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// Copyright 2013 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
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// except according to those terms.
//! The ISAAC random number generator.
use core::slice;
use core::iter::repeat;
use core::num::Wrapping as w;
use core::fmt;
use {Rng, SeedableRng, Rand};
type w32 = w<u32>;
const RAND_SIZE_LEN: usize = 8;
const RAND_SIZE: u32 = 1 << RAND_SIZE_LEN;
const RAND_SIZE_USIZE: usize = 1 << RAND_SIZE_LEN;
/// A random number generator that uses the ISAAC algorithm[1].
/// The ISAAC algorithm is generally accepted as suitable for
/// cryptographic purposes, but this implementation has not be
/// verified as such. Prefer a generator like `OsRng` that defers to
/// the operating system for cases that need high security.
/// [1]: Bob Jenkins, [*ISAAC: A fast cryptographic random number
/// generator*](
pub struct IsaacRng {
cnt: u32,
rsl: [w32; RAND_SIZE_USIZE],
mem: [w32; RAND_SIZE_USIZE],
a: w32,
b: w32,
c: w32,
static EMPTY: IsaacRng = IsaacRng {
cnt: 0,
rsl: [w(0); RAND_SIZE_USIZE],
mem: [w(0); RAND_SIZE_USIZE],
a: w(0), b: w(0), c: w(0),
impl IsaacRng {
/// Create an ISAAC random number generator using the default
/// fixed seed.
pub fn new_unseeded() -> IsaacRng {
let mut rng = EMPTY;
/// Initialises `self`. If `use_rsl` is true, then use the current value
/// of `rsl` as a seed, otherwise construct one algorithmically (not
/// randomly).
fn init(&mut self, use_rsl: bool) {
let mut a = w(0x9e3779b9);
let mut b = a;
let mut c = a;
let mut d = a;
let mut e = a;
let mut f = a;
let mut g = a;
let mut h = a;
macro_rules! mix {
() => {{
a=a^(b<<11); d=d+a; b=b+c;
b=b^(c>>2); e=e+b; c=c+d;
c=c^(d<<8); f=f+c; d=d+e;
d=d^(e>>16); g=g+d; e=e+f;
e=e^(f<<10); h=h+e; f=f+g;
f=f^(g>>4); a=a+f; g=g+h;
g=g^(h<<8); b=b+g; h=h+a;
h=h^(a>>9); c=c+h; a=a+b;
for _ in 0..4 {
if use_rsl {
macro_rules! memloop {
($arr:expr) => {{
for i in (0..RAND_SIZE_USIZE/8).map(|i| i * 8) {
a=a+$arr[i ]; b=b+$arr[i+1];
c=c+$arr[i+2]; d=d+$arr[i+3];
e=e+$arr[i+4]; f=f+$arr[i+5];
g=g+$arr[i+6]; h=h+$arr[i+7];
self.mem[i ]=a; self.mem[i+1]=b;
self.mem[i+2]=c; self.mem[i+3]=d;
self.mem[i+4]=e; self.mem[i+5]=f;
self.mem[i+6]=g; self.mem[i+7]=h;
} else {
for i in (0..RAND_SIZE_USIZE/8).map(|i| i * 8) {
self.mem[i ]=a; self.mem[i+1]=b;
self.mem[i+2]=c; self.mem[i+3]=d;
self.mem[i+4]=e; self.mem[i+5]=f;
self.mem[i+6]=g; self.mem[i+7]=h;
/// Refills the output buffer (`self.rsl`)
fn isaac(&mut self) {
self.c = self.c + w(1);
// abbreviations
let mut a = self.a;
let mut b = self.b + self.c;
const MIDPOINT: usize = RAND_SIZE_USIZE / 2;
macro_rules! ind {
($x:expr) => ( self.mem[($x >> 2usize).0 as usize & (RAND_SIZE_USIZE - 1)] )
let r = [(0, MIDPOINT), (MIDPOINT, 0)];
for &(mr_offset, m2_offset) in r.iter() {
macro_rules! rngstepp {
($j:expr, $shift:expr) => {{
let base = $j;
let mix = a << $shift;
let x = self.mem[base + mr_offset];
a = (a ^ mix) + self.mem[base + m2_offset];
let y = ind!(x) + a + b;
self.mem[base + mr_offset] = y;
b = ind!(y >> RAND_SIZE_LEN) + x;
self.rsl[base + mr_offset] = b;
macro_rules! rngstepn {
($j:expr, $shift:expr) => {{
let base = $j;
let mix = a >> $shift;
let x = self.mem[base + mr_offset];
a = (a ^ mix) + self.mem[base + m2_offset];
let y = ind!(x) + a + b;
self.mem[base + mr_offset] = y;
b = ind!(y >> RAND_SIZE_LEN) + x;
self.rsl[base + mr_offset] = b;
for i in (0..MIDPOINT/4).map(|i| i * 4) {
rngstepp!(i + 0, 13);
rngstepn!(i + 1, 6);
rngstepp!(i + 2, 2);
rngstepn!(i + 3, 16);
self.a = a;
self.b = b;
self.cnt = RAND_SIZE;
// Cannot be derived because [u32; 256] does not implement Clone
impl Clone for IsaacRng {
fn clone(&self) -> IsaacRng {
impl Rng for IsaacRng {
fn next_u32(&mut self) -> u32 {
if self.cnt == 0 {
// make some more numbers
self.cnt -= 1;
// self.cnt is at most RAND_SIZE, but that is before the
// subtraction above. We want to index without bounds
// checking, but this could lead to incorrect code if someone
// misrefactors, so we check, sometimes.
