blob: 833ce5d1370471f8544f8d23353477abc5f80c37 [file] [log] [blame]
const fs = require('fs');
const { spawnSync } = require('child_process');
const TEST_FOLDER = 'src/test/rustdoc-js/';
function getNextStep(content, pos, stop) {
while (pos < content.length && content[pos] !== stop &&
(content[pos] === ' ' || content[pos] === '\t' || content[pos] === '\n')) {
pos += 1;
if (pos >= content.length) {
return null;
if (content[pos] !== stop) {
return pos * -1;
return pos;
// Stupid function extractor based on indent. Doesn't support block
// comments. If someone puts a ' or an " in a block comment this
// will blow up. Template strings are not tested and might also be
// broken.
function extractFunction(content, functionName) {
var indent = 0;
var splitter = "function " + functionName + "(";
while (true) {
var start = content.indexOf(splitter);
if (start === -1) {
var pos = start;
while (pos < content.length && content[pos] !== ')') {
pos += 1;
if (pos >= content.length) {
pos = getNextStep(content, pos + 1, '{');
if (pos === null) {
} else if (pos < 0) {
content = content.slice(-pos);
while (pos < content.length) {
// Eat single-line comments
if (content[pos] === '/' && pos > 0 && content[pos-1] === '/') {
do {
pos += 1;
} while (pos < content.length && content[pos] !== '\n');
// Eat quoted strings
} else if (content[pos] === '"' || content[pos] === "'" || content[pos] === "`") {
var stop = content[pos];
var is_escaped = false;
do {
if (content[pos] === '\\') {
pos += 2;
} else {
pos += 1;
} while (pos < content.length &&
(content[pos] !== stop || content[pos - 1] === '\\'));
// Otherwise, check for indent
} else if (content[pos] === '{') {
indent += 1;
} else if (content[pos] === '}') {
indent -= 1;
if (indent === 0) {
return content.slice(start, pos + 1);
pos += 1;
content = content.slice(start + 1);
return null;
// Stupid function extractor for array.
function extractArrayVariable(content, arrayName) {
var splitter = "var " + arrayName;
while (true) {
var start = content.indexOf(splitter);
if (start === -1) {
var pos = getNextStep(content, start, '=');
if (pos === null) {
} else if (pos < 0) {
content = content.slice(-pos);
pos = getNextStep(content, pos, '[');
if (pos === null) {
} else if (pos < 0) {
content = content.slice(-pos);
while (pos < content.length) {
if (content[pos] === '"' || content[pos] === "'") {
var stop = content[pos];
do {
if (content[pos] === '\\') {
pos += 2;
} else {
pos += 1;
} while (pos < content.length &&
(content[pos] !== stop || content[pos - 1] === '\\'));
} else if (content[pos] === ']' &&
pos + 1 < content.length &&
content[pos + 1] === ';') {
return content.slice(start, pos + 2);
pos += 1;
content = content.slice(start + 1);
return null;
// Stupid function extractor for variable.
function extractVariable(content, varName) {
var splitter = "var " + varName;
while (true) {
var start = content.indexOf(splitter);
if (start === -1) {
var pos = getNextStep(content, start, '=');
if (pos === null) {
} else if (pos < 0) {
content = content.slice(-pos);
while (pos < content.length) {
if (content[pos] === '"' || content[pos] === "'") {
var stop = content[pos];
do {
if (content[pos] === '\\') {
pos += 2;
} else {
pos += 1;
} while (pos < content.length &&
(content[pos] !== stop || content[pos - 1] === '\\'));
} else if (content[pos] === ';') {
return content.slice(start, pos + 1);
pos += 1;
content = content.slice(start + 1);
return null;
function loadContent(content) {
var Module = module.constructor;
var m = new Module();
m._compile(content, "tmp.js");
m.exports.ignore_order = content.indexOf("\n// ignore-order\n") !== -1 ||
content.startsWith("// ignore-order\n");
m.exports.exact_check = content.indexOf("\n// exact-check\n") !== -1 ||
content.startsWith("// exact-check\n");
m.exports.should_fail = content.indexOf("\n// should-fail\n") !== -1 ||
content.startsWith("// should-fail\n");
return m.exports;
function readFile(filePath) {
return fs.readFileSync(filePath, 'utf8');
function loadThings(thingsToLoad, kindOfLoad, funcToCall, fileContent) {
var content = '';
for (var i = 0; i < thingsToLoad.length; ++i) {
var tmp = funcToCall(fileContent, thingsToLoad[i]);
if (tmp === null) {
console.error('unable to find ' + kindOfLoad + ' "' + thingsToLoad[i] + '"');
content += tmp;
content += 'exports.' + thingsToLoad[i] + ' = ' + thingsToLoad[i] + ';';
return content;
function lookForEntry(entry, data) {
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
var allGood = true;
for (var key in entry) {
if (!entry.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
var value = data[i][key];
// To make our life easier, if there is a "parent" type, we add it to the path.
