_Texture
const void *magic;
Uint32 format; /**< The pixel format of the texture */
int access; /**< SDL_TextureAccess */
int w; /**< The width of the texture */
int h; /**< The height of the texture */
int modMode; /**< The texture modulation mode */
int blendMode; /**< The texture blend mode */
int scaleMode; /**< The texture scale mode */
Uint8 r, g, b, a; /**< Texture modulation values */
SDL_Renderer *renderer;
void *driverdata; /**< Driver specific texture representation */
SDL_Texture *prev;
SDL_Texture *next;
/* Define the SDL renderer structure */
struct SDL_Renderer
int (*ActivateRenderer) (SDL_Renderer * renderer);
int (*DisplayModeChanged) (SDL_Renderer * renderer);
int (*CreateTexture) (SDL_Renderer * renderer, SDL_Texture * texture);
int (*QueryTexturePixels) (SDL_Renderer * renderer, SDL_Texture * texture,
void **pixels, int *pitch);
int (*SetTexturePalette) (SDL_Renderer * renderer, SDL_Texture * texture,
const SDL_Color * colors, int firstcolor,
int ncolors);
int (*GetTexturePalette) (SDL_Renderer * renderer, SDL_Texture * texture,
SDL_Color * colors, int firstcolor,
int ncolors);
int (*SetTextureColorMod) (SDL_Renderer * renderer,
SDL_Texture * texture);
int (*SetTextureAlphaMod) (SDL_Renderer * renderer,
SDL_Texture * texture);
int (*SetTextureBlendMode) (SDL_Renderer * renderer,
SDL_Texture * texture);
int (*SetTextureScaleMode) (SDL_Renderer * renderer,
SDL_Texture * texture);
int (*UpdateTexture) (SDL_Renderer * renderer, SDL_Texture * texture,
const SDL_Rect * rect, const void *pixels,
int pitch);
int (*LockTexture) (SDL_Renderer * renderer, SDL_Texture * texture,
const SDL_Rect * rect, int markDirty, void **pixels,
int *pitch);
void (*UnlockTexture) (SDL_Renderer * renderer, SDL_Texture * texture);
void (*DirtyTexture) (SDL_Renderer * renderer, SDL_Texture * texture,
int numrects, const SDL_Rect * rects);
int (*SetDrawColor) (SDL_Renderer * renderer);
int (*SetDrawBlendMode) (SDL_Renderer * renderer);
int (*RenderClear) (SDL_Renderer * renderer);
int (*RenderDrawPoints) (SDL_Renderer * renderer, const SDL_Point * points,
int count);
int (*RenderDrawLines) (SDL_Renderer * renderer, const SDL_Point * points,
int count);
int (*RenderDrawRects) (SDL_Renderer * renderer, const SDL_Rect ** rects,
int count);
int (*RenderFillRects) (SDL_Renderer * renderer, const SDL_Rect ** rects,
int count);
int (*RenderDrawEllipse) (SDL_Renderer * renderer, int x, int y,
int w, int h);
int (*RenderFillEllipse) (SDL_Renderer * renderer, int x, int y,
int w, int h);
int (*RenderCopy) (SDL_Renderer * renderer, SDL_Texture * texture,
const SDL_Rect * srcrect, const SDL_Rect * dstrect);
int (*RenderReadPixels) (SDL_Renderer * renderer, const SDL_Rect * rect,
Uint32 format, void * pixels, int pitch);
int (*RenderWritePixels) (SDL_Renderer * renderer, const SDL_Rect * rect,
Uint32 format, const void * pixels, int pitch);
void (*RenderPresent) (SDL_Renderer * renderer);
void (*DestroyTexture) (SDL_Renderer * renderer, SDL_Texture * texture);
void (*DestroyRenderer) (SDL_Renderer * renderer);
/* The current renderer info */
SDL_RendererInfo info;
/* The window associated with the renderer */
SDL_Window *window;
/* The list of textures */
SDL_Texture *textures;
Uint8 r, g, b, a; /**< Color for drawing operations values */
int blendMode; /**< The drawing blend mode */
void *driverdata;
/* Define the SDL render driver structure */
struct SDL_RenderDriver
SDL_Renderer *(*CreateRenderer) (SDL_Window * window, Uint32 flags);
/* Info about the renderer capabilities */
SDL_RendererInfo info;
/* Define the SDL window structure, corresponding to toplevel windows */
struct SDL_Window
const void *magic;
Uint32 id;
char *title;
int x, y;
int w, h;
Uint32 flags;
SDL_VideoDisplay *display;
SDL_Renderer *renderer;
SDL_DisplayMode fullscreen_mode;
void *userdata;
void *driverdata;
SDL_Window *prev;
SDL_Window *next;
(((W)->flags & SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN) && \
((W)->flags & SDL_WINDOW_SHOWN) && \
* Define the SDL display structure This corresponds to physical monitors
* attached to the system.
