blob: a419a5cab7826058da9504ebfe81ff315f12017b [file] [log] [blame]
\file datetime.c
\brief Native CMPIDateTime implementation.
This is the native CMPIDateTime implementation as used for remote
providers. It reflects the well-defined interface of a regular
CMPIDateTime, however, it works independently from the management broker.
It is part of a native broker implementation that simulates CMPI data
types rather than interacting with the entities in a full-grown CIMOM.
(C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2003
You can obtain a current copy of the Eclipse Public License from
\author Frank Scheffler
$Revision: 1.2 $
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include "cmcidt.h"
#include "cmcift.h"
#include "cmcimacs.h"
#include "native.h"
#ifdef DMALLOC
#include "dmalloc.h"
//! Native extension of the CMPIDateTime data type.
This structure stores the information needed to represent time for
CMPI providers.
struct native_datetime {
CMPIDateTime dt; /*!< the inheriting data structure */
char cimDt[26];
static struct native_datetime * __new_datetime ( const char *cimDt,
CMPIStatus * );
//! Releases a previously cloned CMPIDateTime object from memory.
To achieve this, the object is simply added to the thread-based memory
management to be freed later.
\param dt the object to be released
\return CMPI_RC_OK.
static CMPIStatus __dtft_release ( CMPIDateTime * dt )
struct native_datetime * ndt = (struct native_datetime *) dt;
if ( ndt ) {
free ( ndt );
CMReturn ( CMPI_RC_OK );
//! Clones an existing CMPIDateTime object.
The function simply calls __new_datetime() with the data fields
extracted from dt.
\param dt the object to be cloned
\param rc return code pointer
\return a copy of the given CMPIDateTime object that won't be freed
from memory before calling __dtft_release().
static CMPIDateTime * __dtft_clone ( CMPIDateTime * dt, CMPIStatus * rc )
struct native_datetime * ndt = (struct native_datetime *) dt;
struct native_datetime * new = __new_datetime ( ndt->cimDt, rc );
return (CMPIDateTime *) new;
static CMPIUint64 chars2bin(const char *string, CMPIStatus * rc)
CMPIUint64 msecs,secs;
CMPIBoolean interval;
char *str;
str = strdup(string);
interval = (str[21] == ':');
// 0000000000111111111122222
// 0123456789012345678901234
// yyyymmddhhmmss mmmmmmsutc
// 20050503104354.000000:000
str[21] = 0;
msecs = strtoull(str+15,NULL,10);
str[14] = 0;
secs = strtoull(str+12,NULL,10);
str[12] = 0;
secs += strtoull(str+10,NULL,10) * 60ULL;
str[10] = 0;
secs += strtoull(str+8,NULL,10) * 60ULL * 60ULL;
str[8] = 0;
if (interval) {
secs += strtoull(str,NULL,10) * 60ULL * 60ULL * 24ULL;
else {
struct tm tmp;
memset(&tmp, 0, sizeof(struct tm));
tmp.tm_gmtoff = timezone;
tmp.tm_isdst = daylight;
tmp.tm_mday = atoi(str + 6);
str[6] = 0;
tmp.tm_mon = atoi(str + 4) - 1;
str[4] = 0;
tmp.tm_year = atoi(str) - 1900;
msecs += (CMPIUint64) mktime(&tmp) * 1000000ULL;
return msecs;
static void bin2chars(CMPIUint64 msecs, CMPIBoolean interval, CMPIStatus * rc, char *str_time)
time_t secs = msecs / 1000000ULL;
unsigned long usecs = msecs % 1000000ULL;
if (interval) {
unsigned long long useconds, seconds, mins, hrs, days;
seconds= msecs / 1000000ULL;
useconds = msecs % 1000000ULL;
mins = seconds / 60ULL;
seconds %= 60ULL;
hrs = mins / 60ULL;
mins %= 60ULL;
days = hrs / 24ULL;
hrs %= 24ULL;
sprintf(str_time, "%8.8llu%2.2llu%2.2llu%2.2llu.%6.6llu:000",
days, hrs, mins, seconds, useconds);
else {
struct tm tm_time;
char us_utc_time[26];
if ( localtime_r ( &secs, &tm_time ) == NULL ) {
tzset ();
snprintf ( us_utc_time, 26, "%6.6ld%+4.3ld",
usecs, ( daylight != 0 ) * 60 - timezone / 60 );
strftime ( str_time, 26, "%Y%m%d%H%M%S.", &tm_time );
strcat ( str_time, us_utc_time );
//! Extracts the binary time from the encapsulated CMPIDateTime object.
\param dt the native CMPIDateTime to be extracted.
\param rc return code pointer
\return an amount of microseconds.
static CMPIUint64 __dtft_getBinaryFormat ( CMPIDateTime * dt,
CMPIStatus * rc )
struct native_datetime * ndt = (struct native_datetime *) dt;
CMSetStatus ( rc, CMPI_RC_OK );
return chars2bin(ndt->cimDt,rc);
//! Gives back a string representation of the time object.
\param dt the native CMPIDateTime to be converted.
\param rc return code pointer
\return a string that has one of the following formats:
- yyyymmddhhmmss.mmmmmmsutc (for absolute times)
- ddddddddhhmmss.mmmmmm:000 (for time intervals)
static CMPIString * __dtft_getStringFormat ( CMPIDateTime * dt,
CMPIStatus * rc )
struct native_datetime * ndt = (struct native_datetime *) dt;
CMSetStatus ( rc, CMPI_RC_OK );
return native_new_CMPIString(ndt->cimDt, rc);
//! States, whether the time object represents an interval.
\param dt the native CMPIDateTime to be checked.
\param rc return code pointer
\return zero, if it is an absolute time, non-zero for intervals.
static CMPIBoolean __dtft_isInterval ( CMPIDateTime * dt, CMPIStatus * rc )
struct native_datetime * ndt = (struct native_datetime *) dt;
CMSetStatus ( rc, CMPI_RC_OK );
return ndt->cimDt[21] == ':' ? 1 : 0;
//! Creates a new native_datetime object.
The newly allocated object's function table is initialized to point
to the native functions in this file.
\param mm_add TOOL_MM_ADD for a regular object, TOOL_MM_NO_ADD for
cloned ones
\param msecs the binary time to be stored
\param interval the interval flag to be stored
\param rc return code pointer
\return a fully initialized native_datetime object pointer.
static struct native_datetime * __new_datetime ( const char *cimDt,
CMPIStatus * rc )
static const CMPIDateTimeFT dtft = {
static const CMPIDateTime dt = {
(CMPIDateTimeFT *)&dtft
struct native_datetime * ndt = (struct native_datetime *)
calloc ( 1, sizeof ( struct native_datetime ) );
ndt->dt = dt;
strcpy(ndt->cimDt, cimDt);
CMSetStatus ( rc, CMPI_RC_OK );
return ndt;
//! Creates a native CMPIDateTime representing the current time.
This function calculates the current time and stores it within
a new native_datetime object.
\param rc return code pointer
\return a pointer to a native CMPIDateTime.
CMPIDateTime * native_new_CMPIDateTime ( CMPIStatus * rc )
struct timeval tv;
struct timezone tz;
CMPIUint64 msecs;
char cimDt[26];
gettimeofday ( &tv, &tz );
msecs = (CMPIUint64) 1000000 * (CMPIUint64) tv.tv_sec
+ (CMPIUint64) tv.tv_usec;
bin2chars(msecs, 0, rc, cimDt);
return (CMPIDateTime *) __new_datetime ( cimDt, rc );
//! Creates a native CMPIDateTime given a fixed binary time.
This calls is simply passed on to __new_datetime().
\param time fixed time-stamp in microseconds
\param interval states, if the time-stamp is to be treated as interval
\param rc return code pointer
\return a pointer to a native CMPIDateTime.
\sa __dtft_getBinaryFormat()
CMPIDateTime * native_new_CMPIDateTime_fromBinary ( CMPIUint64 time,
CMPIBoolean interval,
CMPIStatus * rc )
char cimDt[26];
bin2chars(time, interval, rc, cimDt);
return (CMPIDateTime *) __new_datetime(cimDt, rc);
//! Creates a native CMPIDateTime given a fixed time in string representation.
This function assumes the given string to have one of the following formats:
- for absolute times: yyyymmddhhmmss.mmmmmmsutc
- for time intervals: ddddddddhhmmss.mmmmmm:000
\param string the time to be converted into internal representation
\param rc return code pointer
\return a pointer to a native CMPIDateTime.
\sa __dtft_getStringFormat()
CMPIDateTime * native_new_CMPIDateTime_fromChars ( const char * string,
CMPIStatus * rc )
if (string == NULL || strlen(string)!=25 ||
(string[21]!='-' && string[21]!='+' && string[21]!=':')) {
return NULL;
return (CMPIDateTime *) __new_datetime(string, rc);
/*** Local Variables: ***/
/*** mode: C ***/
/*** c-basic-offset: 8 ***/
/*** End: ***/