if (key === 'path' && data[i]['parent'] !== undefined) {
if (value.length > 0) {
value += '::' + data[i]['parent']['name'];
} else {
value = data[i]['parent']['name'];
if (value !== entry[key]) {
allGood = false;
if (allGood === true) {
return i;
return null;
function load_files(out_folder, crate) {
var mainJs = readFile(out_folder + "/main.js");
var ALIASES = readFile(out_folder + "/aliases.js");
var searchIndex = readFile(out_folder + "/search-index.js").split("\n");
if (searchIndex[searchIndex.length - 1].length === 0) {
searchIndex = loadContent(searchIndex.join("\n") + '\nexports.searchIndex = searchIndex;');
finalJS = "";
var arraysToLoad = ["itemTypes"];
var variablesToLoad = ["MAX_LEV_DISTANCE", "MAX_RESULTS",
// execQuery first parameter is built in getQuery (which takes in the search input).
// execQuery last parameter is built in buildIndex.
// buildIndex requires the hashmap from search-index.
var functionsToLoad = ["buildHrefAndPath", "pathSplitter", "levenshtein", "validateResult",
"getQuery", "buildIndex", "execQuery", "execSearch"];
finalJS += 'window = { "currentCrate": "' + crate + '" };\n';
finalJS += 'var rootPath = "../";\n';
finalJS += ALIASES;
finalJS += loadThings(arraysToLoad, 'array', extractArrayVariable, mainJs);
finalJS += loadThings(variablesToLoad, 'variable', extractVariable, mainJs);
finalJS += loadThings(functionsToLoad, 'function', extractFunction, mainJs);
var loaded = loadContent(finalJS);
return [loaded, loaded.buildIndex(searchIndex.searchIndex)];
function main(argv) {
if (argv.length < 4) {
console.error("USAGE: node tester.js OUT_FOLDER [TESTS]");
return 1;
if (argv[2].substr(-1) !== "/") {
argv[2] += "/";
const out_folder = argv[2];
var errors = 0;
for (var j = 3; j < argv.length; ++j) {
const test_name = argv[j];
process.stdout.write('Checking "' + test_name + '" ... ');
if (!fs.existsSync(TEST_FOLDER + test_name + ".js")) {
errors += 1;
console.error("==> Missing '" + test_name + ".js' file...");
const test_out_folder = out_folder + test_name;
var [loaded, index] = load_files(test_out_folder, test_name);
var loadedFile = loadContent(readFile(TEST_FOLDER + test_name + ".js") +
'exports.QUERY = QUERY;exports.EXPECTED = EXPECTED;');
const expected = loadedFile.EXPECTED;
const query = loadedFile.QUERY;
const filter_crate = loadedFile.FILTER_CRATE;
const ignore_order = loadedFile.ignore_order;
const exact_check = loadedFile.exact_check;
const should_fail = loadedFile.should_fail;
var results = loaded.execSearch(loaded.getQuery(query), index);
var error_text = [];
for (var key in expected) {
if (!expected.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
if (!results.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
error_text.push('==> Unknown key "' + key + '"');
var entry = expected[key];
var prev_pos = -1;
for (var i = 0; i < entry.length; ++i) {
var entry_pos = lookForEntry(entry[i], results[key]);
if (entry_pos === null) {
error_text.push("==> Result not found in '" + key + "': '" +
JSON.stringify(entry[i]) + "'");
} else if (exact_check === true && prev_pos + 1 !== entry_pos) {
error_text.push("==> Exact check failed at position " + (prev_pos + 1) + ": " +
"expected '" + JSON.stringify(entry[i]) + "' but found '" +
JSON.stringify(results[key][i]) + "'");
} else if (ignore_order === false && entry_pos < prev_pos) {
error_text.push("==> '" + JSON.stringify(entry[i]) + "' was supposed to be " +
" before '" + JSON.stringify(results[key][entry_pos]) + "'");
} else {
prev_pos = entry_pos;
if (error_text.length === 0 && should_fail === true) {
errors += 1;
console.error("==> Test was supposed to fail but all items were found...");
} else if (error_text.length !== 0 && should_fail === false) {
errors += 1;
} else {
return errors;