// (Changes here should be reflected in Isaac64Rng.next_u64.)
debug_assert!(self.cnt < RAND_SIZE);
// (the % is cheaply telling the optimiser that we're always
// in bounds, without unsafe. NB. this is a power of two, so
// it optimises to a bitwise mask).
self.rsl[(self.cnt % RAND_SIZE) as usize].0
impl<'a> SeedableRng<&'a [u32]> for IsaacRng {
fn reseed(&mut self, seed: &'a [u32]) {
// make the seed into [seed[0], seed[1], ..., seed[seed.len()
// - 1], 0, 0, ...], to fill rng.rsl.
let seed_iter = seed.iter().map(|&x| x).chain(repeat(0u32));
for (rsl_elem, seed_elem) in self.rsl.iter_mut().zip(seed_iter) {
*rsl_elem = w(seed_elem);
self.cnt = 0;
self.a = w(0);
self.b = w(0);
self.c = w(0);
/// Create an ISAAC random number generator with a seed. This can
/// be any length, although the maximum number of elements used is
/// 256 and any more will be silently ignored. A generator
/// constructed with a given seed will generate the same sequence
/// of values as all other generators constructed with that seed.
fn from_seed(seed: &'a [u32]) -> IsaacRng {
let mut rng = EMPTY;
impl Rand for IsaacRng {
fn rand<R: Rng>(other: &mut R) -> IsaacRng {
let mut ret = EMPTY;
unsafe {
let ptr = ret.rsl.as_mut_ptr() as *mut u8;
let slice = slice::from_raw_parts_mut(ptr, RAND_SIZE_USIZE * 4);
ret.cnt = 0;
ret.a = w(0);
ret.b = w(0);
ret.c = w(0);
return ret;
impl fmt::Debug for IsaacRng {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "IsaacRng {{}}")
mod test {
use {Rng, SeedableRng};
use super::IsaacRng;
fn test_rng_32_rand_seeded() {
let s = ::test::rng().gen_iter::<u32>().take(256).collect::<Vec<u32>>();
let mut ra: IsaacRng = SeedableRng::from_seed(&s[..]);
let mut rb: IsaacRng = SeedableRng::from_seed(&s[..]);
fn test_rng_32_seeded() {
let seed: &[_] = &[1, 23, 456, 7890, 12345];
let mut ra: IsaacRng = SeedableRng::from_seed(seed);
let mut rb: IsaacRng = SeedableRng::from_seed(seed);
fn test_rng_32_reseed() {
let s = ::test::rng().gen_iter::<u32>().take(256).collect::<Vec<u32>>();
let mut r: IsaacRng = SeedableRng::from_seed(&s[..]);
let string1: String = r.gen_ascii_chars().take(100).collect();
let string2: String = r.gen_ascii_chars().take(100).collect();
assert_eq!(string1, string2);
fn test_rng_32_true_values() {
let seed: &[_] = &[1, 23, 456, 7890, 12345];
let mut ra: IsaacRng = SeedableRng::from_seed(seed);
// Regression test that isaac is actually using the above vector
let v = (0..10).map(|_| ra.next_u32()).collect::<Vec<_>>();
vec!(2558573138, 873787463, 263499565, 2103644246, 3595684709,
4203127393, 264982119, 2765226902, 2737944514, 3900253796));
let seed: &[_] = &[12345, 67890, 54321, 9876];
let mut rb: IsaacRng = SeedableRng::from_seed(seed);
// skip forward to the 10000th number
for _ in 0..10000 { rb.next_u32(); }
let v = (0..10).map(|_| rb.next_u32()).collect::<Vec<_>>();
vec!(3676831399, 3183332890, 2834741178, 3854698763, 2717568474,
1576568959, 3507990155, 179069555, 141456972, 2478885421));