struct SDL_VideoDisplay
int max_display_modes;
int num_display_modes;
SDL_DisplayMode *display_modes;
SDL_DisplayMode desktop_mode;
SDL_DisplayMode current_mode;
SDL_bool updating_fullscreen;
SDL_Palette *palette;
Uint16 *gamma;
Uint16 *saved_gamma; /* (just offset into gamma) */
int num_render_drivers;
SDL_RenderDriver *render_drivers;
SDL_Window *windows;
SDL_Window *fullscreen_window;
SDL_Renderer *current_renderer;
SDL_VideoDevice *device;
void *driverdata;
/* Define the SDL video driver structure */
#define _THIS SDL_VideoDevice *_this
struct SDL_VideoDevice
/* * * */
/* The name of this video driver */
const char *name;
/* * * */
/* Initialization/Query functions */
* Initialize the native video subsystem, filling in the list of
* displays for this driver, returning 0 or -1 if there's an error.
int (*VideoInit) (_THIS);
* Reverse the effects VideoInit() -- called if VideoInit() fails or
* if the application is shutting down the video subsystem.
void (*VideoQuit) (_THIS);
/* * * */
* Display functions
* Get the bounds of a display
int (*GetDisplayBounds) (_THIS, SDL_VideoDisplay * display, SDL_Rect * rect);
* Get a list of the available display modes. e.g.
* SDL_AddDisplayMode(_this->current_display, mode)
void (*GetDisplayModes) (_THIS, SDL_VideoDisplay * display);
* Setting the display mode is independent of creating windows, so
* when the display mode is changed, all existing windows should have
* their data updated accordingly, including the display surfaces
* associated with them.
int (*SetDisplayMode) (_THIS, SDL_VideoDisplay * display, SDL_DisplayMode * mode);
/* Set the color entries of the display palette */
int (*SetDisplayPalette) (_THIS, SDL_VideoDisplay * display, SDL_Palette * palette);
/* Get the color entries of the display palette */
int (*GetDisplayPalette) (_THIS, SDL_VideoDisplay * display, SDL_Palette * palette);
/* Set the gamma ramp */
int (*SetDisplayGammaRamp) (_THIS, SDL_VideoDisplay * display, Uint16 * ramp);
/* Get the gamma ramp */
int (*GetDisplayGammaRamp) (_THIS, SDL_VideoDisplay * display, Uint16 * ramp);
/* * * */
* Window functions
int (*CreateWindow) (_THIS, SDL_Window * window);
int (*CreateWindowFrom) (_THIS, SDL_Window * window, const void *data);
void (*SetWindowTitle) (_THIS, SDL_Window * window);
void (*SetWindowIcon) (_THIS, SDL_Window * window, SDL_Surface * icon);
void (*SetWindowPosition) (_THIS, SDL_Window * window);
void (*SetWindowSize) (_THIS, SDL_Window * window);
void (*ShowWindow) (_THIS, SDL_Window * window);
void (*HideWindow) (_THIS, SDL_Window * window);
void (*RaiseWindow) (_THIS, SDL_Window * window);
void (*MaximizeWindow) (_THIS, SDL_Window * window);
void (*MinimizeWindow) (_THIS, SDL_Window * window);
void (*RestoreWindow) (_THIS, SDL_Window * window);
void (*SetWindowGrab) (_THIS, SDL_Window * window);
void (*DestroyWindow) (_THIS, SDL_Window * window);
/* Get some platform dependent window information */
SDL_bool(*GetWindowWMInfo) (_THIS, SDL_Window * window,
struct SDL_SysWMinfo * info);
/* * * */
* OpenGL support
int (*GL_LoadLibrary) (_THIS, const char *path);
void *(*GL_GetProcAddress) (_THIS, const char *proc);
void (*GL_UnloadLibrary) (_THIS);
SDL_GLContext(*GL_CreateContext) (_THIS, SDL_Window * window);
int (*GL_MakeCurrent) (_THIS, SDL_Window * window, SDL_GLContext context);
int (*GL_SetSwapInterval) (_THIS, int interval);
int (*GL_GetSwapInterval) (_THIS);
void (*GL_SwapWindow) (_THIS, SDL_Window * window);
void (*GL_DeleteContext) (_THIS, SDL_GLContext context);
/* * * */
* Event manager functions
void (*PumpEvents) (_THIS);
/* Suspend the screensaver */
void (*SuspendScreenSaver) (_THIS);
/* Text input */
void (*StartTextInput) (_THIS);
void (*StopTextInput) (_THIS);
void (*SetTextInputRect) (_THIS, SDL_Rect *rect);
/* * * */
/* Data common to all drivers */
SDL_bool suspend_screensaver;
