blob: 8fb6d6f859f2d490f3e0bab12712299410a80807 [file] [log] [blame]
use chrono::offset::{TimeZone, Utc};
use data_encoding::HEXLOWER;
use serde_derive::Deserialize;
use std::collections::{BTreeMap, HashMap};
use std::fs::{self, File};
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use tuf::crypto::{Ed25519PrivateKey, HashAlgorithm, KeyType, PrivateKey, SignatureScheme};
use tuf::interchange::JsonPretty;
use tuf::metadata::{
MetadataPath, MetadataVersion, Role, SnapshotMetadataBuilder, TargetPath,
TargetsMetadataBuilder, TimestampMetadataBuilder,
use tuf::repo_builder::RepoBuilder;
use tuf::repository::{FileSystemRepository, FileSystemRepositoryBuilder, RepositoryStorage};
use walkdir::WalkDir;
// These structs and functions are necessary to parse keys.json, which contains the keys
// used by go-tuf to generate the equivalent metadata. We use the same keys to facilitate
// compatibility testing.
#[derive(Clone, Deserialize)]
struct KeyValue {
#[serde(rename = "public")]
_public: String,
private: String,
#[derive(Clone, Deserialize)]
struct TestKeyPair {
#[serde(rename = "keytype")]
_keytype: KeyType,
#[serde(rename = "scheme")]
_scheme: SignatureScheme,
keyval: KeyValue,
impl TestKeyPair {
fn to_private_key(&self) -> Ed25519PrivateKey {
let priv_bytes = HEXLOWER.decode(self.keyval.private.as_bytes()).unwrap();
struct TestKeys {
root: Vec<Vec<TestKeyPair>>,
targets: Vec<Vec<TestKeyPair>>,
snapshot: Vec<Vec<TestKeyPair>>,
timestamp: Vec<Vec<TestKeyPair>>,
fn init_json_keys(path: &Path) -> TestKeys {
let f = File::open(path).expect("failed to open keys file");
serde_json::from_reader(f).expect("serde failed")
// Map each role to its current key.
type RoleKeys = HashMap<&'static str, Ed25519PrivateKey>;
fn init_role_keys(json_keys: &TestKeys) -> RoleKeys {
let mut keys = HashMap::new();
keys.insert("root", json_keys.root[0][0].to_private_key());
keys.insert("snapshot", json_keys.snapshot[0][0].to_private_key());
keys.insert("targets", json_keys.targets[0][0].to_private_key());
keys.insert("timestamp", json_keys.timestamp[0][0].to_private_key());
fn copy_repo(dir: &Path, step: u8) {
let src = Path::new(dir)
.join((step - 1).to_string())
let dst = Path::new(dir).join(step.to_string()).join("repository");
for (path, f) in read_dir_files(&src) {
let path = dst.join(path);
if let Some(parent) = path.parent() {
if !parent.exists() {
fs::write(path, &f).unwrap();
pub fn read_dir_files(path: &Path) -> BTreeMap<PathBuf, String> {
let mut entries = BTreeMap::<PathBuf, _>::new();
for entry in WalkDir::new(path) {
let entry = entry.unwrap();
if entry.metadata().unwrap().is_file() {
let f = fs::read_to_string(entry.path()).unwrap();
// Strip off the path prefix.
let path = entry.into_path().strip_prefix(&path).unwrap().to_path_buf();
entries.insert(path, f);
// updates the root metadata. If root_signer is Some, use that to sign the
// metadata, otherwise use keys["root"].
async fn update_root(
repo: &mut FileSystemRepository<JsonPretty>,
keys: &RoleKeys,
root_signer: Option<&dyn PrivateKey>,
version: u32,
consistent_snapshot: bool,
) {
// Same expiration as go-tuf metadata generator.
let expiration = Utc.ymd(2100, 1, 1).and_hms(0, 0, 0);
let mut repo_builder = RepoBuilder::create(repo)
// If we rotated the root, sign it again with the new key.
if let Some(key) = root_signer {
repo_builder = repo_builder.signing_root_keys(&[key]);
let _metadata = repo_builder
.stage_root_with_builder(|builder| {
// adds a target and updates the non-root metadata files.
async fn add_target(
repo: &mut FileSystemRepository<JsonPretty>,
keys: &RoleKeys,
step: u8,
consistent_snapshot: bool,
) {
// Same expiration as go-tuf metadata generator.
let expiration = Utc.ymd(2100, 1, 1).and_hms(0, 0, 0);
let version: u32 = (step + 1).into();
let mut targets_builder = TargetsMetadataBuilder::new()
let targets_path = MetadataPath::from_role(&Role::Targets);
for i in 0..step + 1 {
let step_str = format!("{}", i);
let target_data = step_str.as_bytes();
targets_builder = targets_builder
let step_str = format!("{}", step);
let target_data = step_str.as_bytes();
let signed_targets = targets_builder
let targets = signed_targets.assume_valid().unwrap();
let hash = targets
let target_str = if consistent_snapshot {
format!("{}.{}", hash, step)
} else {
let target_path = TargetPath::new(target_str).unwrap();
repo.store_target(&target_path, &mut &*target_data)
let version_prefix = if consistent_snapshot {
} else {
&mut signed_targets.to_raw().unwrap().as_bytes(),
let snapshot_path = MetadataPath::from_role(&Role::Snapshot);
let snapshot = SnapshotMetadataBuilder::new()
.insert_metadata(&signed_targets, &[HashAlgorithm::Sha256])
&mut snapshot.to_raw().unwrap().as_bytes(),
let timestamp_path = MetadataPath::from_role(&Role::Timestamp);
let timestamp = TimestampMetadataBuilder::from_snapshot(&snapshot, &[HashAlgorithm::Sha256])
// Timestamp doesn't require a version prefix even in consistent_snapshot.
&mut timestamp.to_raw().unwrap().as_bytes(),
/// Generate a series of repositories in the `dir` path, using the keys in the `keys_path`. Each
/// repository corresponds to a key rotation. This allows clients to test they can update through
/// key transitions.
pub async fn generate_repos(
keys_path: &Path,
dir: &Path,
consistent_snapshot: bool,
) -> tuf::Result<()> {
// Create initial repo.
let json_keys = init_json_keys(keys_path);
let mut keys = init_role_keys(&json_keys);
let dir0 = Path::new(dir).join("0");
let mut repo = FileSystemRepositoryBuilder::new(dir0)
update_root(&mut repo, &keys, None, 1, consistent_snapshot).await;
add_target(&mut repo, &keys, 0, consistent_snapshot).await;
// Queue up a series of key rotations
let mut i: u8 = 1;
let rotations = vec![
for r in rotations.iter() {
// Initialize new repo and copy the files from the previous step.
let dir_i = Path::new(dir).join(i.to_string());
let mut repo = FileSystemRepositoryBuilder::new(dir_i)
copy_repo(dir, i);
let root_signer = match r {
Some(Role::Root) => keys.insert("root", json_keys.root[1][0].to_private_key()),
Some(Role::Targets) => {
keys.insert("targets", json_keys.targets[1][0].to_private_key());
Some(Role::Snapshot) => {
keys.insert("snapshot", json_keys.snapshot[1][0].to_private_key());
Some(Role::Timestamp) => {
keys.insert("timestamp", json_keys.timestamp[1][0].to_private_key());
None => None,
&mut repo,
root_signer.as_ref().map(|x| x as &dyn PrivateKey),
(i + 1).into(),
add_target(&mut repo, &keys, i, consistent_snapshot).await;
i += 1;