blob: e1f730fc9b023cf7368d8f15ac8bca7695563b60 [file] [log] [blame]
#include <cimc.h>
#include <cmci.h>
#include <native.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "cmcimacs.h"
#include "show.h"
* comment out this define to use v2 http XML interface
#define v2local
int main()
CIMCEnv *ce;
char *msg = NULL;
int rc;
CIMCStatus status;
CMPIObjectPath *op = NULL ;
CIMCEnumeration *enm = NULL;
CIMCClient *client = NULL;
CIMCData data;
char *cim_host, *cim_host_passwd, *cim_host_userid, *cim_host_port;
int count = 0;
* Setup a connection to the CIMOM by checking environment
* if not found we default those values
cim_host = getenv("CIM_HOST");
if (cim_host == NULL)
cim_host = "localhost";
cim_host_userid = getenv("CIM_HOST_USERID");
if (cim_host_userid == NULL)
cim_host_userid = "root";
cim_host_passwd = getenv("CIM_HOST_PASSWD");
if (cim_host_passwd == NULL)
cim_host_passwd = "password";
cim_host_port = getenv("CIM_HOST_PORT");
if (cim_host_port == NULL)
cim_host_port = "5988";
printf(" Testing enumerateInstances \n") ;
#ifdef v2local
printf(" using SfcbLocal interface : host = %s userid = %s\n",
cim_host,cim_host_userid) ;
ce = NewCIMCEnv("SfcbLocal",0,&rc,&msg);
printf(" using XML HTTP interface : host = %s userid = %s port=%s\n",
cim_host,cim_host_userid,cim_host_port) ;
ce = NewCIMCEnv("XML",0,&rc,&msg);
if(ce == NULL) {
printf(" local connect failed call to NewCIMCEnv message = [%s] \n",msg) ;
return 1;
client = ce->ft->connect(ce, cim_host , "http", cim_host_port, cim_host_userid, cim_host_passwd , &status);
if (client == NULL) {
printf("Coudn't connect to the server. Check if sfcb is running.\n");
return 1;
op = (CMPIObjectPath *) ce->ft->newObjectPath(ce, "root/cimv2", "CIM_ManagedElement" , &status);
if(op == NULL)
printf(" failed the call to newObjectPath \n") ;
enm = client->ft->enumInstances(client,(CIMCObjectPath *) op, 0 , NULL, &status);
if(enm == NULL)
printf(" failed the call to client->ft->enumInstances \n") ;
/* Print the results */
if (!status.rc) {
count = enm->ft->hasNext(enm, NULL) ;
while (count > 0) {
data = enm->ft->getNext(enm, NULL);
showInstance((CMPIInstance *)data.value.inst);
* see if we have any more
count = enm->ft->hasNext(enm, NULL) ;
} else {
printf(" ERROR received from enumInstances status.rc = %d\n",status.rc) ;
printf(" ERROR msg = %s\n",msg) ;
if(enm) enm->ft->release(enm);
if(op) op->ft->release(op);
if(client) client->ft->release(client);
if(ce) ReleaseCIMCEnv(ce);
if(status.msg) CMRelease(status.msg);
return 0;
/* */