blob: 94be83f2cce07c04a4384c9f42d5225fab611ab0 [file] [log] [blame]
External Contributions to sfcc
Below are listed code contributions from the open source community.
The format is:
Author, Organization
MM/DD/YYYY [ bugnum ] description
where "bugnum" is the bug number on SourceForge where a summary of the fix can
be found, along with a patch file containing the contributed code.
The SourceForge bugtracker can be found here:
Shashi Uli, Citrix
04/23/2008 [ 1940546 ] Memory corruption in AsciiToXmlStr()
Pavol Rusnak, Novell
09/06/2009 [ 2102339 ] Missing ret values in sblim-sfcc
09/08/2008 [ 2102345 ] missing configuration of CIM-HOST-PORT in sblim-sfcc
11/12/2008 [ 2270179 ] Missing includes and values in return statements
Rajib Saha, AMI
08/19/2009 [ 2691478 ] sfcc 2.1.0 cannot handle OutParams on Extrinsic Method Call
Klaus Kampf, Novell
09/02/2009 [ 2847782 ] sfcc getClass crashes if cimom isn't running
09/22/2009 [ 2849853 ] getClass reports most property types as CMPI_Instance