int num_displays;
SDL_VideoDisplay *displays;
int current_display;
Uint8 window_magic;
Uint8 texture_magic;
Uint32 next_object_id;
/* * * */
/* Data used by the GL drivers */
int red_size;
int green_size;
int blue_size;
int alpha_size;
int depth_size;
int buffer_size;
int stencil_size;
int double_buffer;
int accum_red_size;
int accum_green_size;
int accum_blue_size;
int accum_alpha_size;
int stereo;
int multisamplebuffers;
int multisamplesamples;
int accelerated;
int major_version;
int minor_version;
int retained_backing;
int driver_loaded;
char driver_path[256];
void *dll_handle;
} gl_config;
/* * * */
/* Data private to this driver */
void *driverdata;
struct SDL_GLDriverData *gl_data;
struct SDL_PrivateGLESData *gles_data;
/* * * */
/* The function used to dispose of this structure */
void (*free) (_THIS);
typedef struct VideoBootStrap
const char *name;
const char *desc;
int (*available) (void);
SDL_VideoDevice *(*create) (int devindex);
} VideoBootStrap;
extern VideoBootStrap COCOA_bootstrap;
extern VideoBootStrap X11_bootstrap;
extern VideoBootStrap FBCON_bootstrap;
extern VideoBootStrap DirectFB_bootstrap;
extern VideoBootStrap PS3_bootstrap;
extern VideoBootStrap SVGALIB_bootstrap;
extern VideoBootStrap GAPI_bootstrap;
extern VideoBootStrap WIN32_bootstrap;
extern VideoBootStrap BWINDOW_bootstrap;
extern VideoBootStrap photon_bootstrap;
extern VideoBootStrap qnxgf_bootstrap;
extern VideoBootStrap EPOC_bootstrap;
extern VideoBootStrap RISCOS_bootstrap;
extern VideoBootStrap UIKIT_bootstrap;
extern VideoBootStrap DUMMY_bootstrap;
extern VideoBootStrap NDS_bootstrap;
extern VideoBootStrap PND_bootstrap;
#define SDL_CurrentDisplay (&_this->displays[_this->current_display])
#define SDL_CurrentRenderer (SDL_CurrentDisplay->current_renderer)
extern SDL_VideoDevice *SDL_GetVideoDevice();
extern int SDL_AddBasicVideoDisplay(const SDL_DisplayMode * desktop_mode);
extern int SDL_AddVideoDisplay(const SDL_VideoDisplay * display);
extern SDL_bool SDL_AddDisplayMode(SDL_VideoDisplay *display, const SDL_DisplayMode * mode);
extern int SDL_GetNumDisplayModesForDisplay(SDL_VideoDisplay * display);
extern int SDL_GetDisplayModeForDisplay(SDL_VideoDisplay * display, int index, SDL_DisplayMode * mode);
extern int SDL_GetDesktopDisplayModeForDisplay(SDL_VideoDisplay * display, SDL_DisplayMode * mode);
extern int SDL_GetCurrentDisplayModeForDisplay(SDL_VideoDisplay * display, SDL_DisplayMode * mode);
extern SDL_DisplayMode * SDL_GetClosestDisplayModeForDisplay(SDL_VideoDisplay * display, const SDL_DisplayMode * mode, SDL_DisplayMode * closest);
extern int SDL_SetDisplayModeForDisplay(SDL_VideoDisplay * display, const SDL_DisplayMode * mode);
extern int SDL_SetPaletteForDisplay(SDL_VideoDisplay * display, const SDL_Color * colors, int firstcolor, int ncolors);
extern int SDL_GetPaletteForDisplay(SDL_VideoDisplay * display, SDL_Color * colors, int firstcolor, int ncolors);
extern int SDL_SetGammaRampForDisplay(SDL_VideoDisplay * display, const Uint16 * red, const Uint16 * green, const Uint16 * blue);
extern int SDL_GetGammaRampForDisplay(SDL_VideoDisplay * display, Uint16 * red, Uint16 * green, Uint16 * blue);
extern void SDL_AddRenderDriver(SDL_VideoDisplay *display, const SDL_RenderDriver * driver);
extern int SDL_RecreateWindow(SDL_Window * window, Uint32 flags);
extern void SDL_OnWindowShown(SDL_Window * window);
extern void SDL_OnWindowHidden(SDL_Window * window);
extern void SDL_OnWindowResized(SDL_Window * window);
extern void SDL_OnWindowMinimized(SDL_Window * window);
extern void SDL_OnWindowRestored(SDL_Window * window);
extern void SDL_OnWindowFocusGained(SDL_Window * window);
extern void SDL_OnWindowFocusLost(SDL_Window * window);
extern SDL_Window * SDL_GetFocusWindow(void);
#endif /* _SDL_sysvideo_h */
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