tree: 47f648c774b87b058905d5996dc6254121d90238 [path history] [tgz]
  1. bootstrap/
  2. build_helper/
  3. ci/
  4. doc/
  5. etc/
  6. grammar/
  7. liballoc/
  8. liballoc_jemalloc/
  9. liballoc_system/
  10. libarena/
  11. libbacktrace/
  12. libcore/
  13. libfmt_macros/
  14. libgraphviz/
  15. libpanic_abort/
  16. libpanic_unwind/
  17. libproc_macro/
  18. libprofiler_builtins/
  19. librustc/
  20. librustc_allocator/
  21. librustc_apfloat/
  22. librustc_asan/
  23. librustc_back/
  24. librustc_borrowck/
  25. librustc_const_math/
  26. librustc_cratesio_shim/
  27. librustc_data_structures/
  28. librustc_driver/
  29. librustc_errors/
  30. librustc_incremental/
  31. librustc_lint/
  32. librustc_llvm/
  33. librustc_lsan/
  34. librustc_metadata/
  35. librustc_mir/
  36. librustc_msan/
  37. librustc_passes/
  38. librustc_platform_intrinsics/
  39. librustc_plugin/
  40. librustc_privacy/
  41. librustc_resolve/
  42. librustc_save_analysis/
  43. librustc_traits/
  44. librustc_trans/
  45. librustc_trans_utils/
  46. librustc_tsan/
  47. librustc_typeck/
  48. librustdoc/
  49. libserialize/
  50. libstd/
  51. libstd_unicode/
  52. libsyntax/
  53. libsyntax_ext/
  54. libsyntax_pos/
  55. libterm/
  56. libtest/
  57. libunwind/
  58. rtstartup/
  59. rustc/
  60. rustllvm/
  61. test/
  62. tools/
  63. Cargo.lock
  64. Cargo.toml
  66. stage0.txt

This directory contains the source code of the rust project, including:

  • rustc and its tests
  • libstd
  • Various submodules for tools, like rustdoc, rls, etc.

For more information on how various parts of the compiler work, see the rustc guide.

Their is also useful content in the following READMEs, which are gradually being moved over to the guide: